One Last Time

Fall For You

Doyoon was pacing around nervously as he ended the call with Myungsoo. Since this was his last date with Wonwoo, he wanted it to be special, memorable for the two of them. Doyoon had always been a er for romantic clichés so he asked help from Myungsoo and Sungyeol to get the whole thing ready. Sungyeol was initially worried about how Doyoon would be after the whole thing and honestly so was Doyoon but Myungsoo had eased his worries. Everything had been planned out and all that was needed was Wonwoo's consent. 


To: Wonwoo

Hey what about Changwon this weekend?

Myungsoo hyung has an exhibit for his latest works


From: Wonwoo

That's this weekend already? 

Yeah, Yeol hyung told me about it

Let's go! :) 


Doyoon chuckled, not getting too excited about Wonwoo being eager about this. This was Myungsoo's exhibit and the two of them had been present for the older's very first exhibit and they had gone to all of them before. Even when they had broken up, Sungyeol told him that Wonwoo dropped by real quick at the exhibits to congratulate Myungsoo at least. It was very considerate and he was glad that they could go to one together again. 


To: Wonwoo

Should I pick you up or what?


From: Wonwoo

I'll meet you at your place.

I'm not so sure Hansol's ready to see you again

To: Wonwoo

Hansol lives with you?? 


From: Wonwoo

Yeah :D 

Where else would my brother live? 


Doyoon scoffed in disbelief; of course that was Wonwoo's answer. He found Wonwoo's affection for the Hansol kid quite adorable which was a completely positive sign. The thought didn't make him unreasonably angry and possessive. Maybe he really was ready to move on and grow up. 


Wonwoo in an oversized sweater with his ridiculous sweater paws was going to be the death of Doyoon,and maybe Mingyu,someday. Doyoon had been ridiculously nervous the night before, only falling asleep a little past midnight so he had overslept. When he had ran down the stairs, Wonwoo was already standing there, cheeks flushed from the cold. Wonwoo had punched his arm about making him wait in the cold but Doyoon was too busy smiling dopily to actually feel hurt by the attack. 


"Stop smiling like that, you creep. Your car's heater better work or I'm not going with you." Wonwoo said as he rolled his eyes. 

Doyoon grinned. "Luckily, my heater does work so no worries about that. You really should have worn something else besides that sweater though." 

"I have Mingyu's jacket here." Wonwoo said as he turned a bit to show his backpack. "Now, can we go?" 


Doyoon nodded and led the way to his car, grateful that Wonwoo wasn't wearing Mingyu's jacket just yet. Opening the door for Wonwoo, Doyoon sent a mental apology to Mingyu. He would avoid thinking of the younger as much as possible today. This wasn't about him; the whole thing was about him and Wonwoo. It didn't involve Mingyu. 

The drive to Changwon was pleasant, the two of them stopping for a bit of breakfast and coffee. Doyoon talked about what Myungsoo's exhibit would be like and how Sungyeol still got nervous about it even though it's been happening for years. Wonwoo chuckled about that, saying that he could imagine Sungyeol like that. The younger genuinely sounded excited about the exhibit which assured Doyoon that he had made a good choice on how to start their day. 


"Hey, hyung." Wonwoo suddenly said after they had fallen into a comfortable silence.

Doyoon hummed, still trying to get used to getting called hyung by Wonwoo. "Hm?"

" Seungcheol... did he say anything to you?"

The older's brows furrowed. "Cheol? Uh... the last thing he said to me was that I was a ing pig and to order my own food." He smiled as Wonwoo chuckled. "Why'd you ask?"

"He didn't want me to come with you. He looked like he already made a list on why I shouldn't come with you." 

Doyoon swallowed. Wonwoo was too honest for his own good. "Really?" He glanced at Wonwoo. "But you're here?"

"I'm here." Wonwoo affirmed as he shrugged. 

"What does that shrug mean?"


Wonwoo shrugged again as he looked out the window. Doyoon waited but it seemed like the younger didn't want to say anything else. Wonwoo had those moods sometimes; he had said it made him feel mysterious. It just drove Doyoon up the wall honestly. But he wouldn't force it. He didn't want to tell Wonwoo what to do, not anymore so he just the radio to fill the silence. 


