Fall For You

Mingyu didn't know what came over him and he agreed on letting Wonwoo have a date with Doyoon. And now that the date was under way in Changwon of all places, Mingyu just felt miserable and he kept his gaze fixed on his phone. He considered sending Wonwoo a text message but a part of him wanted a reminder that the older would choose him, that even when together with Doyoon, Wonwoo's thoughts remained with Mingyu. So he waited for the older to message him first. 


He convinced himself that the heaviness he felt in his stomach was because of something bad he ate and not the crushing disappointment he felt when Wonwoo didn't text him. Sometimes it was hard to lie, even just to himself. 


Getting text messages from Wonwoo had always been one of Mingyu's favorite things. He found it endearing how the older would text him with cute emoticons, silly things that contrasted to his mysterious appearance. And getting those texts after the older had gone on a date with Doyoon? Mingyu felt like he was on cloud nine. He was glad that it was a very slow night and other than sighing, Jonghyun had let him text Wonwoo. He wanted to talk to the older all night long but he knew that the other was probably tired because of the travel and whatever it was he and Doyoon did. It was with a heavy heart that he forced Wonwoo to get some rest already. 


"If he's asleep, he wouldn't be able to text you so quit staring at your phone." Jonghyun said as he nudged Mingyu. He peeked over the younger's shoulder. "It's past midnight and normal people would be sleeping right now." 

Mingyu made a face. "Does that mean we're not normal?"

"I don't know about you but I'm pretty sure Soonyoung isn't normal." Jonghyun raised an eyebrow. "Why isn't Wonwoo here tonight? He'd usually spend some time here." 

"Uh, he went back to his hometown so he's tired so I let him get some rest." Mingyu stammered out. 

Jonghyun hummed, looking around the place. "Want to get some rest as well? There's not much people. I think I can handle it." 


Mingyu just stared at his boss, trying to figure out if he was serious. Jonghyun rolled his eyes and started pushing the younger to the locker room. Mingyu quickly grabbed his things in case Jonghyun suddenly changed his mind. On his way out, he could see that Minhyun and their other friends had arrived, making it easier for him to just go. After waving to the hyungs, Mingyu headed out into the night. 


It felt odd walking like this. Not walking home at almost one in the morning but walking alone at almost one in the morning. Mingyu hated to admit it but Wonwoo had spoiled him. Jonghyun thought that Wonwoo would just drop by at Shining Diamond before going home. What he didn't know was that though that was true, Wonwoo always came back to pick Mingyu up from work. Mingyu had already told him countless times that he could handle himself just fine but deep down, there was a pleasure to being taken care of like that. A cold feeling suddenly came over him and it had nothing to do with the weather. He missed Wonwoo. He had spent a whole day without the older and the longing feeling he kept trying to push at the back of his mind was catching up to him. 


When Mingyu walked in his apartment, he had half expected Wonwoo to be there and was sorely disappointed when only silence greeted him. With a sigh, he sat down on the couch, debating on whether to call Wonwoo or not. He glanced at the clock and decided against it. Wonwoo needed the rest and frankly, getting a decent amount of sleep didn't sound bad to Mingyu either. With another sigh, Mingyu dragged himself to his room, smiling at the little stack of mangas that Wonwoo had left there. 


Tomorrow. He would see Wonwoo again tomorrow.


Mingyu woke up to the sound of humming and the clattering of pans. For a moment, he was confused. He checked his surroundings, wondering if he had stayed over Jisoo and Junghan's place without meaning to do so. He ran his eyes through the room, noticing the pile of dirty clothes carelessly strewn across the room. It was definitely his room. He tilted his head to the direction of the door, hearing the same noises. 


"Who the heck?" Mingyu mumbled as he got out of bed. He frowned when he discovered that he had fallen asleep wearing last night's clothes and quickly changed into sweats before venturing outside. 

He stepped out, expecting Junghan and Jisoo to be the ones responsible for the noise. It was however a pleasant surprise to see who it actually was. 


"You know I'm half flattered and half creeped out that you can't find it in you to wait for me to actually open the door." Mingyu said as he crossed the room. 

Wonwoo pouted, a slight pink dusting his cheeks. "In my defense, I did knock. You just didn't answer." 

