You're such a weirdo!

You're being watched


  1. Taeminie12 has requested for All couple moments
  2. Miamimutz has requested for KeyBer and TaeLli
  3. SulliTaemin has requested for TaeLli
  4. Jinsull requested JongNa sweet scene
  5. Summerhanes requested for F(x) only bonding scene
  6. Loly21 has requested for KeyBer
  7. KrystalSuzy has request for MinStal

Thank you for requesting and please do let me know how it is!

Anymore requests anyone has then just comment me and I'll add it in for you :D

F(x) are all inside Victoria's room.Victoria,Luna and Krystal are sitting on the bed,Sulli is sitting on the chair while Amber said she wanted to lean against the wall.

''So how do you find living in here like this?'' Victoria asked.

''It's okay!'' Sulli replied.

''Sometimes I wish I can get out but it can be fun in here so I don't mind!'' Amber told.

''But seriously I wish those guys weren't here at times!'' Luna said. ''Especially that Jonghyun!''

''What's with you and Jonghyun?'' Krystal teased.

''What's happening?'' Amber teased as well.

''Oh really? What's happening with you and Minho then?'' Luna looked at Krystal then looked at Amber. ''What's happening with you and Key?''

''NOTHING!'' Amber and Krystal both exclaimed at once.

''Your reactions are so funny!'' Sulli laughed.

''I wish that arrogant class president wasn't here!'' Victoria complained. ''Can you actually believe him? Always getting angry that we are in this rank when we didn't even wanted to be here in the first place.''

''You really do seem like you argue with Onew a lot!'' Amber pointed out.

''Everyday there's always a thing you two have to argue about.'' Luna teased.

''Are Victoria and Onew going to be the next big couple!'' Sulli winked.

''Oh yeah? How about you and Taemin? Clearly you two were flirting with each other!'' Victoria gave Sulli a look.

''What? No! He was flirting with me and I wasn't reacting!'' Sulli corrected.

''Do you think Taemin is interested in Sulli?'' Luna asked everyone.

''I think he is!'' Amber said.

'' times he doesn't seem like he cares but at times I think he does!'' Victoria nodded her head.

''I don't think so at all.'' Krystal told her opinion. ''You do know that he is the biggest player in the school so I would advise you to be careful around him!''

''Thank you!'' Sulli thanked Krystal since she does agree with her.

''Do you girls know any of the guys before coming here?'' Krystal asked.

''Well I don't know a lot about Jonghyun other than him hanging around with his group,Block B.'' Luna replied. ''They always go to detention when I see them!''

''I never knew Taemin until I came here.'' Sulli informed.

''Same case with Onew!'' Victoria agreed.

''Obviously everyone would know Minho since he is popular in our school but that's about everything I know about him.'' Krystal said.

''Then I guess I know the most about their partner then.'' Amber said.

''You knew Key before coming here?'' Victoria asked.

''Even before the college?'' Sulli asked

''I've known that jerk since childhood.'' Amber told.

''Really?'' Krystal asked.

''Yeah our mothers are friends but he and I never got along after college.'' Amber informed. ''We did get along really well when we were young but now we just hate each other and can't stand each other!''

''Correction I can't stand you but you always want me!'' Key came into Victoria's room.

All the other Shinee members came inside as well.

''HEY what are you all doing here? We're having a private girl talk!'' Victoria informed.

''You take that back Key!'' Amber pointed her finger at Key. ''I was never interested in you and it's your delusion to think I was!''

''You're such a liar.I mean I know I am handsome and all but please honey you don't need to lie to get me.'' Key boasted.

''Oh I'm sorry!'' Amber sarcastically said. ''I forgot to tell you all that Key has always been gay ever since he was young.''

''HEY!'' Key pointed his finger to Amber. ''You take that back!''

''Should I?'' Amber smirked. ''Guys did I ever tell you the time Key kissed another guy when we were young?''

''Oh we're going to tell secrets eh?'' Key raised his eyebrow. ''Fine guys did I ever tell you that Amber pooped in her pants when we were ten years old?''

''I DID NOT!'' Amber glared. ''Guys did I tell you that Key was rejected in front of everyone when he proposed to a girl but she revealed to everyone that she was a lesbian?''

''THAT'S NOT TRUE!'' Key exclaimed. ''Guys did I ever tell you how Amber always has her favourite teddy bear and likes to her thumb when she sleeps?''

