Night Club

Mr. Perfect
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After dinner with Mrs. Kim, you went up to your room to study. You were glad Kai went out to meet up with 'the monkeys' who he calls friends, the house seemed peaceful without that loudmouth. You already had so much homework piling up and not enough time to finish it. You asked the teachers for an extension but none of them would budge. You found it really unfair that everyone else was getting more time than you.   Not even half way through it all and it was almost 1 am. You didn't realize you had been doing your homework for so long. You quickly packed up your books and notes, placing them down on your desk. You got changed into your pajamas after a relaxing shower and went to bed.   You laid under the blankets looking at the ceiling. The house was peaceful and quiet. Just how you liked it. No noises and creeks to scare you tonight. Mrs. Kim was probably already asleep at this hour and Kai was still out. It was Friday night and apparently he stays out late on weekends. You were surprised Mrs. Kim allows her 'precious son' to stay out so late.    You tossed and turned for a few minutes, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in. You finally got comfy and closed your eyes, tightly wrapping yourself with the blanket. You struggled to head off into dreamland. Your mind was still buzzing full of thoughts. You were afraid of falling asleep now, what if those frightening images come back to haunt you? You didn't want to see them again.    Your eyes grew heavier and you felt your self finally drifting off to sleep. That was until your phone started buzzing. You groaned in frustration as you reached your hand out from underneath the warm blanket. You searched for your phone which was sitting on the bedside table. You finally found it and clicked answer before placing it against your ear. You were too tired to see who the crazy was calling you at this time.    "Hello?" Your mumbled, still half asleep.   "Hellllloooo." The person on the other line playfully answered. You shot up from under your blankets after hearing that voice.   "Kai?!"    *How did he get my number?! I refused to give it to him this morning after he started bugging me for it.* Your surprised expression quickly disappeared and you became irritated.    "That's me, sweetie pie." You rolled your eyes to his childish reply. He really liked pissing you off and he smirked knowing you were angry now after he called you that.   "What do you want?" You didn't have time for his games, sleeping was more important.   "I want you." You could barely hear him over the laughter and music in the background.    "Are you at a club?" You ignored his comment. You wanted to end this conversation quickly. His voice was just as obnoxious over the phone. It irritated you more knowing you weren't capable of punching him in the face right after his idiotic comments.   "That's right." He sounded drunk, "I need you to come get me." You could hear girls giggling in the background. You rolled your eyes and let out a sigh. Trying not to yell incase you were to wake Mrs. Kim.    "No." You were about to hang up on him when you heard him yelling loudly, "What now?"    "I'll tell my mum that it's your fault that I got into a fight and got my amazingly handsome face damaged." For a drunk person he spoke quite well. You laughed at his pathetic blackmailing attempts.   "You really think she would believe that?" You chuckled.   "It wouldn't be a first." He stated. You could hear him smiling as he said that. You started to comprehend the possibilities that Mrs. Kim would actually believe it. You didn't want to get on her bad side. You were a guest in her house, the least you could do is look out for her son. Just thinking about it that way made you cringe. Mrs. Kim told Kai to take care of you, not the other way around. You let out a sigh before agreeing.   "Fine." You couldn't believe that you gave in to the . Calling you up at 2 in the morning demanding you to get him would be a perfect reason to refuse.   "Great, I'll send the address to you." He hung up and after a minute you received the text message with the address. You quickly got changed into sweat pants and grabbed your jacket.    Apparently this club was only a few blocks away. You followed the GPS on your phone carefully. Not wanting to get lost. You were still unfamiliar with the area. You still hadn't had the chance to explore since you arrived.    It was below freezing temperatures and you were outside trying to find the bastard. As you breathed out the icy cold, yet refreshing air, fog blew out over your face. Your hand that was holding out your phone was freezing and you could feel your cheeks and the tip of your nose burning they were so cold. You regretted agreeing to this the minute you hung up. You continued to consider just leaving him there and going home thousands of times as you walked along the quiet and dark street. But didn't want to take the chance of Mrs. Kim becoming upset with you.    Finally you turned around the corner and saw a few people in the bright street. Bars and restaurants still open, which amazed you since it was so early in the morning. You finally arrived to the night club. A few girls from school were standing out the front. They glared at you before turning to each other, giggling about what you were wearing. You rolled your eyes and continued walking. It was no different to how they treated you at school so you didn't care. Besides you were probably a lot warmer than they were. They had shirt skirts, heels and large jackets ped, only keeping the top halves of their bodies warm. They were the ones dressed ridiculously.    