"Yeah? How did you knock?" Mingyu asked, quirking an eyebrow in amusement as he stood beside the older. 

Wonwoo paused,turning an even deeper shade of pink. He knocked on the counter once, just a soft, quiet knock. "Uh, like that." 

Mingyu couldn't help it; he laughed loudly, the sound coming off louder when Wonwoo smacked his arm. "I'm sorry!" Mingyu exclaimed after he had calmed down. "I just... who was supposed to hear that exactly? Even if I was up, I doubt I would hear that." 

"Shut up, Kim. Just consider yourself lucky that I'm here." Wonwoo grunted, slicing the vegetables with more force. 


Mingyu chuckled again, dodging the kick the other directed to him. In lieu of an apology, he wrapped his arms around Wonwoo's waist, drawing circles on the other's hip. Wonwoo hummed in contentment, leaning back against Mingyu's chest. Mingyu smiled, swaying the two of them slightly. He started trailing kisses from Wonwoo's shoulders up to the shell of his ear, smirking in satisfaction when he saw the trail of goosebumps. 


"You're especially touchy today." Wonwoo commented. 

Mingyu smiled sheepishly. "Want me to stop?"

"I didn't say that. I'm just saying that you're not usually like this." 

"Well, my boyfriend doesn't usually pick the lock to my apartment."

"Yah!" Wonwoo whined. "This was like the second time I did this already. Stop making it sound like I'm some kind of thief." He raised a finger when he saw Mingyu grinning playfully at him. "Don't even try to pull that pick up line on me." 

"You're the one that's putting the bait out there." Mingyu answered. "Anyway, you're here early. Is Hansol going to cover your shift for you?"

Wonwoo stared at him, eyebrows raising. "You're serious." He deadpanned. "Baby, it's almost 2 in the afternoon. My shift finished already." 

"Oh." Mingyu said dumbly, shrugging afterwards. His body clock on the weekends was always messed up because of his job at Shining Diamond anyway. He was used to getting the time wrong and his hyungs would just be the ones to correct him. 

"Yeah, oh." Wonwoo laughed, nudging Mingyu. "Go shower while I finish this. We can eat after you're done." 


Mingyu nodded, kissing Wonwoo's cheek before heading off. He was in a really good mood. He was woken up by his boyfriend and he was going to eat food prepared by said boyfriend as well. Mingyu wished that this could happen everyday, maybe some time in the future it could. 


By the time Mingyu was done showering, the apartment was filled with the aroma of the curry Wonwoo had cooked up. Mingyu followed the delicious smell, smiling at the older who was setting up the table. The younger helped, grabbing the utensils while Wonwoo served the food. It was all very domestic and gave Mingyu a warm feeling, a feeling he could associate with home. He mentally scoffed at his cheesy thoughts but he had to admit that he liked the idea. Wonwoo was home. 


"You're staring again, Gyu." Wonwoo chided him with a playful smirk. "Am I that good looking?" 

Mingyu blushed, pushing the other's shoulder. "Let's just eat." 

"Very cute." Wonwoo commented, kissing Mingyu's cheek before taking a seat. 


Mingyu muttered under his breath as he sat down across Wonwoo. They ate in comfortable silence with the younger stealing glances at Wonwoo every now and then. He's pleasantly surprised that the older is here and that alone should be able to block everything out but it's not. He was still curious about what went on yesterday but at the same time, Mingyu was afraid of what the answer could be. 

"When's Soonyoung going to perform again?" Wonwoo suddenly asked, tilting his head at Mingyu.

"Uh, two weeks from now, I think?" Mingyu pursed his lips, trying to recall what Jihoon had been grumbling about. "Yeah, two weeks from now. Are you going?"

Wonwoo rolled his eyes. "You talk like Soonyoung isn't my friend. Of course I'm going. I'll probably bring everyone along." 

"That's good then. Hey, you should hang out more with Jihoon hyung. Uh, he gets very snappy when he feels lonely and for some reason, I'm the one getting yelled at because of that." Mingyu said with a slight pout. 

"My poor boyfriend." Wonwoo cooed. "Alright, I'll drop by their place soon. Or maybe Jihoon could sleepover at our place. He likes Hansol anyway." 