Just like Doyoon had expected, Wonwoo fell asleep just as they were about an hour away from Changwon. The older couldn't help but roll his eyes fondly, gently pushing the hair away from Wonwoo's face. A smile spread on his face and he tried to control the emotions welling up inside him. That was the whole point of this day after all, closure and not letting his feelings get the best of him again. 


Wonwoo shifted to his side, curling up against the window with that sweater making him seem softer. Doyoon took a deep breath, gathering his concentration on the road. This was going to be harder than he might have thought. 


"You're so grumpy when you wake up." Doyoon commented as he and Wonwoo made their way in the exhibit hall. They had arrived earlier to help with the last minute preparations but so far it had just been Sungyeol screaming for his suit. 

Wonwoo pouted, rubbing his eyes. "You know that but you allowed me to fall asleep when we were so close to Changwon! This is your fault." 

"Hey how would I know that there would be no traffic at all?" Doyoon protested. Wonwoo had only managed to sleep for barely thirty minutes before they arrived. The older considered not waking the younger up but Sungyeol had spotted his car and greeted them very very excitedly. 


Wonwoo continued to pout but he began to smile when he saw Myungsoo walking to them. As usual, Myungsoo was wearing a tailored black suit and some of the coordinators stopped what they were doing to gawk at him. Typical reaction. Doyoon fiddled with his sleeves consciously; what was the point of dressing up with Myungsoo here anyway? Wonwoo however didn't look like he was affected, well unaffected in that way. He looked like he was just happy to see the older for just that reason. 


Again, Wonwoo would seriously be the death of Doyoon. 


"Doyoon, Wonwoo, you're here!" Myungsoo beamed at them. "How was the drive?"

"Much faster than what others would have liked." I answered teasingly while looking at Wonwoo. He just rolled his eyes, lightly shoving me which made me laugh. "It was fine, hyung." I answered once I stopped laughing. "No traffic or anything." 

"How are you feeling, hyung?" Wonwoo asked. "Sungyeol hyung is a bunch of nerves." 

Myungsoo pouted. "Yeah, he is. His suit is lost. I don't know where he put it. I mean he just ironed it last night." 

Doyoon sighed. "Fine, I'll go help hyung look for it." He turned to Wonwoo. "You'll be okay here?"

"You act like I don't know Myungsoo hyung." Wonwoo chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Go on." 


Doyoon smiled back at him before turning to look for his hyung. Sungyeol was pacing back and forth the back room, eyes darting between the cabinets there. Doyoon laughed quietly before opening the cabinets to look for the suit. 


"You really should put a tracker on your things. You keep losing them." Doyoon huffed as he sorted through the clothes. "Hyung, is this my suit?" He asked as he pulled out what looked like his tuxedo from prom back then. 

Sungyeol grabbed the suit from him, eyes squinting. "I'm pretty sure..." he looked at Doyoon. "I think I grabbed the wrong suit." He smiled sheepishly. "Let's go home?" 

Doyoon frowned before he got what the older meant. "You grabbed the wrong suit?" He scoffed when his hyung just laughed impishly. "Of course you did. Fine, let's go. Mom wanted me to drop by anyway." 


They returned to the main room to inform Myungsoo and Wonwoo what had happened. Myungsoo just smiled fondly, kissing Sungyeol's cheek and said he'll be waiting right there. Wonwoo watched the two of them, a soft smile on his lips as Doyoon looked on. Wonwoo happened to catch his eye then and raised an eyebrow but Doyoon just shook his head, leading the way to his car. He threw the keys to Sungyeol, opting to let his hyung drive. 


"So. Wonwoo doesn't seem to mind... whatever this is." Sungyeol said as soon as they both got in.

Doyoon nodded. "He's close with you and Myungsoo hyung. It's not that surprising."

"But he came with you." 

"Well, we do study in the same place, hyung." Doyoon answered, letting out a small sigh. "I'm fine, hyung. I know you're worried but I know what I'm doing." 

Sungyeol turned to look at the younger, letting out a sigh as well as he started the car. "If you say so. Just.... don't hurt yourself too much okay?"

Doyoon nodded but didn't say anything else. Of course he knew he would get hurt after all of this. Just putting a lid on his emotions hurt him already but he was willing to endure this for Wonwoo. 


