The dream conclusion...


"Wake up Andy. Wake up."

I've been constantly hearing that voice.  I opened my eyes and I was suddeny blinded by the sunlight coming from the window. I stretched my arms and stood up, looked at the mirror and nothing has changed to me. I saw the vampire book I was reading... *Ting* There it goes again. The sound of bell echoing in my head. I took a change of clothes, fixed my hair and headed downstairs where my parents and my older brother Noa was already having breakfast. "Good morning Andy" They greeted to me.

"Morning everyone."

"Come and sit. Breakfast is ready." My mom said.



After the eat I decided to return the vampire book to the library. I also wanted to take a stroll because I may be able to regain some memories from my past... well, the days before my birthday. I can't seem to remember anything before that day. When I arrive, I saw Jun sitting in a corner reading and thre were piles of books on the table he is occupying. I brought the book to the librarian and walked towards Jun.

"Hey Jun" I whispered to his ear from behind. "What are you reading?" Jun turned to face me and his eyes seem different fro the last time I saw him. His skin color also seemed to have changed.... He was much more paler... And his black hair shinned more beautifully....

"Vampire books..."

"Eh? When did you get interested to them? They're not even true so why read those books?" I chuckled and sat beside him. "Do you believe in them Jun?"

"If humans exists.... so why not vampires right?" Why does his voice seem cold? "Vampires ar always believed to be cold creatures but that was because humans don't acknwledge their existence properly." He made a small smile to me which was different from the lively Jun I was with last time.

"Are you okay? You seem to be siding with fictional characters Jun" I touched his forehead to know his temperature but I my hand flinched away. His forehead was really cold. It was freezing. He looked at me and I surprised with the way he stared at me...

"Is something wrong Andy?"

"Ah--ahhh... No.. I'm okay.."

"Want to go somwhere?"

"Hmmm... Okay!"

"Then I'll just return these books. Can you wait me outside?" He started gathering the books

"Sure thing."

I waited for him and he arrived really quick. He gave me the motor helmet and I put it in. He started the engine and I sat at the back side placing my arms around his waist. I was more surprised... His body was freezing... or was it the wind passing by me? I squeezed him... I also like this coldness... I wonder where we were going. I closed my eyes feeling the breeze and absorbing the freezing temperature of Jun.

I suddenly felt the speed fall down and the vehicle stopped and the sound of waves flattered around us. I opened my eyes and removed my hands from him.  I got off and removed the helmet and gave it to Jun who has already removed his helmet. I turned to the sea and nobody was around except for us.

"Why the sea Jun?" I asked him as we walked through the sandy shore.

"Not much reason..."

I looked at the sky and it seemed to got darker. "Is it going to rain today?"

"Yeah. If you don't wake up." He chuckled. If I don't wake up?

"What are you saying? Do I seem to be asleep?" I laughed in return. I sat down on a big rock and Jun was beside me. I held his hand which was really cold and looked at him. His eyes were different.

"Are you sick? Are you wearing contacts?"

"What's with your questions Andy?"

"Your skin is freezing and you look really pale and your eyes seemed utterly different so I was wondering why you seemed to have changed. He smiled at me not giving an answer. He looked at the sea and I then realised that the sky was already dark.

"Do you believe in vampires Andy?" I was surprised with his sudden question. He looked at me with those eyes again... His expression was really serious.

"Hmmm... I don't know actually... Maybe if I encounter one someday..." I giggled and Jun suddenly stood up. It started to rain. "AH! Let's go now Jun" I took his hand and started pullling him but he didn't move an inch. "Jun?! We're going to be soaking wet."

Then lightning and thunder appeared... Juns eyes were changing colors and the rain started to get heavy... The sea was having huge waves... I removed my hand and suddenly he grabbed both my arms. "Then will you believe if you meet one today?" What is he thinking?

"What are you saying Jun?" His hands were so strong and it was like going to break my arms. "Jun, you're hurting me!" I looked at his eyes and it was shinning bright red. He took a step and now he was so close... I was shivering not because of the rain but because of his scary look.

"Time's running out..." Jun whispered and I saw his fangs.

"Va-va-vampire!" I sreamed in horror. I tried resisting to run away but his face dropped to my neck.

"Please remember who you really are Andy.. Please remember who I am... Who we are... please.. before it's too late..." His hands gripping me were shaking heavily and both of us were soaking wet. "I don't understand anything you are saying Jun.."

