Black Sun & Red Moon


“Before we really start with the lesson, we need to go back inside to eat” Dara told us and we had confused looks in our faces. “We’re not hungry yet!” CL said, Minzy and I both agreed.

Dara started walking back but we still stayed in our spots so she said. “Melioration is energy consuming, if you don’t have enough energy the power will consume you.” She stated. Her eyes had dark shadows, almost like a ghost or something. This was the first time I saw her like this. Whatever she is hiding from us is surely something we never ever expected her to be.

“Let’s go girls” I said. I started walking behind Dara and the two followed us.

No one talked on the way back. I looked at Dara and wondered what it was that she was hiding from us, how come she knows so much about the powers. ‘What if she’s a spy from RMA?’ I gasped in my thoughts but I didn’t show any reaction in my face, just in case they wouldn’t ask anything. “Too bad I can still read your mind no matter how hard you try to block everyone” Dara smirked. I stopped in surprise and they did too. Same like me, CL and Minzy was also staring at her. “Unnie?” the maknae gasped. “Like I told you there’s so much you don’t know about me!” she grinned and started walking again, they two followed but it still took me a couple of seconds to get my brain to start functioning again.

We got to the house. CL yelled at the maids to make lots of food. Sometimes I pity the maids, they get yelled at for no reason, I wonder why CL can’t just ask them nicley and properly. Though, I guess it’s the only way she can vent out her feelings, her parents are never home. I feel sad for her. Me and Minzy’s parents are home most of the time, so we don’t feel what she feels, it’s a good thing Dara’s staying with her here, ever since then she became a little less vicious towards her maids.

“I’ll help! What do you guys want?” Dara offered. Everyone in the room froze and just stared at her. She ignored our stares and headed towards the kitchen. It’s obvious in the maids’ eyes, their were pleading her to stop and just go back.

When she got to the fridge she winked at the maid before turning to us, which made CL stop from attacking the maids “Don’t CL. I’m the one training you and I have to know what goes inside you!” she explained and went back to searching the fridge. “Can’t you just tell them what to make then they’ll cook it!” CL suggested in a calm voice, but it was obvious she was trying really hard to control her temper.

Dara looked back at her again but this time her eyes were dark red. “I said I’ll do it! So go sit your down! All three of you!” she ordered. Normally we wouldn’t just follow but there was something in her eyes and her voice than gave me chills. We just followed at sat down and the maids left the kitchen.

>>30 Minutes Later<<

We were just watching some TV when she called us to eat. We all made annoyed sounds and dragged our feet to the table.

“Omo!” was all I can say. The table was filled with so much food. How did she make all of these in just half an hour? “Eotteohkaji unnie?” minzy asked. we were all dazed by the mouth watering sight and smell of the food on the table. “Meogeo” she just said and took off her apron then sat down to eat.

We would usually eat while talking really loud but this time we just all ate silently. It would usually be Dara who would start talking and everything but this time she was quiet.

“Mwoya!” she banged her hand down in the table and it surprised us. “Waegeurae?” I asked, getting a little annoyed. “Can’t you guys be the first one to talk!” she whined and we just stared at her. “You might not know, this might be the last time the four of us will be eating together!” she shouted and left but before she left the mansion she called over. “Once your done come to the field.” Then she was completely gone.

We finished eating and went to the field. What she said kept replaying in my head ’You might not know this might be the last time the four of us will be eating together!’ what did she mean by that. “I also wonder unnie” CL said in her mind.

Dara’s POV

‘I hate goodbyes’ I mumbled to myself. I turned around and saw the three coming.

I didn’t waste any time and went straight to the training. ‘From now on we’ll just communicate through our minds’ I told them.

‘Take out the pearls I gave you and toss it to me”

I took the three pearls and covered it with my two hands, then there were flashes of light coming from my hands, after a couple of seconds I opened it and there was a gold ring with a gold pearl, a black necklace with a blue pearl and a red bracelet with a green pearl.

 I let the jewelleries float in made air and then called them. “since the pearls have been with you for a while now you should be able to call it over” as expected they had the confused look again, if only I taught them earlier about this it would be much more easier. “What I mean is, for that period of time you have made a connection with the pearls, which means if ever these got lost you can just call them over” I explained. I looked at them to check if they understood it this time and they all went “OH”. I smiled looking at their expressions.

Minzy was about to ask something when I talked first. “How you ask?” I looked at her and she nodded. I sighed then continued. “With your elemental power call it over.” I didn’t bother to ask if they know what to do, coz obviously they wouldn’t.

I relaxed myself, inhaled deeply and exhaled. I closed my eyes, concentrating on which element I’m gonna use then I opened my eyes. They were emerald coloured, different from Minzy’s. I breathe in again and slowly green aura was coming from my skin, I looked at them and they were actually not just watching, they were observing everything that I was doing. They were actually taking initiative. I closed my eyes for the last time and it went back to normal. “That’s how you’re going to do it”. They didn’t answer and went straight to do what I just showed them.

It didn’t take long for them to get it right, probably about 30 minutes. It may look easy but it isn’t, it takes a lot of concentration to get control the power. CL had a few mistakes, instead of pure power; fire keeps coming out, same with Bom and Minzy too. With the 10 words I told them they finally got it. “THINK OF THE COLOUR OF THE AURA NOT THE ELEMENT”.

After another 2 hours of getting the hang of it. However it was getting kind of late and they need to rest, so we only tried once.

“Focus your aura mainly in your hands or wherever the jewellery has to be.” I said, showing an example, my aura was black, since I was using my special wind. “CL yours was a ring right?” I asked and she nodded “Then you have to focus mainly on which finger you’re going to wear the ring. For example!” I paused. I raised my left hand in front of me and focused on my ring finger. What I wanted to show them was the difference of the power of the aura in the area focused on compared to the whole body. As I concentrate on my ring finger, the girls are not wasting my time and observing me. Slowly the aura around my finger became darker and darker. “That is what it looks like on the focused area”. After that I also showed Bom and Minzy’s. They seem to understand the important parts, it made me feel proud. I’m TEACHING!

As expected they were exhausted after only doing this little. “Unnie, why is it so hard?” Minzy asked while we all lied down on the grass looking up at the full moon. I put my hands behind my head, like a pillow then answered her question, “It’s not hard, it just requires a lot of energy” 

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 59: Love the story ❤️ My only issue here is that there were parts that were rushed, like exactly when did Karam happened and why did it take Dara and Jiyong that long to come out about their relationship?
Chapter 32: Kyàaaahhh... That's 2ne1 for you all.. Beautiful, fierce and fearless.. So watch out..
Chapter 9: Oh poor Junsu oppa..
Chapter 5: Wow.. Too many people.. It gets interesting..
Chapter 4: Wow.. That was amazing girl's..
Chapter 3: People really loves to gossip.. They are so irritating.. Why don't they just mind their own freaking business!!!
melanpl #7
Chapter 28: T.T i want daragon.... Huhu
Chapter 59: Thanks!!! :) Loved it
cutiejinwan #9
Chapter 59: Really nice story authornim.
Chapter 29: I was here to read daragon to be honest but when you said there'll be no love line between them.... :(