Chapter 4



Reina was waiting outside for Sehun again when the bell rang for the end of school. Kai smiled upon seeing Reina while Sehun scowled. 'Where are you going now?' Reina asked as she held onto the strap of her backpack walking by their side.

'We're going Sehun's house today' Kai replied as they walked towards the gate. Reina nodded as she walked with them.

When Reina walked out of the gate, the other Exo-K members were already there. 'Oh its her!' D.O said excitedly the moment he saw Reina.

Exo-K immediately turned around at the mention of her name and waved at her. 'Hey!' Chanyeol smiled the brightest.

Reina awkwardly nodded her head back. Seeing them for a few times doesnt make her feel any closer to them nor get used to them.

'Lets go!' Sehun cheerfully slung his hand over Suho's shoulder. Suho slapped his hand away before they could even move. 'Yah! Im still your hyung!' Reina watched as Suho gave Sehun a stern look. Both of their faces were serious Reina thought a fight would have come between them. However, it wasnt long before both of them burst into laughter and playfully pushed each other.

Reina rubbed her eyes upon seeing Sehun's laughter. It was rare for her to see him smile not to mention laugh. *Did he just smile? He looked so different...*

Sehun looked back and noticed Reina's presence. 'What are you doing here?' His eyes immediately turned cold and hard upon seeing Reina’s figure.

Reina snapped out of her thoughts and looked up at him 'huh?'

'I asked why are you here? You are following us aren’t you? Why are you following us?' Sehun hissed. Exo-K looked towards Sehun then Reina, seemly not sure of what to do.

Reina gulped, for a second, she thought she should have just given up but she managed to pull herself back from the negative thoughts. 'Im joining you all too of course. Part of the deal' Reina reminded as casually as possible to show that she wasn’t affected by him.

Sehun growled 'No way!'

'Yes way' Reina nodded then continued 'Im suppose to make you laugh for the rest of the week'

'Do it some other day then!' Sehun scowled.

'Can you extend the dateline then?' Reina questioned.

'No!' Sehun replied without even thinking.

'Well Im following you then' Reina simply replied.

'No!' Sehun stubbornly said

'Its part of the deal' Reina reminded again.

Suho put a hand on Sehun's shoulder 'She's right, you cant just reject her when you're the one that set the deal this way.' Sehun scowled and looked away. He knew Suho was right, he was the one that was stupid enough to set the deal that way, he couldn’t just back out now.

'How about we go somewhere else?' D.O suggested.

'Where?' Baekhyun asked.

'Arcade?' Chanyeol suggested but D.O and Baekhyun shook their head. 'Count me out if we're going arcade' Baekhyun said.

'How about we go Hongdae and figure it out later?' the witty Kai asked.

Chanyeol raised his hand without having to think through 'Im in'

'Call' Suho smiled his infamous eyesmile.

'Me too' Bakehyun replied.

'Im definitely in' D.O joined in.

They looked towards Sehun for reply. Sehun heaved a sigh before he grumpily said 'Im in!' Exo-K cheered. In the midst of their happy atmosphere, Suho looked towards Reina who kept silent at the side. 'You're coming too right?' Reina eyed Sehun quietly before she nodded her head.

'Lets go then!' Kai slung his hand around Reina's shoulder and started walking towards the bus stop. Reina uncomfortably squirmed under Kai's skinship. Sehun saw it and took Kai's arm off her shoulder. 'Dont get so close to her, I don’t want you to get any of her stupidity and weirdness’

Reina turned towards Sehun and glared hard at him ‘Im not weird! You’re the weird one’

Sehun raised his brow ‘Why am I the weird one when clearly you’re the weird one here?’ Sehun pointed out.

‘Which normal person would reject an offer to be friend with another person?’ Reina questioned.

Sehun smirked then replied ‘Which normal person wouldn’t reject a friend offer by a weirdo aka you?’

‘Yah!’ Reina was clearly pissed.

‘Yah?! Who are you calling yah?’ Sehun glared back.

Reina crossed her arms and looked straight into his eyes as she spoke ‘You obviously? Who else? You’re not just weird, looks like you’re stupid too.’

Sehun closed the distance between them ‘Mind repeating again?’ he speak slowly and clearly for her to hear.

‘I don’t have a problem with that’ Reina smirked as she looked up at him.

Exo-K watched as Reina and Sehun glared at each other. Tensions were high in the air. D.O faked a chuckled ‘Sehun ah, lets go shall we?’ D.O took a step towards Sehun but Sehun held his hand out to stop D.O from advancing towards them, all the while glaring at Reina.

*What is he thinking?* Reina watched as Sehun changed from glaring at her to a smirk on his face.

Sehun smirked widened as he spoke. ‘Arent you suppose to make me laugh? Are you sure this is the way you should talk to me?’

Reina’s face immediately fell upon hearing his words. *Right! What am I doing?!* Reina mentally scolded herself. Sehun wanted to laugh at her expression but he held back.

Reina fake a laugh ‘You wouldn’t be so petty right?’

Sehun raised his brow ‘What makes you think so?’

‘Yah!’ Reina yelled again, seeing how cocky Sehun was. She wanted to wipe off the smirk on his face badly. Reina quickly covered when she realised what she had just did. ‘Im sorry!’ Reina apologised. Sehun just turned and looked at Exo-K who were silent by the side. ‘Lets go!’ Sehun replied and dragged them with him without looking back at Reina.

*This guy* Reina clenched her fist as she mentally cussed him.

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Chapter 57: cute story if u make more chapter it wont be bad idea hehehe..i love their all moments ...keep writing more story of sehun fluff comedy romantic
Chapter 57: They are cute
Its a good story
I like it
primitian #3
Such an easy read story. thank you so much. That was so cute and I laughed so much reading this I love the humor :)
missgalaxxy99 #4
Chapter 57: I need sehun Now
missgalaxxy99 #5
Chapter 28: Loool i thought he is luhan , so he is CSH
Jjongshi #6
Chapter 57: Aaaaaaaaa sweeT~~~~~ I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!! I really want them to get married and then have lots and lots and lots of baby!!!
Babbie #7
Chapter 57: Very nice story it was fun and flows very well. I like how love gradually grew for these two
I loved the story!! Super cute!! :D
Chapter 57: Sweeeeeet!!!! FLUFF FTW :DDD