SUIT & TIE: The Rumors



SUIT & TIE: The Rumors


Jeonghan was under Seungcheol’s care right now. The male bride was obviously traumatized by what happened yet tried to keep it tight and relax as much as possible. On the other hand, Seungcheol wished that he never let this happen or at least he was there. All he could do now is to tuck Jeonghan in his arms to make sure he’s secured and warmed.


“I’m sorry.” Said Seungcheol full of regret.


“Why are you sorry? I’m fine.” said Jeonghan in a weak tone. “I was just worried about Seungkwan.”


“He’ll be fine. He’s with Vernon. How about you?” worried the older.


A short silence occurred again. “I told you I am fine. I just- I think I could use up some time to rest.”


“Sure. Take all the time you need.” Seungcheol couldn’t express how much he felt scared everytime Jeonghan falls into sadness or trouble. He wished he could do better.


“Seungcheol.” Called Jeonghan blankly while the other had his ears on him. “You are planning for Jihoon’s downfall, are you?”


“How did you know?”


“Nothing. I just feel it. Do you believe he killed Minhyuk?”


Seungcheol was surprised when Jeonghan asked about it. “What makes you think of it?”


“You tried involving Soon Young in your plan… Jihoon told me.”


Seungcheol was guilty and there’s no excuse for that.


“You are not getting away with that Seungcheol but he gave me something this morning. I made a deal with him.” Finally moving to get the documents that had stains of Seungkwan’s blood on the covers.


“What kind of deal?” Seungcheol asked in shock.


“I can do it. I have a plan but- those information he gave me, that’s the deal that I got from him.” He gave the piece of information to Seungcheol. “He’ll come with more info. I didn’t know how to explain things to you. I think, it’s better for you to look at it.”


Seungcheol, looking at the content inside an envelope, became surprised seeing the photographs.


“Jihoon can help.” Convinced Jeonghan.


“What did you talk about in your office?”


“He just want to win the upcoming election for senatorial position. It will be hard but-“


“He needs to slow down, Jeonghan. He’s wild. He cannot be like his father.” Said Seungcheol.


“So, it’s true? You two are friends.”


“You can say that. He’s just- He changed.” Admitted Seungcheol sadly.


“I think both of you changed. You think you can tell me about your relationship? I won’t judge. I just want to know.”


“We are just brothers.” Said Seungcheol. “I never had any relationship but you.


“But you two are close, am I right?”


“Yeah. He has more than a sad story than I am, Jeonghan. That’s why I need to take him down before he becomes a real monster.”


Jeonghan’s thoughts were getting clear now. “But he might be in danger if you take him down right now.”


“What are you thinking, y mind?”


“Be friends with him, Seungcheol, like you always do.”


“We are.”


“You are not. I’m sure he’ll clear his mind once you talk to him.”


“It’s too late. He’s been engulfed by the system, Jeonghan.”


“You will just give up on him? Look, just try your chances. Losing a friend is not good.” Jeonghan argued.


“I know.”


“And you could die, as well, Seungcheol! I cannot allow that.”


Seungcheol smirked. “That’s brave of you. Thank you.”


“Did you know that Jihoon talked to Minhyuk to stop what he’s doing?”


“Is that what he told you?” Seungcheol still doubting since it was possible for Seokmin, however not to Jihoon.


“I think, he’s telling the truth. He came to me helpless, Cheol. I think his profession is important to him.”


Seungcheol recalled when they still both attending high school. He remembered Jihoon’s passion. He’s intelligent. He’s cold but he has a warm heart. “I know.” As he remembered seeing Jihoon study hard for attending the best law school for his dream. “He really likes to serve.”


Jeonghan realized that some of the villains had a painful back story. “But he never knew how dirty it was...” Jeonghan feeling bad for the young Jihoon. “Poor boy.”


Seungcheol scoffed. “He’s older than you, love.” Looking at his brave wife. “But I don’t know who he is right now.” Thinking the same happened to him.


 “Let’s work together, Cheol. I can do whatever I have to do.”