"Thank you." Mingyu said sincerely.


Even though he didn't like getting yelled at by Jihoon, he felt more upset because he knew that his hyung was lonely since Soonyoung was literally living in the dance studio for the dance showcase. Of course Jihoon wouldn't say anything about it to his boyfriend because he knew that Soonyoung loved performing and that this would mean the world to him since he wasn't able to participate last year. 


"It's absolutely nothing. I miss hanging out with Jihoon anyway." Wonwoo smiled at him before he started rattling of ideas on what they could do to make sure Jihoon's distracted. And Mingyu just watched. 


He watched with rapt attention on the way Wonwoo planned out things to do with Jihoon. It was strange to think that the Wonwoo didn't really know Jihoon, that they became friends by mere association through Mingyu but now they were close, close enough that they could hang out without Mingyu worrying if it would be awkward between the two. Mingyu knew that Wonwoo was sincerely concerned about Jihoon and it made his heart swell twice its size. 


"I'm so lucky to have you." Mingyu blurted out all of a sudden. His eyes widened as he realized what he had just said. "I... I mean.. what.. uh... don't mind me." He looked at Wonwoo, trying to see how the older reacted. 

Wonwoo was biting his lower lip, eyes staring at Mingyu with his cheeks flushed prettily. The two of them just stared at each other for a while before Wonwoo cleared his throat. "T-thanks. I'm very lucky to have you too." 


The pleasant warmth from hearing those words stayed with Mingyu until it felt like it was embedded under his skin. 


"Why are we doing groceries again....?" Mingyu asked for the nth time as Wonwoo started putting things in their cart. 

Wonwoo rolled his eyes, huffing as he picked out cereals. "Because your fridge was in a totally depressing state. It was like no one lived there."

"It wasn't that bad." Mingyu protested, denying it vehemently. 

Wonwoo gave him a look. "One piece of bread isn't that bad?" 

Mingyu blushed, looking away. "Okay, maybe it was." He looked at the things that Wonwoo had already taken. "Is it just me or are those already way too much?" 

"It's not." Wonwoo countered. "Let's go get meat." 


Mingyu huffed but followed after his boyfriend. He wanted to ask Wonwoo about Doyoon but the older was serious about grocery shopping after seeing the empty place that was Mingyu's fridge. Wonwoo had immediately started lecturing him about keeping it properly stocked before dragging the younger to the grocery. And now that they were here, Mingyu couldn't find the right time to ask and it was slightly annoying him. 


"Mingyu hyung!" 

Mingyu snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the familiar voice. "Hey, Chan." He smiled at the younger. "What are you doing here?" 

"Mom wanted me to pick up the groceries." Chan answered back. He peeked behind Mingyu and waved at Wonwoo who was busy choosing the meat. "Hyung looks serious." 

"Jun hyung taught him to properly check the meat so yeah, we've been spending ages at the meat section since then." Another voice piped in and Mingyu saw Hansol pushing a cart to where he and Chan were. "Yo, hyung." 

"Hey, Hansol." Mingyu smirked. "You being a loving boyfriend and helping Chan with groceries?" 

Hansol blushed, kicking Mingyu's shin. "So are you." 

"Oh hey, Sol. So this is where your date was." Wonwoo said after he had finished picking the meat. "Say hi to Mrs. Lee for me later." 

"I have to get home early, remember? Jun hyung was going to be lecturing me about Chinese dynasties." Hansol frowned. "Why did I take World History again?" 

"Something about keeping in touch with your international roots." Wonwoo shrugged. "I don't really know." He looked at the other cart then back at the one he was pushing. "Are you guys done? Mingyu and I were just about to pay." 

"Chan?" Hansol asked, turning to his boyfriend. 

"Let me check the list." Chan replied, pulling out a list from his pocket before going through the contents of the cart, checking them off one by one. 

Wonwoo leaned against Mingyu, slightly nuzzling into the younger's shoulder. "What about you? Did you want anything else?" 

Mingyu wrapped an arm around the other's waist. "I think I'm more than good already." He glanced at the other two, Hansol hiding things behind his back while Chan frowned as he looked at the list and the cart. "They're still pretty much the same, aren't they?" Mingyu commented, chuckling when Chan hit Hansol after he discovered what his boyfriend was doing. 

