
I Fell In Love With My Coordi

Your POV

We walk through the streets. Hyeri pointing on random things on the stalls.

"Unnie let's look at the hair clips" She said and dragged me to the stalls. Kevin was quiet all the town. He always lower his cap when someone stare at him. He wearing dark shades and blue cap. I look at the hair clips and one hair clip caught my attention. It's a rhinestone heart hair clip.

I look at the price. 25$ it's cheap. But I didn't bring my purse. I puffed up my cheeks and just stared at the hair clip.

Kevin POV

I caught ~~~~ staring on one of the hair clip. Then she puffed up her cheeks. Cute.....

"Unnie. You want to buy that hair clip?" Hyeri ask her.

"Umm... I don't think so. I didn't bring my purse" She said and smile at Hyeri.

"You can borrow my money unnie" Hyeri offered but ~~~~ shook her had.

"No it's ok. Come on let's go buy the groceries" She said and push Hyeri to the market. I went near the stalls and look at the clip. It is beautiful.

"Do you want to buy it for you girlfriend?" The ahjumma said. I just smile.

"How much?" I ask.

"Hmm... it's 25$ but I gave to you for 20$" She said. I take out my wallet and give her the money.

"May I ask you something sir?" She ask.

"What is it?" I ask politely and smile at her.

"This hair clip. Is it for the girl with the green knit coat?" She ask. I smile shyly.

"Aigoo... don't need to shy. She such a lucky girl to get a great boyfriend like you" She said.

"Thank you ahjumma. I should go now. Good bye" I said and bowed.

"Good bye" She said. I entered the market where Hyeri and ~~~~~ went in. I put the hair clip in my pocket. I think I should give to her when we reach home.

Your POV

We put random things in the trolley. Well not we... but Hyeri.

"Hyeri we don't need these much" I said to her and look in the trolley. There are vegetables, Fruits, soy milk, chips, chocolates, cereal, ramen, chicken, beef and etc.

"No worry unnie. Oppa will pay" She said and start going to the makeup section. I just rolled my eyes and look back at the trolley. Poor Kevin... how he gonna pay all this? Then someone leaned on the trolley make it move a little. I look up and saw Kevin look inside the trolley.

"These are too many" He muttered.

"Oppa... where were you?" Hyeri ask.

"Oh... I was just bu.... umm... why did you put too many foods in here?" He ask. Hyeri smile.

"Well because you'll pay" Hyeri said Kevin rolled his eyes.

"Put it back" He said.

"But we need all this" Hyeri pout.

"Hyeri. We only need food to make lunch and dinner. We don't need this other stuff. We not holding a party" He said.

"Araso... I put it back" Hyeri said and start pushing the trolley and went to put back the food back on the rack. We slowly follow behind her and make sure she really put back the things on the rack. We didn't talk anything since I'm not really comfortable with him yet. After 1 hour of of shopping the groceries we went back to U-Kiss apartment.

When we pass the hair clips stall I took a glance at it and the hair clip that I want already gone. Someone must buy it already. I puffed my cheeks and sigh.

Narrators POV

You all arrived at U-Kiss apartment and they greet you cheerfully. Some of the things already in place. Like the sofa, table, television and etc. You when to put the groceries in the kitchen and saw Eli wearing an apron. He start taking vegetables and wash it.

"Can I help?" You ask him. Eli turn around with a smile.

"No. You can't help because you a guest. You should be in the front with the others" Eli said.

"Umm...." You hesitate. You don't feel like going to the living room since you're not familiar with them yet.

"Don't worry. They won't bite. They will eat rice later and I'm sure they won't eat anything before eating rice" Eli joke. You chuckle.

"Alright then" You said and walk to the living room. They were talking and laughing with Hyeri. You bit your lip don't know what to do. Hyeri noticed you.

"Unnie! Come here" She said. You slowly went to them and sit beside Hyeri. Kevin sit the opposite of you.

"Unnie... you don't have work today?" Hyeri ask.

"I work at 1.00 pm today" You reply.

"Noona do you live here alone?" Dongho ask with a wide smile.

"I live with my brothers" You said.

"Oh... where is your parents?" Soohyun ask.

"They... at Japan. Business" You said and they all nodded.

"I'll go help Eli hyung in the kitchen" Kevin said and stand up then went to the kitchen. Eli turn around when he noticed someone enter the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" Eli ask while sipping the kimchi stew.