Despite what happened, Seungcheol saw how Jeonghan fight. He should do the same otherwise he’d lose everything. “I guess no one could stop you.”


Jeonghan smiled “Hey, Cheol.” Looking straight at his husband’s eyes. “Say, we’ve been married for years. Not even in our wedding I heard you say you love me.”


Seungcheol was caught off guard. He didn’t know how to respond.


“You know, for ones, try telling me you love me.”


Seungcheol find it so easy. “I love you, Jeonghan. I love you so much.” With his warm eyes.


Jeonghan felt warmth but not how exactly how he want it to be. Maybe close but it’s too much for Seungcheol and he knew that. Jeonghan initiated the kiss on the other’s lips, so tender and inviting. “Why are you so handsome when you smile, Seungcheol.” Dragging his hands slowly to caress the other’s chin gently. “You are .”


Seungcheol knew what to do. He made himself the one in charge that moment. He spent every touch soothing and satisfying. He could hear it from Jeonghan’s mouth.


Jeonghan, on the other hand, was enjoying the sensation of pain and pleasure crawling all over his body from the way his husband plays with him.




Meanwhile, Vernon found the people behind the attack with the help of the agent Joshua. He remembered the plates of the cars and traced it to its owner. Moreover, they’ve reserved one man, just in case they need extra information regarding this.


Vernon found himself in a warehouse, in Lee Jihoon’s family’s warehouse, to be exact. It was where the people of Jihoon and his other partners meeting up for their dirty business talks. Vernon showed up all by himself without any armor or even something to cover his face. Hands accompanied with his best guns.


“Who ordered you to attack my boss?” Vernon showed himself up mightily.


People were surprised by his appearance, nevertheless, they didn’t think it seriously. They laughed at him and said “You dared to step your feet here, alone? Have you lost your mind?”


Meanwhile, the foreign looking man walked forward to intimidate the others, making them point their weapons on him. “Who ordered the attack?” Vernon shouted.


“Calm down.” The other stated mockingly as they relaxed their bodies knowing that the stranger was putting himself in his own disadvantage.


“What attack? We attack so many.” Boasted the other.


Vernon’s eyes became grim. He walked fearlessly forward and grab the other’s collar. “I won’t ask anymore question after this. Who ordered you to attack my boss!” said Vernon angrily.


The people sensed the man serious about it. But they thought it was wrong that he came by himself.


“Who cares?” said the younger in the group as he played with the cash, assumingly, the payment they got from the job. Pointing a gun directly on Vernon’s head “Who are you exactly? How dare you step into this property?”


“Just Vernon.” Vernon introduced himself calmly with a shrug as sarcasm. He moved his attention to the one pointing gun at him. Immediately grabbing a knife from his pockets. Piercing the body of the one he’s talking to and knocking the other with his gun. Later on, he used the man’s hand to fire bullets towards his colleague and used the man as his shield.


1 vs. 12 armed people. That’s how Vernon finished things on his own. He got nothing from them since they’re all dead. They won’t speak anyway. Good to finish them before they go to another attack. Might as well find the perpetrator right away. He couldn’t afford to waste time. On his way outside, he saw probably the youngest man he’s seen that night at the warehouse premises. Upon seeing him, the young man became alerted. He got his gun and pointed it at Vernon. “Who are you and what are you doing here?” asked the young man cautiously.


Vernon relaxed himself seeing the poor man trying hard to act straight. “Just visiting.” He grin. “Say, do you work for the Lee?”


“What do you want?”


“You look so young.”


“So what?” asked the young man, still pointing a gun at the stranger roaming around their property.


“Those men inside, are they also working for the governor?”


“No. they came from different families. What do you need?” clueless of what happened earlier.


“I see. Tell Governor Lee, I visited. My name is Chwe Vernon. He knows me. Just passing by to investigate about the attack happened earlier. Someone is messing with my family, young man. I will make them pay.” Stepping forward, while the younger was stepping backwards in intimidation.


“What have you done?”


“They first took the action. I was just asking. No offense.” Vernon walked carelessly passing the young man. “You look so strong. If you like to learn how to use a gun properly, I’m willing to train you.” Passing a card on the boy’s wallet. “All you have to do is call.”


