
My Little Imagines

You awoke to a phone ringing. Who on earth would be calling at this time?! You rolled over to check your phone. It was 7.36 a.m on a Saturday. 

But that didn't matter.

Tae was calling you. You quickly rolled out of bed and answered the phone. "Hey Tae, what's up?"

"Y/n" he sounded as if he had been crying. "Can you meet me in the park please?"

"Tae, whats wrong?! Are you okay?" You were quite concerned at this point.

"Yeah just please meet me in 20 minutes."

"Sure, sure i'm on my way." He hung up.

Hastily you got up and started getting dressed, all the while wondering what was wrong with Tae.

He was your best friend, but lately you had been drifting apart because he had gotten a girlfriend. That was the thing that broke your heart.

You had never built up the courage to tell Taw how you felt, something you regret on daily basis especially since he started going out with Hannah (his girlfriend). 20 minutes later you were in the park by your house looking for Tae. You were a bit confused as you couldn't see him which was weird considering the park was empty. 

Then you felt a tap on your shoulder and you spun around to find yourself face to face with Tae.

His face was blotchy, his eyes red which confirmed your suspicions about him crying. Immediately you grabbed him and pulled him into a hug.  You could feel his breathing on your neck, something you found strangely comforting. It was good to be back with Tae.

"Whats wrong Tae?" You spoke into his neck, desperate to know what was wrong.

You stayed in a hug for a good 5 minutes before Tae pulled away. 

He took a deep breath and let it out.

"I made a mistake. I broke up with Hannah".

Your heart sunk. Oh. He had called you out here because he was upset over a break-up?! Suddenly you were angry. 

"Tae?! I don't care if you broke up with her. I thought this was something serious!" You were about to storm home when he grabbed your arm. "That wasn't the mistake. The mistake was going out with her in the first place. I should be going out with you".

Your heart flipped. This is not real.

Then Tae leant forward and presses his soft lips against, his hand cupping your face. He pulled away, ever so slightly. His lips graxed yours as he spoke.

"Its always been you. Always". 

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moonlightxiii #1
Chapter 30: My Jimin feels are out of control right now since his teaser photos came out Ghdictgbdugdjjdhvxnfgj
I will
I will
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Chapter 27: Oh my Jhope feels
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Chapter 22: Nonononono
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Chapter 17: It's sooo sad I tried so hard to will my tears not to fall
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Chapter 11: Ohhhhh taehyung u soooo nastehhhhh~
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Chapter 9: Ahhhhhhfjehjdbfdhj
Agressive Yoongi is the bestest