
Goodbyes and Hellos [Hiatus]

Junhong pushed me towards s. "Noona, these are my brothers." He pointed to them and they stood in a straight line facing me. Wow, they are all blonde. How am I suppose to tell them apart?


"This is Daehyun hyung" He pointed to the guy with piercing eyes but a cute smile.
"Jongup hyung" The Daesung look-a-like to me.
"Himchan hyung" Pretty boy.
"Youngjae hyung" He had longer bangs than the rest.
"And Yongguk hyung" The guy from the plane. He smiled at me and I could feel my face heat up. I turned around to Junhong before they all noticed my flushed face.


"And hyungs, this is my favorite noona ,Choi Hyunae and my little princess Minka" he slung an arm on my shoulders. We all greeted each other. "Noona, wait here, we just have to change real quick. We're going out to eat and you two can come with us."

"Ani, it's okay" I waved my hands to decline and he pouted.
"Gwenchana" Yongguk spoke and he smiled again. Ugh that stupid smile, stop blushing Hyunae! "Come" he urged.
"See noona, if the leader says come, you have to come. So wait here, we'll be back."


So here we all are in a private room at some restaurant that was close by. Their staff are in another room. I got pretty comfortable with the boys easily. They were nice and fun to be with.


"Noona, is Minka your cousin or niece?" Junhong and I looked at each other. Well, I guess I can tell these guys right?
"Actually, she's my daughter" Everyone stopped what they were doing and all eyes are on me now.
"Ermm, how old are you?" Himchan asked.
"I'm 21" I said putting a radish in my mouth.
"Wow you must be young when you had her" Youngjae blurted out but covered his mouth when he realized what he had said. He also earned a nudged from Yongguk.
"Yeah, I just graduated from high school" I felt like I didn't have to hide anything from these guys.
"Well, anyways...." Junhong tried to change the subject. I was glad because they might ask more personal questions like whose the dad. Now that would be hard to answer. "Noona, how long are you two staying?"

"I think for a while. I plan to take the entrance exam for SNU next semester" I said while feeding Minka.


The boys and I had a pretty comfortable time together. They helped me learned their names and we got to know each other pretty well. I must say, these guys are pretty talkative. Well, except for their leader. He sat infront of me and all he did was stare at me. I couldn't look him in the eyes or else my face would just start to heat up again.

"Hyunae-shi, since we spent almost two hours together now, you can call me oppa" Himchan grinned at me and he earned a hiss from Junhong.
"Arasso, oppa" I smiled. I glance at Yongguk who looked somewhat annoyed. What's his problem?

"Noona, are you coming tomorrow?"
"What's tomorrow?"
"We're performing at MCountdown. I heard Seughyun hyung and Jiyong hyung are performing too."


"Wait!" Youngjae interrupted us.
"CHOI Hyunae?" he emphasized the Choi. "You're TOP sunbaenim's little sister??" I nodded to him and everyone seemed to be shock.
"You guys didn't know?" I asked them and they shook their heads. I turned to Junhong and he just shrugged his shoulders. "You said not to tell anyone about you, so I didn't"
"Wow, I can't believe we're having a meal with TOP's sister and neice"
Jongup stated.
"What's so good about my brother?"
"Noona, you've been gone for too long."


After two and a half hours of getting to know BAP, we finally headed out as they had another schedule. "Kids, let's go." Their manager shouted at them. Daehyun, Youngjae, and Jongup bowed and waved at MInka and I, while Himchan winked at me.


Yongguk stood infront of me, "It was nice meeting you Hyunae-shi" he smiled and took his hand from his pocket and presented it infront of me. I shook his hand and smiled back. As soon as our skin touched, I felt tingling sensation all over my body and my face was heating up once again. Why do I feel like this? "Hope to see you again tomorrow" he cut off my thoughts. "Yeah, of course" We were once again staring at each other until someone pulled our hands away from each other.


"Anyyywayss" Junhong came in between us. Yongguk scratched the back of his neck and squatted down infront of Minka. "It was nice meeting you too little one" He patted her head. Then she did something that surprised all of us. Minka let go of my hand and hugged him. Junhong, Yongguk, and I were all shocked at her action. But he didn't hesitate to hug her back. Minka pulled out, "Thank you for saving Mimi" and she kissed his cheek. Yongguk stood up and scratched the back of his neck and walked away slowly.


"I'll see you tomorrow right noona?" I nodded and he hugged me. He released me and bent down to meet Minka, "You're coming to see me right Minka?" she nodded her head and hugged him.
"Give me your phone" I handed him my phone and he tapped his number in. "I'll call you later!" He yelled as he ran towards their van.


"Baby" she looked up at me. We hailed a cab and headed home. "What do you think of uncle Jun's friends?" I asked while her hair.


"I like them. Especially Ahjussi" she looked up and smiled at me.
"Honey, I don't think he likes being called Ahjussi"
"Then what do I call him?"
What does she call him? Ahjussi would be alright since they have no relation to one another and he is way older than her. But he's not that old either.
"Tell you what, we're going to see them tomorrow. Why don't you ask him okay?" she nodded.


"Oh Minka" I called her again. "Why did you suddenly hug Yongguk-shi?'
"The Ahjussi?"
I nodded. "Because he saved Mimi and he likes mommy" Eh? He likes me? She's only three, what does she know?
"How do you know baby?"
"Because he kept staring at mommy when we were eating"
"Maybe mommy had something on her face"
What the heck am I saying?
"Uncle Victor looks at Auntie Jenny the way he was looking at you"

And those two are completely inlove with each other. Nahh, he doesn't like me. Does he?



Crappy chapter, I know. Forgive me T.T
Junhyung will come in the picture soon, please be patient with me!


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Survived my first year of college! I should be able to update my stories :)


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kimsumin #1

Hara is a (in this story of course... not tht I blame u). And if hate es.
Chapter 64: Of course I'll support you! I'm in the same situation! XD Hwaiting! Work hard in school!!! :)
sasa320 #3
I'll wait !! Your story is so awesome !!
I'll stay!! I love this fic and I'll wait however long is needed for you to update!!! Take your time and have fun with college!! Don't work too hard!! I'm rooting for you! Hwaiting!!! <3
Miyuki-chan2785 #5
Good luck with your college stuffs!! Fighting!!
Miyuki-chan2785 #6
If shes breaks Yongguk's heart I will cry!! T^T
kyungsoo97 #7
Nooo she can't break up with him!! Not my baby!!!! YONGGUK!!!!
dewuschka #8
Please update.:)
jovinlovesyou #9
ohhh noo D: whats gonna happen to YongGuk and her D:
update soon^^ thankyou ^^
love it please update soon :) i love yongguk <3