Vernon walked pass the situation at ease and drove back to the doctor to fetch Seungkwan.




Vernon had just put the uncounscious Seungkwan to bed. He was trying to change his clothes carefully so his wounds wouldn’t get hurt. Then, he noticed his wallet stumbled down the floor so he picked it. Vernon got curious and examined it anyway. Just by opening, he saw 2 pictures. Seungkwan and a younger boy. Then, he remembered seeing the same face as the boy he met just before he went out of Jihoon’s property with the bodies.


“This young man is his brother?” slightly doubted the possibility of getting the boy back. The boy’s eyes looked loyal to which group he belonged, Vernon recalled. It just relieved him that he wasn’t with the men he just killed. He wanted to run some research on what the young man does for the governor.


Vernon looked at Seungkwan who was sleeping peacefully on his bed. Quite pale due to the loss of blood. Thankfully he’s okay and nothing critical had inflicted to him. He sat beside him reading a book until he too had fallen asleep.


Morning came, Seungkwan find himself sleeping on Vernon’s bed with no one with him. Just then, he heard clamour around the kitchen. He tried to stand up, but his weak body won’t allow it yet. Moreover, the pain was crawling down to his spines now that he’s got no more anesthesia for his wound. His grunt called Vernon’s attention who was in the kitchen trying to cook something for the both of them.


“You good?” asked Vernon as he put the pot directly to the table with two bowls right next to it.


“Yeah. Thank you. Sorry for the trouble.”


Vernon was now standing beside the younger “You did a great job, Seungkwan.” he smiled. Seungkwan didn’t know how he’d feel. He actually felt more goosebumps on his whole body looking at Vernon’s smiling and gentle face rather than how his wound throbbed when he tried to get up.


“Let’s eat. Can you move?”


“Yeah. Yeah. Don-“ obviously having a hard time. Vernon assisted him until they reached the dining table. “I’m sorry.”


“Thank you for protecting Jeonghan hyung.”


Seungkwan was delighted and thought his hard work was paying off. “That’s my job. Are you close with Jeonghan hyung?”


“Kind of.” He smiled and thought, “Yeah. Actually- we are.” Serving the other with a bowl of instant ramyeon. “Sorry, this is all I can cook.”


“This is fine. Thank you.”


While having their breakfast, Vernon confessed. “Seungkwan, I might have found your brother.”


“I-I might have found him too. I’m sorry I didn’t mention anything about it.”


“I see. I saw the picture in your wallet. I didn’t mean too. It just fell.”


“It’s fine. Thank you for your efforts.”


“Now that… we might have found your brother, what is your next step? Our deal is actually off right now. I didn’t even had the chance to help you.”


Seungkwan became sad. “I don’t know how to take him back. They poisoned his mind.”


“I know.” Sympathized the other. “Luckily, he’s still an apprentice. He’s looking weak.”


“He’s stubborn.”


“That, I observed. How can you persuade him now?”


“You will still help me, right?” asked Seungkwan. “You promised me.”


Vernon smiled. “Then, I guess the deal is still on the table.”


Seungkwan nodded. “I messed up, Vernon.” Admitted sadly.


“Not your fault. Remember that. You did what you think is right. People out there are just so cruel.” Comforted the other.




“Chwe Vernon.” Jihoon was really pissed when he knew about the murder happened in his own property last night. Once people find out about the incident, it would drag his name to hell. His career was at risk. “Choi Seungcheol, how could you do this to me?” thinking of the possible reason why Seungcheol sent him a warning. If that’s about Soon Young, it’s way too far.

That morning, he received an information through Chan that the reason of the attack might be to avenge Choi Jeonghan’s attempted assassination last night. It was not all over the news but a note by Vernon near the dead bodies told them so.


“He must be insane!” getting more annoyed now, he couldn’t think of nothing but to blame his cousin, SeokMin over the incident after recalling the offer DK proposed to him.


The young governor went furiously to his cousin’s place, DK’s office, unannounced saying “Did you order it?”

