Bu to the San! P2

Fall For You

When his hyungs said they were going to make the second say more exciting, Mingyu didn't expect them to actually go through with it. It was just one of those things that people would say but didn't really mean them. 


His hyungs were deadly serious.


After a quick breakfast, Jihoon had pulled out a map of Busan that already been marked with all the tourist spots. There were a lot of them and Mingyu prayed that they wouldn't go to every single one of them. 


"We're at Haeundae Beach right now." Jihoon said, pointing to where they at on the map. "I doubt we can go to every single one of them so let's pick one each?"

"Jagalchi market for me!" Mingyu grinned. It was really the only tourist spot in Busan that stuck to his mind.

"I want to see the Nurimaru APEC house. I heard it was quite something." Jisoo suggested.

 Junghan raised his hand. "Beomeosa Temple for me! I went there with my family before and it was really really worth the tiring climb."

 Soonyoung raised an eyebrow. "We're going to get tired? Taejongdae for me, babe."

Jihoon wrote down what everyone said, nodding. "I was just asking to make sure." He glanced at the map before marking the places too. "Closest to farthest?"

"Aren't you going to choose anything, Jihoon?" Junghan asked.

"I already chose Haeundae beach. I even chose the hotel, hyung." Jihoon smiled. "Besides, I've went to the places you guys chose as field trips. Well except for Jisoo hyung's. That's a pretty new place."

 Mingyu looked at the map, gasping. "Busan is this big?!"

Junghan pulled the map closer to him. "Oh my gosh, will we even manage to go to all of them? I don't want to go to a place and then just leave because we're on a tight schedule."

"Which is why we ate quickly." Jihoon answered. "Let's head to the bus stop first."

"Where are we going first?" Jisoo asked as he checked the map. "The closest one is..." he bit his lip, looking for one. "Ooh it's the Nurimaru APEC house!"


They quickly decided the order of their Busan tour and headed to the bus stop. Jihoon had said that he doubted they'll be back before it got dark so Mingyu could only imagine how far they were going. When the 1003 bus arrived, they all got on and paid for their fare. Mingyu used his phone to search how long it would take them to get to the Nurimaru APEC house and it turned out to be 25 minutes by bus and a couple more minutes of walking. 


"Why aren't you using your dialect more?" Soonyoung complained. 

Jihoon shrugged. "I'm trying to be a tourist."

"A tourist wouldn't know how to get to those places."

"You can Google them, Soonyoung. It's not that big of a deal." 

Jisoo and Mingyu rolled their eyes. "And they're back to normal." Mingyu commented.

"I kinda guessed they wouldn't last long that sweet." Jisoo chuckled as he watched his dongsaengs argue.

Junghan hit his boyfriend's arm. "Be nice! You should like it when they're sweet."

"We do like them, hyung." Mingyu answered.

"It's just a bit weird." Jisoo continued.

" But cute." Mingyu and Jisoo said at the same time, giving each other a high five.

Junghan huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Is it weird if you and I are being sweet, Jisoo?"

"It would be weird if you weren't." Mingyu answered for his hyung. "You and Jisoo hyung are a different kind of couple."

Soonyoung suddenly jumped on Mingyu, earning them stares from the other passengers. "What's this? Our Mingyu is becoming wiser."

Jihoon pulled his boyfriend away. "Stop being embarrassing; we're on a freaking bus." He said agitatedly, his accent slipping into the words.

Soonyoung's eyes widened. "I know the secret to your accent!" 

"He's going to keep being obnoxious the whole trip now." Mingyu rolled his eyes when he got a nod.

"What do you mean by we're different though?" Junghan asked, nudging the younger to face him. "Is that bad?" 

Mingyu flushed when all his hyungs focused on him. "U-uh, it's just something that Wonwoo mentioned? He said he likes seeing you guys because you give him perspective. I thought about it and realized he was right. You can all stop staring at me like I grew another head." He said, ducking his face to his arm.