"I'm here to help" Kevin said and went to wash the meat.

"Tell me the truth" Eli said and standing beside Kevin.

"I...." Eli cut Kevin off.

"You like ~~~~ do you?" He ask.

"What? I just met her." Kevin defend himself.

"It's not wrong to fall in love" Eli said and cut the meat.

"I'm not hyung" Kevin said.

"Keep on the denial. Eventually you will tell me anyway" Eli said and shrugged. Kevin think back. Does he like you? He watch you from the kitchen. Smiling and giggling. He think you look beautiful. Even though you don't wear any makeup. But your face glow with the sun hit your face. He smile when he look at you. Then he heard Eli chuckle. He look at him with a why-are-you-laughing?-are-you-crazy look.

"You know you look like a ert smiling like that" Eli said.


"Foods ready!!" Eli yell, cutting Kevin words. Hyeri and you set the table. Kevin and Eli came with the foods. All of the members attack the table and started to eat. Eli pushed Kevin to sit beside you and he bummed into your shoulders. You look at him and blink.

"Sorry" He muttered. You just smile and started to eat. After 25 minutes of eating, talking and laughing. It's almost 1.00 pm.

"I'm sorry but I have to go" You said and stand up.

"Thank you for the meal" You said and bowed.

"Good bye unnie. We'll see you later" Hyeri said. You smile and left. Eli look at Kevin motion him to go talk to you. He stand up quickly. You were at the door wearing your shoes when Kevin show up. You gave him a smile at he immediately dazed. You about to walk away when...

"Wait" He said. You turn around and he came towards you. Without looking at you and he put a hand in his pocket and held out the hair clip that you want. You look at him and blink. He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Umm... I saw you staring at it. And you said you left your purse so I bought this for you" He said looking down at his shoes. You stared at him and tilt your head. He look up at you.

'God she so cute' He thought. Then he mentally slap himself

"Please take it" He said.

"Umm... I don't think I can take it" You said. He look disappointed


"We barely know each other and I don't feel comfortable taking it." You said.


"Well I should go now. Good bye" You said and walk away.

"Good bye..." He whispered. He look back at the hair clip and squeeze it in his hand.

'Why do I feel so sad when you don't accept my gift? Why do I felt so happy when you smile? Why do I felt my heart beat faster when I'm around you? Maybe.... I do like you ~~~~. I'll make sure we get to know each other better and soon you will accept my gift' He thought to himself and smile. Then he went back to his apartment.


Read this story. It's kinda a sad story I guess..... STARRING.... KIKWANG AND KYUHYUN AND OF COURSE YOU AS KIM RIRIN


Sorry I didn't update like 2 day ago. Kinda busy packing stuff. You know like I said on the previous chapter that I'm moving. So yeah. Busy packing. So... maybe wednesday or thursday I won't be online. And maybe I won't update for like many weeks because I don't know when will I have internet when I  move. So that's why I need co-author so that he/she can update it.

So let's welcome TheGeek as my co-author.... clap clap clap..... clap clap clap clap clap mad man.... xD

MESSAGE TO TheGeek: Like i said on your wall that you should save it in draft first so I can read. But on second thought. Maybe you should just posted. Because I don't know when will I be able to read it. So just post it. I don't want subscribers and readers to wait to long.



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Chapter 27: I like your weird corner LMFAO
Whoa, nice <3
she got 3 caring oppas~~ hi3 <3
i'm at ch.21 now..wookie is soooo sweet~~ heechul n yesung cared too but they jz acted cold..aaahh melted~
i luvvv this story but i felt so sad seeing heechul,yesung n even wookie the eternal maknae to become such evil oppas at the early chapters..hu3<br />
thanx 4 making a good story! <3
JohnnyApple #7
Hi, You know that cute necklace of the girl and boy? You know where I and buy one online??? I've been looking for it all over but Can't seem to find a site where I can buy it from. Please let me know.
tinaily4e #8
haha! :D<br />
i love ur weird comer <3
junhuidu #9
Prediction~ New K... Kevin?!?!?! If it's Kevin Woo this story will become like ten times more awesome. But maybe it's like KyuHyun -_-" KyuJong?! That's alright.
chrissyx3 #10
" my dad plays maple story.." LOL