First Encounter

The Jerk's Girlfriend

Sehun was walking to his first class and just wished he would disappear. Mina was tugging her hair behind her eyes and was reading a book, she hadn't notice Sehun entered the classroom since she has been concentrating. Sehun stared at her and when Mina was about to look at him, he suddenly turned to the clock and watch the hands of it.


Morning..” Mina greeted hesitatingly and Sehun turned to her, “Morning to you too.” He said and Mina smiled, turning to her book and started reading again. Sehun smiled and mumbled under his breathe. Aish, this girl.


He could still remember how he had met Mina. It was on freshman year, Luhan was showing him the classes he has for the day while his fan-girls followed them both silently. They weren't really fond of Sehun since he had looked so cold and he would want to kill you in one glance, so they just fan-girl over Luhan. He remembered how he got lost since he was asking Luhan a question and Luhan's expression was so cute that the fan-girl suddenly went around Luhan and shoved Sehun. Luhan completely forgotten about Sehun and he just wanted to ran and hide away from the fan-girls.


Sehun had bumped into an art room and making Mina startled and stoke a thick, huge black line of what seems to be a portrait of a man. From Sehun point of view, the man looked like Luhan but shrugged it off as he saw the line and apologized., it's okay.” Mina said, feeling pity. If she would be in his position, she would feel very sorry and guilty. “I'm Sehun. Nice to meet you.” Sehun said, bowing and Mina bowed back. “I'm Mina, Jung Mina.”


I'm thorry about startling you and ruined your painting.” Sehun said shyly and his lisps showing. “It's okay..” Mina laughed and bit her lips from laughing too much which Sehun found extremetly cute and his heart suddenly starts to beats fast. “I could help you, you know?” Sehun asked, wanting Mina to say yes since it was his fault that he had startle her and ruin her painting.


Really?” Mina asked, widening her eyes and smiling cheerfully while Sehun coughed and nodded. “Could you possibly get that white canvas there?” Mina asked. The canvas on the top shelf and Mina couldn't able to reached it since she was quite small and jumping would be embarrassing since she has a skirt on. Sehun walked on the top and grabbed the white canvas easily while Mina stared at him in awe. “Woow.. you're so tall ~” Mina said, making Sehun laughed and told her, “You should see one of my friend, Kris, he is over 185 cm tall.”


Luhan had finished getting away from Sehun and went out of his hiding place to find Sehun. He had heard familiar laughs from one of the art rooms and decided to opened the room, revealing Mina and Sehun laughing together because Sehun had told Mina, that Kris has an alpaca stuff bear and it was name “Ace”. Luhan creased his eye-brows together and watched Mina more than Sehun, they were just starting to know each other and would meet everyday after school at a local bubble tea shop.


Ah! Hyung ~ You found me? I thought you had left me!!” Sehun said, finding Luhan staring at Mina and wanting to break the silence. Mina looked up since she was holding her apron from getting her uniform, dirty and reeking of paint. She had decided to surprise Luhan by painting him in a white canvas and she would watch his expression when he opened it.


Ahh.. yeah. I'm sorry. I had to ran and hide away from the girls.” Luhan explained. “Let's go now! I still need to show you around.” Sehun nodded and stood up, “It was nice meeting you, noona.” Sehun smiled, feeling a little bit sad but soon felt happy, as he saw Mina smiled at him. “Bye bye...”


Luhan had pushed Sehun out of the door and turned back to look at Mina and smiled, “Annyeong..” He said.


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I finished bball training and now, here's an update :)


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Vinich11 #1
Chapter 51: Woow nice Story! I love it :-)
Love the storeyyy ♥♡♥ hertue heartue
Chapter 51: i really like this story,,
Chapter 52: I really enjoyed this story!
Chapter 25: I didn't know you're the author of The Gentleman o.o that story that i had a good time reading!
Chapter 51: The story was good *thumbs up*
Chapter 52: Anyway...this story is still great! ^_^
Chapter 44: Wait.....there is something that i dont understand here.....i thought their (himchan zelo yongguk) parents abandoned them?? But how can their mother be in the hospital??
Chapter 52: This is a really good story! Didn't even know English wasn't your first language I read it here~
Chapter 50: wahhh one of my favorite fics so far.
NICE ENDING & i love the twists. :))