the truth from A to Z..


I opened my eyes. Why am I back here in the mansion?... When did I get here? It was seven thirty in the morning. I was still feeling wobbly after Jun's intense bite on  my neck. I touched the area where he bit me. I could feel the scar on my skin. I stood towards the mirror on the wall and saw my reflection - pale as a ghost and messed up. I held to the scar on my neck and light appeared under my hands. I felt my skin healing itself. I removed my hands from the sight and saw the bite disappeared already. Am I really doing this?

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Are you awake Andy?" I heard Noa's voice sprung from outside my room.

"Ah, yes. Please come in!"

He entered and he immediately hugged me tight. "You are so grounded Andy. You didn't tell me anything!" His hands were shivering. I could feel the warmth of his human side engraving on my body.

"Sorry Noa." I hugged him back tightly. I missed my brother a lot. "How did I got home Noa? And how long has I been asleep?" Well, unconscious might be a better term than asleep.

"You've been out for three days. Your friend brought you and Jun back here. He said you were really tired so he wanted you to stay in your room far from Jun"

"What? Dae said that? Where is he? and where is Jun?" I was getting restless now. I broke the hugging part and distanced myself a little.

"Don't worry about Jun. I know you'll get mad if I let him wander off. Jun is in one of the mansion's room. The other guy, Dae, is in the room beside yours. Do you want to talk to him?"

"Nope. He's the one to do all the talking. Please accompany me in his room Noa." I held his big hands.

"Sure. Anything for my little sister." He smiled warmly at me. "But let me warn you that you've got more vampire's following you as security." He grinned.

"What? No way!" He pulled me and didn't argued any statement at all.

The mansion still smelled the same. I walked down the little hallway and stood before the room beside my room. This is one of the guest rooms I never entered before. I took a deep breath and looked at Noa. He smiled at me like assuring me he'll be beside me the whole time. I turned back facing the door and opened it.

The room was utterly dark. The curtains were all hiding the light. My room was bright but this room is really different. I saw him sitting on his bed.

"How are you feeling Dae?" I couldn't shout at him. Maybe he's still feeling down oor something for his father's death - which he basically did. He looked at me and I saw painful eyes in him.

"I'm doing fine. Thanks to you. I assume you want to know everytihng right this instant?"

"Yes please." I squeezed Noa's hand and I prepared myself to take all the information he is going to throw at  me.

"Okay. But I don't want any interruptions from either you or Master Noa." He stared at the both of us.

"I know. I won't talk. It's my sister's life anyway and I know how important it is to her." I looked at Noa and he gave me that warm smile again.

"You heard my brother. Please begin" I am determined to know everything about my life... my past... everything there is to know.


Dae closed his eyes and took a really deep breath. He opened it when his breathing became synchronised with his heartbeats.


"Professors Yoona (mom) and Satoshi (dad) Kurosaki were the people managing the research project on Lady Saneel's life. It was called the Vamp project. Mixing all the bloods from different powerful and special people and placing it to the so-called perfect being who is Lady Saneel. She was adored and followed by many. Lady Saneel organised the Council who she considered her off-springs but there was also the opposing organisation - the Anti's if I may call them.

The council, with all their supernatural powers killed the Anti's but one remain - who was my dad. This person killed your parents because he believe they were the roots but he found out that the root of all was not your parents but Lady Saneel herself. So he decided to killl her. But he didn't know that the person beside lady Saneel was still a human - her lover in fact, so he killed him too. But since she was a perfect being, lady saneel transformed him too a vampire as well. This tormented the guy and decided to kill all vampires who wish to protect Lady Saneel and her words.

The council saw the future and Lady Saneel has forseen 3 roses that would cause chaos in the balance of the vamp world. The balance between heaven, earth and hell. Which was Chryst, You and my dad. The three of you are disrupting the balance of all elements and since two and a half of the roses has dispersed this world already, the balance slowly regains. Your other half-human side is the only thing ruining the balance of all the elements. When you fully change - all vampires will see and accept Master Noa as their new leader.

But going back to your parents. Their work is still alive up to this day. Vampires exist thanks to them but the world is slowly being consumed by vampires and clans are starting to be established. Your parents death means a lot to the history of th evampires but nobody knew your existence except for the family you lived in for the past 16 years. Your parents hid you well for they knew that death would befall them and they were right.

