Because You Have Him

[the next day]

Chaerin’s POV

So I find out that Onew broke his promise. A simple one too. How pathetic, he must of have planned it all. He played with me from the start, I feel so stupid! Argh, why is life so complicated? Since I can’t be with him, the only way that my life can get better is to succeed at being a doctor. I will ignore everyone from now on. I will only focus on being a doctor and helping sick people.


I slammed my diary closed and threw it on my bed not caring. I prepared for school, I was about to take a fruit but I realised that there was no more food in the fridge at all. I grew slightly dizzy when I walked through the school gates. Stupid Onew made me dizzy, it’s all your fault. I mentally blamed. I saw the rest of Shinee including Onew and Yumi. I smiled at Yumi but when I saw Onew I frowned.


I ignored everybody, including Key and Jonghyun. I was slightly pissed off at them as well for not telling me sooner.


The bell rang and everyone went to class. I walked to my seat as fast as I can and took all my notes out and started studying. Just think of becoming a doctor Chaerin, that’s all you have to do. I convinced myself. The teacher wasn’t in class yet.


I could feel someone was standing next to me.


“Chaerin,” it was Onew. Curse that chicken-lover!


I ignored him and continued writing down as many notes as I can.


Onew sighed and lightly held my shoulder while calling out my name. I shook his hands off me and continued my study. Where is the teacher!? Hurry!


“Look, I’m really ---“


“Everyone to your seats! That includes you Onew!” said the teacher as he made his way to his desk. Onew sighed again and left. The teacher was talking a lot today, which meant a lot of writing for me. I could see that I was the only one determined to get high marks, most of the class was too busy sleeping or being bored.


I could see Onew looking over his shoulder at me, I ignored him again.  When it was lunch, I made my way to the library for more studying. I took as many books related to the human body and other books related to become a doctor. The whole time I studied, I could hear people talking about me behind my back.


“Once a loser, always a loser,” said one.


“I heard she got rejected by Onew, serves her right,” said another. Aish! I’m not deaf!


There were 5 more minutes until lunch was over so I put all the books back one by one. I had 6 more books to put back until my stomach started to hurt. I hope I’m not on my periods >.<


It was time to go to class, so I made my way and at the same time reading over my notes. I went to my seat and class began. During class, my stomach started to hurt even more. Argh! What is wrong with me?


When the teacher started writing on the board everything went dizzy. I was seeing double and the things he wrote was beginning to go blurry. I held the pain in for only five minutes until I collapsed on the floor.


Onew’s POV

No matter how much I try to get Chaerin’s attention she would just ignore me.


“Give her some time oppa, she’s really hurting,” said Yumi.


I saw Chaerin in the library studying hard the whole lunch. After lunch, we all went back to class. I couldn’t help but feel guilty and look over at Chaerin. It was a boring lesson, the teacher was writing some stuff on the board.




Along with everybody else I turned around to find where the sound came from.


On the floor was Chaerin, she was sweating a lot and seemed to be pale, I got up and was about to carry her when someone else did.




Key’s POV

I kept looking over at Chaerin during class. She kept ignoring Onew and us. I had a feeling that she was also mad at me for not telling her.


During class Chaerin looked like she was in pain. Her hands formed into a fist, I could tell she was really hurting. She then collapsed onto the floor. My eyes widened. While everyone turning around, I stood up and ran to her. I picked Chaerin up bridal style and carried her to the school nurse.


Onew’s POV

What is he doing!? >.<


Hey hey hey, it's Saturday... no really it is xDDD

Hope your weekends are awesome :D

Take care and stay safe

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jloved #1
Chapter 51: reading again and again even though chaerin end up with key halfway through of the story i always hope she end up wit Onew
omg a story with shinee... totally reading this!
Loushin #3
np ^^ i really like reading .. but i can't make a new one fanfics = =
creatingfaith #4
@loismvp: Okay, thank you for supporting me :)
Loushin #5
inform me if you make a sequel or a new fanfics :)
Loushin #6
hahaha ^^ okay :) make a sequel please !! maybe chaerin life after marriage :)
creatingfaith #7
@loismvp: That's true :D Wanted to make my one different xD
Loushin #8
i think too much unexpected like chaerin met Mr. Kim and The ..
creatingfaith #9
@ellenrawrdragon: Thank you very much ^^