"Wow." Jihoon muttered. "Wonwoo said that huh?" 

"That's quite... insightful." Jisoo commented. "He must have quite an experience with dating."

"Is my baby dating an experienced man? And he's older too! Don't let him pressure you to do anything you don't want to, okay?" Junghan said seriously, pulling the younger's hand to his own. 

Mingyu groaned because everyone was watching them and his life was becoming a drama on the bus of all places. "Aren't we there yet?"

Jihoon looked out the window, eyes widening. "Mingyu's right!" He pulled Soonyoung, calling out to the driver. "Hold on. We're getting off here." 


Soonyoung followed happily; Jihoon's accent got stronger when he was talking with the locals. Mingyu heaved a sigh of relief as Jisoo and Junghan followed after their dongsaengs. They got off at the entrance to Dongbaek Island and Jihoon pulled out the map again. The five of them walked around until they saw the signs for the place. They just followed the signs, Mingyu complaining every now and again when they had to climb a hill to get there. Soonyoung had encouraged Mingyu's whining when Jihoon had scolded the younger in a Busan accent. 


Mingyu had stopped complaining when they got to the top though. The Nurimaru APEC house was beautiful and it was worth the tiring climb. The building was mostly used for conferences but it was still very picturesque. The garden around the building was well taken care of and most of the flowers were in bloom.


"Oh my God. Jisoo, this place is perfect!" Junghan exclaimed when they snapped out of their shock.

Jihoon whistled. "I wouldn't mind having a place like this." He raised his finger. "I love our condo too. No buying us unnecessary things."

Soonyoung chuckled. "I'll take that as a not yet." He looked around. "The architecture is quite something really. It's a very.. Busan place."

"Busan place, what does that even mean?" Jihoon asked.


Soonyoung grabbed his boyfriend's hand, heading inside while explaining the intricate details of the building. Mingyu chuckled; he nearly forgot that Soonyoung was studying architecture. Junghan asked the caretaker if they could pick some flowers and happily started doing so when he received the confirmation. Jisoo and Mingyu hung back, waiting for him. When they got bored, they started taking pictures until Junghan arrived with an arm full of flowers. He already had one in his hair. 


"Uh, are we cramming all of those in our hair?" Mingyu asked skeptically.

 Junghan laughed, rolling his eyes. "Your hair isn't big enough to do that, stupid." He pointed to a bench. "Go sit over there."

 Jisoo nodded, pulling Mingyu with him. "Just go with it."


Junghan smiled gratefully at his boyfriend before he started weaving the flowers into crowns. Mingyu watched with amazement at how deft his hyungs hands were. Jisoo laughed at the his dongsaeng's amazed expression, humming a song under his breath. When Junghan was done, he perched one each on Jisoo and Mingyu's head.


"This is..." Mingyu touched the crown carefully. "Really great. Thanks, uh, umma."

Junghan laughed, patting the younger's shoulder. "You're welcome, son. Come on. I made Jihoon and Soonyoung one too. I want to see my cute Jihoonie wearing a flower crown."

Jisoo hummed, arms going around Junghan's waist as they went inside. "I can already imagine Soonyoung having a heart attack at Jihoon's cuteness."

Mingyu laughed, seeing it already. "Let's hope we won't get kicked out when that happens."


The three of them started looking for Jihoon and Soonyoung. The APEC house had three floors and they got distracted by how cool the whole place was. It was a mix of old school and modern styles and Mingyu took lots of pictures so he could show Wonwoo when they got back. After a hundred pictures, nearly breaking some sort of painting, they finally found Jihoon and Soonyoung on the terrace over looking Oryukdo Island, Gwangan Bridge and Dallmaji Hill. 


"Yo! We were wondering where the three of you were." Soonyoung called out.

Jihoon squinted his eyes. "What the heck are you wearing?"

