Because You Have Him

[just so you know, I’m focusing this story mostly on Chaerin. Hehe]

Chaerin’s POV


I opened the fridge to find that the only thing that was in there were drink bottles and only one apple. I really need to buy more food… but school is only a week away, I still need to get by textbooks and stationary ready. I guess I’ll just drink water for the rest of the week until I get my stuff.

My stomach started hurting, real bad. I’m sorry, I’ll feed you later, I thought to my stomach. I started to feel really sick all of a sudden, I could feel something coming up my throat so I quickly ran to the sink and vomited out whatever it was. Great! (Insert sarcasm tone, hehe) I have barely have any food left and I’m already sick. Juuussstt GREAT!

I looked at the clock hanging on the wall and decided to walk to the hospital, getting some fresh air will probably make things better; I don’t want to let anyone see me vomiting. Once I got outside, a strong gust of wind hit me making me have a headache. My headache was growing stronger and my stomach was hurting every time I took a step. By the time I reached the hospital, I was exhausted. I went in to be greeted by the receptionist which I now know was named Sandara.


“Morning,” I said with a tired smile.


“Are you okay? You seem sick, are you sure you want to volunteer today?” said Sandara in a worried voice.


“It’s okay, I’m just a little bit tired today,” I replied and walked to the patients’ room. Sandara sighed worriedly.


I helped feed a lady which had trouble co-ordinating with her hands and helped a man sit on his wheelchair. I could feel sweat forming on me as I helped the patients.


“Young lady, I think you should rest for now. You’ve helped us a lot I think you should lay down now,” the man kindly offered. I declined in a respectful way and started going to the children’s section where all the kids played. I walked towards the room and found all the sick kids smiling and having fun with the toys.


“Pretty Noonaaa!!!” shouted Chung Hee. All the children stopped playing and looked at me.


“Eberyone (everyone), this is Pretty Noona!” Chung Hee cutely introduced me. The next thing I knew all the children were running towards me.


“Unnie! Unnie! Are you a fairy?” a little girl asked. I laughed at all the innocent comments the children gave. I could feel my headache reducing a little but I didn’t care about it anymore, as much as it hurts, I was having fun with the kids.


“Hey Chaerin!”


I turned around and saw Eunjung coming into the room.


“Hey,” I greeted back.


“The children need their rest, I think they had their fun ^^ Thanks for coming” she said as I smiled back. Once Eunjung called the children to go back to their rooms she turned to me.


“Go to bed,” Eunjung ordered.




“You’re sick, you need to sleep too,” she said.

“But but I’m not sick,” I tried to convince.


“You have t----“ Eunjung was interrupted by a doctor asking for help. She sighed and walked out after she tried to convince me again.


“It’s okay! Don’t worry about me,” I exclaimed as Eunjung left.


I walked out and started to continue helping when my headache started to increase again. My stomach began to feet worse than it did before. Without knowing everything went black.




I woke up to find myself on one of the hospital beds. I mentally cursed myself for being sick.


“Chaerin! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG ARE YOU OKAY!!!!” yelled Eunjung. I had to cover my ears for a while.


“Eunjung, you don’t have to scream I’m right here,” I said in a tired voice.


“Oops, sorry,” she whispered. I smiled and assured her I was okay. Before I could speak more, a doctor, I mean, a HANDSOME doctor came in the room.

Eunjung bowed to him and stepped aside as the doctor came forward.


“You’ll be staying for tonight to get some rest,” he said.


“I can’t, I have a job,” I rejected.


“It’s okay we already called your workplace, they also think you need a rest,” he said. I was about to ask him how he knew where I worked when he answered my question.


“I sometimes see you working at a store near my house,” he explained. I nodded. I looked at his face again and realised that he somehow looked very familiar, but the strange thing is that I’ve never seen him before. Not even in the hospital, probably because it’s super big.


“I’m Kim Jaejoong by the way; I kind of own this hospital. Well my dad does, but I help,” said Jaejoong. “I heard from Eunjung that you’re volunteering around here, that’s very kind of you.”


I nodded once again. Ahh! Why can’t I talk! Talk Talk TALK! “So, have you---“


I was interrupted by someone knocking on the door. =.=


A middle-aged man walked in which I immediately recognised. The man which I assumed to be related to Jaejoong who I though looked familiar. It was the man I had once served at the restaurant when I was in America. [referring to Chapter Seventeen]

“Hello Chaerin, I hope you remember me from last time,” the man said. I nodded respectfully. Again with the mouth, talk!!!


“Dad, do you know her?” asked Jaejoong.


“We met when I was in America with the rest of the family,” the man explained.


“Mr. Kim? So you own this hospital?” I asked. I mentally slap myself because Jaejoong said his father owned the hospital and he just called the man ‘father’. Real smart Chaerin, now you look stupid.


“Yes, I also know that you are volunteering here. Such an angel… Oh, how would you like to be a doctor here?” asked Mr. Kim.


“D-doctor? I don’t even have the qualifications to be a doctor” I said.


“No problem, Jaejoong here can help you,” offered Mr. Kim. Maybe I should take the offer, I already know all the patients here. I turned facing Jaejoong.


“Is it okay with you? To teach me?” I asked.  


“Of course, I’ve heard from the staff and the patients that you come here almost every day just to help,” he smiled.


“I guess I can give it a try, but I starting school next week and what about my job?”


“You don’t have to go to your job anymore; we can provide you some money. We can train you after school.” explained Mr. Kim.


“Since you’re not in school yet, we can start tomorrow morning. You can still go to your job until you have school.” said Jaejoong.


“Don’t I need to pay for being trained?” I asked.


“No need! I think you have potential so I’m giving you this offer for free, so take the job,” said Mr. Kim.


“O-okay,” I agreed.


“Remember starting tomorrow, come here at 7 in the morning,” said Jaejoong. I nodded quickly, excited that I would be a doctor. When they left I couldn’t help but smile like crazy. Eunjung crept in the room bounced on the spot while holding my hand.


“Yipeeee! You’re going to work here with me! I don’t have to be lonely anymore!” she squealed.


“Lonely?” I asked.


“Well actually, you’re the only one that can handle my ‘hyper’ personality,” she replied smiling.



Two more tests and then FREEEDOM! Muahahaha

I hope you enjoyed this chapter,

It's almost the holiday! Anyways,

Take care and stay safe!

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jloved #1
Chapter 51: reading again and again even though chaerin end up with key halfway through of the story i always hope she end up wit Onew
omg a story with shinee... totally reading this!
Loushin #3
np ^^ i really like reading .. but i can't make a new one fanfics = =
creatingfaith #4
@loismvp: Okay, thank you for supporting me :)
Loushin #5
inform me if you make a sequel or a new fanfics :)
Loushin #6
hahaha ^^ okay :) make a sequel please !! maybe chaerin life after marriage :)
creatingfaith #7
@loismvp: That's true :D Wanted to make my one different xD
Loushin #8
i think too much unexpected like chaerin met Mr. Kim and The ..
creatingfaith #9
@ellenrawrdragon: Thank you very much ^^