Follow your duty

Mr. Perfect
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You laid down on you bed. Still bewildered by what just happened. You looked over to the floor where your new uniform laid. You pulled it out of the bag and held up the skirt.   "Great.. I have to where a skirt.. Just great." You said to yourself as you threw it aside. You pulled out your jacket. "Now that looks alright." You smiled. But turned to the skirt disappointed. "Why couldn't I just wear pants, geez.. I hate being a girl." For you, skirts are uncomfortable.   You changed into your uniform before grabbing your backpack, placing your notebooks and pencil case inside and quickly heading down stairs for breakfast. You could hear someone already down in the kitchen, cautiously looking in you saw a tall, slim, amazingly good looking guy drinking a juice box, leaning against the bench.   It was Kai.    You rolled your eyes and walked in, placing your bag on the bench. He looked at you, nearly spitting out his juice he was drinking that moment you stood before him. As he struggled to swallow his mouthful of juice he stared at you.   "Wha... What.. What are you doing here? And why are you in my schools uniform?" He stuttered.     You rolled your eyes, *Well maybe I should properly introduce myself.. It would be mean to make him even more confused wouldn't it?* You smirked at your evil thoughts. But you couldn't do that to him, you quickly bowed before him politely and introduced yourself.   "Hello, I'm Hyo Jin."  You smiled sweetly.   "What?" He put his drink down and continued to look at you, *That name.. It's familiar.* He tried remembering where he had heard it from.   Then suddenly it hit him, "Kai, Hyo Jin will arrive later today. I'll be with her this evening but make sure you take care of her while I'm gone for the next week. Look out for her at school make sure no one is bullying her and keep her out of trouble. I love you sweetie." He face palmed his fore head as he recalled the phone call he had with his mother earlier yesterday morning.   "What's with the face?" He had been standing there with a strange look on his face for the past minute and you became irritated by the ugly look on his face.   "What face?" He looked agitated by your sudden comment.   "Your thinking face, it's ugly." You quickly walked past him, checking out the refrigerator with a smirk on your face.   "Yah, don't talk like that to me." His arrogant tone made you want to puke. What was so special about him? He certainly wasn't good with first impressions, that was for sure.   "Do you remember who I am yet?" You changed the subject, completely ignoring what he said.   "Yeah.. My mum told me about you." He grunted as he picked up his juice box and left the kitchen.   "Where are you going?" You called out.   "School! Where else?" He swung his bag around his shoulder and opened the front door.   "Wait. You're not taking me?" You pouted and looked up at him with your large round eyes. He rolled his eyes, annoyed because he knew he would be stuck taking care of you all week.    "Hurry up then." He said as he stepped outside. You hurriedly grabbed your bag and went after him. He sure was an impatient guy. You closed the door and turned to see a limo parked out front. *Wow... What a nice car.* You didn't know what type it was, but to your eyes. It just looked nice. Kai opened the door and threw his bag inside.   "Hurry up. Get in. We will be late." You followed his orders and jumped in. He sat down next to you, but pushed his bag into you to make you move over to the other side. You rolled your eyes and moved to the far side of the car. Not like you wanted to be close to him anyways. He pulled out his iPod from his bag and placed his headphones in it. You looked at the iPod with fascination.    "What's that?" You asked, pointing to his iPod.   "What's what?" He asked annoyed.   "That." You touched the iPod.   He rolled his eyes and then stared at you. *Nice joke, weirdo.* He turned to look out the window, trying to ignore you.   "What's it called?" You asked again.   "It's a en iPod! How can you not know!?" He raged. You lowered your head and looked down at your shaking hands, you held them tight, trying to stop the trembling. Kai looked down at your hands, realizing his sudden outburst frightened you. But turned back to the window not saying another word.   *I don't need to say sorry, hah! She asked for it, that's what she deserved. Annoying me like that.* He continued to repeat to himself.    


