33rd Chapter


Afternoon of the same day.

"I never knew you can drink so much."

"I'm still fine Sunkyu don't worry."

"I think we should stop with this bottle."

"Ok. I still can't believe it she chose them over me."

"Tae, its her lost not yours. I swear she will regret it someday." She tried to cheer her friend.

"I wish she regret it now or rather this is just a nightmare then later I'll be awake and everything is fine." 

"You need to rest shorty. I have to go." Sunny and Taeyeon clean their mess so no evidencr would be found and Sunny bid farewell and left.

The kid is left alone once again. She check her phone but no text from Tiffany at all.



Yoona visits her to check if Taeyeon is still in normal state. 

"Hey, how are you?" Her friend asked.

"Miserable. Lets go outside I need some fresh air."

The two went to place where Taeyeon told her relationship with Tiffany. 

Silence. No one speak at that moment but Yoona can feel the sadness, loneliness and the pain her friend is going through.

"You really love her..."


"I know this is hard for you but if its really over you need to move on. We are here don't worry everything is gonna be alright. Before you know it you're fine again." 

"Really? You think so?" 

"Yes. You just need to bear with it for now."

"Lets eat ice cream. My treat" The kid said then stood up and didn't bother to wait for a response from her friend.

"Hey! wait for me!"


February 4

Taeyeon got up early

So its 4 today

Days has passed but she never receive text nor call from Tiffany.

The kid is currently travelling to her school when her phone vibrates.

Its a message from Tiffany

Her hopes suddenly rose up that Tiffany change her mind and get back with her.

Tiffany> Happy 4 Tae

Happy 4?

Taeyeon> Why would I be happy when you broke up with me?

Tiffany> I'm sorry Tae..

She didn't reply cause she knows that it would just turn into an arguement.

Tiffany> Tae.. you should listen to 'Never knew I needed by neyo'

Taeyeon> ok.. 

Taeyeon already know that song and the message it has.  

How ironic..

Taeyeon must convince herself to be happy or else her classmates might ask her and thats the last thing she wants.

"Hey guys! Wazzup! Anything I missed?"

Her friends knew about what happened except for Hyoyeon. 

Hey! Nothing much." Seohyun is the first one to answer.

"The proffessor isn't coming. Lets eat. The boys said they would be playing and just text them if the prof would show up." This time Yoona spoke and grab the not so enthuastic Taeyeon by the wrist.

"Hey, why are you pulling me? Are we in a hurry or something?" The confused kid said while being drag.

"Well, you my friend is starting to be in a daze and thats not good because we both know it would only lead your brain to thinking about her."

The soshi gang reach their destination and went to their favorite spot to eat. Seohyun and Yoona were the one who ordered their food.

You'll get through it. I know." Jessica said nonchalantly.

"Huh? Oh yeah." 

Taeyon remembered Sica and her boyfriend broke up a month before and she can see Jessica is doing fine. She also remembered that she and Sica had a "thing" before even Sica has a boyfriend. 

Taeyeon was the one who initiated to stop whatever they have that time when she met Tiffany. (She already stop it days before Tiffany confessed to her). At first Jessica refused but in the end she agreed and now they are still close as ever but no more sweet moments just goofing around with each other and Jessica even bullies the kid.

"Don't sulk show her that your happy and fine. Its the sweetest revenge you know."

Jessica added.

"Revenge? No I don't want to." The kid replied.

"Then think of it like this. If Tiffany see how happy you are without a hint that you miss her. She'll regret breaking up with you and who knows she might go back to you."

"Ok. I'll give it a shot." The kid smiled weakly.

"Taeng move aside so I can sit already." Yoona whined. The kid moved and grab her food and start eating.

"Lets play with the boys." Seohyun suggested. 

"I'll pass.. I don't want to play." Taeyeon said after finishing her meal.

"No. You'll just sulk when you get home." Yoona disagree to what the kid said.

"I already have something to do. My high school friends are going to my house so I need to go home."

Her friends were not convinced to what Taeyeon said and she has no choice and showed them the message of her friend.

"Now do you believe me?"

"Fine. Be sure you won't do anything reckless later." Seohyun warned her.

"I won't. Got to go."


@Taeyeon's house

Sunny arrived after Taeyeon changed her clothes.

"Hey there buddy! How are you?"

"Do you really have to ask me that question?" Taeyeon smirked after.

"You finally smiled! Although its not your usual smile."

"Smile? Its not a smile you know. Nerd" and they both end up burst laughing.

"Thats the Taeyeon I know. The one with uncontrollable laugh. To be honest being sad and gloomy it doesn't suit you. Eewwww!"

Taeyeon lightly punched her friend because of the remark. "Ew your face! Am i not allowed to have this emotions?"

"Well I'm not used to it. You're the one I see who cheer the others and always say that everything will be fine and being sad is not a solution."

"This time around those words seems nothing at all. My thought is flooded by her memories that keeps flashing back and I can't stop it."

