Bu to the San! P1.

Fall For You

Mingyu closed his eyes, smiling as he felt the gentle breeze caress his face. Jihoon had chosen a great hotel for them and the younger especially loved that their room had a terrace facing the sea. He might just stay here for a while.


"Mingyu, come on! I'm starving!" Soonyoung called out from where he was unpacking.

 The younger grunted. "I'm having a moment with the sea." He gestured towards the sea without opening his eyes.

"Isn't it better to have a moment with the actual sea though?" Jisoo asked. 


His hyung had a point there so Mingyu reluctantly opened his eyes. He smiled as he looked at the beautiful Busan coastline. Three days here with just his friends-it was a great plan.


"Stop pining over the sea. You're just going to whine about Wonwoo even more" Soonyoung said, heading to the terrace. "Waaah! It is beautiful!"

" Told you so! And I do not whine about Wonwoo." Mingyu pouted, getting up from his chair. "Let's just eat."

Jisoo ruffled his hair. "Whatever you say, Mingyu."


Mingyu huffed, grabbing his wallet before following his hyungs out of the room. He ducked back in a minute after to grab his phone, ignoring Soonyoung's eye roll, because well, Wonwoo might text him. And so he could take pictures if his hyungs did something stupid. Yep, that was definitely the reason.


"Get up and get packing, Kim Mingyu! Busan waits for no man!" 


This was really not how Mingyu wanted to wake up on Monday. He had no classes and really, Soonyoung could have barged in a little later. It was just a little over 8 if his phone was right. This was even earlier than how he usually woke up. 


"Go away. I'm currently on a date with my bed and it's rude to interrupt dates." Mingyu groaned, hiding his face in the pillows.

He heard his cabinet opening and something being dragged out. "Huh, I thought you were going to replace this crap." Jihoon said. "Wasn't the zipper broken?"

"It is, my poor baby." Junghan answered. "Luckily I anticipated this so I brought one of my own bags."

Mingyu felt the bed dip and he kept groaning because really. "What part of go away is so hard to understand?" He raised his head to see Jisoo sitting on the bed while Junghan and Jihoon threw his clothes on the floor. "I regret the day I gave all of you a key to my place."

"I knew you would." Jihoon looked at the pile of clothes. "How many sweaters do you own?" 

Mingyu gave in to his fate and sat up. "Hyuuung, why?" He turned to Jisoo.

Jisoo shrugged. "Junghan wanted to go early. You might want to worry about Soonyoung more. He's raiding your fridge."

"And it's empty! What the hell?!" An indignant Soonyoung exclaimed before going back to Mingyu's room. "Nice bed hair by the way."

The youngest groaned yet again, running a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry I wasn't expecting guests before I had time to style my hair." He got up from his bed. "How long are we staying at Busan?"

"Three days and two nights and we're losing daylight so packing team, faster!" Soonyoung clapped his hands.

Jihoon threw one of Mingyu's hoodies at his face. "Why don't you help us out instead of sitting and doing nothing?"


Mingyu stopped himself from groaning and started packing his underwear instead. He put it at the bottom of Junghan's thankfully plain looking black bag. Jihoon and Junghan had finally reached the end of his sweaters and threw shirts at the bag. Well, Jihoon was throwing them and Junghan was folding them and actually placing them in the bag. Mingyu dug around some more to find his trunks because it's been so long since they went to the beach and he had probably thrown them away. He gave a shout of joy when he found it at the bottom of his sock drawer. 


"Go shower so we can go. Soonyoung's driver might be getting impatient." Junghan said as he folded the last of the younger's clothes.

"Thanks,hyung." Mingyu smiled. This was one of those times he was glad that he was the youngest. He loved this small pampering moments.


Apparently while Mingyu was showering, Jisoo had brought his bag to the bus that they were going to use. The youngest couldn't help but stare at Soonyoung because really, a bus? For just five people? His hyung however didn't get his point and just told him to get in already. 