"Yeah, they are. Adorable isn't it?" Wonwoo answered back. "Hansol made it clear to Chan that they wouldn't be the mushy type of couple, that they'd just be like before with just added feelings for each other. It works for them great." 


Mingyu nodded, wordlessly agreeing with what Wonwoo had said. Friends to boyfriends wasn't a romantic way of falling in love, at least that was what Mingyu thought before. He might have to rethink that though. Hansol and Chan weren't very romantic but there was something about their dynamics that screamed familiarity. They could tease each other all they want and not worry about the other getting mad, far too used to it from being friends for too long, the ease of just being with them, very comfortable already. 

Doyoon flashed again in his mind and a frown immediately settled on his features. He couldn't help but think about Doyoon and Wonwoo's past. They must have been very close if the current relationship between Wonwoo and Seungcheol was any indication and they had basically grown up together. There would always be a part of Wonwoo that was Doyoon's and that fact left a bitter taste in Mingyu's mouth. 


"Mingyu?" Wonwoo asked gently, looking up at Mingyu with concerned eyes. 

"Uh, yeah? Sorry, I was thinking about something for class." Mingyu excused. He had just followed the trio to the cashier and was surprised that they were almost done here. 

"You sure? You looked like you were thinking really hard." 

"Yeah, uh, it's just a really hard class." 


Wonwoo eyed him doubtfully but didn't press on the topic, choosing to focus on the younger two instead, making sure they had everything. Mingyu carried their groceries since they were his after all and just followed the three to the bus stop. Hansol had to leave already since Jun had texted him that he was at the apartment already. He didn't really look happy about that fact as they waited for Hansol's bus. 


"Sol." Wonwoo said, nodding at the approaching bus. 

Hansol frowned, handing Chan the bags he was carrying earlier. "Fine. Get home safe okay, idiot?" 

Chan rolled his eyes. "I will. Be careful, idiot." 

Then Hansol smiled, pulling Chan to his side to press a kiss on his forehead. "Text you later. Love you." 

The three of them stood there in shock at what Hansol said, clearly not expecting that and Hansol was beginning to blush. Chan cleared his throat, nuzzling his boyfriend's neck before pulling away. "Love you too." 


Hansol smiled even wider, reaching up to kiss Wonwoo's cheek quickly before running inside the bus. The three of them watched the bus pull away, the silence hanging between them. Mingyu chanced a look at Wonwoo and saw an unidentifiable look on his face. Whatever it was, it made Mingyu's heart drop.




After walking Chan home, it was weird between Wonwoo and I. Usually we'd be talking about random things from what stupid my hyungs were recently doing up to complaining about the struggle that was college life. But today we just...walked. It was deadly silent and the silence was loaded with some unknown tension. It wasn't that obvious when Chan was with us since they filled any awkward silence with idle chitchat. After we reached Chan's home though, the feeling became more prominent and hard to ignore. I felt like I let Wonwoo down. He didn't have to say anything; it was just a gut feeling and the scary part was that his silence confirmed it more than any word could.


I chanced a glance at him and saw that his lips were drawn to a firm line like he was trying not to say anything. I frowned, feeling slightly annoyed. Why wouldn't he just say what it was so I wouldn't be left in the dark? I tried to rack my brain for anything, anything at all that I did wrong but I was coming up blank. 


"Ugh, I give up." I groaned loudly, stopping in my tracks. Wonwoo was a few steps ahead of me but he stopped as well and was looking at me expectantly, eyebrow raised. "What is it, Wonwoo? Just spit it out."

"What's what, Mingyu?" Wonwoo asked even though it was obvious that he knew what I was talking about. 

"Don't play dumb with me. What did I do wrong? You're obviously mad at me and I've tried thinking about why but nothing's coming up so just tell me." The frustration I was feeling overwhelmed me for a second and made my voice rise. I could see the surprise and hurt on Wonwoo's face clear as day. I sighed slowly, approaching him. "Just... tell me. Please." I pleaded, voice softer than before. 

