road to Busan

I want to marry you… (WGM)


After hours of driving…

The couple had been talking for hours. They really seem to be missed a lot of their lives in the past weeks they had being away from each other…

‘Oppa, let’s play a game’ the girl proposed clapping her hands.

‘What game?’ Sungkyu asked taking a quick glance at her.

‘I ask you questions but you can’t say “yes” or “no”, and if you do, you lose’

‘Ok’ the boy agreed thinking it was an easy game. Jiyoon put a big grin on her face and started asking.

‘Oppa, did you liked me back then when we recorded Bouquet together for the first time?’

Sungkyu got aback by the sudden question. He glanced at her and saw her unreadable face. He nodded and was about to answer “yes” but he remembered the point of the game. ‘That is correct’ he said instead moving his eyes back to the road.

‘So, if you did then why to be so cheap and use the same “strategy” on Soyu-nie? Did you like her too?’ the girl asked a bit too harsh. He could feel bitterness in her tone.

He glanced at her again and saw she was tightening her jaw a little, but at the same time, she was anxious for his answer. ‘What are you saying?’ he shook his head. ‘Of course n-’

Sungkyu stopped before he could finish the sentence.

‘Huh?’ Jiyoon smirked mischievously.

The boy cleared his throat. ‘That is not correct. I did it because I wanted to caught your attention’

‘Bad strategy’ Jiyoon said shaking her head and lifting an eyebrow. ‘So, oppa, if you liked me, then why you never asked me out?’

Sungkyu opened his eyes in disbelief and almost stopped the car from the impression. ‘Would you had said “yes”?’ he asked before he could realize what he just said.

Jiyoon giggled. ‘Catch you! You lose’

‘What? NOOOOO~! That’s not fair!’ he complained making faces.

The girl kept on laughing.

‘She was just joking?’ thought the boy in a flash.

‘Is my turn then’ Sungkyu said pouting like a kid.

‘Fine’ she said calmly.

‘Would you had agreed to my proposal if I’d asked you out?’

‘Maybe’ she said smiling satisfied. She was good at that game, she wasn’t going to fall that easily.

‘So that means you liked me back then?’


‘Stop saying maybe!’

Jiyoon laughed amused. ‘You’re asking the wrong questions’

‘Do you have a boyfriend?’ he asked out of nowhere.

Jiyoon smirked and looked at the road. ‘You’re my husband, how could I have a boyfriend?’

‘Do you like me?’ he asked in a haste.

‘You’re a nice guy’ she shrugged.

‘So, that means…?’

‘I do like you’ she said nodding one time.

‘Will you go out with me?’ he asked glancing at her getting impatient.

‘We’re married’ she said crossing her arms.

‘Why don’t you lose?!’ Sungkyu exploded. Jiyoon laughed again.

‘I have trained with the queen of word games, Gayoon-nie’ the girl said proudly.


Sunggyu’s Personal Interview

Sungkyu: She just didn’t lose! How’s that possible? …She’s good at that game! Like, seriously…! (sighed)


Jiyoon’s Personal Interview

Jiyoon: He got so frustrated because I didn’t lose (giggle). Gayoon-nie must feel proud of me, she was the one that taught me.


‘Are you hungry?’ the leader of Infinite asked suddenly.

‘We’re still playing?’ she asked cautiously.

‘Answer’ he simply said.

‘Answer first’ she retorted.

‘I asked first’ Sungkyu was behaving like 12 year old kid so Jiyoon smirked.

‘Then we’re still playing, huh?’

‘AAAAAA~!’ the boy exploded again. Jiyoon couldn’t breathe of so much laughing. He glared at her but seeing her so amused, make him giggled a little too.

After a minute or so, Sungkyu saw a gas station in the distance.

‘Tell me, are you hungry?’ he asked hoping that she will fall for that.

‘I am hungry’ she replied glancing at him with a satisfied smile.

Sungkyu was seriously frustrated. ‘Fine, then let’s go to that Tiger Market’ he pointed to the gas station that was getting nearer.


The boy parked the car and both went out.


Sungkyu POV

Jiyoon just didn’t lose so I gave up… ‘How can she be so good at that game?’ I sighed…

I stepped out the car and so did she.

I took a quick look at her. She looked happy. ‘I bet it’s because of the game…’ I thought frustrated. She caught me looking at her so she smiled and offered me her hand. I got a little surprised by this because normally she’s not that into effusive stuff, but I quickly slapped my face (mentally) and before she could change her mind, I ran by her side and held her hand.

We both entered the Tiger Market and ordered some hamburgers, then, we sat on a free table.

Jiyoon started talking about the interviews she had in radio and television but I just couldn’t concentrate on what she was saying because I was lost in her beautiful, expressive eyes… and lips…

‘Why is she so adorable…?’ I smiled like an idiot.

‘…and then, they asked me about you’ she made a pause on her story; I blinked once and realize what she was saying.

