Because You Have Him

Chaerin’s POV

“Argh! I’m so bored!” I said to myself.


“Good thing I came then,” said I voice. I looked up to see Yumi coming in.


She sat down and sighed.


“Is there something wrong?” I questioned.


“Onew and I… We broke up,” she said.


Guilt rushed over my body.


“It’s my fault,” I sighed.


“Don’t feel guilty, Chaerin. It’s not ‘really’ a break up. We just decided it was best to spend some time a part from each other, you know. After everything…” she explained with a small smile.


“But you still love him,” I said.


“I do, but we still need time,” she reasoned.


“I wish I didn’t have to come between you guys,” I sighed.


“Like I said, don’t feel guilty. Anyways… So you and Key? You like hi-“ Yumi was interrupted with a knock at the door. We both looked at the direction of where the knocking came from and saw Key standing by the door.


“Hey Key,” I said.


“Am I bothering you two?” he asked.


“Not at all, I was just about to leave,” said Yumi as she got up, when she was behind Key she winked at me and pointed to Key while mouthing the words ‘call me.’ I smiled at her and gave a little nod. She left the room and Key sat where Yumi had just recently sat on. The only thing I could do was sigh to myself.


“Anything wrong?” asked Key.


“Onew and Yumi broke up,” I said.


“It’s not your fault.”


“That’s what Yumi said as well.”


“Then she’s right.”


“But I’m the reason they broke up,” I said, “I feel such a hypocrite, I hate people who make couples break up and yet I’m one of them.”


“You didn’t make them, they chose to do so by themselves. Chaerin, you’re a great and caring person, you put others first, you risked your life for others’ safety. And, we love you for that, Shinee, Yumi… Me,” he comforted.


I looked into his eyes as the distance between our lips began to close. Within that minute, his lips met mine and fireworks began to explode as I kissed him back. We pulled ourselves away slowly, our eyes still in contact. Key’s hand my hair.


“I love you, will you be my girlfriend?” he asked nervously. And to my extreme embarrassment, the heart monitor that was connected to me started beeping wildly. Key chuckled as he heard the fast pace of my heart.


“I guess that’s a yes then?” he joked as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.


“Yes,” I nodded and hugged him tightly, “I love you too, Kim Kibum.”


Double update which will also be the final chapter :)

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jloved #1
Chapter 51: reading again and again even though chaerin end up with key halfway through of the story i always hope she end up wit Onew
omg a story with shinee... totally reading this!
Loushin #3
np ^^ i really like reading .. but i can't make a new one fanfics = =
creatingfaith #4
@loismvp: Okay, thank you for supporting me :)
Loushin #5
inform me if you make a sequel or a new fanfics :)
Loushin #6
hahaha ^^ okay :) make a sequel please !! maybe chaerin life after marriage :)
creatingfaith #7
@loismvp: That's true :D Wanted to make my one different xD
Loushin #8
i think too much unexpected like chaerin met Mr. Kim and The ..
creatingfaith #9
@ellenrawrdragon: Thank you very much ^^