Wonwoo snapped out of his state of surprise, eyes flitting everywhere but me. I could almost see the gears in his mind turning as he tried to word what it was he wanted to say. I knew that Wonwoo wouldn't avoid talking about this altogether which was more than what I could say for myself. Wonwoo's honesty was both something I liked and disliked about him. 


"I don't know how to say it." Wonwoo finally replied. He sighed, moving closer to me as he leaned his forehead on my shoulder, my hand automatically coming up to hold his waist. "I don't really know how to say it because you didn't do anything which is sort of why I'm upset but I don't know." 

"Okay?" I said uncertainly. I played with his hair gently, smiling when I felt him relaxed under my ministrations. "I just don't want you to be upset with me, baby." 

"I don't like being upset with you either, Mingyu. You didn't even do anything after all. But..." Wonwoo leaned back, brows furrowing as he stared at me. He had always had an intense stare but this time it intensified even more,almost like he was compelling me to do something just through his eyes. 

I swallowed, shifting my eyes somewhere else. "Well, if that's the case, what about you just.. forget about whatever this is? I don't like you being upset and you don't like being upset and you're upset because of whatever this is so I say let's forget about it." 

Wonwoo frowned, pulling back completely. "We're not going to talk about it?" 

I paused, biting my lip nervously as I nod. "Yeah, I mean... you might just get upset even more." 


Wonwoo nodded but there was still a trace of his earlier frown on his face. We started walking back to my place with the silence ringing even louder and heavier than even before. 


I didn't really know why I was so emotionally constipated like my hyungs said but I don't remember a time when I wasn't. It was never an issue for me before,probably because I didn't really care. My friends got used to it after a while and found ways to understand me despite it. I never felt the need to change or at least reduce my emotional constipation. No one had been worth the hassle. 


But now, as I looked at Wonwoo quietly putting the groceries away, I wondered if maybe I should consider changing. I knew that Wonwoo was upset with me because I didn't want to talk about what he was upset about even though it was obvious he was still upset over it. It wasn't that I didn't want to or I didn't care but I was scared. He was upset with me a day after his date with Doyoon and after seeing Chan and Hansol be sweet to each other- there was no way they weren't connected and that was what scared me. What if I asked and heard something I wouldn't want to? 


"I'm done, Mingyu." Wonwoo suddenly spoke up that it made me jump.

"You're done?" I asked nervously. 

"Putting the groceries away yeah. You know you could have helped. They are yours after all." Wonwoo answered back with a slight pout. 

I breathed a sigh of relief, smiling at him sheepishly. I really thought it was something else. "Yeah, sorry about that." 

He eyed me skeptically before walking over to me, carding his hand through my hair. I closed my eyes as I leaned into his touch. "What's wrong, baby?"

His voice was so gentle; I almost felt hypnotized. "What happened at your date with Doyoon?" 


I felt him stiffen for a bit before he mumbled a shy 'okay'. I opened my eyes to watch his face as he told me all about their date yesterday. The more I listened, the tighter my chest felt. It was almost like something was choking me. And I felt dumb about my reactions. 

I knew they were together for five freaking years so none of this should be a surprise to me. They'd been together for a long time so of course they were bound to get close to each other's family. Of course. It was a ing given so I don't know why I was being like this. Maybe it was jealousy? Jealousy that I didn't have the chance to meet or get to know Mr. Jeon before he passed away. Jealousy because I wasn't even sure if Wonwoo's mom knew about me. Heck my mom wasn't aware of Wonwoo either. What was I doing? 


"We ended up crying while talking things through." Wonwoo continued, completely unaware of my internal conflict. "Then he kissed me." My eyes widened at that.

"What the ?" I hissed.

Wonwoo shook his head. "It wasn't like that. It was more of a goodbye kiss. It didn't mean anything to me."


I shook my head as well, trying to shake the image away in my mind but of course it stuck even more. I looked at Wonwoo who was biting his lip as he stared back at me, a sure sign that he was nervous. Why would he be nervous? Was there something he wasn't telling me? 


I closed my eyes again as I processed everything that Wonwoo just told me. As far as I could tell, the date could be summed up by Wonwoo crying almost the whole day and that Doyoon kissed him. It was an awfully emotional date that just didn't sit right with me. Why did Wonwoo cry so much? They said that only the people you love could hurt you, the only ones with the power to affect you so much. Was that true? Was there still some feelings left for Doyoon? 


