Black Sun & Red Moon


Author’s POV

The 5 gods, also known as DBSK, were all sitting in the grand hall waiting for the council to arrive. They didn’t know why a meeting was called, although they have an idea on what it’s about, Dara.

The table was shaped as a hexagon so that all 6 gods had designated seats to sit; the gods were seated across the god whose power is the opposite of theirs. (Jaejoong(Fire) across Yunho(water), Yoochun (earth) is across Junsu(wind) who is sitted between Yunho and Changmin (Aether) who is across Dara (wuji) who is sitting between Yunho and Yoochun …. I know confusing right… ^ ^) ….. (the powers for Minnie and Dara, I just got them on wiki…..)

“Hyung, do you think they called us coz of Dara nuna?” Changmin asked Jaejoong who was tapping his fingers on the table, he stopped before answering his dongsaeng. “I don’t know, but whatever it is, it’s very important, they wouldn’t call all of us here for no reason!” He answered. He looked at his lover who had a worried face, before he could ask anything the council came in and walked in the middle of the hexagon.

“We’re not going to waste any time!” YG started while looking at all of them. “The anniversary is in 2 weeks and we haven’t found Dara!” They weren’t blaming any one for not finding her but their eyes were fixed on either Jaejoong and/or Yunho.

“What do you want us to do about it?” Yoochun asked. It took the 3’s attention away from the two. “Thanks” they both told him telepathically. “This is not a favour we’re asking; it’s more like a job for all of you…” SM said and checked all of their expressions before finishing off his sentence. “We want all of you to find her and get her here, whatever it takes.” Right after he finished all of their faces stiffened. “We expect you to get this job done as fast as possible!” JY added.

Before they could object to what they were told to do the council immediately disappeared out of thin air. “What now?” Junsu asked everyone but no one answered. “They must be out of their minds!” Jaejoong said which made all the heads turn to him. “I know, they want us to go down there!” Changmin agreed with disgust. He had never been in contact with any mortals but he had heard a lot of bad stories about them, so he just assumed that they aren’t worth knowing. “That’s not what Joongie meant!” Yunho retorted and now all heads was facing him, waiting for him to talk again. “You guys might not know but nuna is really powerful…”, “How powerful hyung?” the maknae cut in. “Let’s just say the 5 of us isn’t enough to beat her!”Jaejoong said. Then Yoochun added. “That’s what we know about her power before she left, just think about now that she probably learned something else, also that other POWER of hers.” Everyone got what he was saying except for the Changmin. “Mwo?” he thought. “Nuna can control life and death!” Yunho answered his question and he had the are-you-ing-kidding-me look.

Jaejoong just sighed and stood up. “Let’s go! This might take a while and we only have 2 weeks” with what he said the 5 of them got up and headed out.

It didn’t take them long to get all they needed for the ‘trip’ as Changmin liked to call it and since Dongwook or Se7en and his wife Han Byul hasn’t come back yet they had to secure the mansion, they didn’t trust anyone to look after it, even the council.

As they were walking to the Golden Gate, the door that separates their world from everything else, Yunho had his mind on something else which made Jaejoong worry. Being together for how long now, they both know when the other is being bothered by something, but they both know well that asking wouldn’t get them to open up, all Jaejoong can do was sigh.

“Hyung, there is no point in hiding what you’re thinking we pretty much know what’s going on with the 3 of you!” Junsu said out of nowhere. Everyone stopped walking and since he was walking first he didn’t notice. “What are you talking about Su?” Yunho asked while holding his chest, he didn’t want to break down in front of them. Jae just stood beside him, afraid that his slightest touch might make it all worse.  Junsu didn’t stop walking and just said in his mind. “We know – well, I know that the council had decided to marry nuna and Jae hyung. Also that the reason why nuna, Junsu, Nichkun and Wooyoung left is because of the arrangement.” He paused and then continued. “Also, that the council doesn’t agree on your relationship, to your plan of marriage and probably now, you’re thinking what’s going to happen if we ever get nuna back home! I know what you’re going through.” he finished. Yunho looked over at Yoochun and Changmin to assure if they really know what’s going on or is it just now, that Junsu mentioned it.