One good thing about the bus though was the leg room. Maybe Soonyoung wasn't that crazy.


"Alright, to Busan!" Soonyoung exclaimed happily and shouts of joy were heard in the bus. 

Junghan was basically bouncing with joy. "Just think of all the things we can do at the beach! I want to swim and eat lots of seafood!"

" It would be nice to relax and have fun there. The view in Busan is pretty great as well." Jisoo said, strumming the guitar he brought. 

Mingyu nudged Jihoon. "Are we going to stay at your place,hyung?" 

Jihoon frowned. "I don't want my mom dying of heart attack so no."

Soonyoung laughed. "Remember how excited Mrs. Lee was when she first met us? I actually thought she'll adopt Mingyu!" The youngest could somehow feel his cheeks getting pinched just like before.

"Exactly. The four of you guys under our roof and mom will be spinning nonstop." Jihoon nodded, leaning against his boyfriend's arm.

Speaking of which. "Hey, why didn't you guys tell me earlier? I could have invited Wonwoo." Mingyu said while pouting. 

"Because this is our outing, you know, as friends." Soonyoung explained. "No couply stuff during this trip."


Mingyu rolled his eyes, sulking because that was a totally unfair rule. His hyungs were couples and he already knew from experience that they couldn't stop their affections until someone got uncomfortable with it. 


"We promise not to single you out." Jisoo smiled at him. 

Jihoon nodded and sat up properly. "That's a promise." He looked at Soonyoung. "Don't even try pouting. This is a friendly outing."

Soonyoung chuckled. "I wouldn't dare, babe. I'll still hear your Busan dialect even if we aren't being couply."


So here they were a couple of hours later. Jihoon had chosen a hotel close by the beach and Mingyu's mood got even lighter. His hyungs were making good on their promise. They had sang, laughed and teased just like friends on their way here. 

They asked for the rooms with the best view. Junghan and Jihoon shared a room while the remaining three had the the other one. Mingyu was willing to be lenient in the arrangement and have his own room but Soonyoung said it was fine. The youngest shrugged; his hyung bought a lot of snacks so this was a win really. 


"Okay so where do we eat?" Junghan asked after all of them had changed and met up.

Mingyu looked around. "I think everything is good here. You guys choose."

"Which one, navigator?" Soonyoung asked as he looked at Jihoon. 

"If I just told you which to pick, you won't feel like tourists." Jihoon pointed out. 

Jisoo nodded. "He does have a point." He scanned the area. "The Shack looks good. Let's go?"


Everyone looked at where The Shack was before making their way over. The restaurant looked like a saloon in those old cow boy movies just painted in light blue with a veranda on both sides. Mingyu could see that it was full enough to know that the place was good but not too much to make it crowded. 


"Welcome to The Shack. What'll you have?" A cute waitress asked them once they sat down. 

Everyone again turned to Jihoon, making him roll his eyes. 


"What's the best seller?" Jihoon asked in his local dialect. 

"Oh, we have a lot of that." The waitress chuckled. "I'll make it a surprise then." She left with a wink.

Soonyoung was immediately frowning. "Why was she winking at you?"

"Cause I'm cute." Jihoon shrugged. 

"Yah!" Soonyoung exclaimed.

Jihoon laughed. "I was kidding. I asked for the best seller and she said they have a lot so she'll make our order a surprise."

" Ooh, that's a great idea!" Junghan said. "Have you eaten here before Jihoon?"

"Just a few times. It was good though."

Mingyu grinned at Jisoo. "Good job choosing then, hyung."


The five of them chatted while waiting for their food. They whined about all the exams that they had to take and how mean their professors were being. It was a little thing buy Mingyu felt happy about it. 


When their order arrived, Mingyu was in cloud nine. Since The Shack had a lot of best sellers, they also have a lot of food. There were roasted meat, deep fried prawns and different sea food dishes that he didn't even know the name of. The waitress chuckled when she saw them so shocked and left after pinching Jihoon's cheek quickly. Jihoon quickly shoved some food in Soonyoung's mouth before his boyfriend could start. 