"And... I told him about us." He said in a quiet voice, almost like he didn't want me to hear the words. 

"What... what do you mean?" I asked testily. 

He frowned, curling up into himself. "I told him that we weren't really dating. I mean... uh, that we started it out like that." 

"What?!" I exclaimed loudly, making Wonwoo flinch. 


That changed everything, didn't it? He told Doyoon, his ex, the guy that just left him high and dry, our biggest secret. I didn't even tell anyone about it and I doubted that Hansol or Seungcheol knew either otherwise they would be demanding explanations especially Seungcheol. We both couldn't tell our friends, the people we trusted the most, about it but he told Doyoon. Of ing course. 


I stepped back from him, not knowing whether I wanted to laugh or cry about the turn of events. I was afraid to open my mouth because I didn't know what to do. Everything was a jumbled mess right now but underneath all the confusion, there was a constant thrumming running along me. It tasted bitter, a little bit like betrayal. But that was just stupidity wasn't it? Why should I feel betrayed? We weren't even really dating for 's sake. 


"Mingyu?" Wonwoo called out, taking a step closer to me. 

I stepped back, trying to smile at him but my face felt all wrong. I was probably grimacing. "No, don't. I mean... that is true after all. We're not really dating, are we?" 

Wonwoo frowned and moved closer to me. "Stop that. You and I both know that's not true, not anymore. We may have started like that but that's not the case." 

I took another step back as I shook my head rapidly. "What do you mean, hyung? We never said anything to the contrary right? You don't have to worry about me. I, uh, I've accepted how sweet my hyungs are to each other. Soonyoung hyung and Jihoon hyung aren't even that sweet to each other these days. I'll manage to survive." 

"What are you talking about? Why the hell are you calling me hyung?" Wonwoo asked but he didn't move closer. Thank God. I didn't think there was space for me to back up anymore. 

"We could just tell the others we had a huge fight and that we're done. You wouldn't have to see my face afterwards." I said nonchalantly but there was a burning behind my eyes. I blinked rapidly. I would not cry. "A-and you can get back with Doyoon hyung. Tadah... everyone lived happily ever after." I cursed myself for stuttering but I just couldn't say them with ease. It felt so wrong saying them. 

"What the , Mingyu?!" I flinched. This had to be the first time I heard Wonwoo curse. "What the hell are you talking about? I don't want to get back with Doyoon!" 

I shook my head vehemently, not looking at him at all. "You don't have to explain anything to me. I understand perfectly. Thank you for everything you've done for me, Wonwoo." 

"No, you don't understand! Is this because I told him about us being fake? I just wanted to tell someone about it. If you're making a big deal about that then I should let you know that Hansol knows as well. But you don't see me wanting to be together with him either."

"Hansol has a boyfriend and you were never together with him. They're not the same." I replied calmly. 

"The fact that I told Doyoon about us has nothing to do with this." He took a deep breath. "God this wasn't how I planned for this to happen." He looked at me, sighing again before speaking. "I don't love Doyoon anymore. Not like that. He'd always mean something to me but he isn't my priority right now. It's you. Please don't tell me everything about us had been fake because I knew it wasn't. We had a real connection, Mingyu. I know we do."

I shook my head, trying not to see how bright Wonwoo's eyes were. "Don't pity me. I don't need it. Seriously, just get back together with hyung." I barked out a humorless laugh. "Man, he and Seungcheol hyung made a mess out of Jam Jam for no reason at all. The end game was still you and him." 

"You don't listen do you?" Wonwoo stepped closer to me, glaring when I tried to step back so I had no choice but to stay put. He cupped my cheek and I could feel a slight tremor run through me. I couldn't help myself. This might be the last time I would feel it. "Why are you so stubborn? Why do you insist on lying to me? I know you have feelings for me, Mingyu. Just admit them." 