Mingyu wagged a finger. "Your accent is slipping." He pointed at Junghan. "No need to be jealous; you have yours too."

Soonyoung grinned, making grabby hands. "Mine! Mine!"

Jisoo took one from Junghan, placing it on the younger's head. "I dub thee, Sir Soonyoung, lord of the dance."

"And of rudely waking people up." Mingyu added. 

Soonyoung bowed, eyes lighting up in amusement. "Thank you, King Jisoo."

"It suits you, Soonyoung." Junghan commented. "Now, your turn, Jihoon."

"Uh, what about no?" Jihoon frowned.

Mingyu pouted. "Hyung, do you not see the importance of this flower crown?" He pointed at everyone's head. "This is a symbol of our friendship and this trip so you can't just say no to it!"

"Alright, just shut up." Jihoon sighed. "You're becoming more dramatic when you're away from Wonwoo."


Junghan carefully placed the flower crown on Jihoon's head. Mingyu had to bite his lip and look away so he wouldn't gush about how adorable his hyung looks. Jihoon looked like some kind of nature fairy and the fact that he was blushing made him even cuter. Even the other visitors were starting to notice and not so subtly take pictures of him. Mingyu glanced at Soonyoung to see his hyung looking like he was about to cry. 

"You're so beautiful, Jihoon." Soonyoung said as he hugged his boyfriend. "You're my lovely little fairy." 

Jihoon kicked his boyfriend's shin. "Don't call me little, you ."


The next place on their list was the Jagalchi Market. Mingyu had chosen it since it was widely known for its fresh seafoods and after that quick breakfast, he was ready to eat as much as he could. 


After Soonyoung begged for a picture with Jihoon in his flower crown by the middle of the garden, they were off to the bus stop again. The trip would last for about half an hour and everyone was in high spirits. They got passing comments about the flower crowns, most of which were saying how cute they were. Jihoon had scowled at the start but got used to it after a while. Mingyu even saw him subtly fixing the crown when it threatened to fall off. 


"We can eat lunch there, right?" Soonyoung said when they neared the market.

 Jihoon nodded. "There's a lot of food stalls so we'll probably be eating while we're walking as well."

"Whatever you say, my fairy." 

Junghan chuckled when Jihoon blushed. "That's a cute nickname. Jisoo calls me angel and Soonyoung calls you fairy."

"Wonwoo should call you something too." Jisoo told Mingyu.

The younger shrugged. "I don't really like pet names."

"Which must be why Wonwoo's contact name on your phone is so long." Soonyoung commented. "What kind of a name is Freaking Cute Guy with a Deep Voice Wonwoo?"

Mingyu squawked, grabbing his phone from his hyung. "How did you even get this?!"

"If you weren't with us, half of your things would be stolen. You're just that careless." Jisoo answered.


Mingyu gave another indignant sound but didn't protest much. He sort of agreed with what his hyungs said but of course he wouldn't say that. They got off at their stop and even from that distance, they could already smell the market. Jihoon said that he used to go here a lot and pointed out the places he used to go to much to Soonyoung's delight. 


Jagalchi Market was filled when they finally arrived. Mingyu could see a lot of tourists snapping their cameras away and felt an odd sense of pride. Soonyoung quickly grabbed him and they started eating. 


Their trip ended up like this: Junghan would ask what the ahjumma's recommendation was then they'd get five of that. The couples would feed each other and Mingyu would eat his share alone. The ahjumma would either find Jihoon adorable or thought that Mingyu hadn't eaten for days but either way they got more free food than the ones they actually paid for.


"I sort of feel bad for the ahjummas." Jisoo said when they were handed another piece of sea squirt.

Jihoon turned to the ahjumma. "Auntie, won't you get bankrupted if you keep giving us free food?"

"You're from here then?" The ahjumma said, smiling at Jihoon's accent. 

"Well, I grew up here." Jihoon smiled back.

