Tae Hee... A Savior

To the Moon

Your alarm went off at it's usual time. But instead of getting up without issues like normal, you couldn't seem to get yourself to sit up to turn it off. Your head was pounding and you felt like the world was turning as you stayed there. Did I drink last night? I only remember drinking one glass and that was only because my manager told me too. He said it would be informal if I didn't drink what they offered... 

If I drank more than one glass... How'd I get home? We were already there pretty late and the buses don't run late. Plus my manager drank too... Did that other singer's manager take me home? 

"Ha Yi-ah..." You moaned, reaching for your phone but not able to grab it. The alarm is killing my head... "Ha Yi!" 

It was useless trying to wake her up, especially when you couldn't yell due to the headache. Eventually, you sat up and shut off the alarm. But that little motion sent you bolting to the bathroom and you just barely made it before you vomited. This is why I hate alcohol. I hate it so much. 

You brushed your teeth quickly after and dug around for medicine for your headache, only to find none left. Figures. 

"____? Are you okay?" Ha Yi walked into the bathroom. "Omo... Did you drink? I can smell it from here." She gave you an odd look. 

"Apparently I did." You sighed, putting your fingers to your temples. "Can you go out and get some medicine for my head real fast? I don't have to leave for a half hour so it should be long enough." 

"You're going to work like that? for you." She sighed, raking her hands through her hair. "No places are open close enough for that stuff. But, you came in luck."

"In luck? How am I in luck right now?" 

"Whoever dropped you off here left miso soup and some medicine as well. I'll reheat the soup if you'd like it. It'll help for hangovers, obviously they knew that as well." Ha Yi smiled, not listening to your answer before she went off to heat it up. 

Who dropped me off here? It couldn't be Hakyeon or Wonsik because they were sleeping. Well... Could it be one of them? I wouldn't imagine that they could've found out but who knows... 

You jumped in the shower for a little bit, changed your clothes, and then went out into the kitchen to eat the soup before you did your hair. "Was there a note at all?" You asked her as you took a spoonful of the soup and grumbled at the salty taste. You never did like miso soup but there was never a reason for you to eat it other than now. 

"A note? I didn't see one." Ha Yi shook her head as she popped in some toaster waffles for herself. "Check your phone. Maybe whoever dropped you off, sent you a text or a voicemail. Or, you could just look through your call history and see if you called anyone out there to get you. That's the first thing I'd do." 

"True, true." You nodded, sitting on the counter as you finished the soup quickly and then popped a few pills into your mouth. "Whoever dropped me off has some experience with hangovers if they left me all this." 

"Or they're just smart. Most people know what will cure hangovers without having experienced them."

"Whatever." You frowned a little and rubbed your temples again. "I'll have to do my hair sloppily today since I took so long to wake up. Plus, I just don't have the energy to do much anyways. Today is going to be hell." 

"I still can't believe you drank." Ha Yi snickered as she headed into the bathroom. "Don't forget your key." 

You couldn't help but roll your eyes at her comment. Might as well get ready. 

You hurried into your room and put your damp hair up into the messy bun, knowing you'd regret it later when it'll be all tangled. You grabbed your phone and checked for messages but saw none. What the hell? I should probably ask my manager if I'm not going to be left any hints.

"Bye Ha Yi, love you." You popped your head into the steamy bathroom to say that and left before you got a reply. You made sure to snatch your key off the rack before exiting the apartment. 

My head aches so bad... You hurried into the elevator and reached the lobby in no time, exiting through the back again to get to your car easily only to find it wasn't there. The manager drove the car... I wonder if he has it then. 

You pulled out your phone and dialed your manager's number, him picking up in just two rings. A new record for him. "____? Where are you?" 

"Where am I?" You couldn't help that your respond sounded like a retort. "I'm at home. You have the car so I can't get to class." 

"Ah, I did, didn't I?" He sighed with frustration. "Yah, how'd you get home last night?" 

"So you don't know either?" You mumbled. "I don't know. Where are you?" 

"Home." He laughed. "I must've drank a bit more than I should've last night... Sorry for making you drink, I didn't realize how low your tolerance actually was. But once you were drunk, you just kept drinking! So I gave in and drank as well." 

"I did?" 


