My bestfriend..

The Jerk's Girlfriend


I'm so happy :D I've got 100 subs. Thank you ^.^


Come in, come in.” Mr Jung said, holding out his hand and telling Seohyun to enter, “I'm sorry, my house is a bit small.” He added, before going past the navy, leather couch and turning off the tv.


Seohyun looked around, once she had entered the house, the stairs to the first floor was at the right side, there was another door, across the front door to go outside and there was another door for the living room at the left side, which the wall was painted white and there was not a door for the kitchen room as it was connected with living room, behind the couch, there was the dining table and behind it, was the kitchen counter and stoves.


Seohyun smiled at the warm feeling, “It's okay, I like small house.” She said, smiling as she looked at the pictures of her father and Mina together above the tv, placed beside the window. “Is that unnie?” Seohyun asked, pointing at the moving frame of Mina at the beach. Mr Jung smiled and looked at the picture before nodding, “Yes... I regret not taking that picture of Mina but I'm glad he took it.” He said, smiling at the memory of Mina showing him a moving picture with red border, she was brightly smiling and it was the memory he couldn't forget. “He?” Seohyun asked, raising her eyebrow, “Luhan..” Mr Jung answered.


Seohyun scowled, “Mr Jun- I mean, appa.” She stopped herself, looking over to Mr Jung who smiled at her, accepting that he could be called appa by her. “I'm actually marrying Luhan.” Seohyun confessed while Mr Jung looked shocked, “Luhan? You're marry him? He's dating your sister.” Mr Jung said, making Seohyun looked down.


Was dating Mina, I actually don't know what to do anymore.” Seohyun confessed, “I always liked Luhan oppa but realizing that my sister is dating him, makes me feel horrible.” She added, while Mr Jung smiled at her, “It doesn't matter for now. I wanna know what happened to you guys after the accident?” Mr Jung asked, worried and nervous.


Daewon, Seo Daewon. You remember him?” Seohyun asked while Mr Jung frowned at the name of the person he despise. “Yeah, I remember him. He had always been your mother's secret admirer during high school and he used to be my bestfriend.” Mr Jung said, reminiscing when he had beaten up Daewon as he was being to touchy with Minhee when he was dating her in high school. “You know him?” Seohyun asked, pursing out her lips and Mr Jung nodded, “He used to be my bestfriend but since he was being to touchy with your mother, our friendship was over. Speaking of your mother, how is she?” Mr Jung asked, worried as his love of his life might be on life or death situation.


Umma is fine. We had went to America to diagnose and cure mother's head even though she had lost some memory due to the car crash.” Seohyun explained, “You went to America?” Mr Jung asked while Seohyun nodded, “Daewon appa sent us to America and helped mother cure her head. During our stay in America, Daewon had proposed to mother. Mother didn't know what to say but she felt that she should say yes because Daewon had helped us a lot.” Seohyun explained, making Mr Jung smiled at the sympathy of his friend.


Before we had went to America, we had meet the Lu's, Mrs Lu was Daewon's childhood friend, so there, I met Luhan and his friend, Sehun.” Seohyun smiled at how the boys were so cheeky towards her. “But we had to go to America since mother's treatment here in Korea was horrible.” She added while Mr Jung nodded.


But I didn't want to go, because... I want to find unnie and you, appa but Daewon had stopped me and forced me to go with him and umma.” Seohyun confessed, “I had no choice but to agree because I was young and had no clue of what the world was. I'm sorry, appa. I should have searched for you.” Seohyun whispered as Mr Jung hugged her.


Mr Jung comfort Seohyun as he realized that Seohyun was another fragile daughter he has. Mina was already fragile at the start when the car crash happened, screaming at the night, shouting for Minhee and Seohyun and whimpering when she had remembered looking over the pictures of her mother and her little sister. He had felt sorry for Mina, who grew up without a mother but he also felt sorry for Seohyun, growing up without him, without a father.


But do you know, appa?” Seohyun asked, “Daewon and umma are still engaged because you still hadn't sign a divorce paper?” She added, “You're still my father, not Daewon.” Seohyun whispered, making Mr Jung smiled as tears came out of his eyes.



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I finished bball training and now, here's an update :)


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Vinich11 #1
Chapter 51: Woow nice Story! I love it :-)
Love the storeyyy ♥♡♥ hertue heartue
Chapter 51: i really like this story,,
Chapter 52: I really enjoyed this story!
Chapter 25: I didn't know you're the author of The Gentleman o.o that story that i had a good time reading!
Chapter 51: The story was good *thumbs up*
Chapter 52: Anyway...this story is still great! ^_^
Chapter 44: Wait.....there is something that i dont understand here.....i thought their (himchan zelo yongguk) parents abandoned them?? But how can their mother be in the hospital??
Chapter 52: This is a really good story! Didn't even know English wasn't your first language I read it here~
Chapter 50: wahhh one of my favorite fics so far.
NICE ENDING & i love the twists. :))