5 POV's... 4 Vampires alive... 3 Panicking... 2 outcomes... 1 future... 0 Time


Noa’s point of view

What are we suppose to do now? Andy won’t open her eyes and the sixth full moon is coming in tonight plus her body had cracks like glass. She is a fragile person that I love most. I thought that the decision of hurting her would help like what Lord Kei suggested but it had the opposite effect now… The whole vampire race is in a great peril unless Andy chooses to be a full blooded vampire.

I watched the screen intently not to miss anything at all. I didn’t expect my beloved sister to have this much pain kept in her heart for so long now…

Then I saw her holding a vampire-titled book.

“What’s that Lord Kei?”

“Dae’s doing his best to change fate itself.” He said with a really serious face.

“What do you mean?”

“You’ll soon find out Noa. Soon…” And he gripped his hands and placed it under his chin. Something is bound to happen or may already be happening. But I can’t change it if that is what Andy decides. I can only hope she regains her reality and don’t lose to her dream.

"Lord Kei.. Will my the vampire clan remain if I kill Andy with that dagger?"

"I have no idea Noa. This was just an option to begin with."

"But there will be a chance that we'll be save right?"

"I believe so."

I clenched my fists and breathe really deeply. I can't sacrifice everybody with my failure as a leader. I'm sorry Andy. I hope you'll forgive me. I hope you'll wake up now.  "I'll do it. Please give it to me."

"Are you sure? There's no turning back now." He offered the dagger.


Andy’s point of view

Now I understand everything… This is my family… My beloved parents who are both teachers in different schools, my brother Noa who is two years older and very close to me, and my boyfriend who spoils me a lot. Nothing in this world can change the fact of how happy I am.

I just finished taking a bath after all Jun’s surprises on my birthday. It was really fun and a while ago, my family celebrated it happily and since we got classes tomorrow… the party has to end early. I looked again in the mirror and I started feeling uneasy again.


My body reacted again in that sound. Where is it coming from? *Drop* I turned and saw my bag on the floor. I thought I placed it their properly? As I got it, all my stuff fell out of the bag… everything… and this book captured my eyes again.

Vampires Existence by EAD. I hurriedly kept all my stuff to my bag and starred at the book for a long while – inspecting the sides and the illustration. The picture of the perfect being named Lady Saneel.

*Ta-thump* This feeling is bugging me again. Why do I feel uncomfortable? I opened the first page and read the foreword.


“To my beloved vampire, Elleirdna.

May you stop blaming yourself for the clan’s death and may you rest in peace”


Eh? What was that? Does this Ead really believe in vampires? How ridiculous. But who is this Elleirdna? And what the hell is the deal with their names? Hmmm… I flipped to the next page.

‘Vampires co-existed with humans peacefully but a great peril befalls the clan because of the wrong decision made by the last link of the perfect being. She was my beloved although she loves someone else like our kind. Yes, I am also a vampire and this is the story of the woman I love who died making the wrong decisions…’

What the--? Ok. I like the story’s preview, a glimpse of the love triangle already? Cool! So this Elleirdna… what is her position? I don’t feel sleepy at all! It’s like I want to finish this book although it is not my ego to do such thing.

I continued reading and learned about the girl’s past. She’s the daughter of the professors/ researchers who are studying the perfect being a.k.a. Lady Saneel and the parents where killed by the man who killed the perfect being and her lover. But the lover was transformed into a vampire, thus he was saved and the perfect being decided to shatter her soul so a part of her went to the researcher’s daughter.

The little girl was adopted and same was her half-human half-vampire half-brother. (That was confusing!). But the little girl was attacked by the same man who killed the mentioned above. When she recovered, she met the perfect being’s lover but unaware of the truth. But she immediately catches him and so the eyes were opened to reality that vampires are living in this world together with humans. Flesh and blood.

It’s echoing again in my head. It’s like telling me to continue reading on… My hands wouldn’t let go of this book. This is going to be a long night…
But honestly speaking?
Do I believe in vampire’s existence?

I continued flipping the pages up until the page of a chapter with masquerade ball as the title. It ended when the girl suddenly lost consciousness in her lover’s arms. I opened the next page but it was… BLANK. “What?” It’s still half the book but nothing’s written here anymore. From that point onwards, it was a total white space and there was no stains of any letters erased or covered.