"Then I'll force you to remember..." Then I felt his lips on my neck and fangs pierce me. It hurts.. "NO Jun! Ah!" But my body went numb as he drank continuosly.. What did he mean by force me to remember? Remember what? I don't understand... Lightning and thunder constinued appearing... Strong winds gushed to us and I could only hear the strong waves.. I was feeling hot and dizzy... I felt his arms wrap around me.


*Ting Ting Ting Ting*

The sound of the bells came nearer and louder... My tears were flowing out... I closed them trying to understand things I don't understand and what Jun means to remember... Does he mean I am also a vampire?

"Yes." I heard a voice in my head.

"Who's there?!"

"You've forgotten me, have you?" It was a woman's voice. I opened my eyes but it was not Jun... The voice was stuck inside my head so maaybe I have to talk using my voice inside my head too. Jun continued drinking and my head was loosing it.

"I don't recall anything.. Who are you.."

"I know you can't recall... Because you force yourself not to believe in reality and created your own world..."

"What are you saying? My own world? So what is reality...."

"Open your eyes Andy... Only 30 minutes left before the race disappears"

"What? What race? What disappearance?"

"Do you believe in vampires Andy?"

"This question again? Why do I have to believe in them?"

"Because you are one of them... Remember Andy! Remember everything!"


A loud ring of the bell struk my head and I saw different scenes of me... with different people... and I saw myself... dead... then being asleep for a long period.... then biting Jun... and There was also a kid who I helped... Is this the real me? So does this mean.... This world is what I have created... Tears started flowing again... I can't stop them... I can remember everything now...

"I... I am a vampire...."

"Now you know who you are... right?"

"I... I... I was all keeping my feeling from my heart... Not telling anything to anyone.. And I lied when I told Jun and Elli to be happy... I was so upset and mad... I wanted to be happy..." I cried and I felt a soft touch on my cheeks... It was Lady Saneel!

"It's normal to feel upset but I hope you don't forget that you are important to them aswell."

"Lady.. Saneel... I..."

"Everyone is scared for you have not opened your eyes... This is the prophesied day that the whole race depends on your shoulders. The choice is yours to make Andy. Should you choose to be happy, remain in this dreamland but if you choose to be a full-blooded vampire... open your eyes and remove yourself in your own dream... The choice is only for you Andy... And I can't tell you the outcome of that decision.."

"That's kind of unfair ou know.. I want to be happy... so I choose to..........................."

I suddenly heard a loud thunder which brought me back to the sea where Jun was wiping my face. The rain was not that strong anymore. "Wake up Andy!"

"Jun" He suddnly squeezed me. "I'm sorry for aking you worry. I remember everything now." I wrap my hands on his neck and snuggled to him. I want to be with the real Jun.. Even if I get hurt and all... I want to return to everybody.. I want to go back home.. to my real home and not in this dream...

"Do you remember everything now? Is that true Andy?"

"Yes. Let's go home now, okay? But be prepared when I wake up cause you'll be making a lot of talking to me about everything and I don't want you to lie.." His face seemed surprised then he smiled giving a warm feeling to me.

"I will do everything you say Andy. I love you." My beating heart skipped a beat with his sweet genuine words. I stood up and reached for a pointed rock and I immediatly found one. I turned to Jun. "I love you too" and struck my heart with that rock. It hurt a little but Jun gave me a kiss and suddenly everything went bright white....

Then afterwards.....


--chap end--



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Chapter 91: I'm totally obsessed with this story! It was very interesting! Now, I get what you meant by this was not an ordinary cliche vampire story. :) I'm soo glad about that. When the story unfolded, it exposed so many things. Prophecies, secrets, histories, and with the complex love that you couldn't imagine. It was extraordinary. Whenever you reached happiness, there were always something will bring you down. Intriguing and a lot of suspense and mysteries revolved in this fiction. I hope people will read this story. Love your story! ♥
Jahsa4 #2
Chapter 1: I will read it again and again because it's awesome
Chapter 91: This is my first time seeing a story on the site were the main characters aren't idols. I love this vampire Fic. :)
ririlu #4
Wow...finnally i find story like this.... thank you im so happy.... ^^im new reader
tirawolf #5
Chapter 91: Hey thx fr invite me to read tis AMAZING story. I hope u can make more like tis n sry fr the late comment sis!
Chapter 44: Ahh~ this story is subarashi! ^-^ I luv how it's short and long. U know balance it! c;
Jenn81234 #7
Love this story and thank you for sharing this story with me. I feel honored
READERS: Thanks for dropping by my profile and reading the prequel and sequel. LOL. Thanks a lot! Love you guys so much! ;)
i love this story so much! <3 thanks for writing it author-nim~ <3
thanks to all the viewers and readers who continue opening the story! love you much! ;*