After picking up the right suit and Doyoon's mom complaining about not bringing Wonwoo, the two brothers headed back to the exhibit. Myungsoo and Wonwoo were going back and forth as Myungsoo talked with his handler while the younger helped with adjusting the light or whatever. Wonwoo was in a rush to really explain properly. Sungyeol patted Doyoon's back before going over to Myungsoo, arm automatically encircling the other's waist. 


Doyoon just stood there and waited for Wonwoo to get back since he didn't know if he should try and help as well. The younger came back after a few minutes, bouncing on his heels. Doyoon rolled his eyes; Wonwoo always loved helping out. 


"You done?" Doyoon asked, patting Wonwoo's hair back into place.

Wonwoo nodded. "Thanks. Yeah, it was just some little things." He tilted his head. "Sungyeol hyung got his suit already?" 

"Yeah, it was already laid out on his bed." He rolled his eyes again. "Oh, mom says hi by the way." 

"How's auntie doing? I haven't seen her in a long time." 


It felt just like old times. Doyoon updated the younger on how his mother was doing, emphasizing on the fact that his mom missed Wonwoo which led to the suggestion of eating lunch at their place. Doyoon couldn't say no since his mom would be very happy at that idea so he quickly texted his mom the news. Before Doyoon could suggest the next place they should go to, Myungsoo's handler announced that the exhibit was about to start. 


Myungsoo's exhibits were always open to the public and a lot of people usually came to visit the place. Myungsoo himself didn't usually attend all of the time, mostly just the first ones because he at accepting compliments and would just stutter out a quiet thanks before melting back into Sungyeol's side. The exhibit this time wasn't any different; the room was filled pretty quickly which gave Doyoon the excuse to touch Wonwoo to make sure he wouldn't get lost in the crowd. Wonwoo smiled at him gratefully, still obviously uneasy in huge crowds. With Doyoon's hand resting on the younger's back, they listened to Myungsoo talk about his latest works and his inspiration, making Sungyeol blush and smile at the crowd. Doyoon really tried to focus on what was happening but the warmth of Wonwoo's skin seemed to be seeping through his clothes onto Doyoon's hand. He wondered if the younger would let him hold his hand even just for today, even just for a while. 


"Hyung... Doyoon." Wonwoo's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked down and realized that he had grabbed onto the younger's waist. 

"Sorry." Doyoon said shyly as he removed his hand. 

Wonwoo raised an eyebrow. "Okay?" He looked around, biting his lip. "Can we, uh, go already? There's so many people here." 

Doyoon glanced at the crowd, frowning when he realized how closely they were pressing against them. "Oh, . I didn't realize. I'm sorry. Yeah, we can go. Let's just say our goodbyes to the hyungs first. Don't want Yeol hyung to get worried." 


Doyoon almost lost Wonwoo twice in the crowd because of the number of attendants. Huffing in annoyance, he grabbed the younger's hand and continued making their way through. It was more difficult navigating their way as they got closer to where Myungsoo and Sungyeol were. Ignoring his brother's pointed stare at their linked hands, Doyoon quickly asked if they could leave already. After saying their congratulations to Myungsoo, Wonwoo and Doyoon headed out, inhaling as much fresh air as they could the moment they stepped out. 


"Myungsoo hyung is amazing and all. I'm glad that he's getting more recognized but the crowd is always something else." Doyoon commented. He looked at Wonwoo. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just a bit woozy but I'll be fine in a while." Wonwoo looked at the space between them. "Uh..." 

Doyoon ignored him and tugged on their joined hands. "Let's go. Mom might be about to explode in her excitement of seeing you again." 


"Wonwoo yah!" 


Doyoon felt a grin spread on his lips as he watched his mother grab Wonwoo in a tight hug, almost squeezing the life out of the other. His mom seemed very excited and happy and Doyoon was glad he could do this for her. Deciding that Wonwoo would probably survive the enthusiastic welcome, he headed to the kitchen and saw that his mom prepared all of Wonwoo's favorites. He grabbed a piece of dumpling, waiting for the two to find him and he swore his mother loved Wonwoo more than him. 


"That isn't for you, Dodo." His mother chastised when she saw him reaching for the dumplings again. "Have some manners. Wonwoo's going to think you're rude."

"Pretty sure that horse left the barn a long time ago." Doyoon commented but moved away from the dumplings. He pulled a chair for Wonwoo before sitting down beside him. "Mom, Wonwoo already knows me well. He doesn't care if I eat some dumplings."

