Where are you now?

After the break, Dae didn't return back to the room until classes ended. Elli didn't go to my room, maybe something came up.

I decided to go straight home. I haven't seen Jun or Noa since morning. The same black car took me home. I ran inside the hallway to where I could smell Noa- in his office. I think being a human-vampire has great advantages.

I knocked twice and opened the door.

"Hi Noa!"

"My beautiful sister! How's school?"

"Great! Though I was surprised that I got only 1 classmate. How's your day bro?"

"I'm so tired with all paperworks" he pointed out to his table and I saw piles over piles of paper.

"Want to take a walk then?"

"That'd be great! I need to stretch my arms and legs."

We walked outside the mansion and I was startled to see the wonderful backyard- there were assorted colors of roses- red, pink, yellow, blue, and black.

"Your uniform suits you. The red rose fits your cute face Andy"

"Stop teasing me Noa"

"Who's teasing now? Don't you think so?"

"Well I find it cute to wear!"

"I told you!"

"By the way, where's Jun?" Noa suddenly stop walking and turn pale.

"Jun-- hasn't shown up since yesterday. I was shocked when he decided to not say a word to his feeder"

"What are you saying? Jun's gone? And what's this feeder?"

"A feeder is the undead a vampire reaborn- so the feeder feeds the vampire who nows own him. So I was shock that he left without a word."

I turned paler and I gripped on his shirt. "Tell me where he is Noa. Please." I was begging to him already. He touched my hand ang made me let go of him.

"Sorry Andy. I'm going back now. But I promise that I'll call you when I hear any news" Then he started walking away back to the mansion.

I touched a rose but I got pricked. My finger bleed the regenerated back. It hurt at first but it slowly faded.

I looked at the sky and no clouds were at sight. I tried finding his scent but I couldn't. Tears started flowing.

I couldn't stop it..

Where are you?.

I want to see you Jun...

--chap end--
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Chapter 91: I'm totally obsessed with this story! It was very interesting! Now, I get what you meant by this was not an ordinary cliche vampire story. :) I'm soo glad about that. When the story unfolded, it exposed so many things. Prophecies, secrets, histories, and with the complex love that you couldn't imagine. It was extraordinary. Whenever you reached happiness, there were always something will bring you down. Intriguing and a lot of suspense and mysteries revolved in this fiction. I hope people will read this story. Love your story! ♥
Jahsa4 #2
Chapter 1: I will read it again and again because it's awesome
Chapter 91: This is my first time seeing a story on the site were the main characters aren't idols. I love this vampire Fic. :)
ririlu #4
Wow...finnally i find story like this.... thank you im so happy.... ^^im new reader
tirawolf #5
Chapter 91: Hey thx fr invite me to read tis AMAZING story. I hope u can make more like tis n sry fr the late comment sis!
Chapter 44: Ahh~ this story is subarashi! ^-^ I luv how it's short and long. U know balance it! c;
Jenn81234 #7
Love this story and thank you for sharing this story with me. I feel honored
READERS: Thanks for dropping by my profile and reading the prequel and sequel. LOL. Thanks a lot! Love you guys so much! ;)
i love this story so much! <3 thanks for writing it author-nim~ <3
thanks to all the viewers and readers who continue opening the story! love you much! ;*