I checked the last page, just before the end hard cover and to my surprise, a note as written:


‘Your story has yet to end so please open your eyes before it’s too late’


Funny… What does this mean anyway? And who does he intend this note for? *Ting* That sound again. It’s pissing me off. I placed the book on my bag and turned off the light and snuggled to my bed and closed my eyes.

Total Darkness again…


Jun’s point of view

Noa hasn’t returned back since yesterday. Tiffany has been sleeping on my lap. I can’t believe how light a half-human half-vampire child is. I could feel her pulse running but I’m not even to slightest interested to attack this little child. My blood seeks Andy not because she’s my feeder but because I want her alone.

For 24 hours, it’s been terrifying. The cracks on her face increased tremendously. Yesterday evening, it was only her forehead, right cheek and upper neck area but now, her arms are cracking like porcelain snapping. Tiffany has been dead scared and crying non-stop seeing her mother in this state. I, too, am scared to see the woman I love like this… unaware of what’s happening in her head.

Is Andy not waking up anymore?

Is this the end for the vampire race?

Will I not be forgiven by Andy now?

Then Noa suddenly came barging in the door. He was in a rush to Andy and I realise him holding something sharp. "NO!" I grab Noa by his arm which was holding the dagger and by his neck. "Why are you doing this?"

"Let me kill her Jun! She's my sister and she has to!"

"I won't let you!"

Then I realised Tiffany looking at us and turned to Andy's side. She was weeping already but Noa is too strong as I have not feeded for months.  I can't afford Noa to lay a finger on Andy!

Elli’s point of view

A day remains before the sixth full moon and all the vampires from different places gathered to the Kurosaki mansion to see Andy. They were all afraid to die. Some are afraid to die twice as others were pureblood and some were transformed. I tried dialling Noa multiple of times but he won’t pick up. I know Jun is in Andy’s side together with Tiffany, so who do I call for assistance? All the vampires were talking. I guess there are about more than 10,000 vampires gathered here. I tried talking but they wouldn’t listen at all!

“Everybody please calm down!” everybody suddenly turned silent. I looked to see who was able to strike it and it was Dae. “If you’re not going to shut up then please leave! I’m busy with my meditation!” Then he dashed off.

“Hey, he’s the vampire who can see the fate and enters into some vampire’s dreams right?” “Yeah” “He must be inside Lady Andy’s head right now.” “Let’s hope he succeeds then.” I was left in awe as how quick Dae was able to shut these vampires.

“Please stay where you are and I’ll talk to the people inside.” I told them and they all agreed. I am the daughter of the Fieldgem family so I don’t think they’ll go against me that much.

I went inside and walk straight to Andy’s room. I was petrified with the scene. Jun was over Noa shielding Andy from a dagger. “What’s wrong with you two? We’re in the middle of a great crisis and you guys still choose to fight? What’s going on here?” I turned and saw Tiffany staring at Andy intently. I approached her as the two males stood up. “What’s wrong princess?” And I was more petrified seeing Andy’s state. Her whole face… her whole body… is cracking bit by bit.

“Wha-what’s happening to her Noa?”

“She won’t respond to anything at all. Lord Kei has foreseen it already. We must kill her physically with this dagger or everybody dies!”

“Over my dead body Noa! I won’t let you touch Andy! She’s been through a lot and I don’t want her to die like how you want it to be!” Jun’s voice echoed throughout the room.

“Not if you can stop her yourself Jun.” Dae suddenly appeared from behind.

“What d’you mean by that?”

“Have you thought of another idea? I saw what you’ve done to try changing her heart Dae but it’s not good enough.” Noa’s voice was shaking.

“It did have a little effect. She’s quite having the interest to vampires and we can use this as an advantage.” I don’t understand what Dae and Noa were talking about so I just listened silently.

Dae turned to Jun. “I need you to cooperate with me Jun. Only you can finish this up.”

“What do you mean?” Jun wasn’t hiding his curiosity to him. “Do you plan to kill her too?”

“Absolutely not!!! I’ll just have you enter her dream. Her time there is so slow and it’s only been two days in her dreams unlike here in reality where almost 4 months are going to pass. I’ll just have you enter Andy’s heart. So are you in?”

“If this can help her then I shall.”

“Come then.” Dae exited the room.