Wonwoo laughed. "It's fine, Mrs. Jang. I can't eat all of these by myself anyway. Thank you for the meal!" 


Doyoon tried not to notice how his mother's face fell upon hearing Wonwoo call her Mrs. Jang. It used to be auntie or in the latter years of their relationship, umma. The realization of how their break up didn't just affect the two of them but the people around them as well hit Doyoon pretty hard and he found it difficult to swallow. By then, his mother had recovered and was talking to Wonwoo happily while adding servings on the younger's plate. She caught Doyoon's eye once and they shared a small smile before Doyoon dug in. He mostly kept quiet during lunch, happy to observe the two interact. A part of him wondered if this was the last time he would ever see this moment. 


"Let me do the dishes, Mrs. Jang." Wonwoo said after they had finished eating. 


He had already stood up, grabbing the plates they had used, ignoring the protests from Mrs. Jang. Doyoon tried to help as well but Wonwoo just smacked his hand away, sticking his tongue out. He tried washing the plates at the sink already but he got a kick in the shin for the effort which started a play fight with Wonwoo. 


"Stop! Stop! Yah!" Wonwoo exclaimed as Doyoon tickled him. He was flushed from laughing and Doyoon couldn't stop himself from laughing along. 

Doyoon smirked. "What was that? More?" 

"Stop it!" Wonwoo shrieked, kicking Doyoon's shin again which made the older groan in pain. 

Doyoon's mom cleared , shooting Doyoon a weird look. "Dodo, I think your brother left something in his room. A small duffel bag? Why don't you go get it?" 

Doyoon stared at his mom, eyebrows shooting up. "Hyung... asked me... to find his duffel bag? It's probably just sitting there on the bed, mom."

"Then go get it." His mom all but snapped at him, making Wonwoo shift uncomfortably beside Doyoon. She must have noticed since she smoothed her expression, sending Doyoon a small smile. "I just need to talk to Wonwoo alone, Do. Please." 


Doyoon frowned upon hearing what his mother said. He looked back at his mom and saw that she really meant what she said. He felt Wonwoo nudging him, probably asking what this was about so he gave a small shrug. He wasn't really sure what was going on. 


"Then talk with me here. I'm pretty sure whatever you'll say to him, you can say in front of me, mom." Doyoon said carefully.

His mother frowned, pursing her lips. "Do I really have to order you away from here, Doyoon?"

Doyoon frowned even more. His mother only called him Doyoon when she was dead serious and Wonwoo knew that as well, of course he did so the younger placed a hand on Doyoon's lower arm, placating smile on his face. "Go. I don't mind if auntie talks to me." He pushed Doyoon until he budged. "Seriously. Go get Sungyeol hyung's bag."


Doyoon watched as his mother's face fell ever slightly when Wonwoo called her auntie again before composing her expression. Wonwoo pushed him again so Doyoon had no choice but to leave the kitchen. He was originally going to linger by the living room but his mother glared at him until he marched upstairs. His mom even peeked up and made sure he went to his brother's room. Doyoon made a show of closing the door loudly, laying down on the bed as he waited for the sign that he could go down. His eyes started feeling heavy and the last thought he had was what two of the most important people in his life could be talking about.


Wonwoo was the one driving this time around but Doyoon didn't give specifics onto where they were going, just when to turn left or right. The younger had insisted on driving upon having to wake up Doyoon after his talk with the older's mother. They dropped Sungyeol's bag at the exhibit before continuing on with their date. So far it had only been silence between them while Doyoon tried to find a way to ask Wonwoo about what his mother said. 


"Hyung, are we at the cemetery?" Wonwoo asked as he took at his surroundings. "Why are we here?"

Doyoon sighed. "Because there's someone I wanted to talk to." He pointed by the oak tree. "Just park there." 


Wonwoo nodded, doing as he was told but he still looked uneasy. Doyoon guessed that the younger was already figuring out why they were there but he still went on like he didn't know anything. He got out of the car, opening the trunk and getting the basket of flowers he bought the night before. Wonwoo still hadn't gotten out of the car so Doyoon knocked on his window, motioning for him to get out. 


"Hyung..." Wonwoo said, eyeing the basket.

Doyoon smiled. "Let's go visit your dad." 