On the other hand, the confused lawyer replied “The what?” in the middle of preparing his research for the old Yoon’s case. “What are you talking about, Jihoon? Can you at least explain to me why are you acting like that?”


“About Jeonghan.” Trying to be careful of what he’d say because people might be looking at them. One was DK’s new assistant.


“What about him?” seemed clueless as DK answered, Jihoon became more confused.


“We’ll talk about it later.” As he decided to calm himself due to the people looking.





Seungkwan was not fit to do his job, so Vernon filled him in. He was given to Jeonghan for the meantime while Seungcheol had to drive on his own.


While driving, Seungcheol received a call from Soon Young reporting that a job was done. For that, Soon Young was making his brother-in-law proud. There was only one concern.


“Hyung, can we talk about what happened last night?” with a stern voice.


Seungcheol knew how it made Soon Young dead worried about his brother. “I’m not gonna lie, I think Jeonghan is not in a good condition. Vernon is with him. I’m sorry. We will meet, buddy.”


“I see. Is he hurt?”


“Not physically but he could have develop trauma. Please help me. I don’t know what to do.”


“I will.”


“I will make those bastards pay!” said Seungcheol fiercely.


Things were perfectly falling into place. As planned, Soon Young set up a fight between the families inside YangBan (the brotherhood which Jihoon and EunWoo belonged). The YangBan was mostly politicians in their members. They were the Elite of the Elites compared to the SeonBi which protects business men from the small to rich.

Their goal of igniting the fire inside YangBan was first, they needed to clear Yoon JaeWon’s innocence. Second, their fight would make afloat some of the revelations that would lead to some names that could point out to the people who deserved to be in jail. It would not only benefit Korea but could also connect a link around the world.


Jun was informed of all of the updates in Korea. Even the attack made by targeting Jeonghan. He was terribly worried but knowing he’s safe somehow relieved him. However right now, he’s got to stick on his job.


On the other hand, Jihoon was jumping from one problem to another. He was terribly irritated that day. Looks like fate was challenging him to his death. The young governor was called in a meeting where the leaders and advisers of the YangBan organization had gathered for the meeting.




As a leader after his father’s death, Jihoon was the one responsible talking to the angry men gathered inside the room. They were furious just like him. It’s like fate wasn’t really forgiving at all.

In the middle of the loud chatter, Jihoon shouted “Could you please calm down? We are all messed up now and I know about that. Give me time. I will fix this.”


“Make sure of it! We are being dragged along with you, Jihoon. Damn it!”


“Look. It may sound as bad as now but I will make sure to finish off those people who are behind this. They will pay.” Gritted the young Governor Lee.


The pressure was adding up to Jihoon. Things were worst this time. It’s too messy to clean things up alone. The gang whom the police had busted was his. The young governor was getting impatient. His hands were full now and it was pushing him to the edge. Moreover, he had no one to trust. Not even Eunwoo. He had doubts with his family history doing business with them.


He couldn’t think of another option but Soon Young. The officer that would give him the information he needed. The youngest Yoon might be either hot or cold towards them but he’s the best option as of now. He’s gambled with Jeonghan anyway. Might as well play all his cards at this critical time.






“What’s up, governor? Do you need something?” said Soon Young arrogantly feeling he’s won.


“I want you to work for me.” Without any excuse Jihoon told his intentions.


Soon Young chuckled, making the Governor curved his eyebrows in annoyance.


“Ah- you want me now, Governor Lee?... I’m sorry, can’t take two jobs at a time. Got one for Seungcheol hyung. Mostly babysitting for my brother and mother.” Looking at the young governor, he became serious and said “I am worried about them. Especially after the attack that happened.”


“I didn’t do it.”


Soon Young pouted his lips as he leaned backwards to relax. “You are the only one in mind, governor. Why should I believe you?”


“Because I am working with your brother right now.”


“What?” Soon Young was terribly confused. They haven’t talked for quite a while since they were busy with their own businesses. He thought he should pay a visit sometime soon.


“He didn’t tell you?” smirked the smaller.


“We haven’t seen each other for a month. Can you tell me?”