A sob was threatening to come out of me. I closed my eyes, breathing deeply. I had no reason to believe Wonwoo. I mean what were we doing anyway? We were pretending to be boyfriends just because I couldn't tell my hyungs to stop setting me up on dates, because I couldn't stop being jealous of their relationships. And now I've had one for myself and it had been wonderful and probably everything I could want but the foundation was a lie. I didn't want us to fall apart when we realized that this wasn't what we wanted. Wonwoo just got dragged into this mess and now Doyoon was here to pull him back from the chaos I made. This was my mess and I'd be the one to end it. 


I opened my eyes slowly, taking in all of Wonwoo's features, committing them to memory before pushing his hand away and stepping away. "I don't want you, Wonwoo. I don't know how you got the idea that I did but I'm sorry if I ever led you on. I wasn't serious about us, at all. I just wanted my hyungs off my back and you were there. Now we could end this and my hyungs would leave me alone; you can even get back together with Doyoon so everybody wins. It was a pleasure doing business with you." I offered my hand for a shake while I internally winced and marvelled at how cold my voice was. I even tacked on a smirk to make it more believable. 

"Bull." Wonwoo said, slapping my hand away. "Business with me? This wasn't some sort of business deal! Don't tell me you didn't want me, Kim. You slept with me and I think I could tell if you were just faking interest, which you weren't." 

I felt a blush creep up my neck but I remained indifferent, choosing to shrug instead. "I'm a teenager. You were available. Add hormones to that equation and you'll find your answer. It's not rocket science, Jeon." 

"So what was I, Kim? Just your buddy?" Wonwoo exclaimed, eyes shining because of unshed tears. Damn it. 

I shrugged again. "Yeah, I guess? The fact that you're hot as well doesn't hurt." 

I barely had the time to blink let alone dodge when Wonwoo punched me. I fell down at the floor, both the shock and impact knocking me down. Damn it, Wonwoo was strong. I could taste the iron flavor of blood on my lips. He was standing over me, glaring so fiercely at me that I shrank under his gaze. He continued standing there and just glaring at me until it just stopped. It was almost palpable. The anger in his features shifted into something softer but more raw at the same time. He had always been so open and the pain and sadness in his eyes were unmistakable. I couldn't stand it. I looked away. I would take Wonwoo's anger over this any day. 


"You're such a ing liar, Mingyu. You're so scared of what you're feeling that you just run away from them and act all indifferent. But you're not fooling me. I know I said I'd be patient and wait until you're ready." Wonwoo shook his head as he wiped his tears away. "That won't happen though, would it? You'd rather hide from anyone that might love you because you can't admit to having feelings. You're a coward, Kim Mingyu. I almost feel sorry for you." 


Long after the echo of the door slamming disappeared and silence rang in the air, I stayed at the floor with my whole body in pain. I hadn't moved at all and the blood stains at my carpet had dried already but I didn't care. Nothing mattered anymore. 


A.N: I'm sorry (for this chapter and for the almost one month delay of update) and Happy Valentine's Day. :) 

I love all of you really. *leaves a box of tissue here* 



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happending_ #1
first time reading this after finding it on twitter, I'm going to miss the characters :(
ianeza #2
Chapter 50: This is like my second or third time reading this fanfic and i still find it romantic and cute... :)
Chapter 3: the part about female reproduction system is so funny lol i cant stop laughing XD
Chapter 39: It started out so sweet and adorable. I was ready to puke rainbows and fart butterflies.
And then, Author-nim decides to be evil and give us that heartbreaking end to the chapter.
Now I'm just gonna cry in the corner and wilt.
Chapter 33: Suddenly, I'm feeling sorry for Doyoon.
My heart is on a roller coaster with this story.
Chapter 30: I swear, these sweet bonus chapter are worth more than my life!
Mingyu and Nonu are too precious for this world!
Chapter 29: Awww...
I can't believe Wonwoo was conditioned to ask for permission from his boyfie when hanging out with friends! Oh, please, Mingyu! Please take care of our dearest Nonu!
Chapter 25: I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!
Run, Mingyu! RUN! Take Wonwoo with you and run!
Chapter 24: Don't tell me Dooyon was the one Wonwoo was talking about!
I swear I'm gonna die if the next chapter reveals that!
Chapter 23: I'm like Soonyoung ..I would die without SoonHoon.
I love all the other ships but I would always choose SoonHoon over all the other Hoshi and Uji ships!