Troubles In Japan...

To the Moon

What is his heartbeat right now? 

He smiled at you with that cheesy grin and got off of you, climbing off the bed. "I wasn't going to do anything like you were imagining. I wouldn't get too far even if I wanted too." Hakyeon winked at you, causing you to blush. "You'd hit me." 

"C-correct." You grumbled, sitting up and smoothening your hair as he went to slip his shoes back on. "Are you leaving?" 

"Yeah. I'm pretty tired." He nodded. "My stomach is a little upset too so it's better to rest."

You widened your eyes. "You're not feeling well? What if you're sick? You can't get sick!" 

"I'm not sick, calm down." He chuckled, walking back over to you. "Can I at least kiss you... Here?" He poked your cheek. 

You flushed but nodded anyways, Hakyeon taking no hesitation as he kissed you on the cheek and stood up, smiling again. "I won't get sick. I'm Cha Hakyeon." 

"Even Cha Hakyeon can get sick." You tsked him as he left the room, waving to you before completely exiting. You felt your cheeks with your palms. They were still flaming from when he was so close to you. "Idiot. At least he's getting better at creating a mood..." 

You giggled and pulled out your phone as it rang. You didn't check the caller before answering it. "Hello?" 

"___-ah? Oh thank goodness you answered." It was your mother. You were half tempted to hang up but you could imagine the scolding looks Hakyeon would give you, so you used that as an excuse to hear her out. "Where are you? Ha Yi says you're in Japan. Did you get scammed again?"

"No. I work as a manager now and we're in Japan." You sighed. "Why do you need me?" 

"I need to talk to you about something." 

"Can't we talk here?"

"No, in person. Please, visit me when you can once you return to Korea. Please. I'm not asking you person to person, I'm asking you mother to daughter." 

"I'll think about it." You grumbled, hanging up the phone and placing it on the end table. "What would she possibly want to say? I have nothing to talk to her about." 

You decided to just head to bed. It was late and you were too lazy to actually get up and eat something, so, you switched off the lights and turned the TV onto a random channel with the volume down. 

Sleeping like that was easy. It was quiet and dark enough to sleep but not too quiet as to let your mind drift into uncomfortable thoughts. 

Sometimes it worked, anyways.


"So, what are we doing today? Exploring Tokyo at 9 in the morning?" You yawned, climbing into the passenger seat of a rental VIXX van. You glanced around. "Where's Hakyeon?" 

Jaehwan turned to you from the driver's seat and winked. "He and the manager went ahead to help set up the venue for our concert in a few days." 

"I thought you guys hired people to do that." You mumbled, disappointed. 

"We do." Hongbin responded from behind you. "But Hakyeon likes to help and the manager always has to be there anyways." 

"Hakyeon helps when he's bored, don't think of it as a 'nice guy' type thing." Wonsik added from all the way in the back beside a napping Taekwoon. 

"Hyung, turn left here." Hyuk spoke suddenly to Jaehwan. 

"Why? Where are you leading us?" Jaehwan followed the younger one's directions anyways.

"____-ah didn't eat breakfast so we can stop and get her a steamed roll or something for the way." Hyuk smiled at you when you turned to look at him. 

"How do you know I didn't eat?" 

"Because you look like you just woke up." Hongbin added. "That's not a stab." 

"Take it as a compliment." Jaehwan nodded.

You let the boys drive you to a cafe and allowed Hyuk to go in and buy you a roll even though you wanted to do it yourself. He came back with a steaming hot chocolate and a roll, placing it in your hands before climbing back into the van and we took off for the venue once more. 

"You guys spoil me." You smiled as you took out the steamed roll from the bag. "Do they taste like the ones in Korea?" 

"No." Wonsik sighed. "The ones in Korea taste better. But these ones are still pretty good." 

You nodded and bit into it, enjoying the taste of the sugar but it seemed to lack something more, you just didn't know what. But you ate it happily anyways and sipped at the hot chocolate, burning the tip of your tongue in the process. 

You and the boys arrived at the venue around an hour after you left the hotel. The stop at the cafe took longer than expected but they weren't scolded so all was well. 

Gaping at the appearance of the venue's stage, you sat in one of the seats with your hot chocolate. I remember being just a fan... I know it hasn't been all that long since I became VIXX's false manager but it seems like forever ago. I adapted to the boys a lot quicker than I expected I would when I first met them. 

"____-ah, did you sleep well?" Hakyeon came over to you and sat beside you with a sigh. 