Mr. Jeon's grave was covered with stray leaves and twigs so Doyoon cleaned it up before anything else. He could feel Wonwoo's eyes on him the entire time but the younger didn't move any closer or tried to help. He was probably still confused as to why they were there so Doyoon didn't blame him. After he had cleaned the grave as much as he could, Doyoon took a deep breath before putting the flowers down. 


"Hi there, abeonim." Doyoon said softly. "It's been a while huh? Sorry we haven't..." he paused to look at Wonwoo who was watching him with an unreadable expression. "Well, I'm not sure about Won but I haven't visited you in a while. Almost three years." He whispered the last part. He sat down on the grass by the grave, knees pulled up to his chest. "I missed you. I miss you even now actually. No one tells lame jokes like you do." 

He heard some rustling behind him and he looked up at Wonwoo who looked faintly amused. "You always laughed at his jokes though." 

"Well, someone had to. Besides, I think you got your sense of humor from him." 


Wonwoo hummed in acknowledgement but didn't say anything else. Doyoon sighed quietly, fingers tracing the engraved letters lightly. He felt his throat close up and tears started to prick the back of his eyes. Mr. Jeon had been very close to Doyoon, much closer than his real father who was always out of the country. When he had dated Wonwoo, Mr. Jeon was very accepting and treated Doyoon just like a real son. He would always give him advice and he was the one adult that Doyoon didn't feel the need to lie to. Mr. Jeon's death had been very hard for both him and Wonwoo. Doyoon had grieved like he lost his real father and in ways that matter, he did. He had come with the younger to visit his father's grave and they would both talk to Mr. Jeon about anything. It helped them feel like he was still there with them.


When Doyoon 'ran away', he wanted to visit this place actually but he was ashamed. No matter how close they were, Doyoon knew he couldn't compare to Mr. Jeon's love for Wonwoo and the fact that his child was hurt by Doyoon made him scared. An apology was long overdue but now he felt like was ready for it. 


"Abeonim..." Doyoon finally broke the silence. "Wonwoo and I are no longer together." He saw the younger stiffen behind him but he continued on. "He probably already told you and you already know of course since you watch us from heaven just like you promised. But... But I wanted to come clear about everything." He swallowed thickly, emotions choking him for a bit. "I... I'm very sorry for what I did, abeonim. I promised you I wouldn't hurt your only child but I did. I'm so sorry." 


His words were becoming a slur as he cried openly. He hated disappointing people that were important to him and Mr. Jeon had been very important to him. He did promise to always cherish and take care of Wonwoo and he knew just how much faith and trust Wonwoo's dad in him but he had let him down. He continued stammering out apologies between his cries and sniffles. It was like a dam had broken; he just couldn't help himself. 


It took awhile but Doyoon eventually calmed down to a hiccupping mess. Wonwoo had taken a seat beside him and was rubbing circles on his back but he obviously cried as well if the redness in his eyes were any indication. Doyoon sniffled before turning his attention back to Mr. Jeon. 


"I'm sorry for everything, for breaking my promise, for hurting Wonwoo and for not visiting. Abeonim... I'm not even sure if I'm worthy enough to be calling you that... You knew that I looked up to you, that for me, you were my real father." He smiled sadly. "I'm sorry for disappointing you." 

"Don't say that. Dad really loved you like he loved me. You were a real son for him as well." Wonwoo whispered, voice slightly hoarse from crying. 

Doyoon smiled a little more happily, bumping his head on Wonwoo's shoulder as thanks. "That means a lot to me." He forced a grin on his face. "But don't worry, abeonim! My friend, Mingyu, would be taking care of Won from now on. I still think I'm better looking but Wonwoo made his choice." He chuckled when he heard Wonwoo snort. "I'll make sure Gyu doesn't hurt Won. And it's not just me. Seungcheol's still watching over Won as well. You know Cheol, the guy that passed out on your couch after eating too many cupcakes? That's him. Plus your son has found a brother too! The kid glares a lot so he could just go glare at people who try anything bad with Wonwoo." He took a deep breath, feeling lighter somehow. "My point is Wonwoo's well taken care of. That's something I can assure you. You just rest there and leave it to me." 


Doyoon stood up slowly, legs hurting from the sudden rush of blood to them. He helped Wonwoo up as well. The wind was blowing slightly, carrying some of the petals from the flowers and Doyoon liked to think of it as a sign that he was forgiven. He closed his eyes and breathed a silent thank you.


