It's all my fault!

Who wanted to kill Andy? This question keep bugging me.

The view from up here on the pole was clear and yet I couldn't sense the hatred I felt before.

Leaving her in the infirmary is a good idea. Nobody would dare to enter that facility- especially my kind. We hate the scent of alcohol and medicine. Their scent is too strong for our noses.

I'm already quite far from school but I want to know who wanted to kill her.

I breathe the air really hard and blood corrupted my mind.

I know this scent...

I turned to the direction where it came from - the school!

Oh no! Andy's bleeding! This is bad!

The scent of her blood went stronger and stronger and my fangs wanted to come out.

I saw her frail body- bleeding intensely. She was unconscious.

I carried her and brought her to the hospital- careful not to make the wound larger. The doctors responded quickly and told me to lay her on the bed. I did. Her blood stained her face and my arms.

I wasn't allowed to enter the E.R. They said I should wait.

When the operation ended, they said that if I was a little more late, she's definitely a goner. They wanted to question me but showing my card, they shut it. Well that card is something like a v.i.p.

Andy was still unconscious. In my 100 years of existence, this made me worried the most.

I sat beside the bed and looked at her face. She was breathing.

I held her arm, then her hands, squeezed and kissed it, and her warm cheeks.

This is all my fault! I was wrong leaving her there!

I am the worst! I endangered her life and wasn't able to protect her like I promised.

Her 17th birthday is coming in 2 days and yet this happens.

"I'm sorry" I continually whisper to her, squeezing her hands.

Meeting her was the best thing that happened in my vampiric existence and losing her human side... Should I turn her into my vampire?

But I don't want her to lose her smile and her heart.

Because when she turns into one- she'll forget me.

I know it's selfish but.. I don't want her to be like me..

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Chapter 91: I'm totally obsessed with this story! It was very interesting! Now, I get what you meant by this was not an ordinary cliche vampire story. :) I'm soo glad about that. When the story unfolded, it exposed so many things. Prophecies, secrets, histories, and with the complex love that you couldn't imagine. It was extraordinary. Whenever you reached happiness, there were always something will bring you down. Intriguing and a lot of suspense and mysteries revolved in this fiction. I hope people will read this story. Love your story! ♥
Jahsa4 #2
Chapter 1: I will read it again and again because it's awesome
Chapter 91: This is my first time seeing a story on the site were the main characters aren't idols. I love this vampire Fic. :)
ririlu #4
Wow...finnally i find story like this.... thank you im so happy.... ^^im new reader
tirawolf #5
Chapter 91: Hey thx fr invite me to read tis AMAZING story. I hope u can make more like tis n sry fr the late comment sis!
Chapter 44: Ahh~ this story is subarashi! ^-^ I luv how it's short and long. U know balance it! c;
Jenn81234 #7
Love this story and thank you for sharing this story with me. I feel honored
READERS: Thanks for dropping by my profile and reading the prequel and sequel. LOL. Thanks a lot! Love you guys so much! ;)
i love this story so much! <3 thanks for writing it author-nim~ <3
thanks to all the viewers and readers who continue opening the story! love you much! ;*