"Yeah, I did. It was a little scary knowing that Ha Yi wasn't in the same place as me and I'm not use to sleeping alone but I kept the TV on all night so it helped." You nodded, offering him a sip. "It's hot chocolate." 

He shook his head. "I'll pass." 

"Are you excited to perform here again? I remember this venue from when I saw your live concert on TV last time." 

"We always perform here. We like it." He smile easily. "Yeah, I'm pretty excited to say the least. I like performing."

"Well if you didn't, that'd be kind of weird." You giggled, him nodding with agreement. 

He let his head fall back and closed his eyes. "I'm so tired."

"Still?" You sipped your hot chocolate. "Does your stomach still feel funny?" 

"Not really." He mumbled. "It's just really hot and I'm really tired." 

"Hot?" You put your hot chocolate on the ground and tapped his shoulder to get him to open his eyes. "It's chilly in here though."

When he lifted his head, you turned it slightly and put your forehead to his, his eyes widening with the sudden gesture. "____-ah..."

"Don't get excited, I'm checking if you have a fever." You giggled, taking a moment before pulling away. "You're a little warm. When we get back to the hotel, let me take your temperature to confirm." 

"You get worried easily." Hakyeon smiled, glancing at Jaehwan who was waving at him furiously. "I think my time to sit is up though." 

"Take it easy, okay?" You sighed as he stood. "You're not feeling well and practicing isn't the best thing to do when you don't feel good so just take it easy."

He ruffled your hair before walking away from you and up the stairs that led onto the stage Jaehwan had been waving from. 

Now that he told you that he still wasn't feeling good, you could see how tired he was by just walking a crossed the stage. Even though it was chilly, sweat still formed along his hairline. But, you let it go. Hakyeon was a professional in his field, he'd know when he should stop. Or you hoped anyways. 

You watched as they practiced their modified dancing for the stage and the entrances and exits for a long time. Hakyeon stumbled a few times when he was dancing and once exiting the stage. He was scolded everytime for it but you could tell he was out of it. Hakyeon wasn't looking too good and you were about to get up and go talk to the manager about it when Hakyeon stopped dancing and called for a stop to the others. 

"What is it, Hakyeon?" Wonsik complained. "You're messing up a lot today and now you're stopping us?" 

The manager walked onto the stage and stood in front of Hakyeon. "What's up?" 

Hakyeon hesitated and then shook his head. "Never mind, I'm fine. Let's start over." 

Idiot... You watched for another few hours as they practiced, the time nearing 4pm before the manager called it quits. 

You joined Hakyeon on the walk to the van while the boys talked with the manager. "Hakyeon! Why didn't you sit out?" 

Hakyeon shook his head. "It's not that bad." 

"Liar." You sighed, opening the passenger door for him. "Do you have anything else planned for today?" 

"Of course I do." Hakyeon mumbled. 

"Well, now you don't." You shut the door and went back into the venue, seeking out the manager. 

"____, what is it?" He smiled at you when you found him backstage. 

"Hakyeon isn't feeling too well. He hasn't since last night and he shouldn't of practiced this long. Can you halt his schedule for today and tomorrow? He needs to rest so that he can perform at the concert." You frowned. 

"He's sick? Does he have a fever? Anything serious?" 

"I think it's just from overworking himself. He doesn't sleep much for the amount of things he does in the day. Today and tomorrow should be plenty." You shook your head. "If it gets worse then I'll have you decide what to do then." 

He nodded. "Then I'll do that. We'll have to make sure he rests more so this doesn't happen again." 

You nodded as well. "Do you want me to just take a taxi back with him or your rental car?" 

"Take the rental car. I'll drive the boys to their next places for today. You just stay with Hakyeon." 

You nodded again and jogged out of the venue, opening the passenger door to the van and having Hakyeon get out. "What did you do?" He grumbled, knowing that I did something he wouldn't like. 

"Come on." You led him over to the rental car that was parked on the otherside of the parking lot. "You know what I did and you better not complain."

The two of you got in the car with you driving and started off towards the hotel. You made sure to remember the route Jaehwan took this morning, minus the cafe part, so that you could get back.

"____-ah, you shouldn't worry so much." Hakyeon rolled the window down to cool himself down.

"Says the person who has to roll down the window to cool off. It's already cold in this car!" You complained. "Don't lie to me when I can see."

Hakyeon rested his cheek on the door, his head slightly out of the window, and closed his eyes. He looks so tired... This idiot overworked himself and making me pity him. 