“Please take care of Andy. And Noa... Bon't dare kill her with that thing.” Jun said pointing to the dagger Noa was holding.

“I won't. I'm sorry.” Noa and I promised and the two left. I looked at Noa who seemed nervous. He covered the dagger with a cloth and placed it in his bag. “I’m such an idiot for always rushing ahead!” He hits his head with his fists. I looked at Tiffany and thank goodness that she didn’t see that. She’s still a child so I don’t want her to see people hurt themselves.  I immediately grabbed Noa’s shivering and shaking hands and wiped his face with my hands. “Please don’t hurt yourself Noa. I know deep inside that Andy will not blame you because she loves you.” I clasped his hands into my chest. “I beg of you Noa. Don’t hurt yourself like that.”

His face turned sour. “Why are you so nice to our family? Is it because I am the head? Then please just leave…”

“Hell no!” I suddenly shouted. It’s not the reason at all!!! What is with guys being slow? I put my hand to his cheek. “If ever the day those vampires disappear… I don’t want to have any regrets at all…”

I want to confess… I want to convey my feelings to him before everything ends…

“What are you saying Elli?” I took in a lot of courage and kissed his lips. I felt Noa’s hands trying to push me away so I removed my lips from his. “What was that Elli?!” He was blushing… red as an apple.

“I like you Noa… I like you very much… so if ever there is no future for vampires to exist… I’m happy to at least tell you how I feel.” I smiled at him and I felt my eyes wanted to cry.

“I…I… don’t know what to say…”

“It’s okay. But if ever our fate changes then.… I’d like to hear your response… Se you around Noa” I waved and smiled happily to him and run off. I want to see him again and be loved by him…

Dae’s point of view


I was able to infiltrate Andy's dream but her desire to be happy reigns more. So I decided to use a book as her link but I can't tell her the real names so I used EAD as my pen name and I kind of confessed to her there. (>.<) But once again... Her strong will and desire to be happy wants to consume her whole being.

Her body does not want to die and be a full-blooded vampire.

Her heart is consuming her... every bit... So I'll have to do my last resort... Use Jun's heart to change Andy's. Andy does not have any special feelings for me and I want her to be truly happy... Here in reality... even if it means my heart will be torn...

My life's mission is to make sure Andy lives and that's what I am going to do.

I brought Jun to my room where I have placed all the preparations. All the spells and artifacts to be used. In the middle where candles... all positioned into a star within a circle.

"Go to the middle Jun." He did went there and I sat across his stance. I closed my eyes and started chanting. This is the last chance to wake her up and save thw whole vampire race... within this 12 hours remaining...

12 hours....

Will everything end then???


--chap end--


Author notes:

Can you feel all emotions of these people? XD They're all so pressured in this 12 hours remaining to the chance of waking Andy physically...
I can fell the tension writing this chapter y'know! And come to think of it... Elli just confessed!! :)

Well, thanks for reading this chaper.. :)

Emina_23 out..
09 November 2012


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Chapter 91: I'm totally obsessed with this story! It was very interesting! Now, I get what you meant by this was not an ordinary cliche vampire story. :) I'm soo glad about that. When the story unfolded, it exposed so many things. Prophecies, secrets, histories, and with the complex love that you couldn't imagine. It was extraordinary. Whenever you reached happiness, there were always something will bring you down. Intriguing and a lot of suspense and mysteries revolved in this fiction. I hope people will read this story. Love your story! ♥
Jahsa4 #2
Chapter 1: I will read it again and again because it's awesome
Chapter 91: This is my first time seeing a story on the site were the main characters aren't idols. I love this vampire Fic. :)
ririlu #4
Wow...finnally i find story like this.... thank you im so happy.... ^^im new reader
tirawolf #5
Chapter 91: Hey thx fr invite me to read tis AMAZING story. I hope u can make more like tis n sry fr the late comment sis!
Chapter 44: Ahh~ this story is subarashi! ^-^ I luv how it's short and long. U know balance it! c;
Jenn81234 #7
Love this story and thank you for sharing this story with me. I feel honored
READERS: Thanks for dropping by my profile and reading the prequel and sequel. LOL. Thanks a lot! Love you guys so much! ;)
i love this story so much! <3 thanks for writing it author-nim~ <3
thanks to all the viewers and readers who continue opening the story! love you much! ;*