"Wanna drink again? I know a place." Sunny suggested.

"Sure. Lets go."


After a few minutes of walking..

"Hey its not that far from our house."

"Come lets go inside."

Sunny lead the way into the house and went to a specific room. Taeyeon just followed her friend.

"Come in Taengoo."

Taengoo went inside and saw another girl with Sunny. "This is Anna my special friend."

Special friend eii..

"Hi there! Sorry for the intrusion"

"No problem at all and you might be Taeyeon right? Have a seat don't be shy."

Taeyeon sat near the window.

"So what brings you here Sunkyu?"

"Well I invited her here to have a drink with us."

"Oh. Ok since you'll be drinking here and this is my place and Taeyeon over there is our guest then you might as well buy the drinks and stuff."

"Fine.." Sunny left to buy stuff.

To break the ice Anna started a conversation which the latter response. Until Anna tackled a topic Taeyeon doesn't want to hear.

"Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?"

Taeyeon showed an awkward smile before she replied.

"We just broke up.."

"oh.. so you're the problematic kid Sunny were talking about."

Sunny came after a while carrying lots of items.

"What took you so long?" Anna asked her.

"You try to carry lots of items, lets see if it won't take you so long. I'm just glad that the ice didn't melt. Lets get this started."

The trio exchanged stories while drinking. Anna was the first one to get drunk while the other two remained sober.

"I think we had enough." The kid said.

"Yeah. I think so too. Look at her she passed out."

They cleaned the mess and Sunny accompanied Taeyeon to their house.

"Thanks Sunkyu for the time." 

"No prob. I'll probably sleep at Anna's house tonight. Bye shorty!"


She went inside and she was glad nobody notice that she drinked.

Taeyeon washed and lay down on her bed. Memories started to flood her mind.

ugh.. will i survive this pain much longer? Pani-ah imissyou and iloveyou. 

---February 14

I thought this would be a nice Valentine's day

Days has passed Taeyeon is still miserable .She learned how to supress it within her. She don't cry anymore. The only thing she can't stop is her mind -- always thinking about Tiffany.

Taeyeon has no class that day and the next day after that and so her aunt called her to finish some paperworks. Her aunt gives her money after finishing some work and since she has nothing to do she went to her aunt's house.

She took the advice of Yoona- keep herself busy and she did.

"Tae, I'll be going to the office now. If you get hungry there are snacks over there or you can ask the maids to cook some meal. Also you're cousins would be home around 6pm help them with their homeworks. Bye." Her aunt left her in their room.

I need to do this then babysit later. Its not that bad they have internet. I'll survive. I know they have some chocolates here.

She worked all day while watching some vids and chatting with her friends. (What a multi tasker)

Before she knew it half of the work is already finished and her cousins are coming home soon. She decided to clean the mess and rest. She checked her phone and there were messages. One particular name caught her attention. Tiffany.

Tiffany> Happy Valentine's day Taetae.

The kid smiled. She wants to tell her that she can't take it anymore and need Tiffany back.

She replied.

Taeyeon> Happy Valentine's day to you too. 

Her cousins came home and this mean she need to take care of them until her aunt comes home.

--School day

"Hey Tae! how's your Valentine's day?" Hyoyeon asked, "it ofcourse." she bitterly replied.

"Its been two weeks Tae! Snap out of it."Yoona said.

"Will this shut your mouth?" The kid showes the chocolates she got from her Aunt's house.

Her friends got excited and started eating the chocolates.

yeap. That do the trick.

@The next morning

Taeyeon was awaken by her phone.

Sooyoung> Taetae! are you awake?? Well I'm already late for my class. I'm already on my way to your house.

Taeyeon> Yeah. I'm awake. See ya. I'll text Sunny too haha!

She do her usual routine in the morning except took a bath. The kid doesn't like washing up when she's not going anywhere. She do it last when she's going to sleep.

Sooyoung arrived a couple of minutes later.

"Tae how are you? Feeling fine already?"

The first thing Sooyoung asked.

"Still the same.. Feel like a .."

Then Sunny arrived. "I missed you guys!"

"Lez drink!" The kid proudly said. "Hmm.. ok then lets watch a movie after." Sooyoung added.

They did what they have planned drink then watch movie. Since this three has high tolerance when it comes to alcohol. They had no trouble going to the mall.

Night falls and the trio went their separate ways. 


Everytime Taeyeon is left alone she goes back to her lonely state. Endless thinking about her lover.

Her friends doesn't know what to do or say anymore to the latter. They just let her do what she wants.

Drinking with her buddies became a daily routine for her.


one sunday morning the kid recieve a message.

Sooyoung> hey! Jiyoung said we should have a get together! Drinks on her. Venue: my house today.. 3pm.. See ya kiddo!

I just woke up and this is what I see.. 

Taeyeon> Ok be there later! Tell Jiyoung buy some snacks!

"Mom I'm going out today." 

"Ok be careful"

Since she has some time left she cleaned her room first. Then she took a bath. 