‘What? They asked her about me?’

She glanced at me and smiled. My face must’ve looked funny…

‘What did they ask?’ I said with curiosity.

‘If we are good friends’ she simply said.

‘And what did you say?’ I was seriously interested.

‘I said “yes” of course, aren’t we good friends?’ she replied putting an arm on the table and leaning her chin on her hand.

I felt a bit of sadness but I managed to put smile. ‘Yes, of course we are…’

‘Then they asked me if I have developed feelings for you’ she continued.

I immediately opened my eyes widely. ‘So, what was your answer…?’ I asked excited.

‘Again, “yes”’ she said like it was something obvious.

I was in shock. ‘Really? Have you developed feelings for me?’

Jiyoon looked amused and nodded. ‘Don’t you?’ she asked moving her head closer to mine.

‘Of course I have!’ I said a bit too loud.

‘Then why so surprised about the answer?’

I scratched the back of my head. ‘I-I don’t know, you’re so unpredictable sometimes…’ Jiyoon laughed amused.

‘Those feelings are the kind of feelings one feel for a friend…? Or-’


The sound of the order counter cut the string of my thoughts… I looked up and saw the number 46 on the display.

‘That’s us’ I said getting up the table and heading to the counter. I picked up the order and went back to where we were seating.

‘This one is yours’ I said placing the tray in front of her.

‘Thanks’ she said and smiled at the view of the food in front of her.

I sat and we started eating.

‘I had in interview like that too’ I said after a couple of minutes of enjoying my hamburger.

She looked up to me with curiosity. ‘Really? What did they ask?’

I picked a French fry and took a bite. ‘Pretty much the same as you plus a couple of bonus questions’

‘What bonus questions?’ she asked biting a chip too.

‘Well, you see, they asked me how our marriage was going. I told them that it was fine even if we were busy with our respective comebacks’

‘Aham’ she invited me to continue…

‘So they asked me if we talked a lot over the phone or if we texted each other’ I made a pause and bit another French fry.

‘What did you say?’

‘I said that not a lot but enough’

Jiyoon gave me a known look and then smiled. ‘Good answer’ she nodded one time and bit her hamburger.

‘THEN, they were like “oh, so you guys call each other and stuff…like a real couple”’

She almost choked with her hamburger when I said that. She coughed a couple of times before she could speak. ‘What?!’

I nodded. ‘Yeah… I told them that we were just… good friends’ I obligated myself to say… Jiyoon nodded. I continued. ‘But you know how they are, so they keep on teasing me…’

She nodded again. ‘That reminds me of that time that you were on a radio show and the interviewers called me because the topic of the program was friends…’

‘Yeah! I thought you wouldn’t remember that’ I said smiling.

‘Of course I remember, the way they were teasing us wasn’t normal’ she said giggling.

‘Yeah, I still remember I had to tell them for like a hundredth time that we were just friends’ I giggled too.

‘And Woohyun-oppa didn’t help either’

I laughed amused at the memory. ‘Yeah, he’s always dragging us down…’


Suddenly, we both shut our mouths and lowered our heads… Like embarrassed…

I glanced at her and she was lost in thoughts. Her smile faded away for some reason… I begged in my head that she weren’t thinking in “Children of the night”…

‘…Are you alright…?’ I asked touching her hand over the table. She looked at me like if I had took her out of some kind of deep thought.

‘Yeah…’ she said faking a smile. I looked at her unfinished hamburger and cursed to my insides for my stupid “plan” of gaining her attention back then…

‘Gosh Sungkyu, you’re such an idiot…!’

‘Oppa, shall we go now?’ she suddenly said. I glanced at her tray.

‘But you’re not finished yet…’

‘I lost my appetite…I just pack it and take it to eat later…’

I hesitated. ‘Are you sure?’

‘Yeah…’ she said with an awkward face.

I sighed… ‘…Ok then…, let’s go…’

‘IDIOT!’ I hit my face mentally.



Jiyoon POV

‘Why is it still hurting…?’ I looked at my unfinished hamburger and felt a knot in my stomach… Suddenly, I wasn’t hungry anymore… The memory of Sungkyu-oppa serenading in the same way he did to me, to someone else was just too hurting and I lost my appetite…

‘Why the memory is so damn close? …It feels like yesterday when I saw that show…’

I sighed trying to shake my thoughts away. ‘I know now that all that serenading thing was supposedly to call my attention, so… why is still hurting?’ …I guess the wound was still fresh and the pain was still there…

‘…Are you alright…?’ I heard Sungkyu-oppa’s voice coming from the distance and then, I felt his touch in my hand. I looked up to him and the sounds started to came to my ears slowly.

‘Yeah…’ I said faking a smile. He looked at my unfinished food and made a face…

‘Oppa, shall we go now?’ I said before he could say something. He glanced at my tray and then at me.