"What do you guys wanna do next?" Jihoon asked when they finished everything.

Mingyu hummed happily. "I don't care. We've eaten so I'm happy."

Junghan laughed, patting his head "you're so easy to please, my son. Be a little more challenging."

"He's just like that when it comes to food. He's difficult about everything else." Soonyoung answered.

"I am not!" Mingyu pouted.

Jisoo pursed his lips. "You can be difficult, Mingyu." He chuckled when everyone muttered in agreement. "It's okay though; I think Wonwoo can handle you."

"Sorry about not letting you invite him. Next time okay?" Junghan smiled.

Mingyu rolled his eyes. "You guys are being good so I don't mind. I miss hanging out just like this."

"So, you don't miss him? Even just a bit?" Jihoon asked, smirking a bit.


Mingyu lowered his eyes; he wouldn't go that far. He was really happy to be with his friends but he found himself turning to ask what Wonwoo thought even though he wasn't there. Maybe he was just losing his mind. 


"Why not give him a call?" Jisoo suggested when Mingyu didn't say anything. 

"Yeah, go ahead and give him a call." Soonyoung said putting his arm around his boyfriend. "Let's have a break on the no couply stuff."

Mingyu raised an eyebrow. "You just wanted to make sure the waitress wouldn't flirt with Jihoon hyung." 

"There's that too." Soonyoung beamed while his boyfriend scoffed. 

Jisoo grabbed Junghan's hand. "Let's take a quick walk?"

"Okay." Junghan turned to their dongsaengs. "We'll just be around. Don't get into trouble please." He said, looking at Mingyu and Soonyoung.

Jihoon smiled at him. "I'll look after these two." He yelped when Soonyoung suddenly kissed his cheek. "What the hell?!"

Mingyu pointed at the waitress that passed by. "Hyung's just making sure."

"She's not my type for chrissake." Jihoon muttered, face extremely red. 

Soonyoung chuckled though he was a bit red himself. "I'm just making sure like Mingyu said." He laughed nervously. "Aren't you supposed to be making a call?" 


Mingyu smiled fondly at the two of them. He forgot that his hyungs weren't used to public display of affections; that was more of Jisoo and Junghan's thing. Soonyoung initiated things most of the time but he was still shy about it. Mingyu watched as Jihoon reached for his boyfriend's hand, leaning closer to him and how Soonyoung's entire face lit up. 


He needed some escape or he was going to melt into a puddle of goo.


Mingyu quickly dialled Wonwoo's number and waited until he heard the familiar voice. "Hello."

"Hey there." Mingyu smiled, ignoring the catcalls from his hyungs. "Guess where I am."

"Uh... it's too early for you to be in Shining Diamond so I have no clue." Wonwoo replied, sounding confused. "Why are you making me guess anyway?"

Mingyu could imagine Wonwoo's face and it made him chuckle. "I'm in Busan!" He said excitedly. 


The younger could hear something breaking followed by Hansol cursing and Wonwoo scolding him. Then the two burst out laughing before Wonwoo asked for the broom. 


"Sorry, sorry." Wonwoo said into the phone. "Hansol, stop laughing and get it already!"

Hansol suddenly screamed to the phone. "You owe us two plates, hyung!"

 Mingyu pulled back from the phone, getting worried looks from his hyungs. "It's Wonwoo's dongsaeng." Soonyoung and Jihoon nodded, resuming their talk. 

"Hansol's being an so just ignore him." Wonwoo said when Mingyu placed the phone back. "Anyway, where were we? Right, Busan. Wow, how's that?"

"We haven't been here for long. Just like an hour or two, give or take." Mingyu smiled. "You broke your plates?"