"Hyung! When's Hyo Jin coming?!" Sehun impatiently shoved Kai's arm. He hadn't seen you since early this morning when you arrived with Kai, he missed you. Kai immediately pushed him away.    "I don't know! For the umpteenth time, SHUT.UP!" Kai grabbed another bottle of beer from the table and began to drink it. Sehun sighed and got up from the table and left the VIP area, he walked over to Chanyeol who was flirting with a girl, who had an extremely short skirt, showing as much leg as she could.    Kai glanced over to check where the others were. Kyungsoo was by the bar chatting with two girls, Suho had four girls surrounding him, leaning on him for support, obviously blind drunk from the hundreds of drinks he had bought them all. Baek Hyun was dancing with two girls, grinding their bodies into each other as much as possible. It was a disturbing sight.    Kai tried grabbing his phone from his back pocket. You still hadn't shown up and he grew irritated. Even though this was his whole plan to get revenge on you for earlier, he was the one irritated. Half drunk and frustrated he struggled reaching for his phone. He slammed the beer that was in his other hand onto the table and stood up. Using all his strength to get his phone out of his tight jeans. Finally he had it in his hand.    He clicked the power button. "2:14 am." He sighed and placed his phone down on the table before taking a seat. Tapping his foot impatiently. His plan was obviously back firing. Even though it had only been fifteen minutes since he called you, he was pissed.    Kai continued to look over at the crowd of people mingling with each other. Waiting for you to appear. He noticed a beautiful girl staring at him. She leaned against the wall, wearing a tight leopard print dress, holding a silver, glittery and very expensive looking purse in her hands. Kai smirked and looked up and down her body. Long legs, long light brown hair, beautiful face, perfect curves and a large rack to go with it all. Kai's 'perfect woman'. She slowly strutted over to him as if she was on the cat walk or something.    She stood in front of him and placed her purse down on the table. He glanced up at her, with that dirty smirk of his.   "Hey, what's your name?" She smiled gently at him, waiting for an answer. He just continued to stare at her. She slowly lifted her leg over the other side of him and sat down on his lap. Kai wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her up against his body. She wrapped her hands around the back of his head, pulling him in for a kiss.     


Somehow you
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14 streak #1
Chapter 66: Hyojins parent are crazy.... so is yoosung and monique. How did the two of them became friends so fast.....
Chocoholic_Exo-L #2
Chapter 1: I have only read one chapter so far, but her parents are seriously ed up jerks and racists. Also, her friend is revealed to be a huge b*tch in the first chapter. These ppl are the freaks.
Dang, they annoy me already.
*Keeps reading
Chapter 1: What? Their daughter woke up from a 3 month long coma... they only talk about her forgetting how to talk English?? Not the amnesia?
Her monther is disgusted by that? Woahh!
I will try to read this story but the first chapter is bothering me.
The characters reactions are not so realistic...
Chapter 63: Pity her. Idk if this is rly happen in real life. But.. i hope there's not
sunnyleeexo #6
Chapter 27: KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! This chapter made me cringe but it was soooooooooooo cute!
Chapter 66: Just one word author nim
DEABAKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Freakin love this story it's recieving an upvote from me this second
Chapter 15: Pshhhhhh you have a have a soft spot for scared girls yah right Kai like anyone's gonna believe that just admit you like her
Btw author nim wonderful story so far I just had to comment and it's even more awesome cuz my baby Kai is in it
kyunism #9
Chapter 66: Seriously, this is one of the best Kai story I have ever read, though it's a bit over for the torturing/bullying part until I felt depressed over it hahaha ^^;
Nevertheless, I like Kai's character in this story and I sometimes feel sorry for Kris too, he's being used by the bad ones :( For Hyo Jin, her stubbornness kinda annoying sometime but I still like her in the end.
This is the first time I write a comment this long hahaha anyway, thanks for sharing this lovely story :D if there's a sequel, I would love to read it, but pls no more torture, it really give me depression hahah good luck! Fighting!
Sehunsss #10
Chapter 66: Nice work authornim .. Love from malaysia