The limo pulled up to the front of the school. Students were everywhere. Groups of girls stood nearby waiting in anticipation for Kai's appearance. He opened the car door and smiled with a mischievous look on his face as the girls squealed at the sight of him. You climbed over to get out but Kai slammed the car door in your face.    "Jerk." You said as you opened it. You hopped out and wiggled around to put your backpack on your back. The girls faces changed instantly from the sight of you.    "Why did she just come out of his limo?"    "Who is she?"   "Look at her messy hair! Tsk tsk."    "Why would he be with her, she looks like a pig to me." As the groups of girls glared at you from every direction. Kai took off.    "Yah! Kai! Where are you going?" You called out. Everyone but him turned around. *What an .. Just leaving me here..*    Two girls walked past, staring at you. You smiled and took out your hand to touch the closest girl, you wanted to know where the teachers offices were. She flinched and jumped back.   "Don't touch me!" She screamed and walked faster with her friend to get away. You looked down at your hand, it wasn't dirty or anything.. You looked just like all the other girls. Why did she scream like that..?   You shrugged it off assuming the girl had issues with people touching her and walked towards the closest building.     


The first bell had already sounded and you were still looking for the teachers office. Classroom after classroom was all you found. Student after student gave you dirty glares. But you ignored them, you didn't know what their problem was.    You looked down at the ground when suddenly you ran into someone. Without looking at them you bowed and walked around them to avoid confrontation. Their large hand grabbed your arm and turned you to face them. You looked up at a handsome and tall guy. His eyes widened immediately as he closely examined your face.   *It can't be.. This isn't possible..*    You immediately bowed again, scared if he would yell at you and cause a scene. "I'm sorry, I really am." You apologized quickly and looked back up at him. He almost looked angry now.   *Oh no, what do I do now! He looks like he's gonna yell.* You panicked, lowering your head and looking towards the ground.   "Are you new?" He curiously asked, *Theres no way it's her, no way.* Shocked by his sudden question you looked up at him, he smiled nicely.. Why the sudden mood change?
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14 streak #1
Chapter 66: Hyojins parent are crazy.... so is yoosung and monique. How did the two of them became friends so fast.....
Chocoholic_Exo-L #2
Chapter 1: I have only read one chapter so far, but her parents are seriously ed up jerks and racists. Also, her friend is revealed to be a huge b*tch in the first chapter. These ppl are the freaks.
Dang, they annoy me already.
*Keeps reading
Chapter 1: What? Their daughter woke up from a 3 month long coma... they only talk about her forgetting how to talk English?? Not the amnesia?
Her monther is disgusted by that? Woahh!
I will try to read this story but the first chapter is bothering me.
The characters reactions are not so realistic...
Chapter 63: Pity her. Idk if this is rly happen in real life. But.. i hope there's not
sunnyleeexo #6
Chapter 27: KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! This chapter made me cringe but it was soooooooooooo cute!
Chapter 66: Just one word author nim
DEABAKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Freakin love this story it's recieving an upvote from me this second
Chapter 15: Pshhhhhh you have a have a soft spot for scared girls yah right Kai like anyone's gonna believe that just admit you like her
Btw author nim wonderful story so far I just had to comment and it's even more awesome cuz my baby Kai is in it
kyunism #9
Chapter 66: Seriously, this is one of the best Kai story I have ever read, though it's a bit over for the torturing/bullying part until I felt depressed over it hahaha ^^;
Nevertheless, I like Kai's character in this story and I sometimes feel sorry for Kris too, he's being used by the bad ones :( For Hyo Jin, her stubbornness kinda annoying sometime but I still like her in the end.
This is the first time I write a comment this long hahaha anyway, thanks for sharing this lovely story :D if there's a sequel, I would love to read it, but pls no more torture, it really give me depression hahah good luck! Fighting!
Sehunsss #10
Chapter 66: Nice work authornim .. Love from malaysia