"Yeah, I was just a bit surprised, that's all." Wonwoo said sheepishly. "Why didn't you guys take the KTX train instead? That would have saved you time."

"Uh, Soonyoung hyung's driver drove us here anyway so it was okay." Mingyu whined when his phone was suddenly taken from him.

"Hey there, Wonwoo. Sorry we had to kidnap your boyfriend." Soonyoung nodded. "Yeah, of course we will. Junghan hyung wouldn't allow us not to anyway." He raised an eyebrow at Mingyu. "Mhm, got it. Don't worry about him." He returned the phone to Mingyu.

"Sorry, my hyung's a bit rude." Mingyu rolled his eyes when Soonyoung just grinned. "What was that about?"

Wonwoo hummed. "Just making sure my boyfriend was going to get taken care of."

It was such a Wonwoo line that Mingyu found himself blushing. "A-ah, well. Thanks. Uhm, take care of yourself too. Oh and Hansol too."

Wonwoo chuckled. "I'll do my best. Just have fun there."

"Yeah, course." Mingyu was about to say something else but Jihoon snatched his phone.

"Hey, Wonwoo. It's Jihoon. We have to go. We promised no couply stuff on this trip and Soonyoung's getting clingy. Hm? Yeah. Okay. I will. Bye." Jihoon said, hanging up.

Mingyu's jaw dropped. "I wasn't finished talking!"

"He said he had to go anyway. Something about skateboarding at the park? Anyway, let's find the hyungs." Jihoon said as they got up. 

"Aren't we going to pay first...?" Mingyu questioned as he got pushed to the door.

Soonyoung raised his wallet. "I got it. Just make sure no one even looks at Jihoon." He said before making his way to the cashier where the waitress was waiting. Soonyoung subtly moved so the girl couldn't see Jihoon. 

"Aww, hyung's jealous!" Mingyu exclaimed while he and Jihoon waited outside. 

Jihoon hummed, texting Jisoo and Junghan. "He's being stupid."

"Doesn't it feel nice when Soonyoung hyung's jealous?" 

"Why would it feel nice?" Jihoon asked. "Do you like it when Wonwoo gets jealous?"

Mingyu considered it. "He hasn't been jealous of anyone though so I wouldn't really know."

Jihoon scoffed. '"That's cause you only hang out with us and Jonghyun hyung. What's there to be jealous of?" He peeked through the door, smiling as he saw Soonyoung. "I don't want him getting jealous; it's like he doesn't trust me."

Mingyu chewed his bottom lip, not sure if it was his place to say anything. "It's not like that, hyung. Besides, you get jealous too. Does that mean you don't trust him?"

"Have you met Kwon Soonyoung?" Jihoon retaliated. "The guy's cute, can sing and dance well. He might act silly at times but he's very loyal. Never mind the fact that he's rich. He can shine even without that." He took a deep breath. "If Soonyoung isn't perfect then I don't know who is."


The younger was about to say something when Soonyoung suddenly came out and pinned Jihoon to the wall. Without saying anything, he kissed Jihoon deeply. Mingyu's jaw dropped; his friends were such exhibitionists. The kiss ended quickly though and Soonyoung buried his face in his boyfriend's neck. 


"I know I should hate it when you're this insecure about us." Soonyoung panted. "But why can't I help but fall in love with you more for it?"


Mingyu felt his face heat up even though the line wasn't directed at him. He felt like he was intruding his hyungs' moment but he was frozen on the spot. 


"We're back!" Junghan's voice broke the silence. "What's happening?"

Jisoo poked Mingyu's cheek. "You alright?"

Mingyu nodded, glancing at Jihoon and Soonyoung who haven't moved yet. "Uh, maybe we should leave them alone..?"

Junghan raised an eyebrow. "Did something happen?"

"N-no." Jihoon stuttered before clearing his throat. "Everything's okay." He smiled, kissing Soonyoung's hair. "We're just getting sentimental."

