No... [unedited]

Mr. Perfect
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"SUNG MIN!" You screamed loudly. 

She turned her head to face you both. Tears streamed out of her beautiful eyes and your heart ached. Time slowed down to a stop. You looked into her eyes and heard the words she was trying so hard to say all this time.

'I'm sorry.' She said. Looking into her guilty, sad and frightened eyes you didn't even noticed her fingers slipping away from the metal railing as she slowly leaned further over the edge. 

Slowly slipping away from you, forever.

Kai suddenly ran passed you. In a flash, his arms were tightly wrapped around her stomach. She screamed and kicked her legs up in the air, desperately trying to free herself from his grip, begging for him to allow her to fall to her death. 

Kai lifted her up, pulling her over the railing against her own will. She screamed at the top of her lungs for him to let her go. To let her die. To let her end her suffering. But Kai didn't listen, only holding onto her tighter as he kneeled down on the ground, pulling her down onto his lap as he tried to hold her down. 

"NO! LET ME GO!" She screamed hysterically, reaching up frantically for the metal railing to pull herself over again. 

You didn't know what to do. You had never seen her like this. It scared you. The pain in her voice. The desperation. The hopelessness. It startled you. To the point you couldn't move. Your best friend was at her wits ends and you couldn't even be by her side. 

*What sort of friend am I..?* 

All this time. Even though she hated to show that she was hurt or worried about something, you never pushed her to tell you anything. And now, you regretted it. Because maybe if you pushed her to tell you her problems, you may have been able to help. May have been able to not allow it to get to the point she wanted to throw herself off a four story building. Maybe just some support and comfort was all she needed to stop her from thinking death was the answer. 

*I wasn't there for her..* 

Sung Min's screams suddenly brought you back to reality. Kai was struggling to hold her down as she continued to fight him away. You quickly ran over by her side, grabbing her arms and holding them down into your lap tightly. 

"Please. Stop." You pleaded quietly. But it was muffled out by her death riddled screams. 

Tears filled your eyes as you stared at your friend with a desperate plead, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't know. I didn't know you were this badly depressed. I didn't know enough of what was happening in your life. I'm sorry for not knowing how horrible you must have been feeling. I'm sorry for not being a good enough friend. But.. Please, don't leave. You're my one and only true friend. And I'm yours. We need to stick together, forever. Thick and thin. Please. I'm sorry. Don't leave." 

Your calm yet guilt filled words were finally heard. Sung Min calmed down and stopped fighting you both away. She looked up at you emotionlessly. Her expression unreadable. You just wished you could read her mind. To know what she is thinking. To know what it was that has happened to her all the years she has lived on earth. 

You wished you had a time machine. To go back in time and take away all the bad incidents, harsh and hurtful words people have said to your best friend. She was a sweet, pretty and smart girl. It would be heart breaking in anybody's eyes to see her like this.  

Kai's grip around her waist loosened a little. But he knew it was too early to let go of her yet. He didn't want to take the chance of being one step behind her. One step too late of stopping her from leaping over the edge that was oh too close for his liking. 

He watched you stare at Sung Min with pure sorrow. He felt her breathing calm down, but her heart beat still raced. Or maybe that was his own heart beat. The moment his brain had understood the situation that was happening in front of him, his body leaped into action. He had to get her back over those railings, even if it meant getting scratched, kicked and screamed at. 

Your best friend, but also his friend life was more important. The image of him leaning over the edge, his top half of his body hanging over the side of the building as he tried to pull her over the railings, that are as high as his chest, may seem impossible, but with a burst of adrenalin and strength pumping through his veins, nothing else mattered. Not even his own safety.

Sung Min opened to speak, but her voice refused to be heard. You stared at her and squeezed her hand tighter. Telling her everything was going to be okay. That she didn't have to explain herself. That you were going to be there for her, forever. 

"I'm.. Sorry.." She sobbed quietly. Lowering her head down, too ashamed to face you any longer. Not only her attempt to kill herself, but what she has been forced to do. She was not good enough for a friend like you. And you didn't know any of her dark secrets. Even though you both told each other everything, there were always some things she didn't dare speak of. 

Much like yourself, and your past with Kris. You hadn't gone into detail with your past. She knew very little, and just like you, made assumptions of each other's issues. You had a hunch there was more to her problems, it wasn't just the bullying at school or her family problems. It was something much worse. 

"Promise me." You had a determined, strong voice now which made Kai and Sung Min look up at you, a little surprised by your sudden strength, "Promise me, that you won't leave me. Ever. Promise me that you will come to me when you need me. I'm here to help you. Please, don't do anything stupid." You pleaded, squeezing her hands tightly to the point it could stop the circulation. 

She slowly nodded and looked at you apologetically. You quickly flung yourself forward, wrapping your arms around her. Kai let her go and shifted back, giving you two space. She slowly raised her arms up, wrapping them around you also. 