"It's okay, my dear. You boys are really respectful and sweet; what's a couple freebies?" She handed Mingyu another sea squirt. "Besides your friend seems really hungry."

Mingyu beamed at her. "You're the best auntie!"

Soonyoung rolled his eyes. "See this is why I told Wonwoo not to worry. Mingyu definitely knows how to enjoy himself."

Junghan nudged Mingyu. "Come on. You've had enough sea squirts." 


The ahjumma laughed as Mingyu whined but stood up. The boys gave her a bow before continuing exploring the market. They met up with some of Jihoon's distant relatives and Soonyoung was strangely serious when he was being introduced but he quickly warmed up to them. Jihoon's aunties made Jihoon promise to visit in the holidays with his boyfriend in tow. Mingyu thought he was going to be blinded by his hyung's smile after that. 


"My life is complete." Mingyu nearly purred after they had finished walking around. He had eaten more than he ever had and he was more than satisfied.

Junghan frowned at him. "Just be careful not to get a stomachache."

"I'm fine, umma." Mingyu answered. 

Jihoon laughed. "Let him be. He'll need the energy. We're going to Taejongdae next and that's an hour from here."

"An hour?! Can I even sit still for that long?" Soonyoung asked worriedly.


Jihoon pulled them to the bus stop while Jisoo, Mingyu and Soonyoung were planning of things to do in the bus for an hour. Junghan was just laughing at how silly the boys were. The bus was packed when they got on and only Junghan and Jihoon were able to sit down. Mingyu could see how antsy Soonyoung was getting because of the silence.


"Hyung, you look constipated." Mingyu commented.

Soonyoung flashed him a look. "We're going to be like this for an hour. How do you expect me to look?"

"Are you ADHD or something?" Jisoo asked, glancing at their boyfriends. "Keep it down. They're sleeping."

"Aw, how cute." Soonyoung grinned as he watched his boyfriend. "Going to Busan was a great idea. Jihoon's so much more at ease here."

"Well, it is home after all." Mingyu commented. "Stop squirming, hyung! You're gonna step on me."

Jisoo sighed. "The two of you are such kids, I swear."

"Sorry, hyung." The two chorused.


The rest of the trip continued on like that until they could find seats. Jisoo and Soonyoung had let Mingyu sit first since the available one was a little bit away from their boyfriends and there was no way they were going to leave them unguarded. Mingyu smiled at them gratefully before going to the vacant seat. It must have been the amount of food he ate but he felt very sleepy. He gave one last look to his hyungs before taking a nap.


"Mingyu, Mingyu." 

Mingyu whined, turning his back to whoever was waking him up. He felt oddly disoriented but this felt similar somehow. "Wonwoo, if you're going then go. I'm sleepy."

He could hear someone chuckling. "Not even gonna stop me?"

"You'll come back anyway. Say hi to Hansol."

"Okay, the driver's giving us the stink eye. Get your up, Mingyu!" 


Mingyu whined again but opened his eyes to his hyungs...? He looked around and found himself in a bus. What? He blinked. Oh right they were in Busan.


"Come on, lover boy. We're at Taejongdae already." Soonyoung tapped his back. 

"Taejong- what?" Mingyu asked, still very disoriented.

 Junghan smiled at him. "Soonyoung picked this place. Let's just go." He pulled the younger up.


They all bowed at the driver who only scoffed before getting off the bus. Soonyoung was talking about different tours and it was making Mingyu dizzy but at least his mind cleared a bit. 


"How long was I asleep?" Mingyu asked.

Jisoo shrugged. "I'm not really sure. When Soonyoung and I found seats, you were already sleeping."

"Dreaming of your boyfriend then?" Junghan asked cheekily. "You even called Soonyoung Wonwoo."

Mingyu felt his face heat up. "I was hoping that was a dream. Ugh, hyung will never let me live that down."

"Nope, I will not!" Soonyoung chirped. "Anyway, what tour would you guys like?"

