

I was dreaming being in Jun's arms... We were smiling a lot... He was holding me tight..a and I was squishing my face to his chest... Then something felt wrong with me... "Andy!!"

"Andy!" Someone's calling me. It wasn't Jun... Who is it?  "Wake up Andy!"

I opened my eyes and my beautiful dream ended.

"What's up Dae?" I was still half-asleep.

"See for yourself" What did he mean by that? I just woke up and he already got a pouting face. I realised that we were lying down the ground. But weren't we inside the car last night? I tried to stand up and I felt that I was tightly tied. Ropes were tangling Dae too. We were on the ground metres away from the car.

"What's going on?" Dae didn't answer me. He looked at another direction as if trouble is booming ahead.

Then I heard footsteps all around us. They're all vampires base on their scents. A big-bodied vampire raised Dae and I to both his shoulders and threw us at the back of a trailer truck. It didn't hurt much because I'm a vampire right? :3

"What's the big idea!" I shouted but the man didn't answered me. I tried flinching but it was no  use at all.

Around 20 vampires jumped at the back of the trailer with us and I heard the doors shut at the side doors. There were around 23 vampires at least not counting Dae and me. It was pitch black and the engine started and the vehicle moved. Bright red eyes were staring at Dae and I and they were intimidatin. I'm scared to death!

"What's going on?"I whispered to Dae.

"When I woke up, they were tying up already. Basically, your fate changed Andy"

"My fate what? So I'm at mess here?"

"WE are at mess here Andy so stay close." I did. I could only hear my heartbeat, the engine and the tires bumping to rocks.

After 2 hours, the truck stopped and the vampires jumped out and the big guy got Dae and I again to his shoulders. I tried kicking him but it was no use.

We entered into an old-looking house - but it was more like a haunted house. The floor was making noises, dust were everywhere and the cobwebs filled the house - a perfect vampire hideout.

One of the vampires knocked on a big door. "Area B reporting, we captured 2 vampires on loose." This must be the leader's room. So Dae and I are at loose now huh? Ridiculous!

The vampires who were with us run out and locked the door. All that's left outside the door is the big guy carrying Dae and I.

He entered the room. The room was awfully dark and the only thing inside is an old sofa and a guy was sitting there. Why do I feel something nostalgic here?

The guy put us down and left the room.

The man stood up and I saw his face...




author's notes: guess who the man Andy saw before I update Chapter 67!!!!! :) I'll be waiting guys!!! :)




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Chapter 91: I'm totally obsessed with this story! It was very interesting! Now, I get what you meant by this was not an ordinary cliche vampire story. :) I'm soo glad about that. When the story unfolded, it exposed so many things. Prophecies, secrets, histories, and with the complex love that you couldn't imagine. It was extraordinary. Whenever you reached happiness, there were always something will bring you down. Intriguing and a lot of suspense and mysteries revolved in this fiction. I hope people will read this story. Love your story! ♥
Jahsa4 #2
Chapter 1: I will read it again and again because it's awesome
Chapter 91: This is my first time seeing a story on the site were the main characters aren't idols. I love this vampire Fic. :)
ririlu #4
Wow...finnally i find story like this.... thank you im so happy.... ^^im new reader
tirawolf #5
Chapter 91: Hey thx fr invite me to read tis AMAZING story. I hope u can make more like tis n sry fr the late comment sis!
Chapter 44: Ahh~ this story is subarashi! ^-^ I luv how it's short and long. U know balance it! c;
Jenn81234 #7
Love this story and thank you for sharing this story with me. I feel honored
READERS: Thanks for dropping by my profile and reading the prequel and sequel. LOL. Thanks a lot! Love you guys so much! ;)
i love this story so much! <3 thanks for writing it author-nim~ <3
thanks to all the viewers and readers who continue opening the story! love you much! ;*