Introduction Party (Part 7)

My Brother "Loves" Me

Sandara's POV

"DING DING DING!!! Time is up! Aihhh, too bad, this group is out." Lee Soo Hyun indicated to the group to our left. Their apple was still half finished. Even though they lost, the girl was still giggling happily as she and a man walked down stage.

I took a deep breathe in and exhaled slowly. Why do I have to keep on thinking about Taeyang and his relationship to Taeyeon? Who cares anyway! He doesn't even care that I'm playing this game with Kim Hyun Joon, so why should I care?? Hyun Joon's really nice to me anyway. Right now, I just wanted everything to be normal. To be right back to the moment where I didn't feel any weird emotions for Taeyang. When I didn't want to kiss him and have him all to myself. When I didn't have to feel like a person who should be damned to hell because she fell in love with her own brother.

"You ready for the second round?" Hyun Joon asked me. He looked at me carefully, about to quit the game if I felt any discomfort. Actually, I didn't feel any. Being around him and playing with him felt as normal as breathing.

"Yup!" I replied cheerfully and gave him a big smile. He seemed to relax as he returned my smile.

"Guys! The second round is about to start. The girl has to climb onto the guy's back and the guy will run to that basket. The basket has toys inside. The girl has to grab as many toys as she can and return to another basket which is at the starting point. Each pair of participant has their own toy basket and collection basket. The game will end once I blow the whistle." Lee Soo Hyun explained excitedly.

I lined up with Hyun Joon infront of our collection basket and faced the toy basket. It was ten metres away. I hope I'm not too heavy for him to carry. Even though I look skinny, I'm sure I'm as heavy as any normal girl.

"The second round starts NOW~!" Lee Soo Hyun blew the whistle until his face was purple.

I climbed awkwardly onto Hyun Joon. It was the first time I was so close to a guy, not counting Taeyang. Hyun Joon's scent hit me. He smelt like tulips. That's weird.....why would a guy smell like a flower???

"Don't worry, I won't drop you." He chuckled as he hosted me onto his back. His hands gripped my legs tightly, ensuring that I won't fall off. He quickly ran towards the toy basket. While he was running, his right leg slipped on something. His body wobbled dangerously. I quickly put my arms around his neck and hugged myself to him. I didn't want to crack my if I fall down!

After a few seconds, he regained his balance and ran quickly forward. Then he bent down, allowing me to grab the toys. I stuffed the toys in my arms, nearly grabbing all the toys in the basket. Then I patted his shoulder gently, letting him know that I was done. As soon as I indicated I was finished, he straightened up and ran back to the collection basket.

I started throwing the toys into the basket even before arriving at it fully. Then he ran back to the toys basket to get the rest of the toys.

"Hurry, hurry!" Hyun Joon said as he bent down.

I grabbed the toys instantly. He then transported me back to the collection basket. I threw the toys in accurately and smiled.

"We're finished!" I shouted triumphantly and looked at the other shocked contestants.

"We have a winner here!" Lee Soo Hyun said as he blew the whistle.

I smiled broadly until my face hurt. Yes!!! We won!!!! It felt so nice to win! I looked at Taeyeon and gave her smirk right back to her. Hmph! Who does she think she is?! The queen? Even the queen has manners! Taeyang's blind if he likes her.

I half-jumped on Kim Hyun Joon's back. Feeling unbelievably happy.

"We won Hyun Joon! We won!" I said. I felt so high! Quickly, I hugged his back and gave him a brief kiss on the cheek. Hyun Joon didn't respond. He stood as still as a rock.

What's wrong with him??

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked. Maybe I was too heavy for him so now all he doesn't have energy left to talk or move?

Kim Hyun Joon's POV

I froze. Did she just kiss me on the cheek?? Did she really??? I closed my eyes, reliving the moment how her soft lips were against my skin for two seconds. Instantly, I wanted more. But I can't. What would she do if she realises a person she just met loves her and wants to kiss her??

I shook my head and slapped my face mentally. How can I be such a beast??!!!

