SUIT & TIE: The Trigger


SUIT & TIE: The Trigger


The moment DK had his free time, he called for Jihoon asking a favor.


“Why do you want that?”


“Well, I want in.” DK was pertaining to their organization.


“As a business man?”


“Nope. I don’t do illegal business, dear cousin. I want to come clean. C’mon, man. You need the cleanest man in the world if ever you messed up.”


Jihoon giggled “Fine. But what are you going to do there?”


“Just need to get some info. Have you talk to the cute little Yoon?”


“You mean the cop?”


“You admitted that he’s cute, are ya?” teased DK with his wide smile.


“Shut the hell up. Not yet.”


“You don’t know how to start, don’t you?” The other tease. “Okay, I will do some advising on you. Make sure you do it, alright?”


“Make sure I won’t kill you with that proposal, DK.”


“Send him a gift.”


“What gift?”


“Some jewelry or something. C’mon man, why are you so weak in socializing?”


“That’s why I chose to be a politician, so someone had to do the talking for me.”


“You nuts? You should talk, so people believe you.”


“Did you get the deal?”


“With Jeonghan? Yeah. He’s on. He’s a very good player.” Said Jihoon. “Did you find something from the Choi couple?”


“Nothing much. They’re pretty close from the way I look at them. They have their own language and spur of the moment in their love story. Beautiful couple as always. You should see how Jeonghan take over Seungcheol. It’s really funny. You’ll love it!” SeokMin chuckled. “Look. You should be nice with him and Seungcheol so you can get the cop.” Advised DK.


“Will try my best. Seungcheol was getting ridiculous these days.”


SeokMin laughed. “Just admit it. You miss him, don’t you? Have you ever told that man how much you admire him, Hoonie?”


“Who says that?” getting annoyed.


“Want me to get rid of Jeonghan for you? But you should prepare for Seungcheol. He is a monster too. He’s so possessive. He’d kill if you took someone important to him.”


“What are you talking about?”


“I can eliminate both. Which one would you like to get rid first?” offered SeokMin like he’s drunk.


Jihoon smirked. “You’re getting crazy since you handled the Yoon’s case.”


“It’s crazy, you know. Crazy interesting.”


“Might hold onto that. Reserve that offer.”


“Sure. Will expect my ticket to your brotherhood. Or even just a party that I could see all your partners.”


One moment, his door rang. He hang up with Jihoon so he could answer the person by the door. Upon opening, the person was revealed with a gun pointing directly on his head. SeokMin was quite frozen but when he identified who the person might be, he greeted “It’s quite unexpected for you to visit.”


“Love your surprised, lovely face, DK.” With a smirk on the other man’s face.


“What do you want?” nervously breaking the silence while examining if the gun was real.


“It’s been a while.” Dismantling his gun with a villainous chuckle. “You never invited me in your home, DK” and become at ease.


“At least you know now why.” Relieved that the taller man was still sane. Although, the gun was real. Damn It! Ya! You scared me.”


“Shh. Nobody should know.” As the man said it as if he was playing some kind of game.


“How would no one know when you put the hell of a gun pointing on my head right at my door? Take note that you are a visible large person.” the lawyer said annoyingly.


SeokMin became quiet as he led the visitor to the seat.


“What brings you here, Congressman Kim Mingyu. You need my service?”


“You need me.”


DK became confused. “What’s with the gun anyway? You scared the hell out of me.” Still uneasy with the gun on the plain sight. “Could you please-“ asking the man to get rid of those.


“Nothing. Just a props.”


“Damn it, Mingyu! That’s real!” getting insulted with the prank.


“Sorry, man. I couldn’t help it.” Mingyu smirked. “I’ve never seen a Lee scared in my entire life. That’s fun.”


“Why include me? We’re not even that close for you to do that.”


“Well, you are an enemy of mine. Your whole family is.”


DK felt hopeless. “I just don’t get the prank.”


“It’s not a prank, it’s just self defense.” teased Mingyu.


“How am I supposed to- this man, really? You are insane!” blabbering fast words in disbelief. “I am the victim you see? I didn’t know you are so weird. Why did you come?”


“A cup of whiskey would do… You’re welcome.”


SeokMin couldn’t get the sense of it. He’s talked to the young Congressman a few times. Got a little acquainted but his physic and smartass didn’t indicate some problem on him. He was hopeless and sighed. “You came alone?”




