

Even if both of them wanted time to stop or at least slow down for them to have more days together, it didn't. Things just happened faster than usual.

Most of them had finalized their college plan, and most of them are heading to Konkuk. Jihyo got into the college of architecture, Sana and Tzuyu in veterinary medicine, Momo in physical education, Dahyun in foreign studies, Mina in medicine, Chaeyoung in fine arts. Nayeon of course did accept the scholarship for the film making program while Jisoo, Jennie, Lisa and Rose all got in to Ewha Womans University.

But unlike the others, Jeongyeon has still to decide on which university she'll go. She wants to hear something before she makes the decision.


Jeongyeon and her family were making there way, to the auditorium when she saw Mina. She asked her family to go first and she'll catch up.

JY : "Where're your parents Ms. Myoui?"

MN :        

MN : "They're already in there, I left my cap so I had to run and get it."

JY : "Ohhh."

MN : "Did you tell them?"

JY : "Yes....."

MN : "Unnie?"

JY : "Not yet...."

MN : "What are you waiting for?"

JY : "I wanted to know her opinion about it."

MN : "And?"

JY : "Then we'll know where I'm heading off."

MN : "You do know she'll want the best for you?"

JY : "I do but I mean maybe it'll change after I confess."

MN : "So today's really a big day for you huh?"

JY : "It is, I hope destiny won't us up this time."

MN : "Haha pabo, just be confident and tell her."

JY : "That's my plan haha, oh good timing. I was gonna ask you if you can do me a favor."

MN : "What is it?"

JY : "I got this thing I want to give her but I'm still finishing it up."

MN : "Why don't you hand it to her?"

JY : "It's just in case...."

MN : "If this is a second plan then I don't want to."

JY : "Please? You're the only one I could trust with it. I mean I can trust the rest of them but they'll probably tell her before they could even give it to her. I promise I'll pay you back for this. I'll even ask Chayeoung to marry you."

MN : "You pabo! Don't do that."

JY : "What? The kid tends to get nervous and shy, I think it would be better if you ask her."

MN : "I will..... But not now, it's too early for that. Stop coming up with stupid ideas."

JY : "Ouch."

MN : "I have no time for these fake pains, I will give it to her. Not because I don't believe your plans are not gonna work but because I'm sure it will."

JY : "Thank you minari!!!! I'll drop it to your place, I owe you big time and.... Can you give it to her on March 10, 2017?"

MN : "What's with the date?"

JY : "Nothing special, I just don't want her to see this soon."

MN : "Okay okay, let's go I don't want to be late on my graduation."

Again this time Nayeon sees them because Im Nayeon always finds Yoo Jeongyeon even though she's not missing or lost. It's like something always pulls her towards the taller girl but this time she didn't stay too long, she didn't stay for the pain. This time she walks away and accepts.


The ceremony proceeded, they're in the middle of a speech when Jeongyeon got bored and asked Sana who was seating behind Nayeon to switch seats with her for a short time.

JY : "Hey she's boring. She not really inspirational and her jokes? Tss lame." She whispers referring to their guest speaker.

Nayeon didn't have to look back the moment she hears this rustling behind her she knew something was up.

Nayeon didn't have to look back the moment she hears this rustling behind her she knew something was up        

NY : "Not that you're jokes are any better."

JY : "They are."

NY : "Go back to your place before we get in trouble."

JY : "Arraso, hey how bout this, I'll make sure that the Konkuk will invite me to do a speech for your graduation."

NY : "I bet they won't, why would they ask someone who sleeps in class to do speeches?"

JY : "Hahaha they don't know that yet, don't you have any amount of faith in me? I'll make sure it happens and when it does I'll show you an inspirational and fun speech."

NY : "Whatever, go back to your place Ms. Lee is looking this way."

JY : "Arraso, oh can you meet me in the rooftop after the ceremony? I have something important to tell you."

NY : "Okay but I can't stay that long, mom made reservations."

JY : "You got it. 5 minutes :)"

NY : "Arraso, 5 minutes then."

Thankfully Jeongyeon managed to stay put in her seat the remainder of the ceremony, except for one occasion where Nayeon was called the valedictorian. She got up on her feet and clap on her own. She didn't mind if everyone were looking at her, well, all of them knew what Im Nayeon means to her.


Just like what they agreed on, Nayeon followed Jeongyeon in the rooftop.

NY : "Sooo?"

JY : "Im Nayeon thank you :) I owe you a lot."

NY : "Huh?"

JY : "I got accepted."

NY : "You're going to your dad's school?"

JY : "I am, and it's because you helped me through it. I'll be flying to Colorado in a few weeks from now."

NY : "Colorado?"

JY : "Yeah.... I guess I didn't mention my dad was a graduate of Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts."

NY : "You didn't but that's like the number one culinary school in the world. Wow, look at you, congratulations Jeongie!"

Nayeon tries to fake a smile but failed miserably. Jeongyeon knew this would be the face that the older girl would make but that's why she hasn't finalized anything.

JY : "But...."

NY : "But what?"

