Romantic Fail

My Little Imagines

You walked into the kitchen to find the lights dimmed, with candles lit throughout the room, and food neatly laid out on two plates on the table. Standing behind the table was your boyfriend, Jin who had a wide grin on his face. You stepped closer.

"What is all this?"

“Its just something special for my beautiful girlfriend,” Jin tells you with a wide grin.

The food looked delicious. Pasta, chicken wings, salad, chips.

"Erm well its a random combination, but it looks and smells fantastic!”

He smiled. "I know. I just wanted all the best for a nice meal for you."

He pulled out a chair for you and you sat, ready to eat this feast Jin had prepared for you.

When you had made your way through the luxurious meal, complete with perfect chat, you leant back in your chair, pleasantly full and watched as Jin got up and started clearing the dishes.

"I hope the dessert is as good as that!" Jin only smiled and continued clearing up. You scanned the kitchen and your eyes fell on the bin which had a take-out bag poking through the lid. That was not there this morning.

“Hey Jin, did you get take-out for lunch, babe?” you ask, not thinking anything of it.

“No, why?” he answers casually.

Oh. That was odd.

“Then where did that bag come from?”

He looked at the bin and his facial expression changes in an instant. You realise what he's done. You jump out of your chair, flailing your finger at him as you scold playfully.

"Kim Seokjin!! How dare you take credit for cooking a meal that you bought from a takeaway shop?!”

He laughs coyly and flashes you an innocent smile. He took a bag from the cupboard and handed it to you.

"I'm sorry y/n. But will these make up for it?" You opened the bag to find delicious-looking homemade cookies.

You scoffed and said, "No... you probably got these from the bakery down the road!" Jin shuffled his feet and you hit his chest playfully.

"I really cannot believe you Jin!"
"Haha im sorry y/n! But its the thought that counts".

You smile at him and took a cookie, popping it into your mouth. "Well I just have to eat these all now by myself".

And with that you got your jacket and left with the bag, leaving Jin with a whole load of washing up to do.

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