''YOU LIAR!'' Amber angrily said. ''Okay then guys did I ever tell you that Key had a crush on a guy more than ten times and he still has a crush on everyone especially you Minho!''

''What? Why are you dragging me into this?'' Minho was confused.

''Minho that is not true!'' Key said then looked at Amber. ''Krystal did you know that Amber had a crush on you since she first saw you?''

''Krystal he is lying! Don't trust him!'' Amber said then looked at Key. ''Should I tell everyone how you once tried to make out with Sehun but you unfortunately didn't have the chance to because the TARA girls took him away?''

''Oh you did not just say that! That is such a lie!'' Key hissed. ''Fine I think I should tell everyone how you aren't a anymore!''

''YOU LIAR!'' Amber pushed Key down and punched his chest.

''OW!?'' Key shouted. ''THAT HURTS!''

''Stop it you two!'' Victoria hissed and pulled Amber.

''Key stop it!'' Onew pulled Key away.

''He is such a big liar and he makes up random gossip which aren't true at all!'' Amber said.

''You do as well!'' Key countered.

''SHUT UP YOU IMMATURE BRATS!'' Krystal demanded.

''Brat? Who you calling a brat when you're the biggest brat amongst us!' Minho countered.

''Yeah!'' KeyBer agreed.

''Do you always have to get involved in everything I say?!'' Krystal glared at Minho.

''Well I'd get involved in anything I want!'' Minho said.

''Just admit Minho!'' Krystal arrogantly rolled her eyes.

''Admit what?'' Minho asked.

''You like me don't you? So typical from a guy!'' Krystal boasted.

''Uhm......'' Minho leaned closer to Krystal's ear. ''WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!''

''OW?!'' Krystal massaged her ear. ''You plan on making me deaf or something?!''

''Well that wasn't the plan but that's good enough!'' Minho smirked.

''You're unbelieveable.'' Krystal rolled her eyes.

''So how do you feel about staying in such a nice place?'' Sulli tried to change the topic.

''Oh it is great!'' Taemin replied. ''I can see you everyday!''

''Anything else that is nice?'' Sulli asked.

''No,it's only you!'' Taemin said.

''Taemin are you interested in me or are you just flirting?'' Sulli asked.

''Woah that's a big question!'' Taemin said.

''Well which one is it?'' Sulli asked again.

''What do you think?'' Taemin asked.

''You're just spending your time,flirting with me.'' Sulli replied.

''Oh could you think like that about me?'' Taemin sadly said.

''Isn't that the truth?'' Sulli asked.

''Of course not!'' Taemin's eyes went watery.

''Oh no are you crying?!'' Sulli was worried.

''I don't know what else to do than cry especially when a cute girl like you would say something like that to me!'' Taemin sadly answered.

''Please don't cry! I was only joking you know a joke!'' Sulli nervously laughed. ''Come on don't be sad now!''

''You hurted my feelings and you are just so heartless to me!'' Taemin ran to his room and shut the door.

''Taemin-ah I was only being stupid...Sorry I'm so sorry!'' Sulli was scared that she made someone cry for the first time.

*Oh my poor Sulli.You really are so innocent yet interesting to mess with!* Taemin smirked as he wept away his fake tears. *God I'm such a good actor.Girls all fall for this act of mine everytime!*

''Okay I seriously am starting to hate you right now!'' Krystal angrily said.

''Oh really?'' Minho sarcastically answered. ''Please don't do that...My whole life evolves around you and my life's goal is only to make you happy!''

''How about I say something about the Lemon Cake?'' Krystal grinned.

''What Lemon Cake?'' Minho nervously asked.

''Oh you don't know?'' Krystal acted like she didn't. ''Maybe I should speak more about it so someone would really know!''

''Krystal don't you dare!'' Minho whispered.

''Try me!'' Krystal smirked.

''Hi Luna!'' Jonghyun smiled as he sat next to her.

''Huh? Oh hey!'' Luna greeted.

''Can I ask you for a favour?'' Jonghyun asked.

''What?'' Luna asked.

''Can you make more cakes? I'm getting pretty hungry you know!'' Jonghyun told.

''YA Do you think I am some chef or something that I should cook for you?!'' Luna glared.

''I think you are!'' Jonghyun told.

''What did you just say?!'' Luna's eyes went into flames as she looked at Jonghyun.

''You're the chef and you should get back to the kitchen!'' Jonghyun ordered.

