Because You Have Him

[just before Key's birthday party]

Onew was nervously waiting for Yumi and her house.

Onew's POV

I texted Yumi that I was in front of her house. I felt nervous, I didn't know why, Yumi and I have been hanging out for a long time. The front door opened and Yumi was there standing in front of me. She was so beautiful. She was like an angel.

Her eyes were glimmering and I could have sworn I saw white feathered wings. I was speechless.

"I look weird right?" she asked.

"N-n-no, you look great! You are so gorgeous," I said.

I could tell that Yumi blushed, she looks so cute. ^^ I drove to the venue and excorted Yumi in.

[ the party]

When we came in, the room was filled with people, most of them looking at us. Yumi and I joined in with Key and the rest.

"Trying to steal my thunder?" said Key in a jokingly tone.

I could see that Key was wearing the watch Yumi gave. It kind of bothered me a little. Everyone was dancing, Key got a phone call. I asked Yumi to go outside with me and just chat. She agreed.

Key's POV

I got a call from an unknown caller. I went to a quiet place and answered the call.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey, Key. It's me Chaerin." the responder said.

"Hey Chaerin, how are you?"

"I'm fine. How are you? Did I mention happy birthday?"

"I'm alright, haha. Thanks Chaerin." I could here her giggling on the other line.

My heart started to beat faster when I heard her giggle, somehow her laugh sounded genuine.

"Key, you're having a good time at your party, right?" she asked.

"How did you know there's a party?" I asked, looking around thinking that she was there.

"Key, are you serious? I know you quite well and I could here music in the background," she said.

"Ohhh," I chuckled, somehow disappointed that she wasn't here. Chaerin gave a small laugh and again, my heart beat increased.

"Hey, so when are you---" I was interupted by a loud bang coming from Chaerin's line.

"CHAERIN! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? COME HERE!" I heard in the background.

"I-I have to go, happy birthday Key," she said frightenly. Just before she hung up, I heard a loud smash.

I didn't hear anything on the other line again. It was quiet and I was very worried. I bit my lip, wondering who had it was in the background. I walked out of the room feeling concerned. I walked back to the group still thinking about Chaerin.

"Hyung, where were you? Who was it?" asked Taemin. I wasn't really paying much attention.

"Are you okay?" asked Jonghyun. I ignored him.

"Where is Onew, I need to talk to him," I questioned.

"He's somewhere with Yumi outside, why?" replied Minho. I went outside, looking for Onew. When I found him...he was kissing Yumi. I was frustrated, did he already forget about Chaerin? Based on what I heard on my mobile just then, she was not happily living where ever she was. I marched off and kicked a bin, releasing my anger.

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jloved #1
Chapter 51: reading again and again even though chaerin end up with key halfway through of the story i always hope she end up wit Onew
omg a story with shinee... totally reading this!
Loushin #3
np ^^ i really like reading .. but i can't make a new one fanfics = =
creatingfaith #4
@loismvp: Okay, thank you for supporting me :)
Loushin #5
inform me if you make a sequel or a new fanfics :)
Loushin #6
hahaha ^^ okay :) make a sequel please !! maybe chaerin life after marriage :)
creatingfaith #7
@loismvp: That's true :D Wanted to make my one different xD
Loushin #8
i think too much unexpected like chaerin met Mr. Kim and The ..
creatingfaith #9
@ellenrawrdragon: Thank you very much ^^