10 years old

The Jerk's Girlfriend



Luhan arrived in his house after eating breakfast and taking a shower in Mina's house. He was planning to go out with Mina again as he always has nothing to do in his house. His mother will be always in the room and would only leave for bussiness purpose while his father will be always in his open in China. He was always in China, sitting in his big seat, signing papers and loving another woman.


Mr Luxin had never intended for Luhan to find out about his secret affair. Especially if that affair is with his mother's other sister which is Luhan's aunty, Ms Seo Lin. Luhan had hated his dad and had never spoken to him other than basic greetings and with a nod or shaking his head.


Luhan had found out about the affair when he was 10 years old, he was forced to go to a bussiness party where all the top bussiness man or woman would be invited and basically, boast about the things they own and how much they money they have. Luhan had told his mother that he would go for a walk, his feet took him to the top floor and was silently watching the view outside from the window when he had heard grunts from the nearby room.


As the curious child he was, he had decided to go nearer where the sounds where and put his ear on the door to hear clearer. The more he press on to the door with his body weight, he had accidently pushed the door and he fell over, on his knees and hands. He had closed his eyes for the impact but there was none. He sighed as he felt his head was far away the rich red carpet floor when he had heard gasps and rustling.


Luhan..” Luhan heard his name and looked up. He was expecting the person's voice to be a weird bussiness man but to find out it was his father. His lower half was covered by the silk beige duvet that the hotel had serviced them. As Luhan widen his eyes on his father, with his hair all messy and sweat covered his face, Luhan can't helped but turned his eyes to the woman who was holding his father's biceps. “Aunty Lin..” Luhan mumbled while stepping backwards to get out of the room.


Luhan gulped his fear and ran away with tears on his eyes. He used the stairs instead of the lift because his father might go and chase him but he couldn't his footsteps. His father did infact chased his son but Lin had hugged him from behind then his father had sighed and continued what they were doing. Soon enough, grunts were it could be heard from that room.


Luhan entered the social gathering room and saw his mother, talking to other women who had fake smiles on their faces. Underneath those thick makeup, their faces will be ugly, Luhan thought as he made his way to his mother, rubbing his eyes, trying to erase the fact he had cried. Once he reached his mother, he had tugged on her red dress and hugged her.


Mrs Lu laughed and ignored the other women who aww'ed and had competely talked about other topics that they could boast. “Did you cry?” Mrs Lu asked, obviously seeing Luhan's red eyes when she bent down to his eye level. “I..I..” Luhan stammered, seeing his father who had combed his hair back to it was and has his clothes on and wasn't .


His father looked at him,no, he was glaring at Luhan. Mr Lu walked towards his wife and son who were looking at him, anticipating. Mrs Lu ignored his husband and asked Luhan what's wrong again. “I.. I got something on my eyes while I was walking..” Luhan lied while his father laid his hans on his mother's shoulders and gave it a squeeze. “Let him be, love. He must be tired.” Mrs Lu nodded and turned around while Mr Lu and Luhan looked at each other.


Luhan's dad was towering over him, well, he was just 10 years old back then. “If you say a word about what you saw up there, you're dead.” His father whispered to him.




N/A: Thanks for the comment and for subbing :)
But I feel like you guys are confused at this story, so let me explain.
Yesh, yesh - Seohyun and Mina are BLOOD RELATED that means they have the same mother and father. Have you guys read in the foreward that Mina's mother and sister are missing because of an accident? -_______-
ALSO!!!! OHMYGEE ~ Anger burning inside me >.< Daewon is the husband of Minhee and step-dad of Seohyun. It was said from the last chapter, well, explained ~ 
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I finished bball training and now, here's an update :)


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Vinich11 #1
Chapter 51: Woow nice Story! I love it :-)
Love the storeyyy ♥♡♥ hertue heartue
Chapter 51: i really like this story,,
Chapter 52: I really enjoyed this story!
Chapter 25: I didn't know you're the author of The Gentleman o.o that story that i had a good time reading!
Chapter 51: The story was good *thumbs up*
Chapter 52: Anyway...this story is still great! ^_^
Chapter 44: Wait.....there is something that i dont understand here.....i thought their (himchan zelo yongguk) parents abandoned them?? But how can their mother be in the hospital??
Chapter 52: This is a really good story! Didn't even know English wasn't your first language I read it here~
Chapter 50: wahhh one of my favorite fics so far.
NICE ENDING & i love the twists. :))