Secret Plan

He May Be a Bad Boy, But He's MY Bad Boy


I ran down the hallway. "JAEJOONG! GIVE HER BACK, YOU ER!" I yelled angrily.

"No, I think I'll keep her." Jaejoong sang behind him.

I swore and pushed myself to run harder, my muscles screaming in protest.

I realized I lost them in the hallway, and swore loudly. "! WHERE ARE YOU, YOU SON OF A ?" I roared.

I heard feet pounding behind me, and I turned around to see Hyunseung rush in. "Junhyung! Where's Mihi-ah?"

"I don't know, I ing lost them!" I growled.

I was just going to kick every door down, but Hyunseung suddenly stopped me. "No, wait."

"I CAN'T wait." I yelled. "Mihi-ah's in danger, I have to go save her---"

"And walk into a trap?" Hyunseung said sharply. "Think a little, idiot! Don't you go do drastic ! Calm down, make a plan! That's how DBSK wins their battles -- they SHUT UP and THINK once in a while."

Breathing hard, I slammed a fist into the wall. "Well?" I glared at him. "What do you expect, then? You're the brain of the group, give us an idea."

"I have an idea what they might do....." Hyunseung muttered. "If you think about it, DBSK is pretty easy to read. First things first----" He looked me in the eye. "----Would you pass off a chance to beat up Jaejoong?"

"HELL no." I immediately said.

".......If it meant you could get Mihi-ah to safety?"

I paused. ".....Mihi-ah is more important.......why?"

"Because, if what he plans to do is exactly what I was thinking, I know a way we can save Mihi-ah......" he smirked. "....and THEN go kill his ."

"Alright." I said. "What's your plan?"

"I'm telling you -- you may not like it................"


"I don't like it."

"Oh, what a surprise." Hyunseung said sarcastically.

"Too dangerous, too risky." I suddenly grinned. "It's perfect. Dangerous and risky is what Beast is all about, eh?"

Hyunseung smirked. "Of course it's perfect. I thought of it. Now shut up and let's get started -- we don't have much time."



I trembled, collapsed on the ground, Jaejoong standing over me. We were in a very big, open room that resembled a cellar, with a door on either side of the room. He smirked and my cheek. "It'll only take a minute to get rid of them, then we can have lots of fun......." He grinned when I shivered.

The door slammed open, and I gasped when Junhyung rushed in, his cap pulled low under his hood.

"Well, look who's here." Jaejoong said calmly.

Junhyung ran to me, but froze when Jaejoong held a dagger to my neck. I grimaced when I felt the sharp edge press into my skin gently. "Take any more moves and I may have to kill her." Jaejoong smirked.

That's when I knew something was wrong. This WAS Junhyung -- that was the hat he was wearing, his hoodie, his ripped jeans, his fingerless gloves and skull patterns -- wasn't him. The Junhyung oppa I knew would have screamed his head off like a headless chicken when he burst in. And the Junhyung in front of me was slightly shorter, skinnier, less muscular........the wrong porportions, somehow.

Of course, Jaejoong was too excited to notice anything weird.

"Now, if you don't want your girlfriend to die, you're gonna stay nice and still while I give you a beating." He smirked, dropping the dagger and cracking his knucles as he advanced on Junhyung. Junhyung didn't say anything, not even when Jaejoong punched him across the face.

I yelped and squeezed my eyes shut so I didn't see Jaejoong beat Junhyung to the ground. Junhyung coughed up blood, clutching his side.

"It's not over yet." Jaejoong smirked, proceeding with another long round.


Jaejoong grabbed Junhyung's hood and flipped him onto his back. Junhyung propped himself up on the wall, gasping.

"So? How does it feel, getting beaten, Junhyung?" He taunted. His taunting smile suddenly slipped. "Wait a're not Junhyung!"

The fake "Junhyung" smirked and lifted up his cap -- to reveal a badly wounded and beaten-up HYUNSEUNG. "My calculations were correct." Hyunseung smirked weakly. "I knew you would do a half-assed trick like er....."

"!!!" Jaejoong screamed in fury, kicking him in the face.

He spun around and hissed in anger -- I was gone.

Junhyung -- the real Junhyung, wearing Hyunseung's clothes -- snuck up from the door on the other side of the room while Jaejoong was busy beating up the fake Junhyung, untied me, and was now running with me down the hallway.

"I-I don't understand. How----who......?"

"SSSH, just run!" He hissed. "Jaejoong will be back at any moment!"

It wasn't long until we heard a furious scream. "JUNHYUNG!"

I felt cold fear trickle into my stomach.

", he's gaining on us!" Junhyung hissed.

We ran down the stairs and into a room that resembled a large garage. He pushed me behind a pile of garbage cans. "Hide. And whatever you do, don't come out." He quickly -- but passionately -- kissed me on the lips, then stood up to wait for Jaejoong.

Jaejoong slammed the door open. "I'm going to teach you to make a fool out of me, you er." He hissed, stalking over dangerously.

Junhyung raised an eyebrow. "Oh? I'd like to see you try."

Then he punched Jaejoong in the face.



You know, this story is going to end in two or three more chapters.....I feel kinda sad...........

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Chapter 3: You dont want to know how much google tab am opening just because to find this fanfic back . “ that pink hair girl experiment like yoseob “ scarface girl that with jungyung “ FECKKKKK This fic really bought some best memories . THANK YOU AUTHORNIM
MisakiloveKoreaJapan #2
Chapter 19: oh my gosh you are so good at this i read this 2 years ago and read a chapter every day and when i finished it i reread it now i come back and i do the same thing it soo good. this might sound like a stupid question but do you have any more stories like aside my bad boy's back
I read this years ago and I just came back and now I remember why I love this so much!! ☺️☺️☺️
Mayenne #4
Same here. Love stories of sweet love, fighting and protecting/caring.
Chapter 47: I love this story!!! I love to read fanfic about love + sweet + fighting + gangs
Chapter 4: Lol ... That escelated quickly!!!
Chapter 3: Wow... They became lovers already......... :/
twinkle_blossom #8
Chapter 47: Aww~ it was sooo cooooooll!!!!
I loved it!! >.<
Chapter 47: Awww, It ended :(
But the endings were amazing!!!!
iluvEXOforever #10
Chapter 38: i love your ideas make them all fics!