"Weird." You shook your head and sat on the ground just outside the exit. "Well, do you have the car or what?" 

"No... I left it at the place. The only thing I can remember after drinking is calling one of my friends to come get me." 

"What a good manager you are." You mocked. "You call and tell the teacher of my first class that I'll be late then." 

"Get a taxi there or something. I'll fetch the car and meet you at the class later." 

"Deal." You hung up and cast a glance at your phone. Should I call and see if Hakyeon is up? He should be since he's on a busy schedule as well. You decided to just call him anyways. 

His phone was disconnected immediately though. He has his phone off? That's weird. 

You shrugged it off and started heading towards the street to see if you could flag a taxi down this early in the morning. You doubted it but you never know until you try. 

But, as expected, there were no taxis in sight. You caught a glance of Wonsik exiting the dorm building and decided to run over to him. Forget the kiss. Forget the kiss. 

"Yah, ugly duck!" You laughed as you caught up to him. 

He turned and looked at you funny, his body stiff and awkward. This is the first time we've talked since we kissed. I admit, it's kind of awkward. "____?" 

"Are you leaving?" You hesitated, unable to hide your uncomfort as well. 

"No, not yet. I was looking for Hakyeon." 

"Hakyeon?" Your eyes widened. "He's not here?" 

"No. He left late last night and hasn't returned." Wonsik cast his look away, afraid that you'd see that he was worried for Hakyeon. But you, obviously, already saw it.

"Why did he leave?" You couldn't help but get a little nervous as well. 

"I don't know. We're not getting along and before he left last night... Just... We don't get along." He hesitated as well. "Do you think I drove him to leave or something?" 

"No, Hakyeon wouldn't leave because of a spat. Well... A spat with you at least." You laughed a little. "I'm sure he's fine." Where is he? I hope he's fine... "Could you do me a favor?" 

"Sure." Wonsik seemed happy to change the subject. 

"Something happened last night apparently and I don't have a car right now. Could you take me to my first class? My manager is fetching the car so that she can pick me up later." You felt a little sorry for asking him. 

"I won't ask." He twitched a smile. "I can take you. I don't have to leave until later today so it works perfectly." 

"Sweet." You smiled, following him towards the back of the dorm. "Hey... Are you limping? Did you hurt yourself?" 

"What about you? You're limping too." He avoided the question. 

"I hurt my ankle in my acting class a few days ago." You frowned. "It's just sore. Now why are you limping?" 

"I told you, Hakyeon and I don't get along." 

"Did Hakyeon hurt you?" You gasped with surprise. "Did he?" 

"Something like that." He sighed, getting into the driver's seat as you hurried into the passenger's seat. "It wasn't on purpose." 

Liar. I wonder if it was because Hakyeon saw the two of us... "Thanks for driving me." You changed the subject. "I'll buy you a meal sometime." 

"Sure, I'll be waiting for it." He didn't seem too convinced that you'd actually do it. 

Our relationship is just awkward now... I was afraid we'd become awkward someday... 

I really want to believe that Hakyeon injured Wonsik on accident but... I just get this strong feeling that it wasn't a mistake. 

I really wish they'd just be friends again, like they use to be.


The day passed by fast like always and your headache had disappeared by the time you got to your acting class around noon the next day. Your manager decided to keep the 'in between' day as a relaxing day for the both of you. 

But you didn't really relax that much because you still couldn't get a hold of Hakyeon. And on top of that, you couldn't get a hold of any of the VIXX members. But nothing was in the news so you were able to stay calm with that matter. If anything bad happens to any of them, then the news would be the first place to go. It's a good thing nothing is popping up. 

"So, do you want to go shopping or something?" Ha Yi startled you as she plopped herself down beside you on the couch, stealing the remote as well. "We haven't had a day to hang out with just the two of us for a really long time." 

You glanced at her with the same worried expression you had all day. "Should we?" 

"Don't answer me with that look on your face." She sighed. "I'm sure they just got busy. You said they were all back on normal schedules again."

"I know. I just find it weird that Hakyeon's phone has been off this entire time. Not once has it been ... At least the times I called him, anyways." You pouted a little. "What if they all like left Korea and didn't tell me?" 

Ha Yi laughed. "I saw the van pull into the dorm a little bit ago. You can go check if they're still there if you want." 

"WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THIS SOONER?" You yowled, springing from the couch and jumping in your shoes, exiting without another word. 

They're probably just annoying me to tease me. Well, it's not fun! 

You exited the elevator and bolted outside and a crossed the street when it was clear of traffic. Sweet the van is still here. You continued your way into the dorm and up those stairs to get to the room just as Hongbin was bolting out of the door. 

"Yah, Hongbin!" You yowled at him to stop but he just kept running and disappeared down the stairs you came from just as Wonsik bolted out as well. "Wonsik-ah!" 

Wonsik halted unliked Hongbin and turned to you with huge eyes. "____, what are you doing here?" 

"What's going on? I couldn't get a hold of any of you and Hongbin just nearly knocked me over." 

"No one told you?" He raked his fingers through his hair, looking very frustrated and upset. 

"Told me what?" Now you were starting to get frustrated. 

"Remember when Hakyeon disappeared that night?" 

Your heart dropped. "Did something... Happen to him?" 

Wonsik hesitated. "Well... Yeah. Something happened to him." 

Your body grew hot as worry spread throughout your body. It can't be anything bad... There was no news over it. Taekwoon bolted from the door with a bag in his hands and didn't stop for you two but instead motioned for Wonsik to follow as he ran by. "Wonsik... Is it bad?" You hesitated as well. "Is he okay? Where is he?" 

"We don't know the details yet." Wonsik grabbed your hand. "Why don't you just come with us? I thought someone told you." 

You nodded quickly and allowed Wonsik to lead you down the stairs quickly and sat in the back of the van with you. "Can you guys tell me some things, though? You guys seem to know more than me at least..." 

Taekwoon was driving and Hongbin sat in the passenger's seat, clutching the bag Taekwoon had brought out of the dorm. Wonsik glanced at you. "We think it was a hit-and-run accident." 

Hit and run? Does that mean...

"No, we know it is." Hongbin answered with a sad voice. "But both parties are at fault. All we know right now is that the driver couldn't see Hakyeon because it was dark but when they... Collided, the driver didn't stop either." 

"Why not?" You felt tears forming but Wonsik was quick to wipe them away for you before they fell. "Why wouldn't someone stop?" 

"We don't know." Taekwoon sighed, turning sharply. 

"How is he right now? Is he really bad?" Your voice shook and you couldn't help it. I'm scared... This can't be happening right now. Why wasn't I informed? 

"We got news of him being at a hospital around noon yesterday but apparently he's been there a while before we were informed." Wonsik explained. "The driver wasn't the one that called an ambulance, it was a bystander to the issue. We don't know who the bystander is or why they were out that late but I guess it was a good thing." 

"But how is he?" You couldn't care less about the details right now. You just wanted to make sure he was okay. 

"He's not as bad as you're imagining but he's not good either." Hongbin took over. "He hasn't regained consciousness at all. The doctor said that he's been unconscious since he arrived at the hospital. He's pretty banged up around his waist and back but luckily his head seemed to have been avoided. The most he got on his head was a few scratches. The doctor said the driver must not have been going very fast since he wasn't in too bad of shape. But, they did have to do a shoulder arthroscopic surgery for his shoulder. It looks like when the car hit him, he used his shoulder to break the fall for both the windshield and the ground. That's where most of his bleeding was as well." 

"What's that?" You grew more and more worried by everything he was saying. At least his head seems to be okay... 

"Basically they're just fixing the torn ligaments in your shoulder for the surgery." Wonsik wiped away your tears again. "The only thing that's most worrisome about this is the fact that he's not waking up. The doctor says it may be from shock. They did a scan to make sure his brain and body wasn't damaged beyond what they already know." 

"He's fortunate the driver wasn't going very fast or this could've had a different outcome. I just wish they would've admitted what they did wrong. Don't worry, we'll find them." Hongbin sighed, still clutching the bag. 

"What about the media?" You sighed, trying to calm yourself down and prepare to see Hakyeon. "Is he out of the ICU? I can see him right?"

"The manager is blocking this from being caught." Taekwoon responded. "That's why you didn't know any of this." 

"What about the concert you guys are having tomorrow?" 

"We're still doing it. We're just going to say that Hakyeon had other engagements that he couldn't get out of." Hongbin responded next. 