I met them once and since I could see the preview of someone's fate and I saw your fate clearly Andy, your childhood, your teenage years and your death and the powers you have, and your parents they somewhat entrusted the lock of your powers to me.Originally, your powers must be unlocked before yu even know my name but as I have repeatedly mentioned... Fate changes that even my powers gets different previews. Your parents were really good people but vampires changes the history they have made. And they knew you will be in great danger even after the two roses were killed...

Your parents must have told you that I knew everything right?"

"Yes. My mom said that you hold all answers about my past and my undead future."

"I apologize but that's all I can say for now. I have clarrified a lot of information already that you didn't understand right?"

"Partly. I still don't get why I am still not fully a vampire. I mean, like you, why are we not fullt vampires?"

"I am different because my father was a human anti who was turned into a vampire by the root herself while my mother was born half-human half-vampire and was killed by another vampire when I was born. So I really don't fully understand my bloodline either but you ar different in your own ways Andy, your blood is special becauase you are the direct line of the Kurosaki researchers and you were the "other" part of ady Saneel. My guess is that it is Lady Saneel's wish that you do not fully turn into a vapire to experience all the pain she undergo being imprisoned by the council she loved and adore." He smiled at me but it was like a pitiful smile rather than a happy type of smile.

"Your beloved Jun is oing to wake this evening. You do not hav to worry about being attacked again. He's going to be his normal self again."

"Really? Then I'm off now!" I let go of Noa's hands and smled as I opened the door.

"But I warn you that he's not the sweet guy he used to be. Painful as it is but... remember that you're just a feeder now." Dae's voice was stable and like he's telling me something wouldn't be the same again.

"What?" That confused me. "I don't quite understand what you're saying Dae."

"Nevermind it for now. You'll understand it some time later. Go to his side now." Dae waved his hand. I guess my expression was still puzzled as ever and I waved goodbye to the two guys and closed the door behind me. What did that guy mean now?

I ran to the hallways looking for his scent. I suddenly came across the security room. The door was opened and I saw lots of things inside... security cameras, guns, riffles, bombs, handcuffs and a lot more. This place is insanely dangerous! Not to mention that my room is just five rooms apart!

I grabbed a handcuff with something silly in mind. I went out of the room and searched for Jun's scent again. I followed the trail of the unconscious him and finally I reached the room where his body lays. I got the handcuffs and placed one end to his right wrist and the other to my left wrist. Silly right? But I don't want him to wander off again without anything to say.

I looked at his face.

I touched his frozen cheeks with my right hand.

It felt like it took forever to be with him again. Oh yeah, Dae said that he'll be awake this evening. Still hours to go. So I decided to lie down beside him. I was facing him and I stare at his beautiful face, touching his eyes... his nose... his lips... I seem erted now! OMG!

I was blushing so I snuggled to him...

I held tight to his shirt though I have both our hands handcuffed, I don't know if he'll try to break it to pieces...

I hope it won't happen at all...


I won't let go of his hand...


--chap end--


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Chapter 91: I'm totally obsessed with this story! It was very interesting! Now, I get what you meant by this was not an ordinary cliche vampire story. :) I'm soo glad about that. When the story unfolded, it exposed so many things. Prophecies, secrets, histories, and with the complex love that you couldn't imagine. It was extraordinary. Whenever you reached happiness, there were always something will bring you down. Intriguing and a lot of suspense and mysteries revolved in this fiction. I hope people will read this story. Love your story! ♥
Jahsa4 #2
Chapter 1: I will read it again and again because it's awesome
Chapter 91: This is my first time seeing a story on the site were the main characters aren't idols. I love this vampire Fic. :)
ririlu #4
Wow...finnally i find story like this.... thank you im so happy.... ^^im new reader
tirawolf #5
Chapter 91: Hey thx fr invite me to read tis AMAZING story. I hope u can make more like tis n sry fr the late comment sis!
Chapter 44: Ahh~ this story is subarashi! ^-^ I luv how it's short and long. U know balance it! c;
Jenn81234 #7
Love this story and thank you for sharing this story with me. I feel honored
READERS: Thanks for dropping by my profile and reading the prequel and sequel. LOL. Thanks a lot! Love you guys so much! ;)
i love this story so much! <3 thanks for writing it author-nim~ <3
thanks to all the viewers and readers who continue opening the story! love you much! ;*