Because You Have Him

It has been a week and Chaerin still hasn’t woken up.


Chaerin’s POV

Stupid weak body. I can’t even open my eyes, I can hear everyone around me…


Especially the conversation Onew and Jaejoong oppa had. I can’t help but pity Onew, because he’s right.


He already loss me, when he’s next to me I’m happy but my heart doesn’t beat like before. I have already moved on, I now know my feelings. I know my feelings for Key. He visites more than Onew and every time he visited my heart just went… you know.


“Why isn’t she waking up?” asked a voice.


Key! Omo omo omo, what do I do?? Oh wait; I can’t even do anything because of my stupid body. Damn it! WAKE UP!


“She moved! Did you see her hand!? Jonghyun she moved!” he said excitedly.


Oh wow… It worked… C’mon, open your eyes Chaerin!


Don’t you want to see Key?


Pfft, of course, what a stupid question! Open open open!


“She’s waking up! JAEJOONG!!! Jonghyun, call the others,” said Key.


My eyesight was blurry but it became clearer when I blinked more.


“Key,” I murmured. I could feel someone holding onto my hand, it felt so warm and comfortable. When my eyes adjusted, Jaejoong Oppa had just come into the room.


“How are you feeling?” he asked.


“I’m fine Oppa,” I said, my voice was a little bit dry.


“CHAERIN!!!” someone screamed. Yumi, Yuri (her friend from America) and Eunjung came running in excitedly.


“You’re ALIVE!” shouted Yuri as she hugged me while Yumi hugged my right arm.


“I thought I loss youuuu,” cried Eunjung as she hugged my legs since Yuri was hugging the top part of my body. At that moment, the rest of Shinee came in, seeing the awkward position I was in.


“Ladies, I think you should lower down the volume,” Jaejoong interrupted.


“Oh right, forgot,” they said in a soft tone but still hugging me like there was no tomorrow.


“I think you guys should let go of her now, you too Jagiya” reasoned Jonghyun.


Yumi and Eunjung let go but Yuri was still holding on to me, “No, I haven’t seen her since she left,” she pouted at Jonghyun.


“Jagiya?” I asked.


“Hehe, did I mention I’m dating Jonghyun?” said Yuri as she finally let go of the hug and went by Jonghyun’s side.





Eh, I knew it would happen someday,” I shrugged.


“B-But, I wanted a surprise reaction,” said Yuri sadly. Just to make Yuri better, I smiled and clapped my hands together with enthusiasm.


“What? You guys are dating? Omo! I never thought about it, congratulations! ^^” I said,”… Oh gosh, that was embarrassing, wonder why I had to do that. When did you guys get together though and when did you come to Korea?”


“Because you love me :D and we only started a couple of days ago while you were still in ‘bed’, we started dating the same day I came to Korea“ replied Yuri as she hugged Jonghyun. I could see Jonghyun blushing when Yuri did that.


“You’ll be getting discharged next week, I still have to check with your health,” said Jaejoong.


“Noona, are you okay? We didn’t know Mr. Yoo was bad,” said Taemin as he crossed his arms cutely.


“You should have told us earlier so we could put him in jail quicker,” said Minho.


“He’s in jail?” I asked.


“Yea, we won’t be seeing him again,” comforted Key as he sat next to me. I could feel heat rising up to my cheeks and my heart beating quickly. I turned towards Yumi.


“Are you alright? About what happened? I’m sorry I couldn't take care of you,” I apologised.


Yumi shook her head, “Why are you apologising, I should be saying sorry to you, I just wish I was stronger,” she said as she sighed.


“Alright, visiting time is up,” interrupted Jaejoong. Key stood up and walked out before he kissed my forehead, causing me to blush harder. I was disappointed when he left the room. Everybody started leaving, Onew was last and was about to go out when Jaejoong held him back.


“You need to have some time with Chaerin,” said Jaejoong.


“But I thought visiting time was up?” questioned Onew.


“It is, just not for you,” he said and left. It was silent and awkward since Onew just stood there, in front of my bed.


“So. “ We said at the same time.


We both chuckled for a few seconds until we caught each other’s eyes. Onew sat next to my bed on my left and sighed.


“How are you?” he asked.


“I’m fine, you?”


“You’re the one on the hospital bed,” he chuckled.


“Oh, right. How are things with Yumi,” I asked.


“We’re alright…” he replied.


It became quiet after.


So awkward, so awkward.


“We won’t ever be together will we?” he asked, but I knew he knew the answer.


“We won’t.”


“I’m too late,” he stated.


“Yea, you are,” I said giving a little nod.


Before he could say anything, I spoke up first.


“I like Key,” I said.


“… I know,” he answered.




“Not really, I knew there was something going on between you too but I wasn’t quite sure”


“I’m sorry,” I apologised.


“No need, it was me that hurt you in the beginning”


“But you didn’t mean it,” I reasoned.


“Still… I wish I could go back time and changed the things I did,” he stated.


“But you can’t,” I sighed out.


“I know, anyways, we’re still friends right?” he asked.


“Since when were we not?” I joked. I took out my hand signalling for a hand shake. [I know, pretty lame?]


Onew slipped his hands into mine as we shook our hands only that Onew went forward to hug me.


“This is the last time I can hold you like this,” he whispered next to my ear.


“I know,” I whispered back as a single tear fell.


We released the hug and smiled at each other.


“You should get some rest,” he said. I nodded and tucked myself in while he went out.


“Good night, Chaerin,” he said and left.


“I will,” I said and closed my eyes and thought back to when Key kissed me on my forehead.


‘He kissed me!’ I squealed to myself.


An early update because I finished my tests today!

Yipee! I'm meant to do another test at tutor but I'm not going to because I'm going to quit the week after!

Yay! Love the great feeling when you have one less tutor to worry about ^^

Anyways, have a great day or night, depending on when you read this :D


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jloved #1
Chapter 51: reading again and again even though chaerin end up with key halfway through of the story i always hope she end up wit Onew
omg a story with shinee... totally reading this!
Loushin #3
np ^^ i really like reading .. but i can't make a new one fanfics = =
creatingfaith #4
@loismvp: Okay, thank you for supporting me :)
Loushin #5
inform me if you make a sequel or a new fanfics :)
Loushin #6
hahaha ^^ okay :) make a sequel please !! maybe chaerin life after marriage :)
creatingfaith #7
@loismvp: That's true :D Wanted to make my one different xD
Loushin #8
i think too much unexpected like chaerin met Mr. Kim and The ..
creatingfaith #9
@ellenrawrdragon: Thank you very much ^^