"And to answer your last question, yes, he's out of the ICU. Since they determined it was shock that kept him unconscious, they deemed it safe enough to take him out of the ICU." Wonsik smiled at you, trying to be comforting. "He looks like a baby right now. I wish I didn't fight with him that night... I still wish I knew why he left." 

"Me too..." You hung your head. "At least it's not as bad as it could be." 

"He got lucky." Taekwoon mumbled, pulling into the hospital parking lot and parking quickly. "The driver was going slow, if he was going fast like he should've been, then it would be a lot worse. It makes me wonder why he was going slow." 

The four of you rushed out of the van and into the hospital, taking a few elevators to get where you need to be and then you and Wonsik paused outside of the room Hakyeon was in. 

"Will you be okay?" Wonsik asked carefully. "We can't stay here long so you'll be left alone. Is that okay?" 

You nodded slowly and entered the room after Wonsik, a tear escaping your eye as you saw Hakyeon. He was on a ventilator and had gauzes on his head and what looked like a sling for his shoulder with padding all around it. His hair was ruffled like always and his skin was a little paler than normal. The sight was almost too much. 

Jaehwan and Hyuk watched your reaction as you just stood where you were, trying to calm down. Finally, after a little bit, Wonsik sat you down on the small sofa underneath the window of the room, the manager coming over to you. "____, I'm glad you're here... I have to take these guys to the concert venue to prepare. It'll be hard on us all but we'll be relieved to know that you're here with Hakyeon." 

You nodded, bitting your lip to keep from sobbing. Keep it cool... Hakyeon is going to be okay... He's only like this because he hasn't woken up yet... You listened to the heart monitor tick for a little bit before speaking. "Don't worry. Do what you have to do, I'll stay here for a while." 

"Hakyeon is really sensitive." Taekwoon came over as well. "If he wakes up, he's going to be really confused and scared. Make sure you don't let him freak out and call the nurse as soon as he wakes up, hm?" 

You nodded again. "Don't worry. I'll watch him well." 

The 6 of the bowed their heads at you and then bowed at Hakyeon before exiting, leaving you alone with the piercing sound of the heart monitor ticking. 

A hit-and-run can happen to idols too, hm...? Life just ... Life is never fair. Why did it have to be Hakyeon? What did he ever do wrong? 

You stood up and dragged a foldable chair over to the side of the bed and sat back down, reaching out for his hand. It was his left shoulder that had been severely damaged so you made sure to stay on his right side to avoid hurting him further. Wonsik was right... He does look like a baby. 

"Yah, Hakyeon-ah." You laughed a little to keep your voice from shaking too terribly. "You're faking it, right? Stop teasing us. This isn't funny anymore... You better wake up soon. It's not good to keep your eyes closed all this time." You stopped to take a breath. "Listen, I know you're tired from your schedule... But just wake up this once, hm? Then I'll let you sleep all you want." You stared at his hand for a moment. "You're head isn't damaged, that's a good thing. But your shoulder is... And your emotional state, right? You're surprised... So am I. Don't worry, I'll stay here until you wake up and get better. It's just your shoulder after all. By the time you wake up and even notice you're injured, all the cuts and bruises will be gone and the only thing left will be your shoulder." 

You stopped talking and continued to stare at his hand, clutching it with both of your hands. Hakyeon, you're supposed to be invincible. You're an idol... These things don't happen to idols... They can't... 

Your phone vibrated and you let go of his hand with just one hand to answer it. "Hello?" You spoke softly. 

"____? Where are you? They must've been there, right?" It was Ha Yi. 

I shouldn't tell her right now. Not without permission at least. "Yeah, they were, don't worry. We're out right now." You held your voice as still as it could be. "I might go visit my mom today so I won't come home tonight."

"Oh, really?" She laughed a little. "This whole apartment is MINE!"

"Yes, take it all." You swiped at the tears on your face. "I'm hanging up." 

You didn't wait for a response and hung up, slipping your phone back into your pocket. I know I could've told her but... Something about this issue makes me want to stay quiet about it. 

You were just about talk to Hakyeon again when the doctor and another man dressed in a tailored suit came in. "Oh, who is this?" The doctor looked at you as you stood and bowed your head, moving the chair out of their way. 