JY : "Do you think I should go? It's gonna be a thousand miles from here and I... I lo...."

NY : "What do you think I'll tell you? Of course, you should! This is something you wanted." She cuts off the taller girl.

Yes, indeed this was something Jeongyeon wanted but she could just stay, study in Konkuk. Because the thing she really wanted was to be with Nayeon, no matter where it is. All the older girls have to do is ask her to stay and she'll throw everything away.

NY : "What about Mina?" The hesitation was obvious but Nayeon wanted to know.

JY : "Mina?"

NY : "Yeah, I mean did you told her?"

JY : "What?"

Jeongyeon was trying hard to understand what Nayeon was meaning to say, but she couldn't remember anything that needs to be said to Mina.

NY : "Come on Jeong they don't call me the top student in school for nothing. I knew all this time, I've seen it all."

JY : "Wait, but we're not like that."

NY : "Yet? Right? Don't worry you're a good girl, it wouldn't take long for Mina to realize she likes you too."

JY : "Nayeon I...."

NY : "No need to tell me everything, I have to go it's been 5 minutes. We should end it here, because I know if we go over that 5 minutes will just get entangled with the nonstop talking. You really are a stubborn girl :)"

"Again, congratulations! I'll be rooting for you, for your studies, for Mina. I guess this is it huh? I'll see you in school breaks. Well then, thank you for everything. Goodbye Jeongie."

Jeongyeon just nodded in response. She was in shock about what just happened. A while ago she was confident and was ready to tell the older girl she loves her and now she watches her run away.

And this is where things start to fall apart, how couldn't it? Jeongyeon gave a whole year, to show what she's willing to do for the girl.

And this is where things start to fall apart, how couldn't it? Jeongyeon gave a whole year, to show what she's willing to do for the girl        

If there's something she regrets from this, it's that she waited for something she could've just grab. Here, she watches as her whole world slip away from her hand for the 100th times, like water she tried hard to grip. She was blinded by the fear of losing her that everything went down to this. The longer she waits the thinner her chances got and at some point, she was already buried deep on these regrets. And while she watches Nayeon walk away, she was reminded of the chances, the opportunity she let go but this was the most painful one.

So what does she have to do when the girl in front of her congratulates her for something she didn't even want? Instead of saying this thing is a misunderstanding, she accepted it, for what?

For Nayeon, because she tried, she tried hard and Nayeon couldn't still see it. She couldn't see how Jeongyeon loves her. And as per the older girl, Jeongyeon won't always get what she wants, especially if she hasn't really worked hard to earn it and maybe that's the reason why Nayeon hasn't noticed it or maybe, just maybe she's a little tired of this misfortunes.

So this will be another thing she would put on her long list of miss attempts and fail confession.

Who lost more? Jeongyeon who gave her everything just to end up being a high school memory to Nayeon? Or Nayeon who never, not even once tried to fight for what she feels? Because to be honest she could've forgotten about everything else and followed her heart, but she didn't, she didn't have it in her to risk anything for Jeongyeon.

Who's lost most in this?

Who's walking away from who?

And as Jeongyeon drowned in her tears and misery, not to mention this indescribable pain she's feeling right now in her heart. It's been tiring, Nayeon would always be the one and Jeongyeon would always risk everything for her. So this time she'll make sure to work hard, so the next time they meet she can do it properly.


(A/N) Should I have ended this with a successful confession on this chapter? I could...... But we love drama or maybe it's just me :D Promise this will be the last time Jeongyeon and Nayeon won't communicate properly.............. There's gonna be a FEW time skip for the next chapters. Now that it seems that Jeongyeon is leaving without saying a word to Nayeon, what do you think will happen? Stay safe and healthy everyone! Have a great weekend and I'll see you in a few days again :)


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Chapter 55: This story was really beautiful and I'm glad that I discovered this gem. Thank you for the awesome story author-nim :))))))
14 streak #2
Chapter 55: The journey of this story was breathtaking. I would definitely read again. Thank you for such a well written story author nim!
Chapter 55: Been since the beginning. Damn. It was beautiful.
badg1rl #4
Chapter 55: Good job i love this story
Chapter 55: It's ended already and i miss 2yeon right now...uwuwu




Im sooooo sadd that this ended but it ended in a good wayy and I'm sooo happy rn

I'm soo proud of you Author-nim (╥﹏╥) Bruh I can't sayyy goodbyee it's soo hard
Chapter 51: Hopefully they will be with each other....
Excited for the MiChaeng sorry!!
twcnc1101 #8
Chapter 51: I feel like Jeongyeon will comeback...?
Chapter 51: Hope they'll united together soon

but anyways

MAYBE JEONG WILL BE THE ONE TO GO UP THE STAGE??? ( In my country when you graduate anyone you choose can go up the stage ) ( I went up when my cousin graduated med )


The celebration meal will be prepared by jeong
ヽ((◎д◎))ゝ you know like they go to this new restaurant and like it's newly opened and then at first it was normal appetizers then the main meal will be either open kitchen like a show or when it's served jeong will come out and ask how was it

Idk I'm bored and have a lot of ideas and imaginations