You smiled and turned off the radio, driving a little under the speed limit so you could let him rest a little befre reaching the hotel, even though it was only 15 minutes away.

By the time you arrived at the hotel and parked in the car lot behind it, Hakyeon was asleep. You sat in the car for about 10 more minutes before getting the heart to wake him up.

"You're so tired." You whined, getting out of the car and locking it after Hakyeon got out of the car.

Hakyeon laughed and followed you into the back of the hotel. "You babying me might not be a bad thing. This is the nicest you've been since I met you."

"You better be joking." You scolded him, entering the hotel and going straight for the elevator. Hakyeon had nothing to cover himself so you two moved fast and ended up getting an elevator with no one in it. "Hakyeon, we're going to my room. When the boys get back, they'll make a lot of noise and disturb you. But since I have this room alone, you won't be bugged."

He nodded, the two of you exiting the elevator and unlocking the hotel room. You smiled at him as he went over to the bed and collapsed on his back, sighing. "Okay, fine, I'm tired."

"Duh." You laughed. "I'm going to wash up."

That idiot better be asleep before I'm done or I'm throwing him out the window. 

You took about an hour long shower before getting out and changing into sweat pants a loose fitting t-shirt. You even brushed your teeth before coming out of the bathroom.

Hakyeon was passed out exactly like how you had left him before you went to take a shower. You held in a giggle and went over to him, moving him as carefully as you could so that he was lying in bed the correct way. He's so tired... He didn't even wake up when I moved him. He works too much with such little rest. 

You sat down near the end of the bed with your phone and opened Ha Yi's contact information. Should I scold her for telling my mother where I was? You shook your head and tossed your phone onto the chair next to the window. Maybe I should go and get dinner for him so he can eat when he wakes up? 

You decided to do just that and slipped on a sweater so you didn't look like a complete bum, and put your shoes, slipping your phone in your pocket. Stealing one last look at Hakyeon, you left the room and headed to the elevator, taking it all the way down to the lobby. 

There's a sushi bar a crossed the street. I'll just order sushi to go. But I don't speak Japanese... I'll just go off of the pictures like I did in China. 

You scurried a crossed the street, running into a rather rugged look man. "I'm sorry!" You bowed your head. "Are you okay?"

"You speak Korean too?" The man spoke, his voice sounding frighteningly familiar. But I've never seen this man before, how can he be so familiar? "No need to apologize."

You smiled when he did and went to move around him but he spoke again. "Is your name ______?"

You turned and looked at him suspiciously. "Who are you?"

He chuckled. "I'm co-workers with your mother."

"Ah?" You chuckled nervously. When did she get a job? She quit working a year after father died. Guess people move on fast when they don't care about what they do to people. 

"She talks about you a lot. She even shows us pictures of you!" He continued. "I'm visiting Tokyo as a vacation." 

"Ah, have fun then. I have to be going now, someone's waiting for me." You tried to walk away again but he gently grabbed your wrist. 

"I'm sorry." He apologized and let go of your wrist. "Do you want to sit and talk with me for a bit? Your mother seems to be doing poorly lately." 

"I'm sorry, I told you I'm..." 

He cut you off. "Just for a moment." 

You nodded slowly and followed him over to a bench just outside of the sushi bar aimed at going too. "What do you want to talk about?" 

"Your mother... She seems to be sad a lot." He sighed, watching your face for any reactions. "I can see you two don't get along with how you're processing this information." 

You played with your hands, feeling rather awkward. "Uhm, sir, I really should be going."

"Have you seen your mother recently?" 

Why is he so intrigued with my mother? A co-worker shouldn't be this obsessed with someone else's life. "I haven't. As you can see, I'm in Tokyo." You smiled nervously. 

"Why of course you are." He chuckled. "How is your father doing? Do they get along well?" 

You stared at the man. My father? If my mother does work, she doesn't wear her wedding ring anymore so there is no way he could just assume she's married. If they talk about family a lot then surely she would have told him about my father passing? "She talked about my father?" 

"Oh yes, all the time!" He smiled again. "She tells me how they argue over who gets to eat what at dinner and she tells me how much she loves him. But recently she stopped talking about him so I grew worried that maybe something was going on." 

"How recent?"

"Hm... Maybe last week or so? We're close, you see." He nodded. "I worry they're fighting." 

Liar. This isn't a man my mother knows. Not possible. How does he know my mother and I? "Listen, my friend is waiting for me. I have to go." You urged, standing but only to have him stand up and stop you from going again. 

"Ha Yi? She's in Tokyo too?" He asked, your eyes widening with shock. 