''NO ONE ORDERS LUNA PARK!'' Luna angrily punched Jonghyun's arm.

''OW!'' Jonghyun pouted.

''TAKE THIS AND THAT YOU JERK!'' Luna punched then kicked Jonghyun.

''Woah let's get out of here!'' Victoria said and everyone except JongNa got out.

''SAVE ME!'' Jonghyun requested.

''Sorry dude but you're on your own for this one!'' Key told.

Jonghyun got up and tried to escape but...

''WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?!'' Luna pulled Jonghyun back and started to hit him again.


''Let's do our homework guys!'' Victoria said as she sat down on the chair and placed her homework on the table.

''Okay I need help with it anyway.'' Amber placed her homework on the chair.

''How can you two need help with it when it's in Chinese?'' Key scratched his head.

''Oh is it?!'' Amber and Victoria both smiled then looked at the homework. ''So easy!''

''Yeah easy for you two to say since you both are Chinese!'' Key glared. ''If there was something like Korean language then I would have been the best you see.''

''Okay fine speak in Korean with me then! We'll see who's speaking better!'' Amber said.

''What do you mean speak in Korean? I'm speaking in Korean right now you dumb idiot!'' Key answered.

''Well it's too bad so why don't you speak in another language like English!'' Amber told.

''Well I clearly can't!'' Key showed his attitude.

''Hey you class president!'' Victoria called out.

''Yeah?'' Onew asked.

''Why don't you sit here while I help you with homework!'' Victoria offered to help.

''No need! I already done it!'' Onew told.

''Well I can check it for is in Chinese you see.'' Victoria boasted.

''I clearly know that cause I did it!'' Onew rolled his eyes.

''Well I can tell you that you did wrong!'' Victoria argued.

''How?! I clearly know the language well enough to even speak it with you!'' Onew argued.

''Oh yeah? I'll check your homework and if you got it ALL right then you can have anything from me!'' Victoria offered.

''Anything?'' Onew smiled as he got interested.

''Anything and the same for me IF you get even ONE wrong!'' Victoria grinned.

''Deal!'' Onew smiled as he shook hands with Victoria.

''Great now get your homework here!'' Victoria demanded and Onew came back with his homework.

Victoria checked all the answers that Onew had listed.Most were correct but then....

''HA You got one wrong!'' Victoria widely smiled.

''What?! How?'' Onew was confused.

''This one right here!'' Victoria showed.

''That's right!'' Onew argued.

''No it's wrong" Victoria argued back.

''You're just lying to win the deal!'' Onew accused.

''Oh you did not just accuss me of something that stupid!?'' Victoria gasped. ''Fine Amber check all the answers of this homework then tell us who's right!''

OnToria looked over to see....

''I'll kill you before you kill me!'' Amber placed her hands on Key's neck.

''I'll kill you way faster than you'll kill me!'' Key placed his hands on Amber's neck.

''OH YEAH?!'' Amber shouted as she went closer to Key's face.

''YEAH!'' Key glared as he went closer to Amber's face.

''You stupid pig!'' Amber pushed Key on the floor.

''You dumb donkey!'' Key pushed Amber on the floor as well.

''You dirty dog!'' Amber kicked Key on the leg.

''You sneaky cat!'' Key kicked Amber back.

''You're so fat like a cow!'' Amber punched Key's arm.

''Well at least I ain't short-tempered like a bull like you!'' Key stuck his tongue out.

''You're a coward nothing else.You're the perfect example of a fox!'' Amber told.

''Victoria is it just me or do I hear pigs squealing?'' Key asked.

''Onew do I hear a fat cow going moo moo!'' Amber asked.

''I can hear someone barking but who is it?'' Key asked.

''I can hear a silly cat going meow but I can't seem it figure out who it is!'' Amber told.

Before Key could talk the four heard...

''Taemin-ah open the door!'' Sulli banged her hand on Taemin's door. ''Please I'm so sorry.I won't do it again!''

''What's going on Sulli?'' Victoria walked over to Sulli.

''I think I made Taemin cry but I didn't mean to!'' Sulli sadly said.

''You made him cry? How?'' Onew asked.

''I just said that all he does with me is flirt and I don't think he's interested in me then he just broke into tears and ran to his room.'' Sulli explained.

''Tsk he's faking it!'' Key told.

''No one cares over that at this age!'' Onew agreed.

''YOU GUYS DON'T CARE ABOUT ME!'' Taemin acted like he was sad and crying.

