Black Sun & Red Moon


I just sat frozen on my spot, he just left without explaining anything and what’s with the ‘I don’t want to fall more deeply in love with you?’ What is he trying to say? Why can’t I figure this out? I’m smart!


“Arghh!” I groaned making the fire flare up stronger and the wind blow fiercer.


I should really keep a low profile for now since the council just died and I’m pretty sure there would be a lot of creature wanting to get back on us but this situation right here isn’t helping with them, also with everyone knowing my powers they wouldn’t want to be close if ever I explode out of anger.

*PACK* someone just hit my head, who in the right mind would do that? I turned around and saw the Bominator staring at me, wrong decision to do that I forgot she doesn’t like things exploding and all that.


“Sorry!” I sighed and both the fire and wind came down. She sat beside me, being the same age – well in human years, she knows a lot more about me when it comes to emotions and all that. I usually don’t open up to just anyone but when it comes to her it feels like I could tell her everything.


“Love problems?” she asked getting comfortable beside me. I leaned my head over her should as I nodded yes. Probably sensing my frustration the others just went back to whatever they were doing, though I’m not pretty sure if they’re eaves dropping or not.

“I don’t even know!” I sadly replied, I honestly didn’t know what I’m feeling at the moment. Sure I felt LOVE with Junsu at some point but that was like really long ago and with all the mixed emotions in me since the whole battle scene it’s just very complicated to understand.


“I heard everything by the way!” she said. I don’t like people butting in businesses that aren’t theirs but I didn’t care at the time, I just want to understand. This is making me feel stupid!


“What do you think?” I sighed, that was the point where going at might as well get straight to it. “The boy is in love with you, he has been for a long time now!” she answered, what she said surprised me since all the time we were together I never noticed anything. “and as I see it you are in love with him as well!” she continued. I shot a look at her. “Mwo!” I asked, astonished by what she just said.


There was an awkward silence between us, I was dead staring at her I don’t know for sure but her head was starting to hurt meaning it was long. “Dara! I might not know you that long but it was long enough for me to know your reactions!” she added, well it was true I couldn’t argue with that.


“The way you look at him when he talks, all those skinships, how you get annoyed with him but then after smiles also smiling when someone mentions him, how you allow him to touch your hair let alone ruffle it … Do you want me to continue because for the past couple of hours I’ve observed a lot!” she smiled. I pouted seeing what she said were all true, am I really in love with him? “Plus, I saw you two hold hands!” she added with a smirk on her face. “Aickkk!” I squealed and softly hitting her shoulders. *KEKEKEKE* she just chuckled.


“Wow! Never thought I’d see the day nuna would act like that!” Minnie gasped, he was being sarcastic but true. I turned around and stuck my tongue at him “Meh~~~~rong!” the boys chuckled. “Really! Unnie’s often like that!” CL smiled at them, their face changed from happy to sad. ‘Only 5 years and it seems like they know pretty much about her! Shadows and even once we never saw her act like that!’ Jae thought, I pouted seeing what he thought was true.


“What did he mean by what he said before disappeared though?” I asked again, turning my focus on something else I just have to deal with the boys a little later. “Pretty much like everyone he heard the conversation you had with Junsu … He feels that you might not feel the same way that he does and continuing with the deal you 2 made will just make him fall in love with you more, he maybe a god or whatever but he is he still having feelings, in short words he’s afraid of getting hurt!”


The great Dragon Leader is afraid of getting hurt because of love, its’ so not like him but comet to think of it I’m just the same as him strong and un moving on the outside but inside is the total different.

“The thing is … I admit that I may … have… feelings for him” I started, feeling embarrassed with what I’m saying my head was just down not wanting everyone to see me blush because of this. “but, the deals off!”


“Nothing ever stopped you before!” Bom smiled, nothing ever did but this time it’s just different. “Ugghh! I can’t help you with this!” she groaned then left me by myself beside the fire.


Doongie and the twins came close and lied down beside me. “What do you think I should do?” I asked Young who just stared at me. I chuckled thinking how ridiculous I am, asking a lion for help. “Why don’t you just go to him?” Doongie talked, playing with my hands! Sometimes I wonder if we’re related or something, we sort of look alike. “And say what?” I asked, seriously what would I say!

He moved closer then whispered something to me, what he said made me smile. “Aigoo!” I squealed and hugged him to the point that he wasn’t able to breathe anymore.








don't want to give you guys too much .... ^-^ 


HAHAHAHAHA ....... i like giving you guys CLIFFIES .... 

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 59: Love the story ❤️ My only issue here is that there were parts that were rushed, like exactly when did Karam happened and why did it take Dara and Jiyong that long to come out about their relationship?
Chapter 32: Kyàaaahhh... That's 2ne1 for you all.. Beautiful, fierce and fearless.. So watch out..
Chapter 9: Oh poor Junsu oppa..
Chapter 5: Wow.. Too many people.. It gets interesting..
Chapter 4: Wow.. That was amazing girl's..
Chapter 3: People really loves to gossip.. They are so irritating.. Why don't they just mind their own freaking business!!!
melanpl #7
Chapter 28: T.T i want daragon.... Huhu
Chapter 59: Thanks!!! :) Loved it
cutiejinwan #9
Chapter 59: Really nice story authornim.
Chapter 29: I was here to read daragon to be honest but when you said there'll be no love line between them.... :(