Noa's point of view


I was called out by the Fieldgem family to their mansion. Maybe they're going to do some explanations with what's happening with Jun. I dressed up early and started packing my things. I knocked on Andy's door but there was no reply. I opened the door and she was sound asleep with her eyes sore from crying. The little girl, who she healed was hugging Andy. It looked like a mother-daughter  scene to me. I closed the door and sighed. My sister is in so much pain and I can't even help her. I want her to tell me everything but she chose to keep it to herself.

I rode in the car and when I arrive to the Fieldgem mansion, Elli was there.

"Good morning Lord Noa. Thank you for coming. Please follow me." I did followed her not taking my back of her. She took me to a room where I found Elli's parents sitting on a couch and Jun standing behind the couch. Elli closed the door and lowered the curtains and sat beside her parents.

"Please take a seat Lord Noa." Elli's father pointed a chair across their's.

"Is this about the engagement Lord Fieldgem? If you know, my sister has been truly hurt for this... unannounced thing."

"Please listen carefully Lord Noa.... There is a great reason for us doing this engagement and it is going to affect the vampire race..." Lord Fieldgem faced his wife who had a sad face. They both had this painful look and Elli looked on her fists and she clenched it really hard. Jun looked like he was staring to space.

"Tell me..." I declared and Lord Fieldgem looked at me with determined eyes.

"As you know, your sister, is the third rose which has been in vampire's history for a long period now. I, as a former member of the council, was also told that the roses must be killed or in the six full moon of this year... all vampire's will die and it's coming close already. Since the princess (he's referring to Andy) still bears human flesh and heart, we must discard it and Lord Kei mentioned that only this engagement canhelp us save our clan."

"Lord Kei did? Wait. How did he tell you and please don't lie to me."

"My husband is not lying Lord Noa. My husband had this dream and I did too. So did my daughter Elli and Jun himself told us too. It happened at the same time."

"Y-you're kidding me." I chuckled silently. Was it even possible for a convicted imprisoned vampire to go to other vampire's dreams?

"Noa. Please believe us. I don't want to do this to Andy but this is the only way." Jun's voice was serious and I don't know if I can believe him or not. This guy has hurt my sister multiple of times.

"What if I don't believe you?"

"Then you fail as the council leader Noa. It's not just a simple game now. All vampire's are at risk! Even the unborn or the half-humans!" Elli shouted to me. She was crying already. Her father and mother hugged her tight and Jun was staring at me.

"Will you believe us now Noa?" Jun confronted me.

"I'll have to think about it." I walked out of the room to head somewhere else....

To Lord Kei's place... I need to hear it from him. Why the Fieldgem family.. why Jun... and why my sister.... A lot of questions are flooding in my head. The car stopped and I walked to the vast forest and let myself in his mansion.

"I need to talk to you Lord Kei!"

Then I heard footsteps. I looked up the second floor and Lord Kei was there. "I didn't expect the council leader himself to go here in person. What brings you here Master Noa Kurosaki?" He made a grin.

"Tell me why you appeared in the Fieldgem's dreams and Jun's aswell telling them to torture my sister!"

"You mean Andrielle Kurosaki??? She has to feel pain and wreck into pieces Noa."


"I think the fieldgem family has already told you that the vampire clan is going to die if she remains as a half-human... And you don't want your precious vampires to die right?" Now he made a really serious intimidating face.

"Is there really no other way? I don't want her to suffer this much."

"Just see things this way... Are you willing to die with all the other vampires as she will remain alone her in the world.. surrounded by humans.. and she'll go berseck that you chose to keep her as a human than trying to save everybody? What do you say?"

"If what you're saying is true then should I tell Andy about her nearing death? I am still inexperienced to things like this so I need guidance Lord Kei. As you have lived in this world for thousands of years.. you must stilllll want to live outside right? And I know your freedom is coming in the next year.."

"True.. true.. I want to see what the outside world has become while I am here in this pitiful mansion but... YOU'RE A FOOL IF YOU DARE TELL HER OF HER FATE! The main reason of hurtin her is so she is unaware of the vampire clan's future. She is not suppose to learn anything at all! She must die human innocently and be a pure vampire innocently again or great danger will arise not only to our clan but danger will befall her entire life and she will torment herself more."

"..." I was speechless. He was right. I am the council leader and I must take in mind everybody's welfare. Not only vampire's but humans aswell. What should I do now. I closed my eyes and all my memories with andy over flowed in my head. My sweet blunt sister.... I now know what I have to do even if it's going to hurt me.

"I'll cooperate then. If it's going to take the clan that I am also a part of... then I shall help you all..."

"Wise decision Noa."

Then I left that mansion and returned to the Fieldgem's place. The maids welcomed me and brought me to the lounge room where the family and Jun were sitting silently.

"I have mademy decision Lord Fieldgem. I shall help you protect our clan and destroy my sister's human side."

"Oh Thank you Master Noa."

"I want this to get over with so let's have a masquerade ball and I am hoping for your cooperation."

"We will assist you Master Noa."

I turned to Jun and he nodded in agreement. I want this torturing to end as soon as possible becauseit hurts me to see my sister breaking apart. Knowing her, she'll be crying in a corner again. When I got home, I asked her the favor of being my partner for the masquerade ball and she agreed but on the day of the ball, she suddenly had a change of heart so I used  my niece, Tiffany, to make her get up in bed. And immediately, Andy stood up and kissed her daughter goodbye for today.