"Sentimental of course." Soonyoung chuckled, pulling away from his boyfriend. "U-uh sorry for... you know."

Jihoon rolled his eyes. "You're such a caveman." He pushed Soonyoung towards the others. "To the beach, minions."

"Why is Soonyoung a caveman? Did he throw something at the waitress?" Junghan asked while they were walking. 

"That is a very likely event." Soonyoung nodded seriously. 


Mingyu watched as his hyungs acted normally and wondered if it was just that easy to brush off something like that. It was Jihoon and Soonyoung after all so maybe it was. His brain was getting tired of figuring things out so he just let them be. 


When they got to the beach, the five of them started running around and playing in the water. They also checked out the different water sports that they could do the next day. It was mostly quiet; the trip had drained them and the food made them relaxed and sleepy. They called it an early night and made a promise that tomorrow would be more exciting. 


Mingyu had a sort of odd sense of dejavu when he was woken up the next day. Soonyoung was innocently smiling at him though he was sure the pillow that woke him up was from the older. Jisoo was in the shower, singing his favorite song. 


"Why did I agree to room with you?" Mingyu complained as he got up.

"Because I have food?" Soonyoung offered. "Besides you love me."

"Don't flatter yourself; it was definitely the food." The younger chuckled when his hyung whined. "Anyway, are you good?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know, you and Jihoon hyung. Everything's okay?"

Soonyoung focused on the mirror, fixing his hair. "Why'd you ask?"

Mingyu felt awkward. Maybe he wasn't allowed to pry. He had never been one to in other people's businesses anyway. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to, hyung."

"Kidding." Soonyoung chuckled, facing Mingyu. "We're okay, the same. Jihoon's not gonna get rid of me that easily."

Jisoo came out of the shower, dressed in boardwalk shorts already. "Morning, Mingyu." He said as he pulled on his shirt. "You guys talking about Jihoon?"

Mingyu nodded. "Yeah, morning and yeah, we were." 

"So what happened yesterday? When Junghan and I got there, this one was frozen." He pointed at Mingyu. "And you two were by the wall. Jihoon was as red as a tomato too."

Soonyoung blushed. "I kissed Jihoon."

"In public?!" Jisoo exclaimed before raising his hand for a high five. "You're really becoming a man, Soonyoung!"

"I don't think that's something to be happy about." Mingyu commented.

"When Wonwoo kisses you in public, you'll know why it's a good thing." Jisoo nodded. 

Mingyu blushed at what his hyung said. "Hyuuung!" He whined.

"Were you that jealous to risk Jihoon kneeing you in the balls?" Jisoo asked, ignoring Mingyu's whining. "You know he hates PDA."

"Well, yes and no. Yes because did you see her? She was going to become a giraffe just to look at Jihoon! His accent is too much for people sometimes, I swear!" Soonyoung said, crossing his arms over his chest.

 Mingyu chuckled. "You look like a kid, hyung."

" Yah!" Soonyoung exclaimed, throwing a pillow at him.

Jisoo caught the pillow before it can hit anyone. "Kids, please behave. Seriously, why does Junghan want you guys as kids? Anyway so what about the no part?"

Mingyu and Soonyoung exchanged glances before the older shrugged. "Jihoon was being insecure about us as usual. It's just... ugh! I'm standing over there trying not to hit a girl and he's still like that." Soonyoung frowned. 


They were quiet after that, not really sure what to say. Mingyu couldn't take the silence so he got up and showered. He couldn't help but replay his conversation with Jihoon yesterday. It was obvious to anyone how Soonyoung loved his boyfriend and Mingyu knew that his hyung was aware of that too. So why was he still insecure about them?


"Junghan managed to wake Jihoon up so we're good to go when you're ready." Jisoo said when Mingyu stepped out.

The younger nodded, digging through his bag for a shirt. "That's a miracle. Junghan hyung didn't get hurt?"

"Jihoon wouldn't really hurt his hyung." Soonyoung smiled as he mentioned his boyfriend.

