Because You Have Him

Chaerin’s POV

[continue from previous chapter]


Why is it that I have to go through with all of these things? From the way he teaches, he is quite good but that doesn’t change anything. It never will.




I quickly ran out of class.


“Chaerin! Where are you going? We still have class!” shouted Key.


I didn’t care, I needed to get out. I didn’t want to be in the same room with my own .


The next thing I knew, I was crying. Every breath I took shortened, as if there was no air in the world anymore.  I ended up stopping in front of my locker. My back was leaning against it, my tears started to stop as my depression decreased and anger took over.


I turned around to face my locker, and without thinking I punched it. I hit it as hard as I can, I didn’t care that blood was on my hands. All I was leaving was a large dent in my locker. The anger started to grow as I couldn’t take it anymore.


I’ll make him more miserable than he did to me. I’ll make him suffer and afraid.


“Mr. Yoo, you will regret coming into this school,” I whispered to myself.


I walked down the hallway and out of school. My hand was still bleeding but I didn’t care. It didn’t hurt at all.


I somehow ended up walking to the hospital. I opened the glass doors and made my way to whatever room my feet took me.




I ignored the person, I recognised the voice to be Jaejoong.


“Chaerin, what’s going on don’t you have school?” questioned Jaejoong.


I felt someone grabbing my arm and spun me around so that I was facing them.


“I’m going back to work,” I whispered and walked away. And again, Jaejoong held onto my arm but with a stronger grip. “Let go. Please,” I whispered out again.


Jaejoong held my wrist and lifted my injured hand up. I didn’t realise that it was literally covered in blood, it bled so much that there was a small trail of blood left behind of where I walked.


Jaejoong’s POV

My eyes widened as I saw Chaerin’s hand covered in blood. Doesn’t it hurt?


I dragged her to a room and started clean the blood off carefully. I put medicine on her hand, the medicine usually stings but Chaerin didn’t have any reaction at all. All she did was stare off into space. I bandaged her hand and told her to lie down.


I took some cleaning supplies and started wiping the blood off the floor until it was gone without a hint of redness. I walked back and threw away the rubbish into the bin. Chaerin was still in the same position I saw before. Blank. No emotion at all.


“What happened?” I asked.


“Nothing, nothing happened at all,” she whispered.


“You can trust me,” I said.


Chaerin’s POV

And that’s when I broke down.


“My teacher… He… He was the one that me in America,” I sobbed. Jaejoong pulled me into a hug and comforted me with words.


The words made me feel better but that didn’t do anything with the situation I was in at school.


Key’s POV

“Chaerin! Where are you going? We still have class!” I shouted however she continued to run off. I excused myself and ran after her. Wow, she’s a fast runner…


I stopped meters away before I saw her crying in front of her locker. I walked closer to her but stopped when she punched her locker. I stood there shocked, this was a side I have never seen before. Before I knew it, she wasn’t crying anymore and a smirked grew on her face.


“Mr. Yoo, you will regret coming into this school,” she whispered, loud enough for me to hear.


She started to walk out of the school, I was about to stop her but I thought that she needed to have some time alone.


I went back to class and sat down at my seat.


“Where’s Mr. Yoo?” I asked.


“He went somewhere, he forgot our work or something like that,” Minho shrugged.


“Pfft, who cares, he’s out of class!” said Jonghyun.


“Do you think there is something strange about the new teacher?” I asked.


“No? Why?” asked Yumi.


“Where’s Chaerin?” asked Onew.


“She just needs time to herself,” I replied.


Onew’s POV

“Chaerin! Where are you going? We still have class!” I heard Key shout.


I looked up to see that Chaerin was running out. I noticed that her eyes were slightly red, Key then excused himself and ran out.


“Students, I need to take some work from my office. I’ll be right back,” said Mr. Yoo and left.


When the teacher left, the classroom was filled with conversations.


“Oppa, where did you think Chaerin went?” asked Yumi.


“I don’t know,” I said. And I was upset with myself because I really didn’t know anything. I didn’t know if she would be okay or not. I saw her like she was about to cry and yet I didn’t do anything. I didn’t try and stop her, to comfort her. All I did was let her go.


Just by thinking Key following her hurt me. Why didn’t I treat Chaerin better.


For most of the time I didn’t speak. All I did was thought about the past. Key came in, but where was Chaerin.


“Where’s Mr. Yoo?” Key asked.


“He went somewhere, he forgot our work or something like that,” said Minho as he got back to reading his book.


“Pfft, who cares, he’s out of class!” said Jonghyun.


“Do you think there is something strange about the new teacher?” asked Key out of the blue.


“No. Why?” answered Yumi.


“Where’s Chaerin?” I asked.


“She just needs time to herself,” he replied.


Did something happen between them? Why did Chaerin want time by herself? Usually when I want time myself, it’s because I would be upset. What was Chaerin upset about?


Taemin’s POV

Class is so boring! *sobs*


I looked out the window but then looked away since all I saw was the grass. I then looked out the door and at that second I saw Chaerin going pass by the door.


“OMO! NOONA!” I accidentally shouted.


“Taemin please be quiet,” said the teacher. I apologised and looked back out the door. Chaerin was already gone, I realised that there was something on the floor so I reminded myself to look what it was when class was done.




Yay!!! No more classes! I packed my equipment up and then I remembered about the thing I saw on the floor where Chaerin was. I walked closer to that location and bent down to see a closer look.


Red liquid? Wine? Blood? … BLOOD!?


I quickly ran to hyungs’ classroom.


“HYUNG! HYUNG! HYUUUUUNNNNNNGGGGGGG!!!” I shouted when I spotted them.


“No need to shout Taemin,” said Minho.


“You ran all the way to see me? You are so nice!” said Jonghyun in a joking manner. I stuck my tongue out.


“Hi Taemin!” beamed Yumi. I waved back.


“What is it Taemin? You want to tell us something?” asked Onew. I nodded instantly.


“Class. Chaerin. Ran. BLOOOODDD!!!!!” I shouted. The next thing I knew, Onew was holding onto my shoulders, shaking me forward and back.


“I think you should stop Onew, you’re making him dizzy,” said the two Jonghyuns.


“Woah! I’m seeing double!” I said in amazement.


“Where did you see the blood?” asked Onew as he let go of me. I gestured them to follow me, but when I was walking down the hallway, I was moving in weird directions since I was still dizzy. Yumi and Minho helped me up properly. When we got to the place where I saw blood, Minho offered me some banana milk.


“WOW! You’re giving me 2 banana milk cartons?” I squealed as I took the first but my hand just went through it as if I was a ghost.


“Taemin, it’s just one. I think you’re still dizzy,” said Minho.


Yay! An update xD

Not AS good but eh! it's something  ^^

... I'm hungry xDD

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jloved #1
Chapter 51: reading again and again even though chaerin end up with key halfway through of the story i always hope she end up wit Onew
omg a story with shinee... totally reading this!
Loushin #3
np ^^ i really like reading .. but i can't make a new one fanfics = =
creatingfaith #4
@loismvp: Okay, thank you for supporting me :)
Loushin #5
inform me if you make a sequel or a new fanfics :)
Loushin #6
hahaha ^^ okay :) make a sequel please !! maybe chaerin life after marriage :)
creatingfaith #7
@loismvp: That's true :D Wanted to make my one different xD
Loushin #8
i think too much unexpected like chaerin met Mr. Kim and The ..
creatingfaith #9
@ellenrawrdragon: Thank you very much ^^