"Can we take the cruise ship tour? I feel like we aren't appreciating the sea enough." Jihoon asked.

 Junghan cooed, pinching Jihoon's cheek. "How can we say no when you ask so nicely? Cruise ship tour it is!"


Soonyoung nodded, pinching his boyfriend's cheek as well earning him a scowl before going to the information booth by the entrance to ask for the cruise ship tour. They were pointed to head to the docks and it seemed like they were lucky since they arrived just in time for the tour to start. The small boat they used was mostly empty, the five of them with four other people.

 Like Mingyu had expected, Junghan and Jisoo reenacted the Titanic scene complete with their dialogues. He couldn't stop laughing at Junghan's horrible English though but Jisoo kept saying it was cute so they continued doing that. Soonyoung had tried to coax Jihoon into doing the scene too but his boyfriend was absorbed in feeding the seagulls that would fly close to the boat. 


Mingyu watched his hyungs' antics, laughing when a seagull pecked Soonyoung's finger. Jihoon had immediately stopped feeding the birds and attended to his boyfriend,making Mingyu wonder if his hyung didn't do it on purpose. Mingyu shifted his focus to the sea, taking a deep breath of that sea breeze and it made him feel a bit sentimental. He imagined what it would be like if Wonwoo was here. His presence alone would have made the trip more memorable. 


He tried to brush it off but the longing he felt wouldn't go away.


The last place on their list was the Beomeosa Temple and it took three hours to get there. Like Junghan had said, it was quite a tiring climb and Mingyu wondered what the connection was between numerous stares and temples. 


Mingyu couldn't think of another word for the temple besides old. It wasn't that the place was shabby; it was actually well taken care for. It just had this air of not belonging to the current time. He couldn't exactly explain it but looking at his hyungs, he knew they felt the same way. Soonyoung was quiet as they walked around the temple, speaking in whispers to Jihoon who would just nod.


"We should make a wish." Jisoo said after they had walked around the whole place. 

Junghan nodded. "They do say you get a free wish when you visit a temple for the first time."

"But this isn't hyung's first time?" Mingyu said, looking at Junghan and Jihoon.

"True but I think I already got my wish." Jubghan said meaningfully as he looked at Jisoo. "I wished for someone special that I could call as my own." 

Soonyoung turned to Jihoon. "What did you wish for, fairy?"

"I went here a couple of years ago so... I think I wished that I could pass my exams." Jihoon smiled sheepishly.

"That's okay, baby. I'll wish for the two of us." Soonyoung smiled. 

"Don't be stupid. Make a wish for yourself, Soonyoung." Jihoon said. "I-I'm not going anywhere so just make a wish. You'll always have me." 

"J-jihoon?" Soonyoung said, a wide smile on his lips.

Jihoon quickly looked around. "Ooh, cotton candy. I want some. Come on, hyung!" He said before grabbing Junghan and dragging him to that direction.


Junghan waved at his boyfriend, following the younger. Mingyu followed his hyungs inside the temple. The sun was already setting and only a few more people were there. Soonyoung made his wish first then followed by Jisoo. When his hyungs were done, they both looked at Mingyu expectantly. 


Mingyu took a deep breath, closing his eyes. He didn't really know what he wanted to wish for. He rarely visited any temples and he felt like he shouldn't let this one go to waste. 


"I wish Wonwoo was here." Mingyu whispered. 


Somehow saying it out loud made Mingyu feel lighter. He had been thinking of that the moment they arrived and it felt nice to let it out. He looked around him, rolling his eyes when nothing had changed. It wasn't like Wonwoo was going to appear out of thin air anyway. 


"Let's go." Mingyu said, approaching his hyungs.


 The three of them made their way out, seeing Junghan and Jihoon eating cotton candy. Soonyoung quickly ran to his boyfriend and asked to be fed. Junghan handed Mingyu his bag of cotton candy and the younger accepted it happily. 


