Chapter 20: Movie Time... CPOV

Meeting Each Other
“So, where are we going today?” I ask Seungri.

“Movies. I’ve been waiting to watch ‘Iron Man 2’ for a while now.” He says excitedly. I burst out laughing as I remember Daesung and Jiyong’s bet last night. Jiyong is so going to win.

Seungri looks at me in alarm. “What? Did you see it already?”

I calm down and shake my head. “No, I haven’t. Actually, I want to see it, too.”

This got him hyped up. “Really? Good! Then we can enjoy it together.” Seungri’s eyes shine as he continues on what he thinks is going to happen in the movie. I listen to him, interested.

“I hope there’s going to be a lot more action.” He says as he punches the air in front of him. The fans following us erupt into giggles as the adults stop what they’re doing and stare at Seungri. Seungri proceeds to kick as high as he can and then does a series of punches. I roll my eyes and grab Seungri’s wrist from punching the air again.

“I think the air has had enough of punching.” I link my arm with his and urge him to continue walking.

“When are we going to watch the movie?” I ask him. It’s only 11:00 a.m. right now.

“Around 2:30.” He says as he glances at his watch.

I look around us. “Then where are we going?”

Seungri didn’t answer, but I see the sparkle in his eyes. Where is he taking me now? We walk a little farther until we’re close enough to the hotel I’m staying at. We stop at a curb. Fan girls take the opportunity and start taking pictures of us. Well, I bet it’s mostly on Seungri. After a few minutes, I get impatient.

“Why did we stop?” I turn toward Seungri.

“You finally ask that question?” I shrug as he rolls his eyes. He then glances at his watch. “He should probably be here by now.”

“Who?” I ask, perplexed. I continue looking around.

“Ah! There he is.” Seungri announces. The fans in front of us move away, and I see a black van parked. Seungri takes my hand and leads me inside with him behind me. I hear the fan girls slightly screaming and exclaim.

I sit down on the left seat with Seungri on the right. Seungri says some things to the driver and we take off.

“So, where are we going?” I ask again.

Seungri zips his mouth and “locks” it shut. I nod at him suspiciously. During the ride, I see him grow more and more excited. I give up on trying to figure our destination and look out the window. I hear Seungri snickering beside me after 12 minutes of silence. I stare at him.

“What are you laughing about?” I ask.

He continues snickering and says, “Nothing.” He turns on his phone and snickers again. I swiftly snatch his phone away and look at the screen. It’s a text message.

“Noona! Wait, wait.” Seungri says as he tries to grab the phone back. I turn my back to him as he tries to reach around me.

Ah! Just perfect. It’s written in Korean. I turn around and shove the phone back to him. “Ugh, here. Take it back. I can’t read it.”

Seungri smiles as he takes back his phone. He glances back at it then turns it off. Just then, the car stops. Seungri hops out of the car and helps me out. I was then faced with a restaurant. Seungri links his arm with mine.

“It’s already 10 minutes past one. I think we should take a quick bite before going to the theater.” He says. We walk in and I soon realize that it’s a fast food restaurant. We sit down and the people around us start whispering. Seungri looks completely relaxed while I look around the place uneasily. At a nearby table, a group of teenagers take out their cameras and phones and start taking pictures.

While I continue to look around the place, Seungri goes to get some food with a huge smile plastered on his face. I try my best to ignore the stares and whispering as I look out the window. That’s when I notice some people taking pictures of me, too. I rub my legs under the table, as I feel even more uncomfortable. Seungri comes back with our food.

“Alright. Dig in.” Seungri smiles as he starts to munch down on his food.

I hear my stomach growling and I soon forget everybody else. I start eating my own plate. Seungri and I talk for a while and I loosen up. Just then, two girls and a boy come up to us from that nearby table.

The one of the girls had a pink camera in her hand while the other girl had a pen and paper. Seungri and I stop eating and look up at them. The girl with the pink camera says something in Korean and waves her camera around. Seungri wipes his mouth and nods. He stands up and the two girls run to each side of him. The girl shoves her camera at the boy and he takes the picture. I smile to myself as I look at Seungri.

He gives a cheeky grin as they take the picture. The girls say what I think is a quick thank you and excitedly give him hugs. The boy then asks something in Korean. Then Seungri and the boy do thumbs up as the girl snaps the picture. Once Seungri sits down, they ask for his autograph. I see Seungri write little notes for each of them. Later, all three of them bow and return to their table with big grins on their faces. I didn’t fail to notice the stares they gave me, though.

They all seem to give me questioning glances. Though, I’m also sure that the two girls gave me a jealous, hard glare before going back to their seats.

“Okay,” Seungri finishes up his drink. “Are you done?”