"How do you know Ha Yi?"

"Your mother always talks about her too. That she's basically family." His voice... OH! Yes, I remember. It's the same voice as the man on the phone when he called about my mother's fake cancer issue... Why does he want me?

My mother wouldn't talk about Ha Yi. You grew frightened and pulled out your phone. "Well, it's nice to talk to you but I really have to go. Ha Yi is waiting." You smiled nervously, taking off down the street, only to get caught at a crosswalk. 

The man jogged over to you and grabbed onto your wrist, still offering a smile. "You can't just leave without saying goodbye to your elders!" 

Without even thinking, you dialed Hakyeon's number. His eyes searched your phone and stumbled forward, your phone falling onto the concrete and breaking. You screeched with shock and picked it up, the screen black and not turning on. Is he some sort of stalker? Is he trying to kidnap me? 

You saw the light on the crosswalk turn green and bolted a crossed the street and into the lobby of the hall, getting stuck waiting for an elevator. But by then, he had already caught up, his face irritated now. "Your mother wouldn't be happy with you disrespecting her friends." 

"Get away from me!" You yowled with frustration. "I don't know who you are! My mother doesn't have a job. My father is dead. And she'd never talk about Ha Yi. You, sir, are a liar! I don't know how you know me, my friends, or my family, but you need to get away from me." 

He frowned. "___, you don't think I'm trying to harm you, do you?" 

"Get awa..." You cut off when someone grabbed you from behind and pulled you behind them. You were shocked and afraid at first but when you looked at who was in front of you, you realized it was Hakyeon. How'd he know I'd be here? Did my call go through? 

"Who are you?" The man gasped with shock at Hakyeon who had pushed him away from you. 

"Who are you? Why are you bothering this woman?" Hakyeon asked, gathering the attention of the reporters that have been lounging around the hotel and waiting for VIXX. He's not even covered up. 

"Hakyeon, that's enough, come on." You urged him but he didn't budge. 

"Why are you stalking this woman?" Hakyeon asked him again, cameras flashing as he did so. No, Hakyeon, stop... 

You pulled on his arm and he turned to look at you with confusion, only to turn around and find the man had disappeared. "Hakyeon, come on!" 

"____-ah, he got away!" Hakyeon yowled with frustration. "Someone who was threatening you has gotten away!" He pulled out his phone and started dialing the police but you took his phone away, ended the call, and dragged him into an elevator. 

"Hakyeon, you just got yourself in a lot of trouble!" You yowled. 

"____-ah!" Hakyeon yowled in return, clearly frustrated. "Why aren't you calling the police?" 

"Hush for a moment!" You sighed. 

Hakyeon glared at you for moment before he stumbled into the wall of the elevator, holding it to keep him up. You were about to ask if he was okay but he had already nodded. "I'm just lightheaded from your stupidity."

"Is this a time to be joking?"

"Is this a time to be leisure? Why didn't you call the police?" 

"Listen... I didn't mean to call you. I got scared and my mind went blank so I called you on instinct." You explained as the two of you walked into your hotel room and sat on the bed to talk more. "He said a lot of strange things to me that I fell for in the beginning but I caught on when he started talking about my father like he was alive. He knows about me, Ha Yi, and my mother. I don't know how but he does. He was also the person that scammed me into going to China. I think." 

Hakyeon sighed. "I like that you called me, it shows that you trust me. But I wish you would've used your brain and called the police instead."

"Do you think he's trying to kidnap me? If so, why didn't he just do it when he got me in China?"

"Well, he clearly knows a lot about you so there must be a reason for that. He probably didn't do anything to you in China, if that really was him, because he probably wanted to see if you'd listen to him first." Hakyeon mumbled. "He's obviously been watching you a while if he knows about your mother and Ha Yi. He doesn't know too much, which is good, but he knows enough. I doubt he'll try to publicly do anything to you now that you've seen his face." 

"Do you think he'll come after me again?" 

"I hope not but probably. That's why you should've called the police. What if I wasn't there?" 

You grumbled, "How did you even know I was there? He broke my phone." You held up the broken phone and placed it on the bed. 

"The call went through for a moment. It woke me and up and I thought it was strange that it only rang twice before hanging up. Then I tried calling you in return but it went straight to voicemail. I didn't know you were right there but I was coming down to see if I could find you and I just happened to come out of the elevator beside the one you were trying to escape on but it didn't come. That's why there was an elevator there when you dragged me away." 