"I'm a friend." You smiled a little. 

"We have good news and bad news then." The man in the suit spoke next. "The good news is that we found out the bystander and she agreed to come in here and talk with us about what happened. The bad news being that she didn't catch the license plate of the car because after the impact, they sped off." 

You nodded. "I understand." 

"Are we okay to talk now?" The man asked as the doctor went and checked on Hakyeon's vitals. 

You nodded again and the two of you went over to the couch and sat down. "Who's the bystander?" 

"Ms. Kim Tae Hee." 

Tae Hee? Your heart just sort of stopped for a moment, as it seemed. "Kim Tae... Hee?" 

"Yes, do you know her?"

"I've talked with her a few times." You mumbled, watching as she walked into the room and dragged a chair over to the sofa, sitting a crossed from you two. 

Tae Hee and you shared a long gaze at each other before the man interrupted. "Let's talk about what happened. Can you explain to us exactly what you saw?" 

Tae Hee nodded and drew a shaky breath. This pains her as well... I see. "Hakyeon was crossing the street and since I'm a reporter, I was just simply ready to film whatever he does since it's my job. I didn't really see the car coming either but it had it's headlights off and was traveling at a maximum speed of 20mph. I believe he was looking for a building, that's why he was going so slow. And since other cars weren't around, he had the advantage to slow down like that and look." 

"Why do you say he was looking? And you know for sure it was a he?" The man questioned. 

"Yes, it was a male. He was looking out the window as he was driving and not focusing on the road. Hakyeon saw him coming but before he could react he was struck. All I saw after the incident... Due to Hakyeon's friend, I'd rather not explain the gruesome impact like I did to you, if that is okay." 

"That's fine." He nodded. "That's better, actually. So... He was going slow, not looking out the front because he was looking for buildings supposedly, and he was male... Anything else?" 

"All I remember is him looking out his window and then driving off quickly. I was too shocked to look at the license plate and I even dropped my camera when I ran over to him." 

"Wait, was this caught on film?" 

"Yes." Tae Hee nodded slowly. "I was filming when it happened. I didn't want to miss anything interesting but I didn't want something that interesting to happen..." 

"Did you retrieve the camera?" The man looked excited. "You might have caught important information on that film, this is why I'm asking." 

Tae Hee pulled out the small camera from her pocket. "I was using my little one that night. It's lense is shattered but it still works. Feel free to look through it." 

The man took it and left the room with the doctor, leaving you and Tae Hee to sit there in silence. 

"For once... I'm glad you were stalking Hakyeon." You laughed a little. "Very glad." 

She hung her head a bit. "I'm an awful person, but... I'm not awful enough to do anything with that film."

"I wasn't worried about that." 

"I won't target Hakyeon for bad things anymore... I'll find the good and target him for that." 

You nodded. "Good idea. Did you happen to see where he was coming from?" 

She glanced at you. "I assumed it was from your apartment since he began crossing from that side of the road... Was I wrong? Surely you'd know if he was at your apartment." 

Your heart felt all tingly again. "I don't know... I drank that night for the first time and I can't really remember much. I remember bits and pieces but I don't remember everything." 

"Oh, I see." Tae Hee smiled a little. "Anyways... Don't worry. Hakyeon will recover quickly." 


Tae Hee hesitated and then spoke again. "Do you want to eat with me sometime?" 

"Why would I want to do that?" 

"Never mind." She forced a smile once more and stood. "I'm going to go watch the film with the doctor." 

"Was it really bad looking?" You asked her as she started leaving. 

"You wouldn't be able to handle it." 

"Thanks... For shielding me then." 

"Don't talk about it." She left the room quickly and you wasted no time pulling the foldable chair back over to Hakyeon's bedside. 

"Tae Hee was your bystander?" You spoke again. "I'm actually... Really glad. What if it was someone else and they posted about it?" 

I want him to wake up. The only thing keeping him asleep like this is the shock... But when does that stuff go away? I know shock can be serious sometimes depending on what caused it...

I just hope it's not too serious. 


You ended up falling asleep beside Hakyeon and if VIXX came back that night, they didn't wake you up. The one thing that did wake you up though is the piercing noise of the heart monitor grow louder and more annoying. His heart is racing... Is that good?