Kai's eyes widened when he noticed her sleeve inch up, revealing her wrist. Scarred by multiple cuts and bruises. 

*This has been going on longer than we thought..* Kai thought sadly as he frowned down at her.  

Even though he may have not have been too close with her, he cared about her. She was with the boys everyday, always cheerful and happy once we got onto a topic she could relate to. At first she was quiet and shy, always smiling and blushing, embarrassed that such good looking boys were so close to her. But she grew used to them, a bit like you did. Except the whole, embarrassed, smiling and blushing part. 

"Come on.. Let's get you cleaned up." You pulled out from the hug and wiped her cheek. She laughed a little, imagining how horrible she probably looked at the moment, and slowly stood up with yours and Kai's help. 


~ ~ ~ ~ 


The end of the day quickly arrived and you were glued by Sung Min's side. All day you had your eyes on her, and if you weren't able to, Baekhyun was there. Which you were glad about. You only wished you had shared all of your classes with her, then you wouldn't of had to worry as much. 

"I'll walk you home." You stated as you threw your bag over your shoulders, preparing to leave. 

"Hyo Jin.. I said I'll be alright." Sung Min whined. 

"I know you are, but I just want to spend more time with my best friend." You gave her a cheesy smile and she chuckled. 

"Come on, let's go." You turned to leave and almost ran into Monique, who was still packing up her books. 

"I'll see you tomorrow." She looked up at the two of you and smiled, "And Sung Min, take care of yourself." She pointed a warning finger at her with a serious look in her eyes, but it was quickly wiped away with a smile and giggle.

"I will." Sung Min replied tiredly. 

"See you tomorrow." You replied politely before grabbing onto Sung Min and walking out of the classroom. 

"Yah! Girls wait up!" A voice called from behind. 

You both turned and saw Baekhyun running down the corridor, pushing past people who got in his way. Kai and Sehun followed quickly behind. 

"What is it?" Sung Min asked. He stood in front of her, panting.

"I'll walk you home." He replied, slightly clutching his stomach in pain.

"Are you alright?" She asked worriedly, placing her hand over his back.

"Yeah.. I'm fine. Just a stitch." He laughed nervously and straightened himself. 

"You're one step too late. I'm walking her home."  You said, placing your hand over Sung Min's shoulder. 

"Well I'm tagging along." He replied. 

"Come on. It's supposed to rain soon, and since we are walking, I'd rather not walk in the pouring rain." Kai whined as he continued to walk pass you with a lousy wave over his shoulder.  

"Great! Let's go." Baekhyun's excited, jumpy self was back once again. He took hold of Sung Min's hand, dragging her away from you. You frowned as you watched her smiling up at that childish idiot. You looked over at him, smiling down at her with bright sparkling eyes. You saw a different side to him today, a side you didn't know existed. You could tell he cared for her a lot, you just wondered whether Sung Min was getting that feeling about him

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14 streak #1
Chapter 66: Hyojins parent are crazy.... so is yoosung and monique. How did the two of them became friends so fast.....
Chocoholic_Exo-L #2
Chapter 1: I have only read one chapter so far, but her parents are seriously ed up jerks and racists. Also, her friend is revealed to be a huge b*tch in the first chapter. These ppl are the freaks.
Dang, they annoy me already.
*Keeps reading
Chapter 1: What? Their daughter woke up from a 3 month long coma... they only talk about her forgetting how to talk English?? Not the amnesia?
Her monther is disgusted by that? Woahh!
I will try to read this story but the first chapter is bothering me.
The characters reactions are not so realistic...
Chapter 63: Pity her. Idk if this is rly happen in real life. But.. i hope there's not
sunnyleeexo #6
Chapter 27: KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! This chapter made me cringe but it was soooooooooooo cute!
Chapter 66: Just one word author nim
DEABAKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Freakin love this story it's recieving an upvote from me this second
Chapter 15: Pshhhhhh you have a have a soft spot for scared girls yah right Kai like anyone's gonna believe that just admit you like her
Btw author nim wonderful story so far I just had to comment and it's even more awesome cuz my baby Kai is in it
kyunism #9
Chapter 66: Seriously, this is one of the best Kai story I have ever read, though it's a bit over for the torturing/bullying part until I felt depressed over it hahaha ^^;
Nevertheless, I like Kai's character in this story and I sometimes feel sorry for Kris too, he's being used by the bad ones :( For Hyo Jin, her stubbornness kinda annoying sometime but I still like her in the end.
This is the first time I write a comment this long hahaha anyway, thanks for sharing this lovely story :D if there's a sequel, I would love to read it, but pls no more torture, it really give me depression hahah good luck! Fighting!
Sehunsss #10
Chapter 66: Nice work authornim .. Love from malaysia