

And this smile, this exact smile is what has Nayeon doomed from the start, a smile that always turns everything upside down. A smile that takes all the pain away, a smile that makes her forget everything.

NY : "So tell me what's with the cold feet earlier?"

JY : "Just woke up from having a bad dream."

NY : "You know, you could tell me, right?"

JY : "Yeah......"

NY : "But?"

JY "Huh?"

NY : "I know there's a but in that. So?"

JY : "Hahaha you know what? Forget about that, I'm all good. You're all good, we all good. So let's just call this a day?"

NY : "Pabooooooo!"

Nayeon starts running away, for the first time she wants to stop following Jeongyeon, for the first time she wants be the one who walks in front and don't look back, for the first time she wants to be the one that's being chased. It's trivial but for once she wants to feel the joy of having someone who follows you around. The feeling of someone wanting you.

And Jeongyeon caught up immediately with her long legs. For her it feels like what they've been doing for a long time, Nayeon follows her physically but in terms of feelings and such. Jeongyeon is the one who's been chasing Nayeon around, it's not that she hates it. Truth be told, Jeongyeon would do it over and over again but she hopes that one day, the two of them could stop. That one could stop chasing after the other.

Jeongyeon hopes that one day, Nayeon and her could simply walk side by side without the need of running away or following the other.

Jeongyeon hopes that one day, Nayeon and her could simply walk side by side without the need of running away or following the other        



NY : "I forgot my key card."

She starts knocking and calling Sana but nobody answered. Jeongyeon took her phone out in an attempt of getting a hold of the Japanese girl and then saw Jihyo's message.

JY : "I think you might want to stop."

NY : "Wae?"

JY : "Jihyo texted me a while ago, she said Sana called because she was afraid of being alone and they decided to just sleep together since we're taking some time."

NY : "This is your fault! You said 5 minutes."

JY : "Hey, I didn't notice the time besides it's not my fault you forgot your key card.... Stop whining it's not that bad, you can sleep in Jihyo's bed and......"

NY : "And?"

JY : "I have snacks."

NY : "We should be sleeping not eating, nice try tho haha, gaja."

They made there way back to Jeonghyo's room, Nayeon went straight to bed and so did Jeongyeon, she was pacing back and forth her bed since she couldn't sleep.

She started playing her favorite song in repeat, it wouldn't be right if it's Jeongyeon and there's no music.

JY : "Hey Nabong are you still up?" She turns to her side facing Nayeon.

NY : "Hmm." She then turned to face Jeongyeon.

JY : "I can't sleep."

NY : "I can...." She closed her eyes.

JY : "Okay, how about this I'll talk, you listen?"

NY : "Do whatever you want Jeongie."

JY : "Okay, okay. Uhm... I'm preparing to take an entrance exam at my dad's Alma mater, I decided to take culinary arts."

NY : "That's good, so do you need me to teach you how to cook?"

JY : "Ohhh hahaha so you want to talk if it's about making fun of me. I know how to cook."

NY : "Hahaha I know, I'm just asking if you want me. On second though I'm pretty sure you want me."

JY : "Wait what?"

Jeongyeon felt her heart jump, of course she knows its probably because Nayeon was sleepy but to hear something like this from the older girl made her feels things. She could die of heart attack, right there.

NY : "I said I was just asking if you want me to teach you."

JY : "Hahahaha!"

NY : "What's so funny?"

JY : "You should go to sleep, you're eating your words."

NY : "Yah...."

JY : "Good night Ms. Im."

Jeongyeon watches as Nayeon slowly fall deep in her sleep, she stood up and fix the older girls blanket, brushed her hair a few times, and stayed seated in front of her for a while.

"Maybe next time." She whisper to the older girl.



Jeongyeon and I woke up late that day Sana and Jihyo had to wake us up. The trip back home was a lot better than we had the day before. Jeongyeon asked Sana to swap seat with her and we talked a lot of things, mainly her throwing this lame jokes at me.

Today, there's no practice. Well, there cutting down on the extracurricular activities for the final exams and for the graduating class to have some time to prepare for our university exams.

JY : "Im Nayeon!!!!!" She shouted from the stairs.

NY : "Quit saying my name out loud."

JY : "Wae?? Everyone knows you."

NY : "That's why you don't have to shout my name. Gaja."

JY : "Hold on, I have a great idea you'll love."