“It’s a simple deal. He’ll help me win this election and I will help him find whoever murder Minhyuk.”


“Uh-huh.” Soon Young was deeply concerned. He’s known Minhyuk being Jeonghan’s friend although he only met him a few times. “Did you find his body?”


“Not yet. Maybe never. Who knows where they put him…Did you know him?”


“Not that well, but my brother is close to him. Besides, I saw my mom investigating about Choi Minhyuk too.”


“I see.” Thinking closely, Jihoon was analyzing every piece of the information he’s collecting.


“What did Minhyuk hyuung do for everyone to look for him?”


“Everyone?” Jihoon was contemplating who might be the others.


“Well, except for his family which is just appropriate, Jeonghan hyung who is close to him… my mom, Atty. DK and people inside the government.”


Jihoon was surprised learning that DK was also one of the people on search for Minhyuk “My cousin? What for?”


“Maybe due to my dad’s case? I don’t know. It could be anything since we are, as you know, very close to danger.” Soon Young sighed. “What a family.” Troubled about his warrior blood family.


“He’s the rat in our family.”


“Oh! So probably, someone in your brotherhood ordered his death?”


“Yeah. Maybe. Worst, either the Chinese or Russians. Could be anyone, really.” Answered Jihoon when he thought of something interesting. “Hey, does your brother have an intimate relationship with Minhyuk? Maybe you know something? I know Seungcheol is in love with EunWoo. I was actually surprised when he chose to marry your brother so sudden.”


“You like love stories too, huh?” he teased. “Do you believe in soulmates?”


“That’s not true.”


“Well, that’s what happened to my brother and Seungcheol hyung. I’m so pissed about their sudden love affair.” Remembering how he glared upon seeing Seungcheol for the first time. “They’re special.”


“You think so?” asked Jihoon. “I saw Minhyuk bought a ring and I’ve never seen him with someone but your brother.”


“Are you investigating them?” asked Soon Young with his large eyes.


“For the record, I am investigating everyone.”


Meanwhile, Soon Young find it funny. “You are curious about Jeonghan hyung, aren’t you?”


“You can say that. He’s a mystery.”


“Oh dear. Believe me, if you are his brother, you would know how his mysteries could piss you off sometimes but he’s my brother and he’s important to me.” Smiled Soon Young. “Ask me anything but his love stories. There’s many of them.”


“I see.”


“May I know how you got into that business? Power? Money…”


Jihoon became quiet. He thought he’s drunk and he’s becoming a little soft and talkative now. “It has nothing to do with the reason why I came here. How much do you charge for your service? I will ask Seungcheol’s permission to hire you.”


“I serve him because we are family. Moreover, I need to protect my family. Everyone wants our head.”


Jihoon smirked. “I know.” And then he sighed. “Fine. Call me when you already have the price.”


“You are quite a trader, governor.”


“I am also a business man.” Leaving the cop alone in the bar to think the offer over.







Jeonghan was preparing for Minghao’s party. He was invited in that party as a friend and also as a business partner. He couldn’t afford to fail.

Meanwhile, Seungcheol was mindful of the time since he and his wife had an appointment that lunch. It was very important to Seungcheol for a contract and he’d say they needed to go right now so they won’t be late. Visiting his wife at his office downstairs “Jeonghan-ah, you ready?”


Not to intentionally ignore his husband but Jeonghan didn’t seem to hear things from around him because he’s too focused on the paper.


“Hey.” Called Seungcheol seeing his wife so concentrated on the paper instead of his face. He walked towards him to make sure he’d pay attention. “Jeonghan ah. What are you busy at?”


Jeonghan was startled with Seungcheol at first making him rumble bits of curses. “Ya! You should’ve knocked.” He scolded.


Seungcheol was in disbelief as he scoffed. “I did. You are just too occupied with that. Continue it later.”


“Just give me a sec. This is my business proposal for Minghao later.”


Seungcheol narrowed his eyes. “You really mean it?” with seriousness on his face.


“Yeah. I mean no. It was a joke at first, but he seemed interested.”