“What’s the business?”


“As much as I hate Seungcheol for hitting on my wife, I’m here because of a favor.”


DK was confused. Things were getting more difficult to comprehend right now, and there comes another puzzle in a game that’s getting bigger and bigger.


“I’m just here to deliver a letter. I had those even before. Since two officials were dead. I think it’s time. I cannot let Korea be a place for narcos.”


DK received the letter and recognized the hand writing. “How did you get these?”


“He’s my boss after all. I mean, supposed to be next in line as a leader of SEONBI if he hadn’t gone missing. I’ve had those because he trusted me.”


“Minhyuk? Missing?” DK couldn’t comprehend at that moment. It’s just mind blowing. He wasn’t even aware that Minhyuk and Mingyu were friends. “I didn’t know that.”


“Why would you assume that he’s missing?”


“I’ve never seen his body.”


“Well, it happens. But that gives a little suspicions as well.” SeokMin accepted somehow.


“I am here because he told me that you are his most trusted friend.” Getting serious with the situation. “I came to you hoping that you are useful with this kind of . That letter contains a confidential information. You cannot lose it.”


Assuming that the information Mingyu passed onto him was very useful, he had just one question “But why now?”


“Long story.”


Finishing a glass of whisky, Mingyu stood up and ended the meeting immediately. “Should get going before Choi Seungcheol fish with my spouse once more.”


“Do you love your wife, Congressman Kim?”


Mingyu was confused but he smirked. “Why do you suddenly got interested with my life?”


“I just want to know.”


“Yes. I do.”


“Then let me tell you this as a friend.” Said SeokMin seriously. “You still have time, if you know what I mean."


However, Mingyu just answered him with a confident smirk. SeokMin was left thinking again after the congressman left.






Jeonghan visited his favorite boutique again. This time, he prepared a little briefing about the fashion show coming very soon. Jeonghan was seated at the lounge like it was his own house while Jun was quite busy with the other models for the final fitting.


“Jeonghan.” Called Jun.


Jeonghan was alerted, almost choking himself with the cookie. He didn’t know why but Jun’s voice got a little colder that time.  Somehow, he felt tense like he’s getting scolded by his boss. His posture had gone bad with the sudden call as he stumbled. Jun was surprised about the sound and immediately peak upon the chaotic scene at the other part of the shop.


Seungkwan saw it and pretend not to react so much so Jeonghan won’t get discouraged at all.


Looking at Jeonghan who was just gaining his stance, Jun widened his eyes and later on smile “Hey, you alright?”


“Uh-Yeah.” Just recovering.


Jun chuckled.


“Are you making fun of me?”


“Nah. you look adorable, Vice President Choi.I’m sorry I had to call you like that. It was just so messy right here. I can’t think properly.”


Jeonghan made a face of feeling the sarcasm until his bones. “You little devil.” He murmured as he went towards him. “What’s up?”


“I should be the one asking you that. How are you?”


“Better. Thanks.”


“Your time to fit.” Handing the suit while the other accepted it. Meanwhile, Jun halted Jeonghan and touched his lips. “You have cookies on your lips, Jeonghan.” Then curved his eyebrows because he’s worried. “How many cookies have you eaten now, Choi Jeonghan?” as if he was scolding.


Seems like Jeonghan was caught in the act. “I’m sorry. Just two since you called me.” And he smiled with his naughty smirk.


Jun loved how adorable Jeonghan could be. On the other hand, Seungkwan was really falling in love with this real life 2nd lead couple from not a far and thought they were really sweet. Close to as if they were fated to be with each other. But, oh well, Jeonghan was married.


Inside the fitting room, Jeonghan called. “Jun?” for some query that most likely about the clothing.


“Yes?” as the tailor entered the small fitting room, Jeonghan stepped forward to get as close as possible to the little Moon. Cornering the man as he could lean his head to the taller one.


Jun was obviously surprised. “What’s wrong?”


“Don’t make me fall too much for you, Jun. I might not be able to go back home to my husband every time I see you.” Now looking at Jun on his lovely face, Jeonghan suddenly kissed the other passionately.


