the Masquerade Ball...



"Please come with me Andy! I'm begging you to stand up already!!!"

"No way Noa! I don't want to go there! Let me hid myself! Or tell them I'm sick or something!" I continued struggling from him. Noa kept pulling my blanket as I tried my best to hid. If I wasn't too clumsy to agree that day then this wouldn't be happening!




It was a really nice day where Tiffany and I were having a picnic outside the mansion. Noa arrived with a letter on his hand.

"What's up Noa? Want to join Tifa and I?" Noa seemed trouble in some ways.

"Uncle Noa eat with us!" Tiffany exclaimed happily and Noa kneeled beside her. "A--eh. Maybe later Tifa, I need to talk to mommy first okay?" Noa pat her head smoothly. "Okay uncle!" and Tiffany smiled warmly at him. Noa signalled me to stand up and I did. I followed him and he stop a little distance from the picnic site. "Listen, as my sister, I need to ask you a favor and I want you to accept it."

"Sure! As long as it's easy." I chuckled.

"Well, the thing is... There's going to be a masquerade ball this weekend and I receive this invitation and to bring in a partner aswell. Are you in?"

"This weekend? Oh sure. I got no plans yet so I'll go."

"No returning back of what you said ok?"

"Yup. wait a sec~ What do you mean? Was there a catch on the invitation?"

"Not really... Well... noble families are attending so maybe you don't want to."

"The nobles? No way, there's no issue at all. Don't worry Noa, I'll go." I smiled at him but he looked really worried. I won't blame him though. It's going to be a month since this engagement occured and I am trying my best to smile to people but I guess I'm making a fake smile though. I don't blame Jun nor Elli. This is the decisions they have to face and I want to support them though it really breaks me into pieces. I just blame myself for being so weak and untrustworthy. I hate myself. I hate everything about me.

And days started rollling and I started worrying if I should still do the ball. Not to mention that they already got my body measurements and things like that. This is getting pretty much out of my league. I don't hink I can do this so I decided to tell Noa that he should call somebody else to accompany him to tha ball. But the maids said he was unavailable due to meetings so I told them to tell him that I changed my mind that I won't be attending and they say they will tell him.


*End of Flashback*


So basically, Noa doesn't like me changing my mind on the last minute. "I don't want to go Noa!!" I continued hiding underneath my sheets. I felt cold hands touch my ankles and I was startled to death! Who the hell did that! I was about to shout that and I had to shut up as I saw that it was Tiffany.

"Good morning mommy" She smiled at me. She's so cute!!!

"G-good morning Tifa!" Then I felt someone pull the blankets away from me and I just realised that Noa used Tiffany as bait to make me remove the sheets! Darn it!

"You're coming with me in 30 minutes sis. Te maids will help you dress up." Then he turned to Tiffany. "Tifa-chan, Your mommy and I will go to a party, okay? I want you to be a good girl while we're away and I'll give you a reward if you can do it." Woah! Noa is getting used to this uncle-thing.

'Okay uncle!!!" and Tiffany smiled and went to my side. "Enjoy yourself tonight mommy!" and she kissed me. I kissed her cheek back. "Sure thing. I'll seee you later, okay?"

"Yeah! See you!" and Noa and Tiffany left the room. Noa is going to prepare himself and I guess Tiffany is going to play with her toys. I looked around and saw 2 maids holding the things I'm going to wear. It was a red gown with black ribbons and laces. It sorta look deceptive and I saw the mask with the other maid. It was a butterfly-style mask with red and black sequences and glitters. It's really beautiful. I got up and one maid went to my side. I really don't have privacy when there are events. I think many maids have already seen me from top to toe ... :3 Well, can't do anything though. This is their job and they may tell it to Noa that I don't like asking for assistance so I just let them be.

I finished putting on the gown and it fit me perfectly. The gown took my body figure. It was really shaping me up like a 12oz coke bottle. I sat down as a maid strted fixing my hair and curling it. It got a little boring waiting for it to finish as one maid also put make up on me. They finished and I stood up to see myself in the mirror. I wore the mask and OMG!!! Is this really me?

It's like I'm exhibiting a deceptive alluring aura around me. I turned around to the maids. "Thanks guys! You're all the best!" and they started smiling at me. "It's our pleasure to make the princess beautiful as she is already." These people are so nice though I want to complain that I am not beautiful at all.

I smiled at them and left the room to meet Noa outside. The butler opened the door and I saw Noa by the car looking glamorous. He was wearing a tuxedo with some similar features to my gown.

"You look hot in red sis" He chuckled at me.

"Speak for yourself brother. Look at your tie. It's crooked!" I walked towards him and fixed his tie. "You're really taller than me even with my 2 inch shoes." I laughed and finished fixing his tie.

"Thanks sis. Well, I don't want to be a shorty pants so I guess I'm better this way. Come inside now." He opened the car door and I got in and he followed afterwards. The driver started the engine and we rolled out.

We arrived and there was this thick smell of vampire scent. Everybody was wearing their masks so it's hard to know who's who in this situation. We got down and I put my arm on Noa, as this is how it should be with a partner and we walked inside. I then noticed that everybody was looking at us. Maybe they can see that it's Noa beside me or have they figure out that we're the Kurosaki's?

