letter battle

You're My Tomboy[HIATUS]


I woke up very early today as I thought today was a school day. I forgot it was a day off in Korea calendar.

I look at Youngmin’s bed. He had gone. I yawn and get off from my bed. I scratched my messy hair and look at the clock.

6.05 A.M

I yawned back. This was too early. Where was Youngmin?

As I walk to the restroom, I heard water drained from the toilet. Youngmin was in there. I walk back to my bed and lied.

Why was I so stupid to wake really early today? My eyes were just about to shut again when I suddenly saw something pink under Youngmin pillow. It attracts my attention. I quickly moved to his bed and pull the pink thing.

It was a letter with a heart shape draw on the right side.

How can he get a love letter when he was in a boy’s school?? Where did he get this?? Is this from a man????? I shivered when thought about it.

The letter had Youngmin name written on it.

Should I open it??

I look at the restroom’s door. A humming sound was heard from it. Youngmin was still taking his bath. Line clear~~

I carefully open the letter and start to unfold the sweet fragrant letter…


Dear Youngmin,

I was so flustering when writing your name up there. I saw you at the bus station in early year when you get off from the bus. I didn’t realize that I was looking at you when you turned at me and flashed me a smile. When you did that, I quickly look away as I didn’t have any courage to smile at you back. Until now, I was so regret for not doing it. I had falling in love with you from first sight. I can’t stop myself from looking for your information. I hope you didn’t get the wrong idea about me. Each day, I keep falling deeply with you as you were the perfect person that I’ve ever met. I had gaining my courage to send you this letter to tell you my feeling. I hope I didn’t scare you and wish we can be friend if you don’t have any feeling with me. I’ll always be at the bookshop if you ever want to meet me.  

Yours sincerely,



“Hey!!! What are you doing there??” Youngmin voice shock me and I made a small jumped.

“Nothing” answered him. I tried to hide the letter at my back. He come to his bed and grabbed his pillow. He realized that the pink letter had gone. He shot me a glare.

“Give me back the letter”

I shook my head innocently. “I don’t have it”

“Do you think I’m a fool? I saw you reading it when I get out from the restroom. Give the letter back, Eunhye” Youngmin held his hand in front of my face.

“I speak the truth. I don’t have it” I shot him I-don’t-lie-to-you look.

“Stupid Eunhye. What was on your back??” He gave a peek behind my back and he saw something pink.

“I knew it! Give it back!” Youngmin grabbed my wrist and try to get the letter.

“I don’t want! I haven’t finished reading yet!” I tried to run away with the letter. He grabbed me from behind and pulled me to him.

“Give it back!” He yelled at me. He tried to reach for my hand and I struggle in his arm.

“Let me go!!” I hug the letter and we both fall to floor. He chained me with his arm and I tried to escape. But, my attempt was a fail. He was so strong.

The letter had crumple in my hand and he still hadn’t let me go. He kept reaching my hand while his other arm locking me. I gave the second attempt but it was a failed. He twisted my body and pinned me to the floor.

“Released the letter!” said him.

“Why were you so worries if I read it??”Asked me.

“That’s not your problem! Just give me the letter back and I will free you.” He pinned my hand hard on the floor.

“I won’t! This love letter was so interesting.” I tried to raise my hand but his energy was too strong.

“This’s not my mistake. You’re the one who didn’t want to give it back” His face suddenly went close to me.

“What are you trying to do??” asked me.

He didn’t answer me.

Before my mind could register what was happening, His lip was already on mine.

My heart thumping really fast and my cheek started to feel hot. My hand automatically open up and the crumple letter escape from my hand.

“Eunhye-shi” I heard someone calling my name from outside and the person barge in our room without hesitated. Youngmin break the kiss at the same time the person entered the room but he stilled pinned me to the floor.

“What the hell you two doing??” asked Key with surprised looks.

Youngmin frees my hand and quickly snatch the letter. He looks at Key and shook his head.

“We didn’t do anything second ago” Youngmin explained to Key. His face was so calm.

How the hell he can act so calm after kiss me?? I was taken aback by his expression. My heart still skip a beat and my eyes feel like want to pop out.

I was still lying at the floor like a dead seal.

“Really?? So, why was Eunhye looks so surprise?” asked key with a puzzled looks.

“Him?” Youngmin turned to me and looks back to Key. “He had just lost on our battle. That’s why he was like that” Youngmin continue his explanation.

“So, what brought you here, hyung??” asked Youngmin with a smile.

“I just want to ask him if he want to join us to amusement park today? Are you going, Eunhye?”

I get up from the floor with my messy hair and nodded with dumbfounded face.

“Great! Let meet at lounge at 11 a.m. See you there!” key waved at me and walk out from the room with a big smile.

It left me and Youngmin alone in the room.

He turned at me and wink.

“Next time don’t mess up with me, baby”

My head feel like want to explode when he do that.


Hi, reader!! Are you expecting the kiss?? Ha-ha! I keep thinking how to make they kiss in these day and I came out with this ideas. I know it didn’t feel any romantic but I’m sure I’ll give them a romantic kiss someday ^^

Thanks for reading my story and commenting on it. I was full in energy when I read it!! Thanks, dear reader!!   

Stay with my story okay^^… please don’t unsubscribe it T_T



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i'm making a sequel :D please go see it. :)


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Chapter 48: Ahh! Finally, a happy ending where no one dies beforehand. I really love your work Author-nim! Keep up the good work and stay positive.

kellen_1825 #2
Chapter 48: Hahahah this is really funny.. Though in very late still it never fail to mae me laugh. Hahha eunhye finally haha youngmin haha you so aggressive haha do you really have to pick her up bridal style haha this is great. I love the ending!!! I felt like a fast reader really heheh..
JeongUn #3
Chapter 48: can i ask for sequel?? hehe
i found this very-no i meant the best fanfic
Chapter 43: update please ><
kellen_1825 #5
Chapter 39: wahhhhhhhhhhhh aigoooooooo youngminnie pr baby ayhh eunhye take a god care f him or else i'll make you mor......uh.....girlie? ahahahaah.. love it update soooooooon!!
JeongUn #6
Chapter 39: it's getting great
the story line.. how she act and youngmin who showed his interest to her.. it's cool
i don't know how you do that.. you're an amazing author i ever know :)