''Guys he might really be sensitive you know!" Victoria hissed. ''Taemin-ah we're all your friends and Sulli didn't mean to do that to you!''

''She hurt me!'' Taemin acted sad but inside he was laughing. *This is getting more hilarious than I thought!*

''Taemin open the door and we can talk! Please! I'm sorry!'' Sulli begged.

''Okay I want to meet only Sulli in my room okay? No one else!'' Taemin ordered.

''Okay just open the door.'' Victoria said.

''Sulli come inside now.'' Taemin ordered and Sulli came inside.

Taemin smirked as he pushed Sulli against the door and had his hand on .

''Now I want you all to leave us alone!'' Taemin acted and Sulli was surprised that he was only acting.

''Okay we're going now.'' Victoria went away.

''Hey honey!'' Taemin smiled. ''Did you like the drama I showed you just now?''

Taemin took his hand away from his mouth.

''YOU WERE ACT---'' Taemin put his hand on Sulli's mouth again.

''No no no! Don't scream or else I can act again...this time I'll say you made me cry again!'' Taemin smiled. ''Oh god I am so manipulative and good at acting isn't it?''

Taemin took his hand away.

''You were acting?!'' Sulli was surprised.

''Obviously but guess what? I managed to make the leader,Victoria on my side so now I can just go to her and make any accusations and she'll believe me!'' Taemin told. ''Isn't it just great?''

''But I thought you were crying?'' Sulli asked.

''Did you like the act I did? It was particulary for you.'' Taemin winked. ''You got a glimpse of my talent you know!''

''You're so unreal at times!'' Sulli gave Taemin a disgusted look.

''You're so cute all the time though! I couldn't go away from you since I think I became your number one fan.'' Taemin sighed as he leaned closer to Sulli's face. ''What can I do? I can't help it that you're so cute!''

''Let me go or else I'll scream!'' Sulli said.

''You wanna scream? Okay scream but I'll tell you that if you scream then my lips on your lips...a nice happy sight isn't it?'' Taemin grinned.

''No.'' Sulli shook her head.

''Great now I'll let you go since I got what I wanted from you!'' Taemin smiled.

''Got what from me?'' Sulli asked.

''A time where I can be close with you and here we are..Voila!'' Taemin grinned.

''Okay okay let me go now!'' Sulli raised her eyebrow.

''Well only if you don't tell anyone that I was only acting or else.....'' Taemin evily smiled. ''Your lips on my lips.''

''No no no!'' Sulli shook her head vigorously. ''You win! You win! I won't tell!''

''Great anyway bye bye Sulli!'' Taemin let go of Sulli and Sulli went out of Taemin's room. ''Sometimes I can't help but be evil you know!''

*That evil boy! I have to get him back for this!* Sulli thought.


''Luna-ah!'' Jonghyun said when he spotted Luna with everyone else.

''What?'' Luna asked.

''Let's go eat!'' Jonghyun requested as he helped Luna stand up.

''Why do you want to eat with me?'' Luna asked as she stood up.

''Let's go neh?'' Jonghyun eye-smiled as he held Luna's hand.

''Ooooooooooooo!'' Everyone else teased as they saw Jonghyun holding Luna's hand.

*WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING?!* Luna's eyes were frozen as she saw her hand was with Jonghyun's hand.

Luna looked at Jonghyun and saw that he was eye-smiling to her while brightly smiling.

''Let's go!'' Jonghyun smiled as he pulled Luna whilst holding her hand.

Luna was so shocked that she was confused for a while and just didn't even do or say anything.The others all giggled as they followed JongNa to the dinner table.

''You should sit down!'' Jonghyun said as he placed Luna on the chair. ''I'll just be back!''

Jonghyun came back with two plates that was filled with cakes that Luna made yesterday.

''I brought fruitcake for you since I saw that you really liked it while I'll eat the other cakes!'' Jonghyun smiled. ''Okay let's eat!''

The others all giggled as they saw the sight of JongNa.Jonghyun was busy,eating and enjoying the cakes whilst Luna was frozen and staring at Jonghyun.Jonghyun realised that Luna was staring at him and looked at her.

''Eh? Why aren't you eating?'' Jonghyun asked.

''Maybe cause she's fallen for you!'' Krystal giggled.

''Luna can't stop staring at you!'' Victoria laughed.

''Maybe she loves you!'' Sulli chuckled.