"You know, you and auntie are the same." Wonwoo commented.


The two of them were heading back to the car and so far, it had only been silence between them. The younger looked like he was in deep thought so Doyoon didn't intrude. Now, he gave Wonwoo a glance, tilting his head to show his confusion. 


"Auntie... uh, she apologized to me as well." Wonwoo confessed shyly. 

"What?" Doyoon exclaimed. "Apologized for what?"

"She said she was sorry that you hurt me. She said that her heart broke when you disappeared especially when she had to find out from Seokmin instead of you." Wonwoo paused, biting his lower lip. "She cried, hyung. She cried while telling me that it doesn't change how she feels about me, how I'm still welcome to your house anytime. She said she still loves me the same." 


Doyoon just stood there, speechless as he processed what Wonwoo told him. The other really was too honest for his own good. Even so, he appreciated the younger not lying or omitting anything to him. 


He didn't know what he was expecting but his mother apologizing certainly wasn't one of them. Doyoon knew just how much his mom adored Wonwoo but still, this came out as a surprise. Unsure what to do, he just let out a snort, tipping his head back to stop himself from crying. So many people were affected by their relationship and he was just starting to see that. 


He felt a light touch on his elbow and Doyoon turned his head, meeting Wonwoo's eyes. "Hyung.. Doyoon, why are we here?" 

"To visit abeonim. You already know that." Doyoon answered. 

"That's not what I mean. Why are we here right now? Why did you ask for this day?" Wonwoo asked seriously. 


Doyoon stilled, staring back at Wonwoo. The air between them was getting thick with tension until the older broke it, tearing his gaze away. With a deep sigh, he continued making his way back to his car while Wonwoo followed after him.


"Doyoon." Wonwoo called out, sounding frustrated. 

"Not here. I don't want to do it here." Doyoon answered. He opened the passenger door. "Get in. I'm driving." 


Wonwoo glared at him, displeased at not getting any answers but Doyoon just stared right back at him with a blank expression until the younger sighed, getting in the car. Doyoon smiled tightly at him, going to the driver's side and climbing in himself. He immediately headed for their next destination. Wonwoo was still sulking by the looks of it, keeping his gaze out of the window with an unimpressed expression. The expression melted to that of surprise and recognition when they hit the familiar dirt road. 


"Remember this place?" Doyoon whispered. 

"How could I forget?" Wonwoo answered back just as quietly. He was biting his lower lip again, hands curled into fists on his lap. 

"Our place." Doyoon said as he stopped the car. 


For a few moments, no one moved or said anything. They just gazed out onto the field. Doyoon had found it when they were younger while he was exploring the town. He immediately fell in love with it and dubbed it as his own place, his own escape. The only other person he had ever brought there was Wonwoo. Then it shifted from his place to their place. This was where he confessed, where they had their first date. If there was a place to pinpoint their relationship, it was here. 


"Let's go." Doyoon forced himself to say. He was already getting lost in the memories of this place. He needed to get this over with before he backed out. 


Wonwoo gave him a small nod, slowly getting out of the car while Doyoon mirrored him. The older started walking closer with Wonwoo on his heels. Their steps became slower, more tentative as they got deeper into the field. Doyoon stopped when they reached the clearing they had made. The table and bench was still there and the swing he had put on the tree still looked intact. It was almost like nothing had changed, the place untouched by time. 


"Doyoon, tell me why we're here." Wonwoo demanded quietly. 

"We're here to talk about us. I.. No, you deserve explanations about everything." Doyoon answered. 

"Do we really have to? I mean, we're already friends. Can't we just leave it at that?" 

"No, we can't, Wonwoo." 

"Why the hell not?" Wonwoo demanded, voice rising.

"Because you need this. We both do but you need it more. Trust me. I know." 

"And how do you know?" 

"I still know you the best, Won. We might not be together anymore but no one else knows you how I know you." Doyoon said calmly.

Wonwoo seemed to deflate at that. His knuckles were turning white at his sides and his voice was strangely calm when he spoke. "Fine. Tell me then." 

"Really?" Doyoon asked in surprise. Wonwoo was usually more stubborn than this.