"I'm the only one he can hit, great." Mingyu muttered.

Jisoo laughed, facing Soonyoung. "Hey. Don't worry about Jihoon, okay? I think he and Junghan talked last night."

"Oh my gosh, he probably turned Jihoon hyung to someone who likes PDA as well." Mingyu groaned dramatically.

Soonyoung laughed but was blushing slightly. "I still wouldn't initiate anything so don't sorry." He turned to Jisoo. "Thanks, hyung." 


Jisoo ruffled his dongsaeng's hair before going outside. Mingyu and Soonyoung followed suit and they settled at the lobby to wait for Junghan and Jihoon. Soonyoung started smiling widely when he saw what his boyfriend was wearing. It was a simple varsity shirt with the word Kwon written at the back; Mingyu recognized it as Soonyoung's old baseball shirt. 


"Good morning!" Junghan greeted happily. "Sorry we took so long."

"I'm just surprised you woke hyung up." Mingyu chuckled when Jihoon stuck his tongue out.

Jisoo pointed to the beach. "I want to try some sports today so let's get moving!"

Junghan's eyes lit up, holding onto his boyfriend's arm. "Let's try all of them at least once please?"


Mingyu chuckled at his hyung's excitement, following the couple out of the hotel. He was humming a random song when Soonyoung suddenly squealed. The three of them turned around to see him holding his cheek with a blush. Jihoon was rolling his eyes but he was obviously blushing too. He walked on ahead when everyone just kept staring at Soonyoung.


Soonyoung snapped out of it in a few seconds. "Y-yah, Lee Jihoon! I want a good morning kiss like that everyday!" He exclaimed before running after his boyfriend.


Junghan and Jisoo shared a proud look before going after the two of them. Mingyu grinned as well, knowing that Soonyoung was worried about yesterday. Everything was good now. He pulled out his phone to send a quick message before running after his hyungs as well.


To: Freaking Cute Guy with a Deep Voice Wonwoo

Everyone's being sweet this morning so

Good morning, Wonwoo x


A.N: This was more of a SoonHoon chapter again because ugh!! Precious babies! I'll work on part 2 real quick so I can have it by tomorrow. No promises though! <3


Again a huge thank you to each one of you who are reading this! ^-^ You guys are amazing. <3


I may not be replying to the comments (tho i probs would in the future? I think) but i read every single one of them and they mean the world to me! <3


I love being able to spread the amazingness that is Meanie and ofc Seventeen as a whole. 


Again, thank you!! I love you guys <3 x










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happending_ #1
first time reading this after finding it on twitter, I'm going to miss the characters :(
ianeza #2
Chapter 50: This is like my second or third time reading this fanfic and i still find it romantic and cute... :)
Chapter 3: the part about female reproduction system is so funny lol i cant stop laughing XD
Chapter 39: It started out so sweet and adorable. I was ready to puke rainbows and fart butterflies.
And then, Author-nim decides to be evil and give us that heartbreaking end to the chapter.
Now I'm just gonna cry in the corner and wilt.
Chapter 33: Suddenly, I'm feeling sorry for Doyoon.
My heart is on a roller coaster with this story.
Chapter 30: I swear, these sweet bonus chapter are worth more than my life!
Mingyu and Nonu are too precious for this world!
Chapter 29: Awww...
I can't believe Wonwoo was conditioned to ask for permission from his boyfie when hanging out with friends! Oh, please, Mingyu! Please take care of our dearest Nonu!
Chapter 25: I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!
Run, Mingyu! RUN! Take Wonwoo with you and run!
Chapter 24: Don't tell me Dooyon was the one Wonwoo was talking about!
I swear I'm gonna die if the next chapter reveals that!
Chapter 23: I'm like Soonyoung ..I would die without SoonHoon.
I love all the other ships but I would always choose SoonHoon over all the other Hoshi and Uji ships!