rumors of the not-yet-lovers!


Guess what! I was able to pass the term exam! Rank 4! YES!

"Good job! Let's see who's 1 Andy"

"Oh, hey Elli. What rank are you in?"

"27, not too bad for someone like me who's not into studying"

My eyes widen seeing who the 1st placer was in 2 years straight - Jun Blackard, 2-a. "He's so amazing!" "yeah! a perfect score plus 10 points for writing all the incomplete parts of the question! That's awesome!" Elli and I continued talking when we heard girl's buzzing from behind.

Jun was walking looking somewhere else as the girls tried making friends with him. He turned into my direction and stared at me. My body twitch with his eye contact. Then he pointed his neck part and smiled.

Did he recognised I made the ring into a necklace? Well, wearing it will cause a lot of rumors when they found out who gave me this.

Elli left before me and Jun was walking beside me now. My heart thumping like drums in a rock music!

We never had any conversation and I've constantly am hearing whispering sounds. I saw girls looking back at me.

"Don't worry about them." I was startled by Jun's words but I felt happy! "Okay!"

When we got to the classroom, I still feel those killer stare from those girls.

Jun and I are still seatmates. He suddenly bowed down his head over his arms facing towards me.

"Jun, is something wrong? It's unlike you to let those rumors slide" He just continued staring at me. "What is it?"

"I'm really happy that you're wearing it"

"Stop it. You're making fun of me again. Rumors are going to start spreading with you hanging around me."

"Do you dislike me hanging with you"

"No. That's not it.... It's just... Everybody thinks we're dating"

"Aren't we?" I was startled with his question and I stared back at him. He stood up and ruffled my hair and it turned a mess and walked out the room. Am I awake? Did he just asked me that question?

ta-thump! ta-thump!

Everyone in class were looking at me! And like usual, they're whispering again with each other.

This is so not happening! Well I want it to happen but this is too soon! I haven't even confessed and yet.....

He's squeezing my heart and it's going to explode!

This is just a dream!


--chap end--


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Chapter 91: I'm totally obsessed with this story! It was very interesting! Now, I get what you meant by this was not an ordinary cliche vampire story. :) I'm soo glad about that. When the story unfolded, it exposed so many things. Prophecies, secrets, histories, and with the complex love that you couldn't imagine. It was extraordinary. Whenever you reached happiness, there were always something will bring you down. Intriguing and a lot of suspense and mysteries revolved in this fiction. I hope people will read this story. Love your story! ♥
Jahsa4 #2
Chapter 1: I will read it again and again because it's awesome
Chapter 91: This is my first time seeing a story on the site were the main characters aren't idols. I love this vampire Fic. :)
ririlu #4
Wow...finnally i find story like this.... thank you im so happy.... ^^im new reader
tirawolf #5
Chapter 91: Hey thx fr invite me to read tis AMAZING story. I hope u can make more like tis n sry fr the late comment sis!
Chapter 44: Ahh~ this story is subarashi! ^-^ I luv how it's short and long. U know balance it! c;
Jenn81234 #7
Love this story and thank you for sharing this story with me. I feel honored
READERS: Thanks for dropping by my profile and reading the prequel and sequel. LOL. Thanks a lot! Love you guys so much! ;)
i love this story so much! <3 thanks for writing it author-nim~ <3
thanks to all the viewers and readers who continue opening the story! love you much! ;*