"Yes, really. Tell me, Doyoon, why you left me high and dry, why you of all people made me feel so insignificant. You say you know me the best and you probably do. Then why did you do it? You knew, you most certainly knew that what you did would hurt me so why?" Wonwoo asked, voice betraying the hurt and pain he felt. 

Doyoon's eyes widened and he moved closer to Wonwoo by reflex but the younger just stepped back. He eyed Wonwoo before sighing. "I was scared. I know it's a bull explanation but that's the truth and you deserve nothing less than that."

"You were scared? Scared of what?" 

"Wonwoo, you were literally the love of my life, my first love and honestly, the only person I have ever felt something so intensely for." Doyoon shook his head. "Tell me if I hadn't left and we would still be together, what would we be doing right now?" 

"What?" Wonwoo asked, lost written on his face. "What do you mean?"

"If we didn't break up, what would we be doing at this moment?"

Wonwoo frowned but he seemed to think about it. He let out a long breath, looking away as he answered. "Well, Myungsoo hyung has an exhibit so we would probably be in Changwon but not at the exhibit anymore. We'd probably end up in your house." 

"We'd be lying down on my bed, cuddling and talking." Doyoon paused for a bit. "We'd be talking about our wedding probably." 

"Our wedding?" Wonwoo exclaimed, eyes widening.

Doyoon raised an eyebrow. "Yes, our wedding. Don't tell me you never thought that we'd get married?" 

"I did. Of course, I did. I just never thought that you did." Wonwoo explained hurriedly. "What does that have to do with anything?" 

"You know, even back then, my mom would already start planning our wedding, tiny details here and there. And... and I guess that was what scared me." Doyoon explained. 

"Marrying me scared you?" Wonwoo asked. 

"The thought did. The predictability of my life did. I wasn't even a proper adult yet but my choices were already limited." Doyoon explained. "I know it sounds bad and lame but I mean it. And the thing was I did love you very much and I would probably be okay with marrying you right after we graduate but... it seems boring." 

"It seems boring." Wonwoo echoed. "Can't you explain this a little better? You're just making me angrier."

"I ran away because I was young, Wonwoo. There were so many things out there that I haven't tried, haven't done, haven't seen and I knew that when we get married, I wouldn't be able to do that anymore." 

"You could have been with me and still did that. You should have told me and we could have worked something out. Did you really think that I was that selfish? That I would tie you down mercilessly?" Wonwoo asked, voice getting frantic and rushed. He was crying and it tore Doyoon's heart. "Why didn't you tell me? Why did you just choose on your own?" 

"Wonwoo... I..." 

"You were literally my everything, Doyoon. You made me believe in so many wrong things about relationships that I don't even know what was a lie and not. But I blindly followed you and you know why? Because I was so so in love with you! I loved you very much so you asking me for some time yourself wouldn't have hurt me but you running away did. You just disappeared and I felt like absolute . It was like I wasn't even important enough to say goodbye to." 

Wonwoo's voice kept breaking because of his tears and Doyoon couldn't hold back anymore. He grabbed the younger in a hug despite Wonwoo's protests. After a few seconds, Wonwoo let the older hug him, face buried in Doyoon's neck as he continued crying. Doyoon felt some of his own tears slip down but he focused on comforting Wonwoo which was slightly difficult given that the younger grew taller in the time they were apart. But that didn't seem to matter as Wonwoo continued to cry against him. 


He could feel it. Doyoon could feel all the hurt and pain that he had given Wonwoo in the time that they were apart. Knowing Wonwoo, he probably blamed himself for Doyoon's departure. At the thought, Doyoon hugged the younger even closer, even tighter. He wanted to convey all he was feeling, how sorry he was for everything, how he wanted take back all the pain that he had caused and inflict it upon himself if he could. He wished he could turn back time but he couldn't so he would have to settle for a mere apology. 


"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I really, really am." Doyoon whispered. 

Wonwoo shook his head. "Don't call me that. I'm not your sweetheart anymore."

"I know." Doyoon pulled back a bit. "Stop crying, please. I'm not worth your tears." 

Wonwoo chuckled at that but he did wipe his eyes. "Yeah, you're not. I've already cried enough when you left me and now I'm crying again." 

Doyoon cupped his cheek, placing a quick peck on Wonwoo's nose. "Don't ever think you weren't important to me okay? You are the most important person in my life. That was all my fault, mine and my stupidity so don't think like that. And I'm sorry I made you cry." He smiled a bit when Wonwoo snorted. "It's an understatement I know but you know what I mean." 