Taeyeon> Soo! On my way there..

Sooyoung> ok. Jiyoung also.

@Sooyoung's house

"Hey kid! Still short as ever." Jiyoung greeted Taeyeon. "Still I'm cute." She mironged her friend.

"Why did you suddenly invite us to drink?"The kid asked her friend.

"Do we need occassion for that? Beside I heard you broke up with your girlfriend and today my friend you need to forget that."

"Yea Taengoo! Release all the tension.. Forget her even just this day and let us have fun like we used too." Her tallest friend said while chewing with their snacks.

They did have fun.. singing lots of song eating and drinking. Until the alcohol take its place in Jiyoung. "Taeyeon! This is for you my friend." 

"She's drunk no doubt. Been singing the same song and dedicating it to me. Make her stop Soo."

"Let her be. Its fun too watch her like that."

While they clean and watched out for Jiyoung Taeyeon recieved a call from her mom.

"Tae.. I'm here at the xxx mall. I bought a new computer. Help me bring it home."

"Ok.Mom I'll be there." The phone call ended.


"Guys my mom just called and she wants me to help her with the things she bought."

"Taengooo ~ you're drunk how will you get there?" Jiyoung asked her.

"I'm still fine.. I can go there without a problem." She assured her friends.

"Alright. Atleast let us accompany you at the bus stop." Her drunk friend said and stand up wobbling.

"Err yeah. Ok." Sooyoung just agreed and Taeyeon gave her the wtf look.

Sooyoung whispered to her "I can't leave her here like that. I don't want my mom see her in that state and she's fun too watch when she is drunk."

"Whatever you say Soo. Lets go."

Jiyoung talk nonsense all the way to the bus stop and her 2 friends just laugh at her.

@The bus stop

"bye guys. See you next time."

"Mr. Driver!! She is drunk don't let her go!" Jiyoung shouted. The bus driver looked at Taeyeon from head to toe. "Don't believe her. She is the one who is drunk." 

eeiisshh that girl.

Taeyeon arrived at her destination with no problem and saw her mom waiting for her.

"Hi mom. Woaw! The new computer!"

"Come on Taeyeon. Since its yours you are responsible for it." Then her mom walks away leaving the kid behind pushing the cart.

@The taxibay

"Hmmm.. All the cabs are already have passengers." Taeyeon commented.

She noticed her mom looking at her.

"Did you drink?"

"No." She responded quickly hoping that her mom would believe her.

They've been waiting for over an hour and still no cab arrived.

Taeyeon called her friend. "CL! Yoona is here.. looking for you."

"Ok. Find a cab then go here at xxxmall. Bring Yoona along."

"Are you serious?"

"Would I call you if this is a joke. Don't worry for the fair." The kid ended the call. "Lets just wait for CL and Yoona mom."

"ok. You have such a good friends"


The cab arrived and the kid put all the stuff at the back. She sat beside the driver.

"Thanks guys. I owe you one." They talk things laugh and so fort until the cab passed by where Tiffany lives. Taeyeon looked away. 

'This is where Tiffany lives right?" Yoona asked. "Huh? uh yeah. Look its Seohyun with her friend. Did they go to a party?" The kid said.

They saw Seohyun wearing a dress walking with her friend. 

Then they arrived at Taeyeon's house. Her two friends helped them carry the heavy items.When they finished her mom treat them.

"Here go buy something. You've been a great help."

"Thankyou auntie!"

"While the trio is walking to go to the nearest store."Did you drink again?" 

They noticed already

"Yeah I did. A couple of hours ago."

"She's been drinking this past week." CL said.


"I'm fine don't worry." She cut whatever Yoona was going to say.


Long Chappeee!  Whew! I've been dying to see the new MV of SNSD x.x


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A loot of typos and wrong grammar. Sorry! I want to fixall of from chapter 1 but I'm too lazy.


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1135 streak #1
Chapter 51: Wow finally finish reading up to this chap... what I don't get is why did she lie to taeng about her mom wanting her to date a guy and later after the break up she is with Yuri and later dating her and why after al this years why is she still bothering tae? Maybe she still love her and regrets her decisions??? Authourssi pls what is Fany's reason cause I'm dying to know...
Chapter 49: leave her tae... make her realise muahahahahahah *choking*
Chapter 49: Nice chapter ^^
iCass14 #4
Chapter 48: love this OMG that last kiss got me
czankx #5
Chapter 48: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!.. :DDD
TaeNysmith22 #6
Chapter 48: Maligayang kaarawan hahaha I don't know if I should be happy but damn, Tiff is confusing me!!! There's someone waiting for her and she just kissed Taeyeon just like that!! Hehe thanks for the update ^^
kimmy- #7
Chapter 48: Happy b'days to you author,wish you all the best....
maemae08 #8
Chapter 47: Wahahaha! Taeyeon is sooo whiped!
ayanikki14 #9
Chapter 47: C'mon let's go on a date :)