NY : "Yoo Jeongyeon, I've known you for a while, and believe me, you're ideas are great but at the same time it's all risky."

JY : "Ehhhhhhhh????"

NY : "Do you want me to remind you??? Okay, remember the tennis club?"

JY : "Stop, I get it but this one is amazing."

NY : "Aish, stubborn as usual. Okay, let me hear it."

JY : "Good! So let's go study in the garden. The weather is better now and the flowers are starting to bloom again."

NY :        

NY : "I get that you love that garden but there's no place for us to study there."

JY : "Who said so? And if we go to the library I'm pretty sure we won't have any place too. All 4th years are there cramming."

NY : "It's better than having to sit on a bench without a table."

JY : "Who said there's no table there? Let's go!" She said and dragged me with her.

JY : "Ta-dah!!!!"

NY : "Wait? How?"

JY : "I talked to Solar, I thought people want to stay in a place like this and she said she should have thought about having a garden table here. Now the place is open for afternoon teas, you have to bring your own food though, which brings us to the amazing part. Please sit down."

I didn't notice but she was carrying another bag with her, she opens it up and it has a snack, fruits that were cut into cute things, and juice.

NY : "Yah are you having a party?"

JY : "Yes I am, and you're the only lucky person to get invited to Yoo Jeongyeon's afternoon party. Be grateful Nabong, if you were at the library you wouldn't be eating these delicious snacks." She said as she sat next to me.

NY : "Wait a minute, you made this didn't you?"

JY : "And if I said yes?"

NY : "I knew it! Hahaha are you trying to prove something?"

JY : "What are you talking about?"

NY : "Since I made fun of your cooking, right?"

JY : "Excuse you, but I don't have anything to prove. I'm the best chef in town and I'm gonna be the next Chef Yoo Changjoon."

I took a bite off her sandwiches.

NY : "tsdhte gdhod."

JY : "Hey ever heard of eating etiquette? Chew on it and sallow, then you get to talk."

NY : "I said it taste great."

JY : "I'm glad to know that you liked it."

NY : "Didn't like it, I love it. You'll be a better chef than you're dad Jeongie, you don't have to be him. You're gonna be THE Chef Yoo Jeongyeon."

JY : "I don't know what I'm getting after this praises but I appreciate that Director Im."

NY : "Now go get your books."

JY : "That was fast!"

NY : "Stop whinning, it'll be the last time I get to nag you around. If you get this final exam and you're entrance exam, then were done. No more bossing you around, let's finish on a good note shall we?"

JY : "Arraso."

This is the part where reality begins to be painful, where dreams turns into nightmare. We had a year, then it turned into months, then weeks, in a few days it'll be over. It's fun while it lasted but now it's starting to hurt.

But I still have a few weeks, enough for me to get ready.

But I still have a few weeks, enough for me to get ready


(A/N) This story is coming to it's end....... What do you think would it be??? I'm starting to write a new story :) Ship will be revealed at the end of this. I hope everyone's having a great time! Stay safe and healthy!!!


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Chapter 55: This story was really beautiful and I'm glad that I discovered this gem. Thank you for the awesome story author-nim :))))))
14 streak #2
Chapter 55: The journey of this story was breathtaking. I would definitely read again. Thank you for such a well written story author nim!
Chapter 55: Been since the beginning. Damn. It was beautiful.
badg1rl #4
Chapter 55: Good job i love this story
Chapter 55: It's ended already and i miss 2yeon right now...uwuwu




Im sooooo sadd that this ended but it ended in a good wayy and I'm sooo happy rn

I'm soo proud of you Author-nim (╥﹏╥) Bruh I can't sayyy goodbyee it's soo hard
Chapter 51: Hopefully they will be with each other....
Excited for the MiChaeng sorry!!
twcnc1101 #8
Chapter 51: I feel like Jeongyeon will comeback...?
Chapter 51: Hope they'll united together soon

but anyways

MAYBE JEONG WILL BE THE ONE TO GO UP THE STAGE??? ( In my country when you graduate anyone you choose can go up the stage ) ( I went up when my cousin graduated med )


The celebration meal will be prepared by jeong
ヽ((◎д◎))ゝ you know like they go to this new restaurant and like it's newly opened and then at first it was normal appetizers then the main meal will be either open kitchen like a show or when it's served jeong will come out and ask how was it

Idk I'm bored and have a lot of ideas and imaginations