Seeing how their hyung was looking at them. Those eyes that are filled with tears and anytime might fall, they couldn’t stand looking at him like that, so they just put their head down. There was nothing they can do, it’s not like they could lie. For all this time they knew what he was feeling, more than being hurt from all the fights it hurts them more to see one of their family being torn apart because of some 3 old creepy dudes.

After what Junsu said he just kept walking until he reached the gate, while the 4 was still on the same spot they stopped.  He turned around to see if they have moved or not, he scanned all of their faces, seeing all of them saddened by what he said, he felt nothing but a little sadness, but when his eyes finally got to Yunho, he felt as if his heart was torn apart. He thought for a second maybe he was only affected because of he’s power (can control or affect and feel other’s feelings/mood), but it wasn’t his powers, it was their deep connection to each other that made him feel it clearly.

“Lighten up will you guys!” He said, trying to comfort them, but to Jae it sounded like he didn’t care at all. Yoochun saw how Jae looked like, the look of the predator when his prey is right in front of him, concerned about his lover he dashed right in front of Junsu to protect, but Junsu also saw why he acted like that. “Shut the up! You don’t know what we’re going through, so stop talking like you know everything.” Jae shouted. His hands were shaking, the other 3 was surprised by his actions, and there was never a time when he shouted at his dongsaengs, this was certainly a first.

Junsu was hit hard with what he said. “Yeah you’re right! I don’t know what you’re going through, I don’t know what  it feels like to have someone you love forced away from you and I certainly don’t know what I’m going to do if I found out that my beloved is being arranged to marry my sister! I don’t know that because it never happened to me. But you know what, I know one things for sure, nuna would do everything she can do to keep both of you together, even if it kills her…” Junsu cried out... he paused to catch his breath and all of them were just staring at him, not believing what he’s saying. “What makes you sure she’d do that! Huh!” Jae argued, getting a little emotional.

It took Junsu a couple of seconds before answering back. “Probably because I was there when she saw the two of you together, I was there when she broke down and had her heart shattered and mostly because I was there when she decided that both of your happiness is way more important than hers!“ … “I felt and saw what your love did to her. Now tell me who doesn’t know everything!” He finished. He was crying so much that the tears clouded up his vision, he almost fell to the ground but luckily Yoochun caught him.

Jae and Yunho didn’t have anything to say to oppose what Junsu, mainly because they both know what he said was true. Yunho reached for Jae’s hand. “You shouldn’t have said that!” Yunho told him. “I know! I was just … uh…” he didn’t finish his sentence but Yunho knows for sure why he said that. “Let’s go apologize!” Yunho smiled, this time it wasn’t a fake one, he was really smiling and Jae just smiled back then flashed out and appeared in front of the Yoosu couple.

Jae ruffled Junsu’s head and said. “I’m really sorry! I was just too….” He couldn’t finish his sentence for he didn’t know what to say. While rubbing his eyes off of the tears Junsu said. “it’s alright hyung! I know how sorry you are! It’s just hard for me to hear things about nuna!” … “At that time her emotions were out of control that it affected mine too!” I jokingly said. Jae gave him a smile and gave him a hug. Yoochun who was looking at the happy reconciliation shouted “GROUP HUG!” and with that both Changmin and Yunho ran happily towards the group. To..o tigh…tt …c..an..’t …b..reea…t..h.e” Junsu manage to choke out.

The hug broke off and the first thing said was. “Where are we going to start?” Changmin asked. Yunho gave them a big grin and said. “I think I know where to start!” he led the way and they all followed.

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 59: Love the story ❤️ My only issue here is that there were parts that were rushed, like exactly when did Karam happened and why did it take Dara and Jiyong that long to come out about their relationship?
Chapter 32: Kyàaaahhh... That's 2ne1 for you all.. Beautiful, fierce and fearless.. So watch out..
Chapter 9: Oh poor Junsu oppa..
Chapter 5: Wow.. Too many people.. It gets interesting..
Chapter 4: Wow.. That was amazing girl's..
Chapter 3: People really loves to gossip.. They are so irritating.. Why don't they just mind their own freaking business!!!
melanpl #7
Chapter 28: T.T i want daragon.... Huhu
Chapter 59: Thanks!!! :) Loved it
cutiejinwan #9
Chapter 59: Really nice story authornim.
Chapter 29: I was here to read daragon to be honest but when you said there'll be no love line between them.... :(