"I do." Wonwoo said quietly. He sighed as he leaned into Doyoon's hand. "Was that it? Was you being scared the only reason you left me? You didn't get tired or bored of me?" 

The sincerity in those words pierced Doyoon's heart. He knew that Wonwoo sincerely believed that. "I would never. I love you, Wonwoo. I only just look at you." He said as honestly as he could.

Wonwoo shook his head but opened his eyes. "Then, why are you back?" Changing the topic. It was the younger's favorite way of getting out of topics he didn't feel comfortable about. Doyoon wanted to call him out on it but he let it pass. 

"Because I couldn't stay away from you. I'd like to think of it as me finally manning up but I'm not sure. Maybe I just wanted one more shot with you." Doyoon chuckled. "It was stupid of me to assume that you would be waiting for me and you would accept me with open arms."

"You are dumb after all." Wonwoo answered as he pulled back. "It's weird. You confessed to me here and now that we're properly breaking up, we're here again."

"Properly breaking up..." Doyoon echoed weakly. He cleared his throat and spoke lightly. "It is our place after all. Seems fitting don't you think?"

"Yeah, you're right." Wonwoo acknowledged. He continued to look around for a bit before speaking again. "Thank you though."

"Thank you for what?" Doyoon asked in confusion.

"For this. For explaining things to me." Wonwoo smiled. "I always blamed myself for what happened you know. I kept thinking that maybe I was too docile, too boring which was why you left me." He raised up a hand when Doyoon made a sound of protest. "But then you told me what happened and I feel so much better. So thank you for this. You were right; I did need this." 

"I told you so." Doyoon smiled before tugging on Wonwoo's wrist. "Come here." 

"Why?" Wonwoo asked but he moved closer. 


Doyoon smiled at him and quickly kissed Wonwoo, the last he could have. He pulled back, taking in Wonwoo's expression, so understanding and open. He was so so lovely but he wasn't Doyoon's anymore and he could now accept that. He was just grateful that he had the chance to love and be loved by him before. 


"Thank you for being with me, Jeon Wonwoo." 


A.N: so... this is done. I feel like I owe you guys an explanation for this late update. As I've mentioned in my last update, I was taking reviews even during the holidays and last Jan 8 was the actual examination so I couldn't really do much on the days before but study. I'm so sorry if you feel like I am neglecting this fic. I'm really not; I just lacked time. 


I am... actually satisfied with this chapter? I actually made a list of places they were supposed to go to but this flowed way better than the one I originally planned so I continued with this. 


THANK YOU AS USUAL FOR BEING SUPPORTIVE AND LOVELY AND THERE <3 omg I can't believe how many people are reading this. ;;;; so much feels really. Let me know what you guys think of this chapter juseyo~~ <3 


I love all of you xx THANK YOU SO MUCH ^-^











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happending_ #1
first time reading this after finding it on twitter, I'm going to miss the characters :(
ianeza #2
Chapter 50: This is like my second or third time reading this fanfic and i still find it romantic and cute... :)
Chapter 3: the part about female reproduction system is so funny lol i cant stop laughing XD
Chapter 39: It started out so sweet and adorable. I was ready to puke rainbows and fart butterflies.
And then, Author-nim decides to be evil and give us that heartbreaking end to the chapter.
Now I'm just gonna cry in the corner and wilt.
Chapter 33: Suddenly, I'm feeling sorry for Doyoon.
My heart is on a roller coaster with this story.
Chapter 30: I swear, these sweet bonus chapter are worth more than my life!
Mingyu and Nonu are too precious for this world!
Chapter 29: Awww...
I can't believe Wonwoo was conditioned to ask for permission from his boyfie when hanging out with friends! Oh, please, Mingyu! Please take care of our dearest Nonu!
Chapter 25: I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!
Run, Mingyu! RUN! Take Wonwoo with you and run!
Chapter 24: Don't tell me Dooyon was the one Wonwoo was talking about!
I swear I'm gonna die if the next chapter reveals that!
Chapter 23: I'm like Soonyoung ..I would die without SoonHoon.
I love all the other ships but I would always choose SoonHoon over all the other Hoshi and Uji ships!