‘But you’re not finished yet…’

‘I lost my appetite…’ I said starting to pack the half eaten hamburger. ‘I just pack it and take it to eat later…’

He hesitated. ‘Are you sure?’

‘Yeah…’ I said making an effort to not look awkward.

He sighed… ‘…Ok then…, let’s go…’

I finished packing the hamburger and the French fries in a bag and stood up the table. He followed me with a gloomy expression.

‘Hold on’ he said before I went out the Tiger Market. I turned around questioning him with my eyes. Sunggyu-oppa said he wanted to buy some snacks and drinks for the road so I waited for him by the door.

‘I should let go of this memory…’I thought to myself while watching him picks some snacks and a couple of bottles of tea and water. ‘Is not that he hasn’t shown me how much he cared for me, right? …plus, I’m making the atmosphere awkward…’

He came back with a bag in his right hand. His expression was still gloomy and sad…

‘Ready?’ I asked as normal as I could. He nodded and opened the door for me. I went out and walked ahead.

‘Yeobo’ he called me almost complaining. I turned to see him. ‘Why are you mad?’

‘Is he pouting?’ I thought in a flash.

‘Ani~’ I said shaking my free hand. ‘I’m not mad’

‘Yes you are’ he pouted again. I found this really cute so I couldn’t help smirk a little.

‘Aniya~ Come on, let’s go to the car’ I said calling him with my hand. He frowned a little and started walking.

I waited for him to be close enough and I started walking too.

‘I really should-’ my thoughts were interrupted by Sungkyu-oppa’s arms tightly wrapped around my shoulders.

‘Miahne…’ he whispered in my ear.

I froze… My heart beat went from 60 to 180 in a second. I realized I was blushing because I felt hot instantly.

I saw two cameramen running to take places to catch out moment… this made me nervous…

I shook my head. ‘Ani oppa… I’m the one is sorry…’ I said trying to turn to look at him but his grip was tight.

‘Don’t think about that show again please…’ he kept on whispering. ‘I never liked Soju that way…’

I got surprised. ‘How did he know I was thinking about “Children of the night”?’


‘Don’t move; I’m covering the mics…’ he said with lower voice than before. I smirked at this.

‘He’s a genius’ I thought.

‘Saranghae…’ he said in a rush and put a kiss on my cheek before releasing his arms from me. I couldn’t really react. My body stiffened as my face started to feel warmer…

‘YAH!’ I complained after a second or so. He giggled and ran to the car. I covered my cheeks and tried to catch him but he was too fast.

I entered the car fanning myself and trying to frown but, it was too obvious that I liked it… I had the biggest smile pasted on my face… ‘Damn!’

 Sungkyu-oppa looked at me amused. ‘Why are you blushing?’ he mocked.

‘Shut up!’ I glared him while my face was still warm. He laughed and started the car.



Sungkyu’s Personal Interview

PD: Why did you hug Jiyoon?

Sungkyu: She looked pretty cute, plus, I knew she was mad about something and I wanted her to forget about it and go back to normal.

PD: Well, it worked because she was blushing pretty hard after that…

Sunkgyu: (smirking mischievously)Yeah…


Jiyoon’s Personal Interview

PD: Your mood really changed after he hugged you…

Jiyoon: (smiling shyly and covering her cheeks again) Yeah… that pabo…



Hi there~!

I made a long chapter just because it took me longer than I though to update and I wanted to make it up for you guys :). I hope you liked this chapter. The next one will be revealing (I'm not going to tell you what is going to be revealed, obviously)

Until the next time~!

Thank you so much for reading and commenting.

Love you all ~♥~

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tiarashinyoora #1
Chapter 45: did u know nana,,i read your story maybe...more than 5 times??hahaa,,
i really loved it!!
thx for your good story..>_<
carolinadc9 #2
Chapter 2: kkkk...!!! so funny ! it's good fanfic :D
jiyoonie227 #3
Wow I just finished reading it! It was so good~Oh they are so sweet haha! What a great fic I hope you keep writing! Great story and the ending was amazing!
nurkhairina #4
Chapter 45: can you do 4minute comeback infinite reaction for this year
Chapter 45: Such a great fic...
kawaiiify #6
Chapter 45: waa. thank you for the great story! i hope sunggyu and jiyoon would really be a real couple but oh well, i still love them! thank you again!:*
vip4nia #7
Chapter 45: OMG ! this fanfiction is reaaallllly daebakk !!! i love you and your story ;)
Chapter 45: Ah, that feeling when a great story ends... :) Thanks for the great ending and the wonderful story that came before it. I'm so sad it had to end so soon.
Chapter 45: /sobs/
The feels.
The ending is so great. Creating closure to all issues that my mind is thinking. Sweeet. I so hope it's true.
Chapter 45: my heart....
my poor heart can't this...
so much feels...
i can't...
must breathe...