You nodded. "Anyways, thanks. I know, I should've called the police. But like I said, my mind went blank and all I could think of was calling you. And then the reporters noticed you and started taking pictures of you so all I could think of was getting you away instead of calling the police. I'm sorry." 

Hakyeon continued to glare at you. "You're a handful."

"Aren't you tired still?" You tried to change the subject but he dragged it back on. 

"I'm worried for you, _____." Hakyeon sighed. "He got away. What if he comes back for you? I doubt he would so soon but that's the problem. When will he and where? He even followed you to Tokyo." 

You hung your head. "I know, right? I'm scared too. Next time I see him, I'll call the police as soon as possible, I promise." 

Hakyeon placed a kiss on your cheek and you looked at him, startled. "I'm not scolding you. I'm worried, like I said."

"I know you're not. I'm scolding myself." Why didn't I just call the police? Am I really that stupid?  

"Don't leave the hotel without anyone, okay? That goes for when we get back to Seoul too, okay?" He put an arm around you but you shook it off. "Eh? Even though you're scared, you won't let me hug you?" 

"Who said that?" You mumbled as you embraced him, burying your face into his chest. "I just wanted to hug you like this instead." 

He chuckled and put his arms around you in return. "You should get scared more often."

You ignored him and closed your eyes, relaxing. You felt safe right now so that's all that matters. You'll find this person eventually and with Hakyeon to help you, nothing bad should happen. 

"____-ah, you promise you'll be more careful? Should I buy you a new phone?" 

You shook your head and pulled away from him, standing. "No." You smiled. "How about you stay here with me instead?"

"I am here with you." 

"No, I mean, stay here overnight... With me." You flushed. "I don't really want to be alone and your sick so it's best to leave you here where there are no nosy boys around..." 

He smiled widely. "You're inviting me to stay overnight with you?" 

"If you don't like it then leave!" You growled, stomping over to the minifridge to get a glass of water. 

When you looked back at Hakyeon, he was still smiling and watching you. "Of course I like it." Just when you thought he couldn't smile any wider, he did. 

You chuckled. "Why are you so happy about this? Stop it!" You sipped the water and put it back in the fridge. "Once the manager sees those pictures online, he's going to get ticked at you. So if I were you, I'd sleep nicely before you get murdered tomorrow." 

You sat back on the bed, moving your broken phone to the end table and grabbing the remote instead, moving onto your stomach as you flipped through the channels. Hakyeon switched to his stomach like you were and smiled at you one last time before watching the channel you kept it on. 

Eventually, while watching the stupid variety show that you couldn't find yesterday, Hakyeon fell asleep again. 

"How can you get sick? I thought you were Cha Hakyeon?" You whispered, moving the hair out of his face. "Are you even Cha Hakyeon? You don't look like him anymore." You look like someone I love, not just Cha Hakyeon anymore. 

Your mind drifted cautiously back to what happened today. 

How does he know who Ha Yi and I are? Or my mother? Why? Why does he want me? What did I ever do wrong? I didn't offend anyone... At least that I know of. 

It's all just confusing. I wish this never happened. 

You smiled at Hakyeon's peaceful face and lowered your head onto the bed. He's like superman. A Korean superman. A hot, celebrity version of superman. 

I wonder... Is the man after me or... Something else? 

Or maybe someone else? 



Thanks for reading once more and thank you for subscribing! I'm starting to tie things together. I'm not sure how many chapters this fanfiction will have to be honest but however many, I'm not close to the end yet! Look forward to my update on Tuesday and thank you again for reading! ~PandaBiscuit~




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Chapter 50: I really liked this fanfic, It's quite nice
Chapter 50: This was a pleasant story overall. At the end I found it too focused on her mother's departure than on the couple. Many things have happened since they met. At the beginning he didn't want her to know him too well, now he's suffering because she doesn't show enough interest. But it was a beautiful ride. Good job, author-nims.
Chapter 49: Aww, that was cute. I think she is lucky to have him.
Chapter 48: Her mother's departure is odd, but it's good she's not sick or dying. And she is right, she hasn't met his mother so why is he so interested in hers.
Chapter 47: Maybe her mother is sick or something.
Chapter 46: Aaaa, such a cute chapter.
Chapter 45: She is going to break up with Jae Hung not Hakyeon.
Chapter 44: The calls are sweet. Short, but sweet.
Chapter 43: America is going to be a vacation overall. A good thing I think. But I feel that every time things are going the right way, something happens.
Chapter 42: The way they acted, I think I would have died. What happened with her friend, though.