However, instead of displaying a surprised or even enchanted emotion, Jun rather displayed a cold and heartless façade as he approached Jeonghan. His quietness gave the younger a hint that he might probably made Jun uncomfortable. As soon as Jeonghan realized it, he gave a forced chuckle and murmured “Guess, I’m not charming at all.” Looking at the mirror on how he dressed as if nothing had happened. “You think it’s good?” pertaining to how he wore it, but it was surprised of how Jun answered.


“You are.” With a short phrase, Jeonghan became surprised. Although, confused on what to feel, he told himself that he could never have Jun.


Instead of another tease, Jeonghan chose to smile as he admitted his defeat. “You are just being polite, Jun. Thank you.” Suddenly shifting into “What if I fell out of the ramp? I’m so nervous.”


Jun didn’t reply at all. Instead he was seen looking at Jeonghan. “Do we have a problem?” Jeonghan thought that the tailor acted like that because of his misbehavior, he said “I’m sorry. It was just-“ clipping his lips close due to embarrassment.


Jun smiled gently. Again, an unexpected twist. It was so beautiful that Jeonghan was caught staring lovingly on it. “It’s perfect on you. Don’t worry, you will be fine.” Replied Jun.


Jeonghan made another unpaintable expression and said “You are really weird.”


The other chuckled.






“If you are working with Seungcheol, can you work for me too?”


“Is there anything I can help?”


“I am moving. I have a consultant just like you.”


Jun seemed to observe that Jeonghan wasn’t so innocent with things happening, he said “I know him. We talk. He’s my boss here.”


“I see. That’s a relief.”


“There is something, isn’t it?”


“Yeah.” Seeming nervous. “Governor Lee traded with me. He knows about who killed Seungcheol’s older brother.”


“What trade does he want?”


“I said an equal trade but he wanted to win the elections.” Looking at Jun’s eyes, he said with a fright. “I’m scared, Jun. I don’t know what I entered myself into.”


“I will investigate. I will help.” Offered Jun.


“I have to put them behind the bars, Jun.”


Jun smiled reassuring “I know. I got your back.”


Jeonghan smiled. “Thank you.”


“Are you coming at Minghao’s party?”


“Yeah. He’s a business partner now. I need to impress. It’s our ship anyways. If I leave it to Seungcheol, Minghao might not like it. You coming?”


“Yeah, but later. You need to know that people are observing every move you make. I need you to act like a king who can own every person in the room. Okay? You got this, yeah? Play like the master of the house just like how you played as a game master in casinos. Can I put my trust on you?”




“That will change everything, Jeonghan. Stay calm at all times. Did Seungcheol know about your plans?” Worried Jun.


“Not everything. Don’t scare me. I’m getting pressured.”


 “My bad. I’ll pack cookies for you afterwards. Make sure you eat moderately, otherwise, it’s too late if these suits won’t fit you in the fashion show.” he teased to lighten up the mood.


Jeonghan gritted his teeth. Looked like there’s someone who can finally beat him.


Meanwhile in the streets in front of Lancelot, Seungkwan’s attention was with the young man just right in front of him across the street. The young man didn’t seem to notice him yet, so he turned his back in case he could come close.


Right after the green light strikes, the young man crossed the street. “Are you Vice President Choi’s assistant?” asked him to the man slightly hiding his face by the wall. Seungkwan, on the other hand, recognized the call.  He turned without any other choice.


On the other hand, the younger became surprised. He gulped and he became anxious. “You.”


“Chan-ya.” Seungkwan murmured.


“H-how?” asked the younger as he slightly back out. He wasn’t expecting it.


“How have you been?”


Their conversation made Dino anxious all the more.


“Hey, hear me out.” Seungkwan tried to calm the other down.


“I don’t want to listen to someone like you!” the young man said in anger.


Seungkwan was surprised. “Chan. Calm down.” Said Seungkwan in panic as many people were looking.


Seungkwan chasing the younger as he went angrily.


“Don’t dare follow me!” Looking sharply at the older. “I have a new family now. Someone I can trust!” Said his words hurtfully. “Don’t come near me again!” as the young man faded by the shadows.







Jun met with Seungcheol. The tailor told the young Choi that he’d be out of the country to set up another ground mission.


“Why go, Jun?”


“Seungcheol, I need to move, so they won’t trace. Don’t worry, Jeonghan knows who to contact. Gave him things that he should be needing.” He smiled. Seeing the worry in his face he added. “Don’t worry, he’s more reliable than me. He’s my boss. He’s been here longer than I am.”


“But I don’t know him.”


