
The Jerk's Girlfriend

Okay ~ I can't resist! You're comments are so interesting to read :)

I just had to update xD and I just finished writing the next 2 chapter after this. *PROUD*


Sehun laid on the floor, unconscious and blood oozing somewhere in his body. As Mina turned left to right for help, she noticed that he had finished buying bubble tea and had dropped it on the ground. “!” she shouted, running towards Sehun.


People murmur around her and started dialling the ambulance or the police. The truck driver has his hands on his hair tightly and stood up to Mina who looked pale and helding her tears as she bit her lips. “Don't cry Mina, it'll show that you're weak and you don't want Luhan to know that you're weak..” Mina scolded herself, waiting for anyone, the ambulance, the police to help them.


Yah!” The driver shouted, “If only you didn't cross the road without looking, that young man over there wouldn't be laying there, fighting for his life! You are so stupid! So stu-” He scolded Mina who was in a verge of tears but got cut off as the police man tapped his shoulder and shook his head.


The ambulance rang through Mina's tears and she sigh in relief that they are finally here. They took Sehun off her to a gurney and started going inside the ambulance. “Young lady, can you come with us?” The nurse asked Mina who nodded her head and then she went back, checking Sehun's pulse. “He's still alive..” the nurse said, “Don't worry, child.”


Mr Seo rushed past the nurses, patients and visitors as he got called for an emergency. “What's the problem?” He asked while his assistant told him the story and then he started working on Sehun's body.


Outside the emergency room, Mina held her hand on and stared at the floor. “If I only waited for Sehun, he wouldn't be in this hospital” Mina cried, “The truck driver was right! I am stupid. STUPID PERSON.”


She looked around her, since it was late, there was no-one at the hallway. She was the only one just sitting down in one of the chairs, the nurse had talked to her, comforting her but then went away to call Sehun's parents who had arrived minutes later, shocked and terrified.


I'm.. I'm so sorry, Mr & Mrs Oh..” Mina turned her head towards them, “If only I was paying attention at the road, Sehun wouldn't be here.” Mrs Oh shook her head and hugged Mina, “It's okay, sweetheart. Sehun's a brave boy, he'll survived this.” Mrs Oh said, making Mina cried more.


After more than 30 minutes, Mr Seo went outside after he had finished fixing Sehun's body. He looked outside, finding a girl who was crying and from his view, he looked like his wife espeacially the eyes - “Can't be..” He thought, shaking his head and getting ready to tell the people outside.


Doctor Seo...” Mr Oh bowed, clearly knowing Mr Seo as the person who had helped millions of people in South Korea. “Nice to see you again, Mr Oh.” Mr Seo smiled, “The boy which I believe you're son. He had fractured his right arm and right leg and he got grazes, some bruises around his top area and scars, which explains where the blood was coming from but over-all, he's fine and we're just going to transfer him to a room soon.” He explained making Mr Oh sighed in relief, “Thank you, thank you so much.” Mrs Oh said, turning towards Mina who smiled at the news.


Mr Seo furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Mina, she looked exactly like his wife especially the eyes. The way she smiles was exactly the way Minhee smiles. “Hmm, excuse me, may I ask who you are?” He turned to Mina who stood up and bowed at him, “My name is Jung Mina. Thank you for making Sehun better again!”


He widen his eyes when he heard her last name. “Jung?” he asked while Mina nodded, “Yeah, Jung Mina.” she repeated. “Perharps you're father's name is Jung Pil Suk?” he asked again and Mina shaped into an 'o' shape, “Yes, my father's name is Jung Pil Suk. Do you know him?”

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I finished bball training and now, here's an update :)


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Vinich11 #1
Chapter 51: Woow nice Story! I love it :-)
Love the storeyyy ♥♡♥ hertue heartue
Chapter 51: i really like this story,,
Chapter 52: I really enjoyed this story!
Chapter 25: I didn't know you're the author of The Gentleman o.o that story that i had a good time reading!
Chapter 51: The story was good *thumbs up*
Chapter 52: Anyway...this story is still great! ^_^
Chapter 44: Wait.....there is something that i dont understand here.....i thought their (himchan zelo yongguk) parents abandoned them?? But how can their mother be in the hospital??
Chapter 52: This is a really good story! Didn't even know English wasn't your first language I read it here~
Chapter 50: wahhh one of my favorite fics so far.
NICE ENDING & i love the twists. :))