Moments later the doctors were in the room and checking his vitals from his other side as you moved out of the way. "Why is his heart racing?" You asked one of them carefully. 

"Patients who have severe shock can undergo a few symptoms from it, such as rapid or weak heart rates." She explained with a smile. "Nothing is wrong. We'll have it under control, do not worry." 

Hard to do... "When do you think he'll wake up? It's been over two days, hasn't it?" 

"Yes." She nodded. "Serious cases of shock usually happen like this. I'm willing to say that he'll wake up soon though. His major scratches are healing nicely and there is no more internal bleeding around the shoulder. All that's left is for him to wake up, stabilize his vitals, and for his shoulder to heal."

"I'm sure you know who he is, right? When can he go back to dancing? He really likes to dance so it'd upset him if he couldn't dance for a while." 

"Yes, I'm well aware of who he is." She chuckled. "His shoulder will take a few months to heal but considering it's his shoulder that's wounded and not his legs... I'd say whenever the pain is bearable. As long as he watches out for that shoulder and isn't too reckless with it, he should be able to dance all he wants." 

"That's good." You smiled widely. "Thank you." 

"You're VIXX's old manager, right?" She explained further when you gave her an odd look. "My daughter loves VIXX. She told me how hard it was to accept the fact that a female was hanging around VIXX and she told me of all the scandals. I find it amusing and I guess it stuck with me." 

"Yeah, I use to be." You nodded. "I'm signed as an actress now though." 


"Mhm. I'm training a lot right now though." You glanced at Hakyeon, sighing with relief when his pulse was normal again and the other doctors left. 

"Are those scandals true? Is Hakyeon your lover?" 

"That's pretty bold of you to ask a stranger." You eyed her nervously. 

"I don't mean it as rude, I guess I'm just striking conversation." She frowned. 

"I feel uncomfortable answering that. Pick an answer for yourself and see it fit." You smiled, bowing your head as you sensed it was time for her to go. "Thank you for watching over him." 

She bowed her head as well and left the room. It's really sad to look over and see him on a ventilator... He must be on it since he's not waking up and they're worried he won't breath... Otherwise why would he be on it? I'm not a doctor so how would I know? I'm just making useless assumptions to keep myself feeling better, I guess... 

You checked the time and saw that it was near midnight. I slept the day away yesterday when I arrived here around 2. Should I leave so that I can get clothes...? But I don't want too. 

You eyed the bag that Taekwoon had brought and left against the wall near the couch. That must be Hakyeon's clothes. 

You were just about to exit the room to find something to eat when the heart monitor went off again. It's just the symptoms again. You cast a glance over at Hakyeon as the doctors walked in again. 

"His heart is racing again." A doctor exclaimed as they shone a light into both of his eyes. What does that do, I wonder? 

"I think he's waking up." The second doctor was watching his heart rate. "Check and see how his breathing is." 

The other doctor pulled off the tubes connecting to Hakyeon's mouth and the machine and held their hand to the end of the tube at his mouth. "Rapid." 

"We have to get both his heart rate and his breathing rate down or else he could send himself into hyperventilation." 

You sat on the couch, too worried to leave now. You watched as the doctors gained control of his heart rate and breathing rate once more. 

"He's experience a lot of shock and he's in a state of denial, if so to speak." A doctor began explaining to you as he rechecked Hakyeon's vitals. "He's awake now but just take things slow. We're going to take him off the ventilator since he's regained consciousness. If you notice him struggling to breath, breathing too much, or anything like that, make sure to let us know. We're hear the heart monitor if it's an issue with his heart."

"I'm going to step out a minute then. I need to make a phone call." You stood up and hurried out of the room to let them do their thing as you pulled our your phone and called VIXX's manager. 

"____? Is something wrong?" He answered quickly. 

"Hakyeon woke up. He nearly went into hyperventilation when he woke though. But they controlled it really quickly. They also say that he's in a lot of shock and confusion and denial. So we have to be really careful." 

"That's expected." The manager sighed. "I'm happy to hear that he woke up. The boys are finally sleeping so I won't break the news with them until tomorrow. I'll let the boys see him before the concert and maybe they'll even gain a little bit more strength from Hakyeon to do this without him." 