“You will. He’s the one accommodating your brother and Jeonghan for a long time now, Jeonghan told me the details.”


“He told you?”


“I find it out but he told me the other missing pieces eventually. He knows about me now, Seungcheol.”




“He’s more experienced than you are. You’re just new in this game, Seungcheol. Go back to him. He needs you. Get ready for war.”


“Understood. You should be back soon.”


“Hoping for that as well.”


“Stay safe.”


Before leaving, Jun reached out a small envelope to Seungcheol. “Inside that are the documents you need to know. Be careful with that. Hand it to your most trusted police. They could cover it at least.”


“Leave it to me.”






“Dad, how are you?” asked Jeonghan worriedly.


“Good. Don’t worry.” Smiled the older.


“You’ll be free soon.”


Holding his son’s hand.  “Thank you.”


“It’s just unfortunate that you can’t be with us on mother’s birthday.”


“Can you eat for me?” His father chuckled.

“Dad, I- I know that I have to face my past but I- I don’t know what to do.”


JaeWon was surprised. “No, dear. You should remain hidden.”


Jeonghan suddenly cried. “Hiding is doing no good. Besides, they will surely find me. They want me. Protecting me will only get you hurt.”


“Have faith child. I will finish it.”


“Please, you’ve done nothing wrong. I should finish this.”


“As your father, it’s my responsibility to keep you safe. It’s not your fault, dear child. I love you so much and I cannot bear to see you in pain.”


“I love you too, dad.”


“I heard Soon Young was making an action. Please tell him to lay low. Kiss him for me.”


Jeonghan nodded. “I tried but he’s too stubborn… Um- Dad, there’s one thing I need to ask you.”


“What is it?”


“Do you remember the swan brooch?”


“Yes. What about it?”


“I left it to Minhyuk and I am afraid that I might be the reason why he’s gone.” tears still flowing from his eyes. Full of guilt as he trembled. “I only know that it was important to my father but, I didn’t know what exactly it is.”


“You think that’s what they’re looking for?”


“They need me for it, I don’t know why. I just remembered that before the boy handed it to me, he made me look at it.”


“Look?” wondered JaeWon. He had no clue what was it for but it was good to know that he acquired another information regarding the goal of the Ivanovs. “You think we can find it?”


“It actually came back to me.”




“We will talk as soon as you are freed from this place, dad. I cannot talk about it here.”


“I understand.”


“By the way, I had a deal with Governor Lee in exchange for the information regarding of who might killed Minhyuk.” Getting more anxious. “I don’t know if I did the right thing.”


“Just hold tight, Jeonghan-ah. What does he want from you?”


“He said he wanted to win this coming national elections. You think he was one of those guys who wanted Minhyuk dead?“


“I don’t think Governor Lee is able to kill him. Amongst all, he trusted Minhyuk and Seungcheol. He’s just a greedy and prideful brat but he still keeps people important to him.”


Confused, Jeonghan was now contemplating about how Jihoon admitted that he was the one who talked Minhyuk out to quit playing with fires. It did make a little sense.


“Seungcheol is Jihoon’s trusted friend. One of the two only. The other is his cousin, SeokMin. The governor treats him like a brother. He will protect him instead. He’s a lonely person, my dear. Those people are the only one left. Besides, how can he hurt people doing good business with him?”


“Y-you mean, Jihoon likes Seungcheol?”


“Jihoon came from a terrible family, my dear. He needs love. A true love.”


“You are telling me, dad, that my husband and the governor has this relationship I didn’t know?” little absurd to think off but that was really a shock.


JaeWon chuckled seeing his son acted like he’s jealous. “You jealous?”


“Actually, I don’t know how to feel.” Said Jeonghan not on his mind right now.


“They didn’t have that kind of relationship. Calm down.”


 “You mean, Seungcheol rejected him? Is that it?” he whispered as if it was rather more confidential than the one they previously talked about. Now, he’s feeling bad for Jihoon. Poor him.


“No. There’s no such thing as that. What I mean is, Jihoon can protect Seungcheol.”


“I better talk to him about this.”


JaeWon agreed. However, Jeonghan was worried that Jihoon might hurt them too like what he’s done to his little brother. JaeWon knew how Jeonghan would feel about this but as of now, the roads were narrow for them.


“I know you are worried, Jeonghan but right now, we need to ride on it until we figure this out. Don’t let your guard down.”  