''EH?! NO!'' Luna exclaimed.

''It's okay.They are just joking!'' Jonghyun eye-smiled. ''You should eat.''

*What the hell is this guy's problem? I beat him so much yet he's so nice to me?* Luna thought in her head. ''Jonghyun?''

''Yeah?'' Jonghyun said.

''I think Luna wants to confess to you now!'' Amber chuckled.

''YA Shut up!'' Luna glared then looked at Jonghyun. ''Can I ask you something?''

''Sure!'' Jonghyun smiled.

''Are you......'' Luna looked at Jonghyun.

''Am I what?'' Jonghyun asked.

''Are you on drugs?'' Luna asked.

''WHAT?!'' Jonghyun gave Luna a poker face. ''What makes you think that?''

''Why are you acting so nice to me? You're freaking me out.'' Luna told. ''You're such a weirdo!''

''No reason!'' Jonghyun shrugged his shoulders.

''KISS KISS KISS KISS!'' The others all shouted.

''YA SHUT UP!'' Luna glared at them all.

''It's okay! I don't mind them.They're only joking you know.'' Jonghyun said then ate some cakes.


''FEED HIM! FEED HIM! FEED HIM!'' Everyone shouted along.

''Feed me!'' Jonghyun pushed the plate of cakes to Luna.

''What?'' Luna asked.

''Feed me!'' Jonghyun pointed to his mouth.

''FEED YOU?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!'' Luna asked.

''I want you to feed me so do it!'' Jonghyun ordered.

''Oh yeah?! Well open wide then!'' Luna ordered back.

Jonghyun opened his mouth but then Luna took a huge handful of the cakes and shoved it all on Jonghyun's mouth while evily laughing.

''Do you like it when I feed you?! MWHAHAHAHA!'' Luna evily laughed as she shoved the cakes on Jonghyun's mouth.

Jonghyun coughed for a bit then drank water.

''What happen now? Do you want me to feed you some more?'' Luna evily looked at Jonghyun.

''Okay!'' Jonghyun smiled.

''WHAT?! She almost killed you!'' The others all told.

''But I like how she fed me! It's unique and very lovely!'' Jonghyun told.

''Jonghyun I don't know a lot about you but I think you,sir are on drugs so goodbye!'' Luna walked to her room and closed the door.

''I actually think Luna's right this time!'' Krystal nodded her head.

''Maybe he is on drugs!'' Minho nodded his head along.

Author-Nim=Thank you all very much for reading chapter 12! Thank you very much for all the people who commented and I hope you have all enjoyed this chapter!

I hope everyone enjoyed the moments they requested and thanks for reading!

Anyone has any request then please do tell me as I will fulfill your request! Request to me as many as moments as you would like and I promise to add them in the chapters :D

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yuuki_18 #1
Chapter 60: can you kindly pls.. continue the story
Chapter 59: Author-nim plz write more jongna stories.
when I first heard of him passing away I thought I'll quit kpop,cuz ring ding dong starts with him..but then I thought it is the wrong way so I decided to be a loyal shawol forever.
...right now I believe he never left us and this way we can keep him closer to our hearts .
I really liked your story btw^_^
Chapter 20: Omg this is the best chapter until now...when I read about 8 kids I was laughing like a crazy fool XD XD XD
Chapter 60: As always, the content is amazing. As I was reading it, teaes was coming out.
Thank you as always author-nim.
I'll be waiting for the next chapter.
Chapter 60: I'm crying while reading this. And thank you for listening at my reasons. Love you author-nim ♡♡♡♡♡...
Let's be happy for Jonghyun and let us always remind him that he did well. Okay?
me2078 #6
Chapter 59: I still can't believe the news until now. Felt so empty knowing that he won't be with us anymore. I will accept any decision you make. Stay strong and take care.
minstalLuvers_94 #7
Chapter 59: I will accept your decision
Chapter 59: I feel sorry too. As a Shawol, I still can't accept the reality that he is now away from our existence.even though I don't wanna believe it, it still happened.
Don't worry what ever your decision we are going to accept it as a respect for you and jonghyun
Chapter 59: As a reader of the book, I will support what decision u come up with. I also think it will be hard for u to keep on writing so if u want to stop then I will support ur decision.
Chapter 58: Sorry for not commenting earrlier. I was on holiday so I didn't have time to read.
The chapter is really great Moments of Tarlli and Minstal are the best.
Looking forward to the next chapter.