"Yeah, you're so heavy! My arms nearly stopped working!" I teased as I put Dara down on her feet. She wobbled like a new born duckling and then steadied herself. I smiled as I pinched her cheeks lovingly.

Taeyang's POV

I looked at them. Dara acting as if she cared nothing in the world and Kim Hyun Joon looking after her. That was supposed to be my job. I was the person who was supposed to be beside Dara, taking care of her. For the millionth time today, I clenched my fists. Suddenly, I saw Dara kissing Kim Hyun Joon's cheek. could she???!!! Doesn't she know I love her???? I mean, even though I didn't tell her, wasn't it obvious??? And that JERK. WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE WITH DARA??? IF HE WASN'T HERE, SHE WOULDN'T GO PLAY THIS STUPID GAME WITH HIM! SHE WON'T HUG HIM AND KISS HIM! ESPECIALLY INFRONT OF ME!!!

I swallowed the bitterness in my throat, only to find that I couldn't. There was a huge lump there, making my throat hurt. But most of all, making my heart hurt. I thought Dara only loved me. I thought I was the one for her. I was just born in the wrong family. If I was someone else's son, then I could officially become her boyfriend. I thought she wanted me. But, oh boy, how wrong am I? How could I EVER think that?

Shaking my head, I walked down the stage and headed outside.

"Taeyang oppa! Do you want to come to my house for a cup of tea?" Taeyeon asked as she skipped after me.

Still walking, I held up a hand. Meaning for her to stay away from me right now. Suddenly, I felt tired of Taeyeon. Her sweetness. Her tinkling laugh. Her funny jokes. I just can't handle any more of her. She's.........just too much. I just wanted to be alone for a second. To walk away from Dara and her closeness with Kim Hyun Joon. To just forget everything about them.

To put it in one sentence: I've had enough.

I know that I'm the weird person. The odd one. Liking Dara is my own business, I shouldn't blame others. I shouldn't feel that Dara of course loves me back. I shouldn't feel angry that Kim Hyun Joon obviously likes Dara as well. I guess I just expected too much of her. I thought she loved me as much as I loved her. There's so many 'I thoughts', but none of them were true. And even if I thought about ten billion excuses for Dara being so close with Kim Hyun Joon, none of them mattered. Because they're not true. Only what I see is true. And I see Dara happy being with that guy.

I think I should just leave them be. I mean, what right to I have? I laughed bitterly to myself as the cool wind blew on my face, clearing the stuffiness I had from the room, but not clearing my emotions for Dara. I love her, hate her, want her, miss her. Does she ever feel that way about me?

Taeyeon's POV

I looked at Taeyang's back.  He looked so lonely. So fragile against the vast night sky behind him. It broke my heart. And, for some reason, I think that it's Dara's fault. It was because of her that he's looking like this. Even though I don't know why, I'm sure of it. Hmph! You'll see what happens when you hurt Taeyang! Even if you're his sister. Just watch what I'll do to you! I promised silently Taeyang and myself that I will get her back for this.

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darayang4ever #1
Chapter 65: #1 story ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The best!!! Can't stop reading!!! >_<
darayang4ever #2
Just to tell you the truth I was specting a s!!!!! >_<
Lol I'm really weird but I was like at the end I thought they were going to have a !!!!!! Errrr for hoping....BUT I STILL LOVE THE STORY!!!!!!
darayang4ever #3
Since I finish this story I don't know what to do to my life TT^TT

Can you please another story of them^^
darayang4ever #4
I just love everything about this story!!!!!!!!!!
darayang4ever #5
Ohhhh Myyyy Goooooosh!!!!! Why didn't you tell it that was a DARAYANG/SUNDARA story T^T I cried at the sad parts!!!!!
I LOVE YOUR STORY!!!!!!!!! Soooo muccch

Can you please make another story of them^^???
skyl_YB #6
napa...anyway i still like it..looking forward to your next sundara fanfic..
:) thank you.. but it was soo fasttt... ahahahha
phew FINALLY they are together!!!!
skyl_YB #9
thank you....I'm so happy..