Seungcheol now going behind Jeonghan just to place his chin onto the other’s shoulders. “Anything you propose to him will do just as fine, honey. Just don’t propose your heart to him because that belongs to me.” teasing the younger with a little punchline.


On the other hand, since Seungcheol started those petty punchlines, Jeonghan thought it would be endless unless he gave in to his command. Usually he’s into those talks but now it’s not the time.


“Let’s eat. I’m hungry.” Said Cheol forcing Jeonghan to fix things. “You need to be divine later at Minghao’s party, alright?”


“I know. Is Jun there?” asked him wondering if his favorite tailor already returned. Not to offend.


Now Seungcheol raised an eyebrow. “Jun? Really, Jeonghan?” sounded like an insult to him.


“What I meant is you usually take me to Jun whenever you need to groom me.”


“Honey, your favorite knight isn’t in the country yet.” Seungcheol subtly reminded.


“I know. That’s why I am surprised.”


Judging eyes were on Jeonghan since Seungcheol just doesn’t believe what his wife was saying. Meanwhile the accused was trying to defend himself. Anyway, it’s useless. “Let’s go now.” Stated Jeonghan. However, a lady had interrupted the couple after seeing them both right at the office. “Am I disturbing something here?” standing confidently and seductively despite her age.


Jeonghan was confused. Seungcheol was surprised nevertheless. “Mom. What are you doing here?”


Jeonghan knew that Seungcheol has a different mother from Minhyuk but he had no idea what she looked like. The woman was definitely a star on her pretty face and y figure. Not to mention her fashion, dressing like a young and single lady.


Julia, on the other hand, took a scrutinizing glance over the young man beside Seungcheol. She was satisfied as she saw what people saw over him. “Now I know why the young Xu is dead serious of getting you away from my son.” mumbled her with a grin. Meanwhile, the couple was confused with her gazes. “I’m Julia, Seungcheol’s biological mother. Nice to meet you.” Approaching Jeonghan with a friendly greeting and a handshake.  


Being courteous, Jeonghan took her hand gently and greeted “Great to see you. Finally! Seungcheol never told me you are this gorgeous!” and now with a lovely smile on his face.


Julia was pleased. “Oh dear, that’s so kind of you. Thank you. I’m sorry I couldn’t attend the wedding, darling.”


“Oh, we have to apologize for that sudden invitation. Seungcheol and I decided quickly, even people were surprised.”


“No worries, my dear. Being young is being wild. Own it.” She smiled.


“Jeonghan.” Introduced him to his mother in law. “We are going to eat out in one of our ships for checking. Why don’t you come and join us.”


“Oh! What a good timing. I am starving, sweetie.”


Meanwhile, Seungcheol was suspecting his mother’s purpose. He was worried and somehow anxious. Both could feel it with his stares.


“Can I have a word, mom?” asked Julia’s serious boy.


“But of course, my dear.”


“I’ll meet you at the lobby.” Stated Seungcheol towards Jeonghan.


Alone in the room, Seungcheol finally get to talk to his mom. “What are you doing here, mom?”


“Are you not happy seeing me? I was just checking on you.” leaning towards to give her boy a kiss on his cheeks. “I miss you so much! We haven’t have a mother-son bonding yet like what we usually do.”


“Mom, you should’ve called.” Asked Seungcheol worriedly.


“What’s wrong? Don’t you want to introduce me to your partner?”


“It’s not it, but-“ cutting his words thinking another way to say it in order not to offend his mom.


“What? Did I do something that offend you? Alright, I’m sorry I didn’t call, but I missed you so much. I can’t help it.”


“Mom, Jeonghan is-“


“I know you are afraid of people meeting me. Look son, I am not against your marriage. It’s your life. Besides, Jeonghan looks really kind and I can feel a little naughtiness in him. We could actually get along.”


“No- he…” with a sigh “Jeonghan cannot get involved in that kind of business.” He clearly pointed out to protect his partner.


“I know.” She smiled proudly. “I am so proud of you son. So he doesn’t know?” asking in curiosity.