I went to my room and changed into my tux and breathing really hard for the outcome of this ball. I want it to be a success... Not the ball but destroying Andy's human side. I want her to forgive me after all this things that I became part of.

After she dressed up, I was happy that she wore that gown but it seemed too y for her. Well, I don't care much as long as this event can make her destroy her human heart. I love my sister a lot.

We got in the car and the driver drove fast. When we arrived, some vampires gave the signal for the dance to begin. I forgot to mention that all vampires know about the coming death except for Tiffany and Andy. We can't risk telling Tiffany as she is my sister's daughter now. Then I saw Elli give out the cue to make Andy dance with everybody. It's time to execute this plan.

I was able to force Andy but she seemed a little suspicious when I told her that I also have no idea of the real party reason. Then I saw Jun and so the exchange of partners begin. When Andy had Jun as his partner, I gave out the signal to change the song into something more romantic and other vampires also danced with their new partners. I was looking at Jun and Andy and I figured much that Andy knows it was Jun holding her tight. I moved into the shadows waiting for events to fold. Then Andy leaned her face into his shoulder with tears in her eyes and I also see Jun with a really painful expression in his eyes though both were wearing masks.

Elli gave me a signal that she'll do her role now. I turned back to Andy and she was clenching on her chest looking at Elli then to Jun. She suddenly fainted and everybody stopped. Jun was now sitting on the floor as Andy was lying unconsciosly on his arms with tears. Elli also walked near and I did too. All vampire's looked worried. This is the future we're dealing now.

"Will we be saved now Master Noa?" one vampire exclaimed. What should I tell her. I looked at my sister's body and it looked like she's enduring more things I don't know. Jun removed her and his masks and it was clearer to see the couple's painful expressions.

"Nobody knows my dear." I replied. "Let's bring her back to the mansion Jun. Elli, thank you for doing this. To my people,.. rest assured  that we will do everything to keep our clan safe and undead in this time to the future". Then Jun, carrying Andy, me and Elli left the banquet as the vampire's waved goodbye with slight smiles on their faces. They have this ray of hope that you wouldn't believe to see in vampires.

For generations, humans believe that vampires are ruthless creatures but we're not. We may not carry a beating heart but we can love. We also get hurt. We also die...

The car started and we reached the mansion, Jun laid Andy on her bed covering her body with a thick blanket and he sat onthe chair beside her body. Andy looked like Sleeping Beauty waiting for her prince to wake her up with a kiss. I can remember reading that story to her when she was 3 years old.

"Come and rest you two.." Elli followed me but Jun remained seated. I walked to his direction. "You also need to rest Jun. You haven't feeded and I can see how worn out you are."

"Sorry Noa but please let me stay by her side until she wakes up." Jun didn't looked at me but he was holding Andy's hand tight as if he's afraid that she'll run away.

"Okay. Fine. But tell us if something happens." Elli and I closed the door leaving the two in the room. "What do you think the outcome will be Elli. Tell me what you think?"

"I just want to live and be happy. I love Andy a lot. She's a really great friend and I want her to be with Jun... Besides.. I like someone else so I really want her to transform into a full vampire so I can apologise and hug her a lot." She smiled at me. I'll leave that  question of who she likes. It's her life and I want to focus on the vampire clan more now. I have to think of a way to make them unite while my sister is out.

I brought Elli to a guest room and bade her good night and she smiled back at me. I went straight to my office to think alone...


was this suppose to happen???



--chap end--



Author's notes:

For the first time, I made a chapter with Noa's point of view in it. XD ...

I  hope you'll enjoy this chapter!!! And to all those commenting on my story.. please avoid telling me to "update soon" or "hurry up" because I have my own personal life like everybody else so I want your understanding and cooperation that I update during my free time. But thanks a lot to everybody readin it cause then I know what you guys think...



P.S. MY VAMPIRE is already near it's epilogue already.. :)

thanks again!!!


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Chapter 91: I'm totally obsessed with this story! It was very interesting! Now, I get what you meant by this was not an ordinary cliche vampire story. :) I'm soo glad about that. When the story unfolded, it exposed so many things. Prophecies, secrets, histories, and with the complex love that you couldn't imagine. It was extraordinary. Whenever you reached happiness, there were always something will bring you down. Intriguing and a lot of suspense and mysteries revolved in this fiction. I hope people will read this story. Love your story! ♥
Jahsa4 #2
Chapter 1: I will read it again and again because it's awesome
Chapter 91: This is my first time seeing a story on the site were the main characters aren't idols. I love this vampire Fic. :)
ririlu #4
Wow...finnally i find story like this.... thank you im so happy.... ^^im new reader
tirawolf #5
Chapter 91: Hey thx fr invite me to read tis AMAZING story. I hope u can make more like tis n sry fr the late comment sis!
Chapter 44: Ahh~ this story is subarashi! ^-^ I luv how it's short and long. U know balance it! c;
Jenn81234 #7
Love this story and thank you for sharing this story with me. I feel honored
READERS: Thanks for dropping by my profile and reading the prequel and sequel. LOL. Thanks a lot! Love you guys so much! ;)
i love this story so much! <3 thanks for writing it author-nim~ <3
thanks to all the viewers and readers who continue opening the story! love you much! ;*