Then a man in violet suit became the center of attention. He must be the host of the ball... He was wearing a funny bugs bunny mask and it didn't fit his clothes at all. He just said to enjoy this event and music started eventually.

"Noa.. is this really just a masquerade ball?" I whispered to him.

'Ahh.. well.. that's what I have read from the invitation" He seemed that he was hiding something but I trust my brother so I just smiled in return. "Let's have a dance sis." He pulled my hand.

"Wait Noa! I can't dance and I don't want to!" How many times have I mentioned that line?

"I wasn't asking your permission or something. I'm forcing you, you know!" And the next thing I knew, we were already dancing with the other vampires. I was holding on to Noa then I just realised that the music is for partners to swith back to the next person back to the original partner. I think it's a festive song or something. "Noa! I don't want to dance with this song! I don't know nobody!" I whispered to him as our faces are near each other and the only gap would be our masks.

"Relax sis! If you dare go out this circle then I'll shout out who you are." He had a sinister smile on his face. He's dead serious so I did what he say and danced properly. I remember jeca, my teacher, teaching me some dance steps and that's what I'm doing now. Then everybody had the first exchange of partners. I don't have any idea who this guy is but I just danced and didn't care at all. I think he was saying something but my mind was blank and just thinking of the next dance step. Then another exchange and another and another...

I regained composure on my last partner who was a guy wearing a not so flashy outfit with a black mage mask on. I held on to him as what I did on the other partners and I felt a nostalgic feeling with him holding my waist. It wasn't Dae though. I took a look to see the guys eyes and I saw it perfectly. Black eyes. This scent...

This cold hands....

It's definitely Jun....

I tried letting go but he held my hand tight and I suddenly found the two of us standing in the middle of the circle and the music suddenly changed into one of those romantic songs. I think it's Ave Maria. I tried again but he was holding on my waist tightly. His hand on my waist and my hand was gripped on his other hand. We were so close.. Not centimetres away but breaths away from each other. I could feel his clothes sliding to mine.

"Let go of me Jun." I whispered to him.

But he continued making me dance. I was getting hot deep inside with him touching my body. It felt like heaven and hell. I'm going to snap. I laid my head on his shoulder to whisper to him. "Why are you torturing me Jun? I don't like this...." But he kept silent again and I just kept quiet too. The song continued playing and my heart was thumping really fast. Noa probably know something about this.

"Are you ok Andy?" Jun finally whispered something to me. I felt his hand on my waist travelled to my back.

"It doesn't actually matter how I feel right?" I stood straight trying my best to get away from him but its till didn't work. "Please Jun... I'm still moving on from this break up so please... I already gave you guys my blessings so please let me go... I want to forget everything... But I know I'm your feeder so let me just live as a normal vampire but I'll still give you blood. Just let me forget this feeling" I told him eye to eye. I am breaking apart now. Then he squeezed me more into his arms and he was hugging me now. Why is he doing this. Tears started jerking on my eyes now. I missed him a lot...

but how am I supposed to move on with him torturing me like this? I can't think straight now. I looked to the direction of the window and I saw Elli looking at me with eyes filled with pity. NO! She shouldn't see me with Jun like this! They're engage!



Something's going wrong with me. What was that?? An attack??


Ta-thump! Ta-thump!


"n-no.." I gripped on my chest... It was heavy... I can't breathe properly. I was losing consciousness now... I looked at Jun's face and it seemed like he knew what's happening. His face suddenly started disappearing in my eyes.....



everything suddenly turned black for me....


--chap end--



Author notes:


HI there again!! What can you say about this chapter? Was it too much or does it lack more expressions??

Hmm... I just did that while class is going on so I apologise if there are errors.. hahahaha!!!

Thank you for continue reading!!! Thanks so so so so so much!!! :*


Emina_23... out.. :)


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Chapter 91: I'm totally obsessed with this story! It was very interesting! Now, I get what you meant by this was not an ordinary cliche vampire story. :) I'm soo glad about that. When the story unfolded, it exposed so many things. Prophecies, secrets, histories, and with the complex love that you couldn't imagine. It was extraordinary. Whenever you reached happiness, there were always something will bring you down. Intriguing and a lot of suspense and mysteries revolved in this fiction. I hope people will read this story. Love your story! ♥
Jahsa4 #2
Chapter 1: I will read it again and again because it's awesome
Chapter 91: This is my first time seeing a story on the site were the main characters aren't idols. I love this vampire Fic. :)
ririlu #4
Wow...finnally i find story like this.... thank you im so happy.... ^^im new reader
tirawolf #5
Chapter 91: Hey thx fr invite me to read tis AMAZING story. I hope u can make more like tis n sry fr the late comment sis!
Chapter 44: Ahh~ this story is subarashi! ^-^ I luv how it's short and long. U know balance it! c;
Jenn81234 #7
Love this story and thank you for sharing this story with me. I feel honored
READERS: Thanks for dropping by my profile and reading the prequel and sequel. LOL. Thanks a lot! Love you guys so much! ;)
i love this story so much! <3 thanks for writing it author-nim~ <3
thanks to all the viewers and readers who continue opening the story! love you much! ;*