"So, Jihoon and I have been talking." Junghan started. "And we think we should stay at Busan for another day? I mean today was really great but we didn't really get to have fun at Haeundae!"

Jisoo shrugged. "I'm cool with it. We don't have any plans at the uni anyway."

Soonyoung beamed. "I'm okay with it too! I'll just text Mr. Park to pick us up a day later."

"Are you okay with it, Mingyu? Do you have any plans with Wonwoo?" Jihoon asked.

The younger shook his head slowly. "We don't." 

"So you're okay with it?" Junghan asked excitedly.


Mingyu contemplated about it before saying yes. Junghan just looked so excited that he couldn't let the older down. Mingyu didn't even tell Wonwoo how long they were going to be staying so he didn't have to tell him about the change of plans. 


Taking a deep breath, Mingyu closed his eyes and breathed a prayer to make his wish come true.


Mingyu was surprised when he woke up the next day and no one had thrown anything at him. Jisoo was out on the veranda, playing his guitar while Soonyoung was nowhere to be seen. Mingyu got up, stretching and headed to the veranda. Jisoo looked up when he heard the screen open, smiling at the younger and continued singing.


"Where's Soonyoung hyung?" Mingyu asked when Jisoo finished the song.

"He and Jihoon went home. Well, Jihoon's home here anyway." Jisoo answered, strumming another song.

Mingyu nodded, leaning back against the chair. "I bet Soonyoung hyung's really nervous. What time will they be back?"

"Jihoon said he's not sure but probably tonight." Jisoo shrugged. "Mrs. Lee loves Soonyoung and she's bound to notice how much their relationship has improved. She might want to ask some things."

"Huh. Good point." 

"Junghan's ordering us breakfast and went for a walk. He'll be back in awhile." 

"Wait so this means...." mingyu grinned expectantly at his hyung.

Jisoo nodded. "Today is a sports day, my man!"


Mingyu immediately felt excited for today. It wasn't that his other hyungs weren't big fans of sports; it was just that he and Jisoo were the more adventurous ones. They wanted to try all kinds of sports at least once wherein the others were hesitant. Haeundae beach had a lot of water activities and Mingyu couldn't wait to try them all out.


After eating with them, Junghan said he wanted to rest in the hotel's spa. Jisoo had walked his boyfriend there while Mingyu waited at the lobby, asking the locals for the sports that they would recommend. 


"You ready?" Jisoo asked when he got back.

Mingyu flashed him a grin. "I can't wait already!"

By mid afternoon, Mingyu's body was sore from all the activities that they had done. They had tried kayaking first and it proved to be quite difficult with just the two of them and the kayak nearly tipped more than once but they had fun. They had also tried rock climbing because of all the great rock formations surrounding the beach. Mingyu had discovered his upper body strength wasn't as much as he'd like to imagine. They also tried diving, wakeboarding and parasailing.


"So you want to learn how to surf?" A guy called Taehyung asked them, eyeing them up and down before breaking into a boxy smile. "You're a bit skinny but I think you can handle it!"

"Uh, thanks?" Jisoo said uncertainly.

" It's nothing. This is my friend, Hoseok." He gestured to the guy beside him. "He'll be teaching you while I teach Mingyu."

Hoseok smiled at them. "Don't worry! Tae and I are one of the best surfers here so you'll get the hang of it in no time!"


Sure enough an hour later, Mingyu felt anxious to go to the water already. Taehyung had been a great teacher, glossing through the basics in a simple way and even giving him some advanced tips. Another reason Mingyu wanted to head to the water already was the hateful stare he's been receiving from the guy renting out the surf boards. The guy would sometimes even hiss at him and Mingyu was starting to fear for his life.


"Okay, Mingyu, I bet you're ready to go to the water already?" Taehyung asked with a grin.

Mingyu nodded. "You're a great teacher, hyung! I can't imagine how great you must be on water!"