"Hopefully." You watched one of the two doctors leave his room and bowed your head at him. "I'm just so happy he's awake right now. I was worried he wouldn't and it'd develope into something worse." 

"Shock can be pretty serious sometimes." The manager assured you. "I'm going to let you go. I'll send you a text when the boys and I start heading up there tomorrow."

"Okay, see you then." You let him hang up first and slipped your phone into your pocket. 

I'm just going to run down the hall and grab a water from the vending machine... If I'm not going to eat then I at least need fluids. 

You hurried down the hall until you found a vending machine and got two waters. Maybe Hakyeon would want some. You walked back to the room, sipping one of the waters, and stopped to bow at the doctor who just walked out. 

The doctor smiled at you. "He's off the ventilator and his vitals are stable. We'll let him calm down and watch him for a day or so before we think about discharge." 

"Thank you." You smiled as well. "Is he in pain right now?" 

"No. We gave him some painkillers the second he woke up. Since we injected the medicine through his IV, it'll begin working much faster than normal." 

"That's really good. Thank you..." You bowed again. "I'll be sure to bring in my thank you gifts when he's discharged." 

The doctor grew flustered at the sudden action and just bowed his head and left. He's not in serious condition... I'm so happy. 

You hurried into the room and placed the two waters over on the ground beside Hakyeon's bag before sitting back in the chair you pulled over last time. Hakyeon turned his head to look at you and smiled a little. 

"Yah, Hakyeon-ah." You felt like tearing up again but you kept it under control. "What were you doing walking that late at night anyways?" 

You didn't expect him to answer nor did you want him too. I don't want him to strain himself if it's an issue to talk. You reached out for his hand again and held it tightly. 

"You get into so much trouble..." You sighed, shaking your head slightly. "I didn't even hear about you being in here until a day after it happened. What kind of nonsense is that? I was getting all upset and worked up over you not answering your phone but how could you when you're like this?" 

Hakyeon just smiled again and gave your hand a gentle squeeze in response. You leaned down and kissed the top of his head, leaving your head to rest on the bed. 

"I'm tired." You sighed. "You're not tired, right?" You didn't look up to see if there was any change in his expression. "You might be. They gave you painkillers so it might make you sleepy even though you just woke up from a nap that was already way too long. I know you love to sleep, but let's not ever sleep that much, okay?" 

I hope we catch the man who hit Hakyeon. Why did he have to speed off like that? What if Tae Hee wasn't there and Hakyeon was left there to die? It was late so no one would've been around to help him...

Why are people so cruel? What if Hakyeon had died because of that person's own stupid decision?

People can be so scary sometimes... 



Here's chapter 34 :) Panda will be writing 35 and 36, probably... But anyways, thanks for reading and subscribing! Also, thank you very much nonie16 for the upvote! 

Oooh, also, how are you guys reacting to VIXX's teasers of Fantasy? I know Panda and I had a long conversation of us just sending each other screen shots of the teaser... We're hyped for this! Also, who's your bias of VIXX? You can probably guess Panda's, if you can't, well... But mine is actually Kim Wonsik <3 Damnra killed me a little everytime I hear it and to see him again in Fantasy like this... My heartue can't handle it! Haha :)

Thanks for reading once more and I'll see you all soon! <3 - Exotic

















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Chapter 50: I really liked this fanfic, It's quite nice
Chapter 50: This was a pleasant story overall. At the end I found it too focused on her mother's departure than on the couple. Many things have happened since they met. At the beginning he didn't want her to know him too well, now he's suffering because she doesn't show enough interest. But it was a beautiful ride. Good job, author-nims.
Chapter 49: Aww, that was cute. I think she is lucky to have him.
Chapter 48: Her mother's departure is odd, but it's good she's not sick or dying. And she is right, she hasn't met his mother so why is he so interested in hers.
Chapter 47: Maybe her mother is sick or something.
Chapter 46: Aaaa, such a cute chapter.
Chapter 45: She is going to break up with Jae Hung not Hakyeon.
Chapter 44: The calls are sweet. Short, but sweet.
Chapter 43: America is going to be a vacation overall. A good thing I think. But I feel that every time things are going the right way, something happens.
Chapter 42: The way they acted, I think I would have died. What happened with her friend, though.