I look away from the teens and back down at my food. “Pretty much.” I say as I stand up. Seungri looks at his watch as he stands up.

“We have 15 minutes until the movie starts. We can walk from there since the theater is close.” He takes my hand.

I glance back at the table of teens and I see the girls shooting daggers at me. I quickly avert my gaze and glance around the rest of the place. I see more people start taking pictures. Seungri leads me out and we start walking down the sidewalk.

“Oh! I forgot to ask you. How much did you pay for the food?” I guiltily ask Seungri.

He gives me a boyish smile. “I’m not going to tell you. From what happened in the mall, I don’t think it’s best that I tell you how much I pay when it comes to you.”

I stick my tongue out at him as he chuckles. Three girls quickly approach us. They cheerfully ask him something. Once Seungri nods, one of them quickly takes out her camera. All three of them jump to his sides as I was pushed away. The girl on his right hands me her camera. I take it and stand in front of them.

I hold the camera up and find a good angle. A bright light flashes once I press the button. The girls eagerly run to my side to look at the picture. Once the picture shows up, they start marveling over the picture. I hand the camera back to one of the girls and Seungri comes back to my side. The girls joyfully bow to us and skip away; the girl who had the camera waves at me as they continue to giggle.

Once they were out of sight, I stupidly look behind me left and right to see if they were waving to somebody else.

“Why didn’t you wave back to them?” Seungri asks as we continue walking.

“Weren’t they waving at you or someone else?” I question.

Seungri shakes his head and laughs. He pokes my cheek. “She was definitely waving at you, silly.”

“Oh…” I stupidly say. I comb my fingers through my hair. Ugh! It’s so hot. I shouldn’t have left it down. We arrive at the theater and Seungri goes to buy the tickets after we argue about who’s buying. Of course, Seungri won. While Seungri goes and buys the tickets, I go to the restroom. I stare at myself in the mirror. I’m sweating bullets. I pull my thick hair up in a ponytail. As usual, some strands of my hair were left hanging to frame my face. I try my best to move my bangs away as I wash my face.

Ah. Now, that’s better. I grab a paper towel and dry my face off. I contemplate on whether or not I should leave my hair in a ponytail. I shrug and leave it up. Some ladies come in the restroom. I get another paper towel as I dry my hands. The ladies not to far away from me start whispering. I try to ignore them and focus on drying my hands. Then I see them pointing at me in the mirror. Just before I leave the restroom, I give the ladies a little smile.

Seungri was already waiting for me outside. “Let’s go.” He says as we link arms. On our way to the theater room, Seungri quickly goes back to being excited. We sit down right in the middle and he bounces up and down in his seat. I roll my eyes and softly chuckle. After a few minutes, the lights do down and the movie starts. I could feel Seungri shaking with excitement beside me. I take his hand to calm him down.

Just when the title of the movie pops up, Seungri grips my hand hard. I stare at him in alarm. But I end up seeing him with a goofy smile on his face. I roll my eyes and look back at the movie. When I was on the plane to Korea, I expected to see the American movies be dubbed into Korean, but what I find cool is that they keep it in English. All they have is just the Korean subtitles at the bottom of the screen.

Why I find it cool is that I can watch the movie in peace. I was actually kind of worried that I’ll just end up watching the movie, which I really wanted to see, in Korean.

Seungri grips my hand tighter as he watches in amazement the whole time.
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Chapter 57: This story is my favorite story.
Nicasmine #3
Omg that crazy mess between Taeyang and TOP had me in tears. And imagining Dae, GD and Seungri too. I loved this. One of favorites.
Ok, now I have FINALLY finished it...sorry, I was having trouble finding time to read it :D<br />
But!<br />
I really love this story, you're an awesome writer, 1000X better than me :) You're really good at portraying the love between Charlotte and Taeyang, there were so many "awww..." moments. And then Seung Hyun :'(, I really felt for him, especially since he's my bias. I loved Daesung, Ri, and Jiyong in this, they provided for great comedy relief. A great story overall, I'm really glad I readi it ^^ Best of luck on all your future fics, and hopefully I can find time to read some of your other fics too~!
Hi!! I finally have some time to read some of your fics, sorry it took so long >.<<br />
I'm on chapter 14 and loving this!!<br />
Daesung is <3 So cute!! :D
I'm on chapter 14 right now, omg the tension is too much! TOP and TY? Jeez I can only imagine their staring contests! Great job, I'm loving is so far :)
taeyangbby #7
This story is amazing ... the best story that as Taeyang in it <333
i just got finish reading your story and i think it was WONDERFUL<br />
i just finished reading this in one day and i swear i'm in love with it<3<br />
this is so amazingggg<333