" Taehyung is great at riding." Hoseok commented with a wink.

Mingyu flushed at the innuendo, jumping when the guy staring at him hissed again. "Hey, hyung." 

Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "Hm? What is it?"

"Do you know why the guy renting out boards hates my guts?"

Taehyung laughed, peeking at Mingyu's shoulder. "Jungkook doesn't hate you."

"Well his glare and hisses say otherwise." Mingyu muttered.

Hoseok laughed. "That's cause TaeTae is the one teaching you."

"Ah." Jisoo chuckled. He glanced back. "He's cute."

"Isn't he?" Taehyung chirped. "Anyway, let's try popping up again, Mingyu. You have to do this quickly alright?"


Mingyu nodded, lying down on the board to try it again. He did what Taehyung taught him but he slipped at the last moment and would have fallen if his instructor hadn't caught him. Mingyu felt himself blush as he pulled away.


"What the hell do you think you're doing, Kim Taehyung?!" Jungkook exclaimed, making his way to the two.

"I'm teaching, Kookie." Taehyung turned to Mingyu. "You okay?"

"I'm fine, hyung." Mingyu nodded. "I want to try it again."

Jungkook glared at him even more. "Oh, try it again. I dare you."


Mingyu gulped; this Jungkook guy reminded him of Jihoon for some reason. Taehyung just smiled encouragingly at him, ignoring the glares from the guy beside him. Mingyu laid down on the board again before popping up. This time he did it successfully and both he and Jisoo cheered. 


"Good job, Mingyu!" Taehyung clapped his shoulder.

Jungkook quickly pulled the hand away. "Yes, good job. I think the lesson's done now, Tae."

Hoseok started laughing, nodding at Jisoo. "Sorry if your instructor doesn't have a clingy boyfriend like your friend."

Jisoo shrugged. "It's okay. I don't like getting glared at." He shook hands with the older. "You're a great teacher, hyung. Thanks."

"You two are dating?" Mingyu asked dumbly.

Taehyung nodded, that boxy grin on his face again. "This is my precious Kookie!" He said, kissing Jungkook's cheek. "And he's sorry for glaring at you."

"The hell I am." Jungkook huffed but Mingyu could see the small smile tugging on his lips.

Jisoo grinned. "Mingyu has a boyfriend of his own so don't worry about it."

"See? Now say sorry, Jungkook." Taehyung said, tilting his head.

Jungkook pouted. "Fine. I'm sorry, Mingyu ssi." He bowed. "Still I don't like anyone touching Tae."

" Must be hard when he's an instructor." Mingyu mumbled. "It's okay. I get it. No harm done anyway."


Jungkook flashed him a grin and Mingyu could see that the guy was actually cute when he wasn't glaring holes into his head. After saying thanks to Hoseok and Taehyung, Jisoo and Mingyu headed to the water. 


Mingyu might just have to reward Taehyung with some kind of gift because surfing on the beach and actually surfing on the water were two entirely different things. He and Jisoo got wiped out more than the times they actually rode a wave. Calling it quits for the day, the two of them headed back to shore where Junghan suddenly appeared.


"How was it?" Junghan beamed.

Jisoo kissed his cheek quickly. "It was fun! Got wiped out but fun." He sniffed Junghan's hair. "Vanilla?"

"Oh my gosh, don't smell him. Like when I'm around anyway." Mingyu complained.

Junghan giggled, nodding. "The hotel had a really nice spa; I should thank Jihoon."

"Look at the hyungs!" Jisoo pointed where Taehyung and Hoseok were riding the waves expertly.

"I bet we didn't look as cool as them." Mingyu pouted, leaning against his board.

"You tried." Junghan said, patting their shoulders.

Mingyu was about to whine when something hit his head. He crouched down, groaning and saw a volleyball by his foot. The dangers of being in the beach: getting attacked by volleyballs.


"Mingyu! Are you alright?" Junghan exclaimed, crouching down beside him.

