Something Bad...

The Jerk's Girlfriend

Luhan didn't know what to think and feel as he sat at the back of the car, looking both at his parents as they shared the beverage and smiling as they had reached a beach under the cliff which they had parked their car and got out, they smiled even widen when they had saw the sun beginning to set and inter-locked their fingers together while Luhan felt uncomfortable about the scene in front of him.


Is there something you should tell me about?” He asked, as he leaned over his father's car while his parents took a walk around the cliff and suddenly, walking through the trees and branches. Luhan sighed as he followed them, getting a light stratch on his left cheekbone from one of the pointy branches that had slide dangerously closed to his eyes. He looked down preventing himself from getting more hurt and waved his arms out, struggling as more trees were dropping on him.


He sighed and found his parents waiting for him in front of the wood, white painted door and as he stretch his vision, he could see the house was made of wood and he could faintly see the roofs that were made in rich, double glazed glass just incase there was a huge tree falling on the house. “Why did you bring me here?” Luhan asked as he looked at his parents who beamed at him. “Why don't we go inside?” Mrs Lu asked as her husband took out the keys and opened the white painted, wood door to reveal the cosy and warm furniture that Mrs Lu bought from yesterday and Luhan thought that he could do star-gazing as he could clearly see the glassed roof.


What are we doing here?” Luhan asked as he looked around inside the house while his parents stopped and sat at the couch, smiling. “This is your private condo whenever you want to go on a holiday.” Mrs Lu explained and turned to looked outside the window as you could faintly see those other houses through the trees. “What?” Luhan asked, “We figured that you might be needing a condo for yourself and also we bought you, your very own apartment with Mina because..” Mr Lu added, “the time for us to come back in China and continued living there, working to make the company bigger and bigger throughout Asia has started. Your mother and I are going back to China next week.”


Luhan raised his eyebrows, ever since he had stayed in Korea, he has his parents on the same country as him but he had never stayed in Korea with his parents on different country. “Both of us are sorry if we have disturbed your plans in the next few days but Luhan, we want you to come and be with us for the last few days until we go back.” Mrs Lu apologized while Luhan made the space between his eyebrows smaller, “Can you?”




Seohyun felt uncomfortable, not with Sehun walking beside her but, the feeling as something might happen that will change her life or just something bad..


I feel so sorry towards ourselves.” Sehun said as kicked the pebble on the ground, “What do you mean?” Seohyun asked, watching Sehun kicking the pebble, “Luhan and Mina are happily married. They were our first love and then, this happen.” Sehun explained, putting his hands inside his pockets.


Seohyun smiled sadly and nodded in agreement, “Well.. don't you think it's our time to shine in our love story?” She asked, smirking while Sehun shyly dumped his head down and laughed, “I think so as well.”




Mina washed her hands and went outside the shop as she had told Seohyun and Sehun to go without her since she needed to go outside. She looked left to right and crossed the road more carefully as she didn't want the same accident that had happened on Sehun happen to her. Mina sighed and stretch her cardigan's sleeve, so she could wrap it around her fingers that were numb and red, “Such a cold day.”


She turned around the corner and walked back to her house but stopped, when she had decided to walk backwards and got inside the park nearby her house. She still needed to go to the grocery store but guess, she still have the time to just play with the swing.


Her brown hair flew with the wind and goosebumps started from the side of her cheeks then to her neck. Mina laughed as she couldn't feel her legs anymore due to the coldness, she forgotten to take her coat with her this morning because the weather was very hot and sunny. “Aish, I'm going to be sick..” Mina mumbled, walking to the grocery store to pick up some pancakes when a voice had stopped her, “Miss.. can you help me?”


Mina turned around and smiled but that had only made the drug went inside her body faster as she inhaled the scent and felt her eyes dropping. The man chucked the cloth with the drug on the bin and catched Mina as she began to collaspe, he quickly took her in his arms and ran inside a black van, not noticing that Mina's wedding ring had fallen off her finger and bounced on the floor as the owner of the grocery store step outside after she had witness the scene, “Mina?”

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I finished bball training and now, here's an update :)


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Vinich11 #1
Chapter 51: Woow nice Story! I love it :-)
Love the storeyyy ♥♡♥ hertue heartue
Chapter 51: i really like this story,,
Chapter 52: I really enjoyed this story!
Chapter 25: I didn't know you're the author of The Gentleman o.o that story that i had a good time reading!
Chapter 51: The story was good *thumbs up*
Chapter 52: Anyway...this story is still great! ^_^
Chapter 44: Wait.....there is something that i dont understand here.....i thought their (himchan zelo yongguk) parents abandoned them?? But how can their mother be in the hospital??
Chapter 52: This is a really good story! Didn't even know English wasn't your first language I read it here~
Chapter 50: wahhh one of my favorite fics so far.
NICE ENDING & i love the twists. :))