Jeonghan noticed Seungkwan quiete ever since they left the shop. “What’s wrong, Seungkwan?”


Seungkwan was surprised, but he said “Nothing, hyung. I just-“


“I can drive myself home. You should rest. I can explain things to Seungcheol. Don’t worry.” Said calmly but Seungkwan sure knew that that was an evil invitation.


Seungkwan forced a smile and said “You can’t be trusted with cars as of the moment, hyung. Please, we will both d-“ when a sudden rain of bullet targeted their car. Both of them were surprised. “Duck!” shouted Seungkwan as he maneuver the wheels so swift to protect Jeonghan.


Still being followed and being shot at, Seungkwan had to do something. Holding his gun, he asked Jeonghan to hide himself in between the seats. Seungkwan fired a few shots as an offense while driving in an alley to trim the chasers into a manageable situation. There were 3 black cars on the chase and one was a van. It was getting darker and things would get difficult.


It created an obvious chaos in the neighborhood. It had called the police’s attention, of course, but someone always had to show up first before the police does. Seungkwan managed to give a signal to the ‘Tailor’ Joshua by the phone that was given by the ‘Tinker’. Joshua rushed to their location by the tracker. “Hey, hang in there.”


“Yeah. Arghhh!” Seungkwan shouted in pain as he was shot by his sides in the cross fire.


“In 3, 2, 1… Duck! Now!” Joshua coming out from the car all in black with two powerful rifles on silencers on both hands, fired accurately to the offenders. Sirens were moving closer, so he moved fast wanting the mission to get done as clean as possible before the police comes.


Meanwhile, Seungkwan took another shot on his left arm. Quite deep. At the same time as he kept his head down looking out for Jeonghan still, he suddenly remembered Jun’s wound from before. Now, he knew where it came from.


 “Boss? Boss? Are you fine?” shouting aloud as the guns still firing.


“I’m fine.” Keeping himself by the corner, he managed to look for Seungkwan but all he noticed was the bleeding. “Oh my god! Seungkwan!”


“I’m fine, hyung. Keep your head down!” Commanded Seungkwan with heavy breathes.


Jeonghan did what he’s told to do. Conditioning himself to stay as calm as much as possible in order to think right, he grabbed the phone carefully from the car floors, dialed a number with hands trembling.


“Vernon?” called Jeonghan after a ring with a restless voice.


“Jeonghan hyung? Why is your voice rest-“ he didn’t even finish his sentence when he became aware what’s going around his boss’ surroundings. He could hear gunshots.


“Help us, Vernon! Please! Seungkwan was shot!”


“Where are you?” an immediate press on accelerator made Seungcheol alerted.


“What’s going on?” asked Seungcheol while Vernon was maneuvering the car to a direction opposite to their course and with high speed.


“Jeonghan hyung.” He stated.


“! Track them right now!” Seungcheol uttered as he prepared his gun as he talked to his wife. “Jeonghan-ah. Stay hidden. We’ll be right there.”




Meanwhile, at the riot, one was banging on the right window which they became surprised.  Seungcheol’s heart was beating fast as soon as he heard that sound over the phone. He was dead worried.


“Jeonghan-ah!” shouted Seungcheol from the other line.


“Are you alright?” said the man of foreign voice from across the line. “We need to get here out fast.”


“How about Seungkwan?” looking at his weak body guard who’s losing a lot of blood as of the moment.


“We need the police.” Jeonghan insisted. “I’m sure they’ve got an ambulance.”


“We cannot stay here, Jeonghan.” Explained Joshua.


“Hyung, don’t worry. I can handle myself.” Pressing his wound as he opened the door to escaped with the both of them. Joshua, on the other hand, threw fire on the car as they’ve put a fake body for the police to be I.D.ed. Meanwhile, Jeonghan and Seungkwan were safe in Joshua’s car.


“I don’t understand why.” Asked Jeonghan. “And please get Seungkwan to the doctor! He’s bleeding!” Jeonghan panicked.


“I cannot do that right now.” Said Joshua. “You can get into more danger. I cannot let that happen.”


“Who and why?”


“Not yet sure about it but I will keep you posted.”


“Their target is me?”


Joshua looked at him while trying to pull the ammo inside Seungkwan’s body in some hidden places. “In this game, darling, no one could tell whether who and why they are doing this. It’s probably someone who has a grudge with the Choi family.”


