
Mr. Perfect
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  - Flashback -      Sung Min POV      I woke up early from my alarm and got ready to leave for school. I was hesitant to leave my room for a moment so listened out to see if my parents were awake. The house was dead silent, so I thought they had already left for work.    After eating breakfast, I locked the front door and decided to walk. It was still early and I had plenty of time to get to school on time.    I grabbed my phone out from my pocket to play some music through my headphones when a notification came up on the screen. I clicked on it and read it, *Classroom cleaning, every morning this week! Must remember.*   "Crap!" I placed my phone in my pocket and began to walk faster. I couldn't believe I had forgotten about it. Thankfully I had made that reminder. As I walked in through the front gate I didn't see any students and sighed in relief. I went to the janitors room and grabbed a broom and headed over to the classrooms I was assigned to clean up.    I opened the door of the classroom and it was empty. I looked up at the clock and saw I had an hour before students would begin to arrive for class. I was glad. I always came to school early, so I could be alone. I was always nervous if people were around me.   After sweeping the floor and dusting the chalk board, I took the chairs off the table and placed my books down on my desk. I sat down and took a deep breath.    "Finally, finished." I smiled to myself as I closed my eyes and rolled my shoulders. They were tight and were hurting me all morning. I must have slept in a bad position last night.   Suddenly the door crashed open. I jumped in fright and quickly turned to see what it was. I held my breath when I saw Yoo Sung and her friends standing in the door way. *Why are they here so early!?* I could feel my heart beat race faster as she walked towards me, her friends closely behind her.    She smirked at me as she stood in front of me. I lowered my head and stared at my books that were sitting on my desk.    "Yah!" Yoo Sung kicked my table. I jumped slightly in my seat. I looked up slowly and saw her friends trying not to laugh. I guess she wasn't happy when she saw me looking up at her like I was, it wasn't intention. It was just the angle she was down looking at me, it looked like I was glaring at her. Although maybe I had glared at her subconsciously..    She bent down and grabbed my collar, forcing me up off of my chair and leaned me closer to her. She spat in my face then quickly let me go. Her friend kicked my chair back before I hit it. I gasped when I felt my body still falling down, I was expecting to land on my chair.   I crashed to the floor. I felt the saliva Yoo Sung had spat on my face dripping down my nose. I quickly wiped it away, as well as the tears that were falling down my cheeks.   "Get up!" One of her friends yelled and she kicked my leg. I quickly stood up, but continued to look at the floor.   Yoo Sung grabbed my arm and began pulling me towards the door. I tried to free myself but she held me tightly. I gave up and followed her hesitantly. I knew where she was taking me. This wasn't a first for me.   We eventually reached the roof top of the building and she harshly let me go, pushing me towards the railing. I held the railing tightly as I turned my body to face her. I looked up and saw her friend close the door behind her, locking it shut as she came out. My eyes widened. They never lock the door, why today?!    "Did you do it?" Yoo Sung asked me. I turned my focus back to her.    "N- .. No I haven't." I stuttered and quickly looked at the ground.    "Why the hell not?!" She screamed in my face.    "I- .. I've been busy. I'm sorry. I'll do it tonight. I promise!" I was desperate, I knew I was in for another beating. I was so afraid.   "Ha! I gave you the whole weekend! You know it's due tomorrow!" Yoo Sung just scoffed at my pathetic self before turning to her friends.   They nodded and suddenly came at me. One pushed me into the railing and I hit my shoulder blade into the cold meta. I screamed out in pain as I fell down onto the ground, holding onto my shoulder tightly.   They began kicking me in the stomach as I laid on my side, screaming out as loud as I could for help. But of course, nobody came. No one ever did.    They soon stopped at Yoo Sung's signal and headed towards the door. I watched them slowly disappear and close the door behind them, giggling and laughing with each other. I slowly sat up and used the railing to help me stand.    I slowly walked over to the door and tried to turn the handle. But it didn't turn, "Yah! Open the door! Yoo Sung, please!" I pleaded through the door. But they had already left. I slid down and leaned against the door. I cried and cried, I didn't try to stop myself this time. I didn't care how much my stomach hurt from my sobs and screams. Nobody would see me here, I knew that. So I let it out. I couldn't hold in my cries any longer.   After missing my first two classes I was still sitting out on the roof, it was freezing cold, my lips were turning blue and I was shivering. It began to lightly snow when I heard the lock on the door click. I quickly stood up and stepped back.    It was Yoo Sung.    "Learnt your lesson?" She asked as she held the door open. I just nodded and looked at the ground. Suddenly my phone rang. I went to grab it when Yoo Sung spoke.   "I'm not down yet." She said sternly. I placed my hands down my sides and ignored my phone. Soon the tone had ended and I sighed in relief.   "You should know by now that you should do what I say, when I say it. Why make things difficult for yourself?" Yoo Sung began to slowly walk towards me. I stepped back and slowly looked up at her. She was smiling.   ing smiling.    This acts like she owns this w
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14 streak #1
Chapter 66: Hyojins parent are crazy.... so is yoosung and monique. How did the two of them became friends so fast.....
Chocoholic_Exo-L #2
Chapter 1: I have only read one chapter so far, but her parents are seriously ed up jerks and racists. Also, her friend is revealed to be a huge b*tch in the first chapter. These ppl are the freaks.
Dang, they annoy me already.
*Keeps reading
Chapter 1: What? Their daughter woke up from a 3 month long coma... they only talk about her forgetting how to talk English?? Not the amnesia?
Her monther is disgusted by that? Woahh!
I will try to read this story but the first chapter is bothering me.
The characters reactions are not so realistic...
Chapter 63: Pity her. Idk if this is rly happen in real life. But.. i hope there's not
sunnyleeexo #6
Chapter 27: KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! This chapter made me cringe but it was soooooooooooo cute!
Chapter 66: Just one word author nim
DEABAKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Freakin love this story it's recieving an upvote from me this second
Chapter 15: Pshhhhhh you have a have a soft spot for scared girls yah right Kai like anyone's gonna believe that just admit you like her
Btw author nim wonderful story so far I just had to comment and it's even more awesome cuz my baby Kai is in it
kyunism #9
Chapter 66: Seriously, this is one of the best Kai story I have ever read, though it's a bit over for the torturing/bullying part until I felt depressed over it hahaha ^^;
Nevertheless, I like Kai's character in this story and I sometimes feel sorry for Kris too, he's being used by the bad ones :( For Hyo Jin, her stubbornness kinda annoying sometime but I still like her in the end.
This is the first time I write a comment this long hahaha anyway, thanks for sharing this lovely story :D if there's a sequel, I would love to read it, but pls no more torture, it really give me depression hahah good luck! Fighting!
Sehunsss #10
Chapter 66: Nice work authornim .. Love from malaysia