I'm Sorry, I Love You

You Again!?

"He hates me." Gyuri sighed as she walked out the front door of the large home.

"He doesn't hate you." Jaejoong said pursuing her. 

"But he didn't even acknowledge me. Not once did he meet my eyes or address me."

Jaejoong pulled on Gyuri's arm stopping her as she made her way to the car.

"Don't be so upset."

"Easy for you to say, my family loves you." Gyuri replied, sadly looking down at the pathway she stood on.

"Well, he did agree to meet with you, that's already better then most other people... plus my mom likes you and I like you. Isn't that enough?" Jaejoong said closing the distance between them.  

She kept her gaze down, it was bothering her too much... but why? It was not like she and Jae had been together for years and his father was still not accepting her. It had hardly been three weeks. Of course some parents wouldn't acknowledge such a short relationship. It was simple as that, but it still upset her... Just where did she think their relationship was going to go anyway? It's not like they'd be together forever or anything... in fact they could break up tomorrow... right? 

Lost in her own thoughts Gyuri didn't notice Jaejoong standing in front of her. He reached his hands out and held the sides of her head, causing her to look up at him as he spoke.

"Stop thinking so much. You're your own worst enemy when you do that."

Gyuri moved her eyes away from his and sighed. "Why are we dating?"

Jaejoong looked surprised at her question and put his hands down. "See questions like these enter your mind when you think too much. It's ridiculous."

She nodded and closed her eyes. She was thinking too much, but perhaps it's because she's afraid that if she doesn't think enough she will mess things up like she did with Hyukjae. She didn't over think things with him and where did that get her? She just didn't want to repeat the same mistakes.

But he isn't Hyukjae, she reminded herself... he is himself, the crazy person known as Kim Jaejoong, the ridiculously attractive and strange man that liked her, and openly and repeatedly showed his affection for her. No prior relationship should or could even compare. 

Opening her eyes but still looking away from him, Gyuri spoke again. "You're right Jaejoong, I..."


"I... from this moment on, I am... gonna try and not over think things." 

Jaejoong smiled. 

"And whatever happens, happens and it will be okay."  Gyuri finished, it was now her resolve. Where this relationship would take her, she had no clue... but she would stop over thinking things and let things happen.

Still smiling Jaejoong placed his hand on top of Gyuri's head and lightly patted her hair. "Good Girl."

"Ya! Just because I won't over think things doesn't mean I'm being obedient to you like a dog." Gyuri snapped, pushing his hand away. 

"I told you, I only do this when you act cute. Should I kiss you instead?"

"No!" Gyuri quickly responded with her hand out, rejecting the suggestion. "A pat on the head is okay then."

"But now I want to kiss you." Jaejoong said watching Gyuri turn away from him to walk to the car.

"Too bad!" Gyuri responded as her feet quickly lead her away from Jaejoong.

Jaejoong sighed and followed behind her to the car. "You wanna go eat?"

"We just finished eating."

Jaejoong tilted his head and raised his eyebrow at her. "I saw how much you ate. You must still be hungry."

"Nope. Not hungry, just tired."

Jaejoong opened the car doors and got in, Gyuri followed.

"Take me home." Gyuri said buckling her seat belt.

"Do you want to eat?"

"I told you that I'm not hungry."

Jaejoong started the car and smiled as he drove. "I'll ask again. Do you want to eat? Or do you want to kiss me?"  


Jaejoong continued, "Do you want to eat? Or do you want to sleep with me? Do you want to eat? Or do you want to live with me?"

Gyuri let out a soft and amused laugh. Jaejoong was quoting a drama. She looked over at him to see that he was smiling at her, very satisfied with himself.

"So what will it be?" Jaejoong asked.

Gyuri gave in, "Let's have dessert, I want crepes."

"Okay, crepes it is. I knew you were hungry."

"Yeah." Gyuri smiled to herself, things would definitely be like this from now on. A simple relationship that just flowed, no over thinking.


Back in the manor Kun Hee watched the car leave down the road and past the gates.

"Mr. Shin?" he called.

"Yes sir?" answered the fidgeting assistant.

"Pull the file we have on that girl out, I think I just may have developed a great plan to get my son where I want him and that woman plays a great part."

"You have a plan?"

"Yes, and I believe it will work out well, depending on how much of what I observed is real."

Kun Hee smiled, his son would be succeeding him soon, it was a matter of time.


Yo~ A new chapta is here!

I have something drama-y cooking up! Look forward to it! Also, the relationship continues to progress! Yay! lol

As always, thanks for reading & commenting! I love my readers!! <3

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[You Again!?] I'm working on chapter 54 now! Hopefully it will be up before Saturday!


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 56: Awesome story :)
fredgesh #2
Chapter 56: I'm thankful I stumbled upon this. Gyuri is probably my ultimate female bias in Kpop and I love Kara with all my heart. It saddens me how I can't seem to find any good fan fiction about them before. I really like how you managed to keep everything lighthearted even through the conflicts. Everyone stayed true to their characters. Good job! :)
dingdongdeng #3
Chapter 56: Wow, this is definitly awesome story even if this is your first story.. But i feel the rush in the end of the story, yet i still love it ♡♡
Thanks for sharing your story authornim, i hope you can make a lot of story .. fighting authornim \(^^)/
DD_DoubleD #4
Thanks for this great story!!
karma705 #5
Chapter 56: Liked it :D
Chapter 56: great story :)
Chapter 48: what a !!! damn u Minhee !!!
The best JaejoongXgyuri fanfic ever!!
I really love it!!
Hope you write more about JaejoongXgyuri fanfic!! :3
author..u'r awesome!!!!
Chapter 56: aww..finished reading the story!is a beautiful story~~ \(*O*)/
You're talented. Trust me, you are. I have read this fanfic three times and i cannot get enough of it \m/