On the other hand, Seungkwan was getting pale. The pain was killing him and he couldn’t stop thinking about Chan that time.


In a few moments, Vernon has detected their spot right where Joshua’s car was parked. They quickly got into it and pointed a gun on Joshua’s head.


“Hey! Stop that! He’s the one who saved us.”


Seungcheol, knowing that Jeonghan was fine, was relieved. He immediately ran towards him and embraced him tight. “Are you hurt?”


“No but Seungkwan…” Jeonghan became worried. While Vernon took a glance on how bad Seungkwan was hurt. Looking at his partner’s wounds, Vernon gritted pressing his teeth tight in anger. They were obviously outnumbered.


“They will pay for this, boss.” Said Vernon “Let me bring Seungkwan to someone I know first.”


“Go ahead. Do what you have to do, Vernon.”


“Let’s go now, I’ll make sure you will make it home safe.” Stated Joshua still on his cap.


“Can I trust you?” examined Vernon carefully.


To lessen his worries, Joshua took his covers off and smiled. “Don’t worry. I am with you.”


Seungcheol was surprised seeing him. “You are the bartender!”


“Yes, I am but I quit. I am doing another job now to get close to you.”


“You’ve been monitoring us?”


“Quite long now. Since your brother call.” Joshua smiled confidently.


Like an angel Joshua might seem, Seungcheol chose to answer coldly “I see. Thank you for rescuing.” Looking at Vernon. “Keep him alive.” Referring to Seungkwan.


“Don’t worry, boss. I will not die with this.” Assured Seungkwan.


From there, Seungcheol smiled warmly and said “Great job, Seungkwan. Thank you for saving my wife.”


Seungkwan became alive knowing that he was appreciated. The smile has shown to him was definitely sincere.


“See you soon.” Said Seungcheol.


“Roger that.”


Meanwhile, Vernon lifted him carefully to position the poor Seungkwan to a comfortable place. He was worried about his partner. In addition, his heart was filled with anger and he couldn’t wait to avenge both of them. “Hang in there, Seungkwan-ah.”


Seungkwan didn’t get a critical shot but he’s losing too much blood right now. Vernon was guilty for Jeonghan and Seungkwan’s pain as of the moment.




While Vernon was waiting for Seungkwan to get done with his stitches inside an old structure with his friend doctor, Vernon received a call. “Find out who is behind this.” Ordered Seungcheol.


“Roger that.”


Vernon was hesitant to leave Seungkwan but he knew he could trust the doctor. “Will be back. I’ll leave him in your care.”


“Sure. See you later. He’ll be fine, don’t worry.” The doctor assured.


Vernon left ready to fight.

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Thank you and I hope you enjoyed my story. Who did you choose? haha!
Bye guys :D Take care always


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yoo_kihyunie #1
Chapter 51: And if its not too much to ask,, maybe can you make like a table or some sort, to show the connections between the characters ?? Like the organizations' names, the code name, who's sides they are in currently,, smthing like that ... maybe this will help in understanding the story unfolding in the future 😅😅
yoo_kihyunie #2
Chapter 51: Wow, seokmin, joshua, eunwoo's betrayal was shocking...but seungkwan's betrayal is another level.. never have i ever doubted that kwan is on the enemy's 😬 and i think his betrayal will definitely break everyone 😔😔
Chapter 1: Tough decision to make
Dillan #4
Chapter 38: Por favor, soy fan de tu historia y solo este momento entre Jeonghan y Jun superó por completo toda la miel con Seungcheol, ¡Junhan juntos para el final!
This sounds so nice, cant wait to read after work!
yoo_kihyunie #6
Chapter 25: Hm.. why was cheol furious when he saw Jun and has been acting like that with jeonghan?? Cz i donno where i missed it but im so confused.. and i think i lost track of whats currently happening...... ^^;;
Chapter 20: Mood: AHHHHHHHH!
isthatmyname #8
Chapter 18: The way Jeonghan still does not let go and Eunwoo and Seungcheol issue LMAO. You go Hannie bear!
isthatmyname #9
Chapter 16: I am in so much pain that they lost little Minki. Imagine the happiness they could've had. But it is indeed a very chaotic world yet to live in for the child. At least this time, Seungcheol now knows what Jeonghan is to him.