“Not that I know.” Said Seungcheol as a lie. Afraid that if he’d expose it to his mother, it wouldn’t end pleasantly between the two.


“Oh my dear. It must be hard for you to keep it.”


“I am trying my best here, mom.”


His mother smiled in a form of a smirk. “My little Iov (Seungcheol’s Russian name) finally found his precious crown, am I right? May I know what get you on your knees besides his iness and beauty, huh?” She teased.




Looking at her son so intently to observe what Seungcheol feels towards his partner she said “You love him, don’t you?” speaking in Russian which Seungcheol understood well as it was their language when talking to each other.


Seungcheol’s guards were down and there’s no way he could ever prepare himself in this kind of question. Meanwhile, his mother’s smile widened. She came embracing his son with little loving sways. The mother wears an everlasting smile as he patted his baby’s head. “I will protect you both. Just promise me you will be happy with him.” Facing Seungcheol’s lovely eyes, she hinted. “I am hearing news, son. You will not like it but my advice?... if he’s really important to you, don’t let others take him away from you.”


Seungcheol’s brows curved in confusion. And with that information, although a little hint whether it was real or not, it appears that his mother knew something. She’s always crazy unpredictable. No one knows who she sides with or who to betray. Julia is always treated as a very dangerous woman in the underground. Who knows what she’s thinking as of the moment.


Looking at how worried his son could be, she squeezed her son’s cheeks as if he’s still a little boy and said “You don’t trust me, do you?... My little Iov, you are important to me and I won’t- in any way- betray my favorite person in the whole wide world. I just want you to be happy and safe.”


“Thank you.”


“Iov, my love, would you mind me joining you two on lunch?”


“Sure. I don’t mind. Besides, Jeonghan wants to know more about you.” Said Seungcheol hopelessly. “Nothing wrong with that, I guess.”


Julia become delighted. “Then, I can’t wait.”


Seungcheol halted for a while and stated “Mom, I love Jeonghan so much I... I want to protect him and I want to give the best moments of his life while we are together- I just can’t-“ pausing as he knew that at that time, it was still impossible.


Julia was impressed hearing it. “I said you can trust me, Seungcheolie. Even if we go to war, honey, I will gladly give you whatever you desire. Just make sure you are not digging your own grave with your decisions. Jeonghan might be a very dangerous person to be with but I think he doesn’t know it yet.”


“What do you know about him?” asked her straight.


“Relax. It’s just a rumor. Nothing is confirmed yet, so why not enjoy our normal life as a family.”



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Thank you and I hope you enjoyed my story. Who did you choose? haha!
Bye guys :D Take care always


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yoo_kihyunie #1
Chapter 51: And if its not too much to ask,, maybe can you make like a table or some sort, to show the connections between the characters ?? Like the organizations' names, the code name, who's sides they are in currently,, smthing like that ... maybe this will help in understanding the story unfolding in the future 😅😅
yoo_kihyunie #2
Chapter 51: Wow, seokmin, joshua, eunwoo's betrayal was shocking...but seungkwan's betrayal is another level.. never have i ever doubted that kwan is on the enemy's 😬 and i think his betrayal will definitely break everyone 😔😔
Chapter 1: Tough decision to make
Dillan #4
Chapter 38: Por favor, soy fan de tu historia y solo este momento entre Jeonghan y Jun superó por completo toda la miel con Seungcheol, ¡Junhan juntos para el final!
This sounds so nice, cant wait to read after work!
yoo_kihyunie #6
Chapter 25: Hm.. why was cheol furious when he saw Jun and has been acting like that with jeonghan?? Cz i donno where i missed it but im so confused.. and i think i lost track of whats currently happening...... ^^;;
Chapter 20: Mood: AHHHHHHHH!
isthatmyname #8
Chapter 18: The way Jeonghan still does not let go and Eunwoo and Seungcheol issue LMAO. You go Hannie bear!
isthatmyname #9
Chapter 16: I am in so much pain that they lost little Minki. Imagine the happiness they could've had. But it is indeed a very chaotic world yet to live in for the child. At least this time, Seungcheol now knows what Jeonghan is to him.