"Oh no." A familiar voice called out. Mingyu raised his head and confirmed that it was Hansol. "Dude, I'm sorry." He said in English.

Junghan's eyes widened. "English speaker!" He quickly got up and pulled Jisoo. "Talk to him! He hit Mingyu!"

Jisoo faced Hansol, speaking in English as well. "Is this ball yours?" He handed the volleyball back.

Hansol nodded, glancing at Mingyu before smirking and continued speaking in English. "Yeah, it is. Sorry, I didn't mean to hit anyone. I wasn't even the one who hit it."

Mingyu rubbed his head. "Why are you even here?" Then his eyes widened. If Hansol was here then Wonwoo must be here too.

"You know him?" Jisoo asked, still speaking in English.

"Yah, Hansol! Did you find the ball yet?" Someone called out.

"I got it, hyung!" Hansol said, showing the ball to the other.

Junghan gasped. "It speaks Korean!" 

Hansol rolled his eyes before turning to Mingyu. "I really am sorry, hyung. I wasn't the one who hit you by the way so don't tell on me."

The guy approached them, getting the ball back from Hansol. "What's taking you so long?" He turned to face the other guys. "Oh, hi there." His eyes locked in on Junghan. "Hello there, beautiful."

Jisoo frowned, pulling Junghan back. "I'm the only one allowed to call him beautiful, sorry."

"Ooh, taken. Sorry. I was just saying hi." He smiled at Jisoo then faced Mingyu. "Did the ball hit your handsome head? I'm so sorry for that. Make it up to you over coffee?" The guy offered his hand to Mingyu.

Mingyu took the hand reluctantly before standing up. "Uhm, I'm good, thanks?" He looked over at Hansol, raising an eyebrow. Who was this guy and where was Wonwoo?

Hansol smirked. "Better luck next time, hyung." He nodded at Mingyu. "That's Mingyu hyung."

 The guy's expression changed from playful to serious. "Mingyu? As in Wonwoo's Mingyu?"

Mingyu furrowed his brows before giving a small nod. "Yeah, I am."

"Nice to meet you, Wonwoo's boyfriend." The guy offered his hand. "I'm Seungcheol, Wonwoo's best friend."


A.N: and here's part two!!

Omg so I discovered that I have a hard time writing about travels so i'm sorry for that.


The places mentioned here are real and I actually Googled how to go to them and what you can find there so now I want to go to Busan too T.T 


Anyway thank you again to each and every one of you reading this! You guys are awesome <3


Tell me what you think? 


Thank you x



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happending_ #1
first time reading this after finding it on twitter, I'm going to miss the characters :(
ianeza #2
Chapter 50: This is like my second or third time reading this fanfic and i still find it romantic and cute... :)
Chapter 3: the part about female reproduction system is so funny lol i cant stop laughing XD
Chapter 39: It started out so sweet and adorable. I was ready to puke rainbows and fart butterflies.
And then, Author-nim decides to be evil and give us that heartbreaking end to the chapter.
Now I'm just gonna cry in the corner and wilt.
Chapter 33: Suddenly, I'm feeling sorry for Doyoon.
My heart is on a roller coaster with this story.
Chapter 30: I swear, these sweet bonus chapter are worth more than my life!
Mingyu and Nonu are too precious for this world!
Chapter 29: Awww...
I can't believe Wonwoo was conditioned to ask for permission from his boyfie when hanging out with friends! Oh, please, Mingyu! Please take care of our dearest Nonu!
Chapter 25: I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!
Run, Mingyu! RUN! Take Wonwoo with you and run!
Chapter 24: Don't tell me Dooyon was the one Wonwoo was talking about!
I swear I'm gonna die if the next chapter reveals that!
Chapter 23: I'm like Soonyoung ..I would die without SoonHoon.
I love all the other ships but I would always choose SoonHoon over all the other Hoshi and Uji ships!